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Do You Want To Play A Game

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Carrie and Carl play follow the leader.. .in bed.
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These characters appear in several of my stories, but this one should make sense by itself, although it does make reference to a events in previous stories.

As always thanks to my editor Cheer_Smartie526 for all the help. Please vote and comment on the story. This is not what I had originally planned the next Carrie/Carl story to be, but this idea popped into my head and it seemed a good fit for these characters. Enough of my rambling, enjoy the story. –TK

"It's kind of a sexed up version of follow the leader," Carrie explained. She watched Carl's face as the words sank in. The grin that spread across his face told her that he understood what she wanted.

One thing had improved since they had become friends with benefits, his fashion sense. He had ditched his previous uniform of faded sci-fi T shirts and ill fitting pants. Today he was wearing a blue button down shirt and some button fly jeans that were just tight enough to show off his assets. She especially liked the fact his shirt had buttons; it would draw out the process of undressing him. He was wearing leather deck shoes, which was a bit out of the norm for him.

"What's up with the shoes, are you going sailing later?" she asked, staring at his deck shoes.

"No, just trying them out," he replied. It wasn't much of an answer, but it was better than admitting that he didn't have a pair of clean socks.

"I'll allow it," If nothing else it would make undressing him easier.

"So who's the leader?" he asked. The answer was obvious, at least for now. It was her game, only she knew the rules. The way her nipples poked through her shirt told him the end result would be the two of them fucking; it was just a question of how they would get to that point.

"Me, you silly boy," she replied, punching him in the chest. Her fist landed with a solid thud, "Have you been working out?"

"Yea, I'm a real gym rat," he answered, striking a body building pose. It was true, he had ventured into the gym. In fact, she was the reason he had ventured into the gym. His goal was simply to build endurance, but if she liked the way it made him look he wasn't going to complain.

"First we undress each other," she explained, "then you lay on the bed and I do things to you. Naughty things. Some of them very naughty, and when I'm done you do the same to me. I hope that big ole..."

"Oh, it is..." he interjected.

"Brain is up to the task. "She continued, taking on a scolding tone. "I have a lot in mind, so you will need to pay attention... and send keep a little bit of blood flowing above your shoulders." There was another part of his anatomy that would play a crucial role in the day's events, and it was also quite large.

"I think I'm up to the task."

Carrie glanced down at the impressive bulge in his jeans. Something was up, that was certain.

"Good, how about you take my clothes off," she offered. It would be faster to undress herself, but there was plenty of time and she liked to watch him.

Trying not to appear anxious, Carl looked at Carrie's outfit and considered his options. She was wearing a snug fitting T shirt and a skirt with a thin leather belt. Her hair was pulled back tightly and braided into a single ponytail that went half-way down her back. He called it her blowjob hairdo, because it provided an unobstructed view of her lips wrapped around his cock. He associated that hairstyle with oral sex to an extent that just seeing it made his cock swell in a Pavlovian response. He decided to start with her skirt, or more specifically her belt. Standing directly in front of her he reached down and unfastened the buckle, but never broke eye contact.

As the belt fell away from her waist Carrie felt her pulse quicken. She had expected him to start by taking off her shirt. Carl liked her tits, and she liked what he did to them, so starting with the belt caught her off guard. What he did next caused her to reconsider taking the leader role. Instead of letting the belt fall to the ground he draped it around her neck and threaded the tip back through the buckle, then slowly tightened it until the leather was snug against her skin. If someone had told her that she was going to wear a leash she would have laughed in their face, but now she felt the warmth between her legs increasing. She felt his hands on her ass, and then the zipper of the skirt began to move downwards. He was certainly taking his time; it was a good thing her roommate was out of town for the weekend. Although, she did have fantasies of watching Carl fuck her roomie, but that was for another time. Today she wanted his full attention. As she felt her skirt inching downwards a smile spread across her face. Carl was about to find out she wasn't wearing underwear. It was a deliberate decision on her part. She wanted to put the idea into his head that she could be naked enough for sex even when she appeared to be fully clothed.

