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Naked And A Supergirl


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"You want to tell me why you're hassling the lady?" Kara demanded, in an overcompensatingly bold voice.

"Supergirl!" one of them (him?) cried.

"Is it? I can't see..."

"Who else has heatvision?" the third demanded, taking the words right out of Kara's mouth.


"Did that sound like Superman?"

The lady was as impatient with this as Supergirl. She broke from the pack to get a little closer to Supergirl. "These bums want me to party with them, but they're only willing to pay for a party of one. Not three!"

"Why should we pay for three?" the Carggite demanded, all in unison. "We're all one person!"

"Yeah, and they're in some kind of cult too," the woman added.

"You'd better leave," Kara told her. "I'll handle this."

"Yeah, plenty of normal weirdos who want to party," she sniffed as she walked off on five-inch heels. "A two-for-one special I've heard of, but three—"

Supergirl faced the Carggite as she left, staring them down, trying to impose her will too heavily for them to question or doubt her.

"Say," one said, "what's with the bush? Don't you Supers usually like to advertise?"

"Yeah! You don't see Superman just poking his head out from behind a tree—"

"Do you want more heatvision?" Kara demanded. "Because I've got more heatvision!"

They demurred. She pressed on.

"General Astra of the Fort Roz aliens contacted you. I want to know why. If you cooperate, I'd be willing to keep you off the DEO's radar."

"DEO?" they sneered. "You think we're afraid of the DEO?"

They dissipated into one individual—the same bald, brawny man there had just been three of. "You have to catch all three of us to get me. Otherwise—"

And then there were three of them again. "You're shit out of luck!"

Kara gritted her teeth. Imagined them moving in three different directions, stealing cars, boarding subways or buses—every time she caught up to one, he'd disappear into the other two. It'd be like trying to catch running water. "Alright. But I still need to know everything you know about General Astra."

"What's it worth to you?" they insisted. "Enough money to pay that nice lady for all three of us?"

Supergirl hadn't carried money around even when she'd had pockets. Good way to lose rent money, getting into an alien fight with fragile, flammable bills on your person. "I don't have any money—"

"No, seriously, what's with the bush?"

"Is it a Batman thing?"

"She always stands out in the open on the news..."

Kara sighed. She was angry with herself, being stuck inside for almost a week, letting her powers lie fallow just because she was embarrassed to show a little skin. Who cared if she was naked? Hell, who cared if she had sex? No one seemed to care who Superman was flying with. In that moment, she suddenly, absolutely wanted to make up for her own cowardice—to own her sexuality instead of being embarrassed or ashamed of it.

She stepped out from behind the bush. "Happy now?"

They were actually averting their eyes before they gave in to gawking, seeing how unconcerned she was at her own nakedness. Kara liked the feeling of being gaped at a little. It wasn't like she had anything to be ashamed of. She loved her body! It was great! She put her hands on her hips and did a little pose, turning her head a little to show off her heroic chin, giving them a smile and winking a tidge.

"So—what do I call you fellas?"

Two of them pointed at each other. "One." "Two."

"Dr. One," the first corrected.

"Just Two," the second added.

"And Mr. Three," the third put in. "They call me Mister Three."

"Nice to meet all of you," Kara said, walking into the alley. "Now, you wanted to pay her with money. How about you pay me with information?"

"For the same thing?"

"For the same thing," Kara agreed. "As long as it's worth my while. The information... and whatever."

"Oh, it'll be worth it," Dr. One said, stepping forward, his face a mask of lust and the front of his pants pushed out of shape by a huge, hulking... something.

Kara smiled at him. This was turning her on more than she would've expected... being naughty, being naked, letting herself be looked at and touched. She liked it.

She held her arm over her breasts, interrupting his leering. "So we're agreed? And if your information isn't good, I'm taking all three of you to the DEO, no matter how long it takes!"

Dr. One pulled Kara's hand aside, staring almost obsessively at her modest breasts. For Kara, who'd always thought they were on the smallish side, it was pretty gratifying. "You'll love everything we have to give you," he said, and pulled her roughly into his arms, her bare breasts mashing into his hard chest, his tongue forcing its way into her mouth.

Kara was taken by surprise, but after a moment, she was pleased to have elicited such a response. He was so passionate, kissing her hungrily, lashing his tongue over hers—along the insides of her cheeks, the roof of her mouth, fucking in and out of her lips. She'd never been kissed like that before!

And the other two, they were stripping out of their clothes. Two's thick cock flipped up out of his underwear, slapping hard against the soft meat of his belly as Mr. Three drew his equally hard shaft through his fly, pumping it furiously in his hand.

Kara felt them closing in on her. She had the instincts of an animal encroached upon, not sure if she should run from the new arrival or investigate it. After the agoraphobic feeling of being in her own unclothed body, she took comfort in being surrounded, smothered. Rough hands slipped over her body, feeling the smoothness of her skin, the hardness of her nipples, the softness of her hair.

"Would you look at that ass?" Mr. Three exclaimed, masturbating himself harder and faster.

