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MILF Massage

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She's surprised at her weekly massage.
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After some twenty-plus years of marriage, two kids, and careers for them both, it was sometimes surprising to her that she and her husband were still in love. It took a fair bit of work, to be sure, but he was worth it because he always had made her feel loved. Even when he worked a series of late nights or when she had to work too many Saturdays and Sundays at the library, he still greeted her with a kiss and a smile every night and again every morning.

She thought of their honeymoon, over two decades ago, the two of them sitting on the balcony of their hotel shortly after dinner, looking out over the moonlit mountains. They were curled up in that lounge chair, just touching and caressing one another, letting the world flow by without any cares or worries, enjoying the wonderful feeling of simply being together.

Now, these so many years later, it was much harder to capture those elusive feelings. Maybe there were too many trials in their lives, too many small crises behind and before them, so much work, and so little time. That is why they had decided to start making special times, just for themselves, with no work and no worry. It was still hard to do, with work weeks so long and weekends reserved for their boys. That meant less time for them.

However, today, it was time for a different kind of special time. Mary Ann loved her husband dearly, but she also adored her alone time.

Mary Ann walked into the spa a few minutes early. She thought about how an hour from now she would back out more relaxed and better able to handle the stress of the rest of her week. She changed quickly and sat in her towel, waiting for her turn on the massage table.

As she sat there Mary Ann looked off across the room. The person staring back at her from the wall of mirrors looked exactly like how she felt - a nearly middle-aged woman working hard to raise a family and provide a small but vital career for herself. A woman that didn't have much time left for the niceties of life. But Mary Ann enjoyed her life and this next hour was one for hers to enjoy in peace.

The little blue light came on indicating the massage room was empty and waiting for her.

'It's time!' She whispered to herself and bounced up out of the chair as her heart raced. A not-so-strange tingling sensation rolled around in her abdomen. It happened every Monday, at least every Monday afternoon for the last year since Donnie had given her a two-year massage contract for Valentine's Day.

She was almost too shocked after the very first massage she almost didn't return a second time. It felt strange to have someone, other than her husband, touch her nearly bare body. She got used to it after the second session however and had grown increasingly more relaxed after a few weeks. She had only missed three weekly sessions in all this time, once during the past holidays and twice during their summer family vacation.

Mary Ann walked into the massage room and closed the door behind her. She pulled the white towel wrapped around her open. Her body felt dewy in the warmth of the lights as she lay face down on the massage table and then draped the towel back over her bottom. She laid her head on her forearms and anticipated the usual energetic arrival of her masseuse, and now friend, Lindsay.

Mary Ann found herself dozing until she heard the door open.

She looked up and got ready to say hello to Lindsay, but it wasn't her. It was Rebecca, the front desk receptionist.

"Mrs. Snyder. I am so sorry, but Lindsay just had to leave. She, uh, had a real problem with her teeth, her tooth. She rushed off to the dentist." Rebecca stood a few feet from the table with her clipboard clutched to her chest.

"Oh, poor girl. But I understand. I'll just come back next week." Mary Ann said as she began to tuck the towel around her and get up.

"No!" The young girl almost yelled. "I mean, we have a substitute that can squeeze you in if you'd like." Rebecca held out her clipboard and ran her finger down the page.

"Well, I really would love to get these awful kinks out today. It's been a mean Monday and its going to be such a long rest of the week." Mary Ann laid herself back down on the table. "Is the other masseuse just as experienced?"

Rebecca grinned, looked from her clipboard at Mary Ann and back to the blank paper.

"Oh yes, certainly. Should I send the substitute in then, Mrs. Snyder?"

"Please. I'm just too comfy to get back up. I might have even asked you to let me take a nice hour long nap right here, if nothing else." Mary Ann laid her head back into the folds of her elbows.

"Good. Fine then. Your masseuse, uh, yes, well, should be right in. Do enjoy." Rebecca grinned broadly again.

Mary Ann heard the door open and close.

She must have actually drifted off this time, because the next thing she heard was the substitute masseuse behind her, arranging the lotion and oil bottles.

"I guess I am more tired than I thought, I didn't even hear you come in." Mary Ann said keeping her head on her arms her eyes looking down.

Her new masseuse did not respond, but Mary Ann did feel oiled, strong hands on her calves. The lotion was warmer than Lindsay usually started with.

"Mmm, can't tell if that's better or not, but that warm oil does feel good today."

The hands kneaded her calves and squeezed. These hands were much stronger than Lindsay's. Maybe this masseuse had even more experience than Lindsay.

"How long have you been a masseuse?" Mary Ann asked.

"About three years." The deep, husky voice came from behind her.

