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Click here"Wait, somethings... somethings wrong!" she forced out in a stutter. I didn't know what to do. What could I do?
Bill glared at me, but he must have seen my compliance. His glare turned into a smirk.
"Melissa right?" he nicely asked mom.
Mom, always a sucker for politeness, nodded her head: "Mhmm."
Bill continued, "Mellisa, here's what's going to happen. I am going to search you for contraband. Paul, my partner here, is going to watch and record this with his camera for transparency as our new policy requires. The search is fairly simple as long you follow my orders. Understand?"
"Yes," said mom. I took an opportunity to glance at school. Most of the staff had gone in, along with the students. But there was still a decent amount of them out there -- evidently deciding to skip 1st period -- 'can't say I blame 'em.
Tauntingly, Bill butt in with, "Yes sir."
Mom, her eyebrows furrowed, whispered, "Yes, sir."
And with that, Bill shoved mom onto the hood of our car. She grunted. Her cleavage spilled out of her disheveled blouse. Bill quickly ran his hands through her hair, down her arms and sides, down her legs and back up.
"Raise your arms to the sides, I'm going to pat you down," said Bill. Mom lifted herself off the car and rose her arms. Bill rand his hands down each arm, wrapped them around her waist, and then slowly worked his way up her stomach. Watching mom being frisked, it seemed to me like the officer was taking his sweet time.
"Anything in here?" asked Bill, obviously suggesting mom's bra.
"No," said mom.
"No, sir."
"No, sir." repeated mom.
"Stand still," said Bill as he unbuttoned mom's blouse. I could see her entire bra, its lace with lightly padded cups. Bill let his hands roam the outside of mom's bra.
Bill worked his hands into each cup, squeezing mom's tits. Her mouth was an "oh," as she got felt up by this asshole. Then he lifted mom's tits out of her cups entirely. I saw her nipples. Each areola a soft pink with hardened erasers at the end. Carl and I gasped -- our eyes were glued.
Bill worked his hands inside mom's bra cups and then shook each tit individually. Mom was still facing us and I'm not sure if anyone else could see what we were seeing -- I couldn't help but be feel like they were missing out. Finally, Bill removed his hands but not before rudely stuffing mom's tits back into her bra. Her nipples were still poking out and her blouse was still unbuttoned halfway down.
Mom was shivering. Her eyes were closed. She must have known we, and whoever else, saw everything.
Bill grabbed mom's arms and brought them together behind her back, forcing her chest out forward. He bended her torso down, pressing it into our cars hood yet again. Mom's tits spilled out of her blouse as they smashed into the car.
"Anything in here?" asked Bill again. He was kneeling behind mom now, out of our viewpoint.
"No, no sir" replied Mom in a quivering voice.
"Are you sure?" said Bill sarcastically.
"HEY! You can't do that in public! That's not right!" shouted a woman watching from afar.
Bill's partner yelled back, "This procedure is being filmed for its admissibility in a court of law. If you have a complaint, you can bring it up in court. Until then, you will be charged for interfering with law enforcement, a punishable offense."
No one said a word after that.
I couldn't see what Bill was up to. Mom was visibly panting now. Tears started to run slowly down her eyes. Out of nowhere there was a collective GASP from the crowd by the school. I could see mom making movements with her hips and legs, as if there were some fly she was trying to shake off.
Bill stood up, holding a white pair of lace panties, and looked into the camera, "There appear to be traces of cocaine, the same we found in the packet, on these items. Mom was still leaning over the hood, quietly sobbing.
"Stand up," said Bill in that bored voice of his.
Mom stood up, her skirt now bunched up around her hips. We could easily make out the beginnings of a groomed triangle above her vulva. Mom pulled her skirt back down to a reasonable length, but she didn't get far before Bill shouted, "Arms to your sides!"
"Open your mouth," said Bill.
"But..." mom whispered out.
"Say yes sir and open your mouth now!" commanded Bill.
"Yes, sir"
Mom opened her mouth. Bill worked his ungloved hand around her lips, her cheeks, towards the back of her throat. She gagged and Paul in between a chuckle said, "Says a lot about her husband..."
"She's clean," said Bill into Paul's camera. Then Bill took out his handcuffs and cuffed mom's wrists together behind her bac. She was shaking, sobbing slightly still, trying to recover her sense of self.
Bill, turning to us, said, "Get out of the car you two, you're not going to school today."
Mom butt in, "Leave them out of this, what did they do?"
"That remains to be seen," replied Paul.
We followed behind Bill as he walked mom towards the patrol vehicle
The bottom of mom's pale ass peeked out beneath her bunched up skirt. I tried to not to stare but couldn't help myself. It looked like she was having a hard time walking.
"Mom, are you okay?" I asked.
She turned to me as best she could, forcing on a smile between her tears, and said, "Yes yes honey, I'm..."