Two slipped his hands in under her armpits, no longer content with just the sides of her breasts, but getting his fingers between her chest and Dr. One's. He cupped her tits, squeezing them hard, traveling her tender nipples from between one set of fingers to another. It was making Kara dizzy, feeling so many things at once, all of them so intense, things she should only be feeling one at a time, only with one man. That long tongue owning her mouth, those hard fingers savagely kneading her soft breasts, still more cupping her bare buttocks, prying them apart... she could barely stand. She barely had to.

Dr. One dug his fingers deep into her ass, pulling her tighter to him as he spread her entire crotch to the view of the others. She could feel eyes on the pink ring of her anus, the smooth petals of her sex, the silky golden hairs topping the whole affair. Then Mr. Three was behind her, the head of his cock right between her parted labia, guided with her fingers to rub into the warmth and wetness of her sex.

"Nice and wet!" Two said, leering at the meeting from only inches away. "Nice and wet!"

Mr. Three kept lubricating his cockhead on Kara's pussy until she felt like she would die if he didn't finally put it in. A split-second before it happened, she felt eyes—his and Two's—warm her anus. Then Mr. Three pulled the gleaming head of his cock from her pussy, jamming it instead into her tiny anus.

"Rao!" Kara screamed, her arms wrapping ever more tightly around Dr. One's shoulders—she tried desperately not to crush him as Mr. Three's cockhead plowed up her ass, wet and rock hard and unstoppable. Her sphincter stretched with a strange, molten pain, slipping down over his crown, leaving nothing to stop him from lunging inside her. She jerked and twisted; all she accomplished was to force him deeper inside her.

"Tight ass!" Two croaked.

Though Kara stood on her tiptoes, she could not get the room her body irrationally insisted she needed to accommodate the massive shaft. It filled her until she was sure she couldn't take anymore. Then she took more, sobbing little affirmations into Dr. One's chest, chanting "Yes!" so lightly as to be ashamed of it, as she felt the thing throbbing inside her most intimate space. It wasn't feeling painful anymore. It still felt strange, but—nice.

It only aroused Dr. One further. "Grab her legs! Lift her up!"

Two was quick to obey, Kara squealing in surprise as her feet were jerked out from under her, legs raised up until her knees were at her breasts, her meager weight feeling like a ton as it dropped down onto her ravaged anus and the shaft that was skewering it. She automatically wrapped her long legs around Dr. One's waist, trying to relieve the pressure, and in doing so, quite literally opened herself up to him ramming his manhood into her cunt.

She cried out—bleated, really—as the second cock entered her with almost callous ease. She'd had no idea she was so wet. And now she was full, taking more cock than she'd ever been meant to hold, the overstuffed usage of her inner space making things tight, pressurized, agonizingly sweet.

"I can feel my own cock," Dr. One moaned. "Feel it with my cock... right through your pussy."

Grunting, gasping, he fucked into her with spastic, artless thrusts—the jagged nature of them somehow increasing her pleasure, making it random, shocking lashes of the sensation in her ass meeting the one in her sex. Behind her, Mr. Three fucked in and out of her ass, trying to form a syncopated rhythm with Dr. One. That made it even worse, even better—when she could feel one cock being dragged out as the other would thrust in, her heart racing as she expected the pleasure to repeat again and again, only for the pattern to inevitably be broken. She simply could not grow used to be fucking by two cocks at once.

"Great Rao! Great, great, great Rao!" Kara grunted, thrashing and kicking as she was sandwiched between the two men. They were pistoning in her, pleasure forced inside her, then pulling at her most sensitive places. She bounced helplessly back and forth like a toy being fought over by a pair of dogs.

The seesawing of sensation, the dual possession of her body, it was too much for Kara to take. The shockwaves of pleasure racking over her were no longer disrupted by the misalignment of her fucking, but pitched higher, never allowing her to crash. Screaming, gripping Dr. One's shoulders tight, Kara worked her hips back and forth, trying with all her might to fill both her wet cunt and her quivering anus at once.

Her movements were so violent that even their straining muscles couldn't contain her. Their combined weight shifted onto Mr. Three and he toppled backwards, taking Kara right off Dr. One's cock and down with him.

When they landed, she wasn't fazed. All Kara knew was the raw animal lust of needing an orgasm that hadn't happened yet. She lifted her legs and spread them wide, offering her gaping entrance to Dr. One. He threw himself between her legs, feeding himself into her, and as if they'd never stopped, the three of them were back it, writhing and grunting and screaming.

Seeing her mouth wide open in a constant cry, Two saw his opening. He moved to Kara's flushed face, gripping the length of his cock, and pried her jaws apart with his free hand. Kara's unfocused eyes saw his cock all at once, a long strand of precum anointing the purple head before he pushed it into her mouth. She gagged on the startling taste, but was quickly sucking, madly pulling on the steady tang of semen as a sort of appetizer for the orgasms that would soon take place in her ass and pussy. She loved how all of Dr. One's thrusts jabbed her down onto Mr. Three's cock in her ass.