Pressing his thumbs against her hips Carl pushed the skirt down, but something was amiss. He didn't feel the elastic band of her panties. He reached higher, but found only smooth warm skin, not even the thin band of a thong was to be found. His cock strained against his pants at the thought of Carrie's naked pussy being only inches away. He wondered if she had left her room in this state. The idea of her wandering around campus without underwear aroused him even more.

Gravity would have taken over once he pushed the skirt past her thighs, but he kept his grip on the garment until it reached the ground. It would be foolish to miss a chance to have her pussy at eye level. As she lifted one foot and then the other to step out of her clothes he watched the soft pink lips spread apart. The surface of her skin was already wet and he inhaled the heady scent of her arousal. Placing his now empty hands on her legs he slid them up until his palms were pressed against her ass. It would be easy to slip them around her waist and then push his fingers into her warm, wet flesh, but his task was not complete yet. It was imperative that he liberate her breasts from the garments that so cruelly confined them. As he stood up his hand slipped under her shirt and peeled it off.

Now only her bra remained. Like every other piece of her ensemble she had chosen it carefully. It was a lacy white demi-cup that held her ample breasts high on her chest, but more importantly the clasp was in front. She didn't want him fumbling with hooks and loops that he could not see. She had considered a zip front sports bra, but decided the white lace was more appropriate. Looking down she watched his fingers as they separated the clasp, her breasts dropped slightly as they tumbled out of the now open bra. He pulled the straps off her shoulders and let it fall to the ground.

Carl paused to look at Carrie. She wasn't completely naked; he had left the leather belt around her neck. It draped between her tits like a necktie. He was unabashedly staring at her breasts. There was no doubt she had great tits. Even without a bra they sat high on her chest, seeming to defy gravity. They were certainly a C cup, possibly a D, and they were real. Unlike perfectly symmetrical fake tits he saw in porn videos, the bottom of her breasts bulged out a bit more than the tops. Her nipples were swollen and erect, surrounded by a dark amber circle the size of a half dollar coin.

"I guess it's my turn," Carrie said after giving him some time to look her up and down. She considered following his lead and taking his pants off first, but decided to go the more traditional route and started by unbuttoning his shirt. Besides, men with a shirt and no pants looked silly, but jeans and no shirt was certainly a sexy look. When she reached the last button, she pushed the shirt off his shoulders and watched it fall to the ground, then grasped his undershirt and yanked it free of his pants. He raised his arms and she pulled it up until his face was covered, then she paused. Carl had always been thin, but now the word fit seemed a more apt description of his body. She stepped closer, letting her breasts rub against him. As her tits flattened against his ribs she felt his entire body shudder. She liked the idea of doing things to him when he could not see her, and filed that away for another time. She put her hands on his shoulders and moved up his arms, pushing the shirt along as she went. Bit by bit his face was revealed. She paused when his mouth was no longer covered and gave him a deep, passionate kiss. When the material slipped past his ears she nibbled on each of them. Finally she pushed the shirt as high as she could, standing on her toes and pressing her body against his. The shirt slipped over his head, but his hands remained bound up in the material. She kissed him on the mouth again.

"I think I liked you with your hands tied up," she purred. Carrie then grabbed his wrists and pulled them down until they were behind his head. She smiled and then dropped to her knees and unbuckled his belt. Next was the button fly of his jeans. The material was stretched taut by his throbbing erection, but she would not be denied. Tugging at the material she slowly released his cock from its denim prison. As she peeled his jeans off it was apparent that unlike her, he was wearing underwear. While it would have been a bit of a thrill to discover he was going commando, his tight fitting boxer briefs pleased her. The fabric was stretched tight around his erection, leaving little to her imagination. She quickly removed his shoes and then he stepped out of his pants.

"There's just one thing left, then you will be naked. I like you naked," she said, speaking into his cock as if it were a microphone. There was a small wet spot where pre-cum had started to leak out of his cock, a testament to her ability to arouse him. Using just the tips of her fingers she stroked his cock through his underwear, wondering if she could make him come without actual skin to skin contact. While it would be an interesting experiment, she had other plans for today. In a single, fluid motion she pulled his shorts down to his ankles.