"Your mom is in a lot of trouble son," interrupted Bill as he opened the passenger side door.
"You'll sit up here," continued Bill to mom, "and my partner will sit in the back with..." he paused, looking at us.
"Parker," I said.
"and Carl," continued my friend.
"Good," said Bill as he gently pushed mom into her seat. With her hands cuffed behind her back, it was awkward movement to get into the car. She placed one foot in first, and sat down, then tried to swing her other leg in. We could see right up her skirt, her pussy lips glistening below a groomed triangle of hair. The whole motion took a few seconds and we ate up the sight. Mom must have known we could see her, but she didn't make any acknowledgement of it.
Every image we saw this morning now burned into my mind: her large pale white tits, a little bit of ass cheek, her spread legs revealing her groomed pussy. Carl and I looked at each other, both thinking the same thought: "I'm scared but damn if I can't wait to go home and wank one out -- it can't get better than this."
The rest of us filed into the car. Bill started up the engine.
"Turn off the camera, Paul," said Bill as he pulled away from the parking lot. The crowd was still there, still watching us leave. It was larger than I realized. There was my math teacher, Mr. Rittle, my vice principal, Mrs. Tortolo, a few of my classmates, Tom -- my mom's colleague -- was probably there, even our janitor. They were all aghast.
"Right this way," I told Melissa as I walked her into our main office. Beth, our secretary was lounging at her desk -- half asleep. No one has any idea what goes on here. Hell, a church sees more action than this place -- at least I'm sure that's what Beth believes.
Paul turned to the two kids and told them to sit down by the few chairs we had around for waiting. I lead Melissa into the private security room and shut the door.
As soon as I closed the door, Melissa turned to me and said, "Now listen, you tell me right now what the hell is going on. I won't press charges, but whatever this is, it has to stop now."
"Melissa, 'whatever this is,' it isn't going to be over for a long, long time. You're here on position of cocaine. I can keep you hear for weeks before there's a trial. You'll win the trial, of course, but you'll lose your job, your community, your life in the process."
"Now here is what's going to happen. You're going to strip your clothes off entirely and I am going to complete my search of you. After that, we let you leave -- all charges dropped."
"What about my son," she asked with her head down.
"Your son and his friend will leave Scot free."
"Okay," she whispered.
I removed her handcuffs and had her stand in the center of the room.
"You can start with your blouse and bra."
Melissa's hands were vibrating with nerves as she undid the remaining buttons on her top. Her nipples were peeking out above her bra cups, just as I left them. As she removed the top and bra completely, her breasts hung down slightly in that fit but motherly kind of way. They were more than a handful, but not obscene.
"Now your skirt, heels, and socks," I continued.
As she bent over to remove her shoes, I watched her tits flop around as they hung down to the floor. She stood up, completely naked, one arm covering her breasts and the other protecting her snatch. I won't have that.
"Spread your legs, and place your arms to the side."
She placed her feet about 3 feet apart.
"Wider," I said.
She moved her feet 5 feet apart. Her labia, which was this gorgeous shade of pink, started to spread open. She kept good care of herself, that was obvious. Her stomach was flat, not muscular -- just flat. Her thighs were a pale white, the same color of her breasts. Above her pussy was a perfect triangle of well-groomed hair. Her head was hanging down, her eyes half-closed.
I moved towards her and moved my hands up her legs.
"I know I already searched you here. Hell, half of your class probably knows that..." I said jokingly. Her thighs quivered.
"But, you'd be surprised how well women can hide paraphernalia. They hide them in all sorts of places..."
My hands brushed up against her pussy. She was glistening with perspiration. Her pussy was wet and I easily put two fingers in her. She let out a reluctant moan. I worked my hand more and more into her, up and down, up and down, occasionally pulling out to rub her clit. With my other hand, I groped her butt. My fingers grazed her asshole and she gasped.
"I don't have anything in there!"
I ignored her and worked my thumb up her pucker, circling it and opening it wider. My other hand continued rubbing her clit. She was going to cum soon, I could feel it.
Carl and I were waiting in the main officer with this Paul character for at least half an hour now. We had no idea what we were waiting for. Paul kept trying to make conversation with us, like nothing happened. The whole situation was awkward as fuck. Eventually Paul stopped talking and just stared at the door mom was taken through.
It was odd, you'd think a police station would be great for people watching. And yet here we were and there wasn't a soul to see come in and out. Obviously, our town didn't have much going on in the way of crime. I don't think the secretary at the desk even noticed we were there.
Eventually Paul sighed and said to us, "I'm going to see what the hold-up is." He got up and walked to the door, in no hurry at all.
"Hey Bill, need any help?" asked Paul as he opened the door wide.
"Oh my god!" blurted out of Carl and myself. Mom was completely naked, her legs spread apart, her breasts quivering and saturated in sweat. Bill was on his knees, both hands working themselves into her. Mom was trying to hold in her gasps, but a whimper and a moan escaped her lips every second, one after the other. She turned to the door as soon as Paul opened it, and saw us. Her eyes wide, frozen like a deer in headlights.