"Yeah, you like sucking cock, don't ya, slut?" Two asked, hands clamping down on her head. "Take it, bitch, I know you love it, I know you're a fucking whore—"

With her superstrength, Kara easily broke his grip and pulled away from him, looking up disappointedly into his eyes, her lips gummy with precum. "That was a really rude thing to say! How do you think your mother would feel, if she knew that's how you talk to women?"

Two's erection wilted, the other two pausing as well, sharing his shame as Two sheepishly ducked his head.

Kara almost felt a little bad for him. She knew she'd been enjoying their sex, and hadn't liked stopping at all. The Carggite hadn't liked it either, but it was his fault after all. He had to deal with the guilt. "Is there anything you'd like to say?"

Two scuffed his feet on the pavement. "Sorry," he muttered abashedly.

Kara smiled benevolent at him. "We were having such a good time. You were showing me new positions and I was having a lot of fun. Wouldn't you rather be nice than say mean things or act rude, thinking you'll impress people?"

They all nodded.

"Then let's start over."

"Can I..." Two bit his lip nervously. "Can I call you a good little cocksucker?"

"If you feel I'm doing a nice job, of course! Everyone likes a compliment! For instance, you have a very nice dick. I'd love to blow it some more, if you can behave yourself."

"I will!" Two promised.

"Then let's see how good a little cocksucker I am!" Kara said, grinning enthusiastically.

He offered her his cock and Kara took it deep in her mouth, feeling it harden instantly in response to her sucking. She was filled with a sense of power, and the satisfying throbbing of his warm cock against her lips and tongue. She licked down the underside to his hairy balls, careful not to lick too hard when she knew how sensitive they were. His cock rested on her face as she licked his balls, and she giggled to herself at how she must've looked, a dick all across her face. Well, Alex had said she should cover her face as Supergirl...

Kara pulled back a little, lapping hard at the underside of his cock again, tongue slapping against a surging vein running through its length. She saw with some pride that he was fully engorged, his manhood straining its way to a purple head. She decided she'd better suck it before it came all over her face. She ran her lips back up his shaft, feeling it throb against her mouth—kissed his cockhead, tasted the precum seeping from it, sucked the whole thing into her mouth. It felt so good, having a hot, throbbing cock in her mouth to match the ones in her ass and pussy.

Two's face was deeply flushed, the veins in his temples standing out as thick as soda straws. He was so excited that he was already on the brink of orgasm. "You're a—good little—" He saw Kara nod in encouragement and almost fainted. "Cocksucker!"

Hot, thick cum slammed into Kara's mouth and down her throat. It tasted wonderful! But even as she reached up to grip his shaft, to milk more of his ejaculation onto her tongue, Two was pulling back, freeing his cock from her sucking lips. He held it out like a weapon, snorting as he came again and again, all over Kara's face.

The feel of his slime raining down on her, marking her face and breasts and even her hair, was too much for Kara. The straw that broke the camel's back. She slumped between Dr. One and Mr. Three's rutting bodies, her pussy clenching, her anus contracting, the bottom dropping out of the world in some kind of orgasm that was nothing whatsoever like her shower.

Dr. One had held out for as long as he could, but the hard tug of Kara's cunt on his manhood finally swept him along with Two. He came, but not before pulling out of Kara and holding his cock aloft to add to Two's spray. Without a cock in her mouth, Kara moaned deliciously to feel his jets of seed land across her belly, all the way to the undersides of her breasts before he collapsed on top of her, twitching, his huge cock drooling cum.

Mr. Three couldn't help but join in, join the gasping and moaning, the semen gushing all around and all over. He buried his cock in Kara's ass, shooting deep into her bowels, smacking his testicles up against those of Dr. One's.

It took a long time for the shivering and shuddering to stop, the circle of climax and afterglow to be broken. When it finally did, they fell apart like an overextended Jenga tower. Two fell back onto his ass, Dr. One rolled onto his back, and Kara squirmed her way upward until Mr. Three's penis slipped out of her. Then she released back against his broad chest, pulling his arms around her in a hug. It felt nice, being held while she panted and whimpered softly and felt the coals of hot cum burning away all over her creamy skin.

"See how much fun you can have," Kara asked, "when you're all nice... and want everyone to have a good time?"

The three nodded wearily.

"Now, why don't you tell me all about General Astra's nasty old plan? And if any of you want to do more fun things once you're finished telling me about it..."

And they told her all about it while Kara cleaned herself off, running her hands over her tingling body, moving them trepidatiously to her mouth, then licking her fingers clean like such a messy eater. It all sounded very bad—but not too urgent. Certainly not too urgent. Not when she could see how hard Mr. Three was getting.

Dr. One gave her a squeeze. "You know, if you really are a good little cocksucker, you could take two cocks in your mouth at once."

"I bet I could," Kara agreed. "I bet I could."

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DanDraperDanDraperover 2 years ago

Great story, very amusing in some parts.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Funny. Any chance it gets more?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I loved this story. I liked how willing they all were too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I love wonder

I wish there was more to the story, it needs something more to the ending. Does Kara get into more situations before she can wear her clothes again ???

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Took a wild turn

This story is really funny and charming, and witty! Wasn't expecting hardcore sex so soon but it was very fun how that element was introduced.

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