"Oh my, so big," she said. While his big dick wasn't the main reason she liked fucking Carl, it certainly was a plus.

It was their secret, Carl thought to himself. The growth spurt that took him well past normal had happened late, well past the time he had to participate in an activity the required communal showers. At first his plus sized penis had been embarrassing, it wasn't until he saw the plethora of penis enlargement ads on the internet that he realized that his cock was a blessing and not a curse. Much to his disappointment the rest of his body remained thin, and his voice never developed into the sexy baritone he thought would match his cock. The inability to talk to women, along with collection of interests that perfectly fit the stereotype of a geek kept him for making any use of his anatomical blessing. That all changed when Carrie came on to him at the Valentine's dance. Despite his increased confidence he had not been with anyone but Carrie. He knew the reverse was not true. Even before she left for college she had a reputation of someone that liked to fuck, but somehow avoided being known as a slut. Carl liked to think he had a little to do with that. There were one or two guys that tried to slander her, but they stopped after finding that insulting Carrie brought a streak of bad luck. Every time they put her down grades changed for the worse, their mailboxes overflowed with gay porn magazines and their phones would mysteriously get wiped. Although she never said anything Carl suspected that Carrie knew that he and her brother were responsible for the technology woes of anyone that insulted her. Carrie's voice snapped him out of his trip down memory lane.

"Take me to bed or lose me forever," she teased.

Once last memory flashed through Carl's mind, it was of the collection of whips and restraints in her closet. He grabbed the belt that was still wrapped around her neck and led her towards the bed.

The way the leather felt as it tightened around her neck was unexpectedly arousing. Carrie had played the dominant role a few times, but never the submissive. Perhaps it was something worth exploring, although Carl as a Dom seemed a bit of a stretch. She took the belt from his hand and pressed her fingers into his chest, "Lie down on the bed."

It was tempting to resist, but the way she licked her lips made the command impossible to refuse. Carl settled into the center of the bed.

"Back up a bit, you are going to want to watch this."

Carl inched back until his shoulders were on the pillows and the back of his skull rested on the headboard of the bed.

"That's good," Carrie said as she crawled on to the bed.

Seeing her crawling towards him like a lioness stalking a gazelle made his heart pound and his cock ache. Her ample breasts swayed back and forth as she moved into position between his legs. She paused briefly when her tits brushed against his cock; he raised his hips and slid his erection between them. The temptation to continue until his cum was dripping off her swollen nipples was almost irresistible, but she only allowed him a few thrusts before she moved on, finally coming to a stop when she was straddling his hips. The warmth from her pussy radiated on to his aching dick.

"So here's how this is going to work. I'm going to kiss, lick, suck and fuck you. Then you are going to do the same to me. Think you can do that?" she asked. The idea of letting him go first had crossed her mind, but she wanted to set the bar. She knew he wasn't going to back away from a challenge, and would probably try to show her up. She was pretty competitive, but in this case second place would be nothing to complain about.

Of course by going first she would be giving him a generous slice of cream pie when he went down on her, but he had proven in the past that he was up to that challenge. When he nodded she lowered her head until her lips pressed against his.

The first few kisses were gentle, and then her tongue started to pry his lips apart. Just lying still was becoming more and more of a challenge as her tongue penetrated his mouth and her breasts flattened against his chest. Fortunately her hips still hovered over his cock, she seemed to know the moment her warm, soft skin touched his throbbing erection he would lose control. Her mouth moved away from his, blazing a trail along his jaw until she was nibbling on his ear again.

"I'm going to fuck your brains out," she whispered in his ear. She was stating the obvious, but had learned that guys still liked to hear her say it. Her best guess was no matter how confident a guy acted, there was still a little voice in the back of his head telling him that it was all just a tease. Carrie planned to shut that voice down.

Carl writhed on the bed as she switched to his other ear. Just feeling her warm breath on his skin was driving him nuts, but when she spoke in a throaty whisper it was all he could do to not pin her to the bed and ram his cock into her pussy.