"Not right now, come back in a bit, "replied Bill casually.
"Okay," said Paul as he closed the door. He walked back to us. We were stunned into silence. I had an obvious boner at this point and I think Paul must have noticed because he smirked as he sat back down.
Not a few minutes later and Paul got up again.
"Bill, I'm getting bored out here!" he shouted as he opened the door slightly. I couldn't see as much, but mom was clearly on her knees now, making sounds like she was gagging. Ghghghghghgghgh. You get the idea.
"One second," replied Bill.
"Get up and bend over the table," he continued. He must have been talking to mom now.
"Close the door, my son can see me," replied mom.
"Do I have to tell you again?" asked Bill in a voice dripping with threat.
"No no, okay" whimpered mom.
"Come on in, Paul, and shut the door behind you," said Bill.
Paul opened the door wide before closing it back. Mom was bent over the table, still nude, her ass in the air, her cheeks spread wide by her own hands. Bill's cock was out, lining up to fuck her -- that was obvious enough. Then the door closed and the scene was over.
I turned to Carl, "What the fuck is going on?"
"I have no idea -- should we do something?"
"What can we do?"
"I don't know, call for help?"
"Mom looked willing in there -- what will they do to her if they're threatened. Plus, who are we going to call?"
"I don't know, the secretary?"
We looked at the snoozing secretary and then back at each other. The conversation pretty much ended there. We just started at the door, heard the occasional thumping, and kept our thoughts to ourselves.
Maybe 20 minutes later and they all walked out. Bill and Paul were dressed fully in their police garb. Mom was clothed again, but her blouse was still half unbuttoned and she wasn't wearing a bra. Her nipples were hard and poking through the top like it was nonexistent. Her hair was disheveled, her skin looked sticky and wet. Her eyes were glazed over, like you see in those war movies.
"Come on, let's go." She said to us.
We got up and followed her out the front door.
"Drive safe," shouted Paul on our way out. Mom shivered.
Our car was parked out front with the keys in it. How it got there I have no idea -- maybe it was towed. We all climbed inside. Halfway through the drive mom pulled over, turned to us, she had calmed down by this point, and said,
"There are people, men, in this world who are just... well. Today is over. Let us forget it."
And with that she drove on. I couldn't forget it though. She hadn't buttoned up her top, her breasts were still just there for the looking. I couldn't help but consider whether her panties were missing too. Carl's eyes, I noticed, were also glued to mom's body. I'm not sure she even knew how she looked, but we sure did.
When we arrived, I jumped out the car before anyone else, ran to mom's door and opened it for her. She smiled at me like I was treating her to something special -- far from the truth. As she got out, her legs spread open and I could see right up her skirt. Sure enough, there was her pussy, dripping wet with cum. Mom must have not noticed my wandering eyes.
All she said was, "You're such a gentleman."
Carl, of course, knew exactly what I did. He snickered when mom said that.
It was the afternoon when we arrived. Mom went up to her room immediately, ran a shower, and I didn't see her until the next morning. Carl went home a few minutes after we arrived, he walked (he's only a few houses down). I went to my room, masturbated like I never had before, and slept a dreamy sleep. They day was done. Life will go back to normal. For short while this was true.
She could have called his bluff.
The sexual extortion is illegal. The lack of explanation for stopping the car, the claims of expired registration that wouldn’t check out as soon as she checks her own documents or contacts the DMV, the appearance of drugs only after he says they are there, the inappropriate questions about her medical history, the unnecessarily public humiliation, all would create a huge court case and attract tons of attention a corrupt cop would not want especially if she contacts the media in the digital information era. This is a massive lawsuit waiting to happen.
Then again maybe he knows this and was accounting on her being too scared to realize this and call his bluff.
First this is a fictional story, not a documentary, so it doesn't have to match your "belief system". Second this is a plausible scenario and there are real life stories that go beyond this in terms of bizarreness and craziness. Third this doesn't have to be "believable". Why does everyone always point out what's believable with a fictional story?
As for me this is one of my favorite stories. Special credit to the author for an amazing work.
Yeah, this story missed on a whole host of points.
It's really, really, reaaaaaaalllllllllly not believable that the son gets so excited by what is going on (like the opening the door for his mom?) and that he (or anyone) isn't completely losing their minds over what is happening.
Basically, this story is really far from being believable, which is the main issue.
Great story! Like the humiliation that the mom goes through in front of the school.
I have always loved the humiliation factor of a good strip search story, and this one is excellent.
Appreciate the nod to George VI – his collection of stories are top notch. Corresponded some with him many years ago when he was still active… creative guy.
And I’m glad you are picking up the torch in a similar vein. Please keep writing!
Not an ounce of reality to this one... was it suppose to be humorous