"I can't wait to wrap my lips around your big hard cock, but you have to promise not to come in my mouth," she teased. It was too bad men could not have multiple orgasms the way women could; she liked making him come and was slightly annoyed she had to hold back. Maybe a threesome was the answer, Carl had already proven he was comfortable with another naked man; surely at least one of her fuck buddies was up to the task. The feeling of Carl's nipple against her tongue snapped her out of her daydream. She had absent mindedly kissed her way down to his chest. There was a subtle difference, he had put on a bit of muscle. With her fingers she pinched one of his nipples, the other she circle with her tongue, wondering if he was enjoying having her mouth on his chest as much as she like the way he licked and sucked her tits. Or maybe he was just dreaming about what it would feel like when she got down to his cock. Either way she was going to give him a very good idea of what she expected him to do with his mouth.

"Oh fuck," Carl gasped as her teeth gently clamped down on the tiny amber bud that was perched on his chest. She had made it clear she liked it when he spent time on her tits, and now he knew why. All too soon her lips resumed their journey south, and with each inch they moved closer to his cock his arousal grew. It had never occurred to him that his abdomen was an erogenous zone. When her breasts brushed against his cock again he forced his hips to remain still. It would only take about thirty seconds of tit fucking Carrie before he would blow his load.

The tip of Carl's cock almost reached his navel, something Carrie found fascinating. Bobbing her head up and down her planted kisses on either side of his rigid shaft, but never touched it. When she finally reached the crease between his legs and his hips she looked up at him.

"Are you ready for me to suck your cock?" she asked as he wrapped her hand around his meaty shaft and pulled it away from his body. While she waited for an answer she slowly stroked him.

Carl found himself in a quandary. He needed a break; if she wrapped her lips around the engorged head of his cock he would fill her mouth with cum in a matter of seconds. "Actually that feels pretty good."

"A hand job seems kind of retro," she replied, adding her other hand to the effort.

"Oh, yes, that feels good," he moaned. It was perfect. Feeling her grip his erection was arousing without being overwhelming.

She didn't mind giving him an intermission before moving on to the final part of act one. A satisfied smirk spread across her face as she stroked him with a pace intended to keep him aroused and back off from the edge of climax at the same time. She would not require such a break, and didn't always give one. Carl was one of the guys that deserved to experience her full repository of tricks. He knew she fucked around and didn't hold it against her. She wasn't above sleeping with a guy that thought she was just a slut or an easy lay if he was cute and she was horny, but they were just a means to an end. If they turned out to be assholes she would make them come quickly, then tease them when they could not get it up again to fuck her in the ass, or whatever fantasy she thought would frustrate them the most. If nothing else, they would learn that bitch trumped asshole when it came to sex, and they would get a lot more pussy if they weren't dickheads about it.

She licked her lips, "I really want your cock in my mouth, how much longer are you going to make me wait?"

"Well, if you insist," he replied, feeling like he had a fighting chance at keeping his orgasm at bay.

The moment her lips touched the tip of his cock he had second thoughts. She covered the broad tip with kisses; then lapped at the shaft like it was a Popsicle.

"I fucking love cock," she moaned, and then engulfed his throbbing erection. Having him in her mouth actually made it easier to hold him right where she wanted him. She bobbed her head up and down, looking up at him from time to time. It was her opinion that a good blowjob was messy, and she made certain that most of his cock was dripping wet. Her hands glided up the shaft and followed her lips as they slipped off the tip, but when the salty taste of cum began to leak into her mouth she avoided eye contact and kept her hands well below the sensitive tip. After giving him a few moments to regain control she took him right back to the edge.

There were not many things in life better than watching Carrie suck his cock. He believed her when she said she loved it. Seeing her lips wrapped around his erection exceeded any porn video he had ever seen. She kept his cock pointed straight up, and her head tilted back, giving not only an perfect view of his erection sliding in and out of her mouth, but also her lustful stare. It was a constant struggle to keep from shooting his load down her throat, but somehow he managed.

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