It was not a woman's voice. Mary Ann nearly sat up from the shock.

"Who..." She looked back to see a tall, dark haired, young man leaning over the table rubbing her legs.

"Miss, you may want to lie back down." Her masseuse or rather masseur commented and nodded at her upper body.

Mary Ann looked down toward the direction of his nod. She had raised so far up her left breast was very much in his view. She quickly cupped it and fell back on to the cushioned table. She held her breath as she stared straight ahead toward the far wall.

"Am I disturbing you in any way, ma'am?" He asked.

"Umm, no, no why do you ask?" Mary Ann started to breathe short shallow breaths as she squeezed her eyes shut.

"Well, your body is suddenly so very tense."

She could feel this man's strong, but soft hands reach nearer to her knees. Still kneading, he was drawing her muscles out.

"No, I...well; yes I guess you did surprise me some." She stammered.

His hands left her legs. "Should I stop then?"

Mary Ann turned her head back so she could see his face.

"I just wasn't expecting, well, a, uh, a man." Two gorgeous brown eyes and a ruggedly handsome face greeted her. "I have had Lindsay almost exclusively for almost a year now." She continued to stare at him, looking now at his broad muscular shoulders and on down to his tapered waist in that tight white t-shirt.

"So you haven't had a male, a masseur massage you before?"

"Well, no, I mean yes. Actually not unless you count my husband." She blinked her eyes and looked away. Did that sound silly?' She thought to herself.

"Is this not a good time for me to do this then?"

"No, no. I need a massage very much this week." Mary Ann caught herself quickly looking back and speaking before she realized it. She saw the grin come upon his face and she blushed.

"Let me start over. I'm Jim." He said as he walked around to the top of the table as he wiped his hands on a towel. He reached out and offered her his hand.

Mary Ann reached for and shook it. "Hi, Jim, I'm Mary Ann." His grip was so light compared to the strength of how his hands had grasped her legs a moment ago.

"I would be honored if you would allow me to be your masseur today. You do seem as if you could use a good loosening up. Been a tough day?" Jim asked as he stood with his hands on his hips.

'God, you're forty-two woman and here is this 20-something guy with a body to die for standing over your near-naked body wanting to put his strong hands all over it. Just what should my answer be?' She just spoke honestly.

"Yes, it's been a tough week. And yes, please do. I promise to be a better client from this point on." She tried to say as properly as she could.

"Okay, Mrs....Mary Ann, then I'll start again." He reached for the bottle of oil, filled his hand, and then proceeded to massage her left calf again. "Oh yes, I saw from your chart that you alternate weeks with a regular massage and the deep-muscle massage. Got my hands kind of in a mess again here so it's hard to pick up the chart. What is this week's massage?"

Her breath almost left her again. She squirmed a bit on the table and clenched her thighs together at the strange thought of how awful it would be to have Donnie come in the room about now. However, he was not here was he?

"I believe it's the deep massage today, thank you." She said then bit her lip and closed her eyes.


She knew very well it wasn't the week for the deep massage. But as she felt the young man's strong hands rub to just above her knee now she didn't feel guilty at all. She let him knead and mold her muscles and completely sooth her body for the next several moments in silence.

That is, until she felt him let go.


He clapped his hands and picked up the oil bottle again.

"Let's work on those shoulders next." Jim said as he walked back around to the head of the table.

Mary Ann felt his strong hands meet her shoulders next and start pushing down toward her back. Indeed this was a much stronger massage than Lindsay had ever performed on her. Not necessarily better, but very much different.

Her cheek had become moist in the crook of her elbow so she lifted her head slightly to turn to the other cheek. But no sooner had she raised her head than her gaze became transfixed. Not but a few inches in front of her face was the bright white material of Jim's shorts. She glared at the whiteness ebbing back and forth before her face as he eased up and down with his hands on her back.

She finally realized what she was doing and dropped her head back into her elbows.

'Oh my! What did I just see? Nothing Mary Ann, nothing. Just a pair of white shorts on a hunk of a young man. She told herself she could not help seeing his shorts there. They were just inches away from her nose. He had the right to be in front of her to do the massage. It is not as if she was going to reach out and grab him, or... Enough Mary Ann! Get your mind out of the gutter, at least for a few more minutes! Enjoy the massage for what it is, relaxing.'

She now felt his hands down at her waist. It started with a slow, gentle rub on the small of her back, his fingers smoothing the warm oil to a fine slipperiness across her skin. His hands caressed her, circling from her spine to her sides, slowly moving down to the small of her back once more. Only this time his fingertips pushed the towel away a little. She swore he was close to touching her bottom. He stopped just short.

Should she say something? Should he be doing that? She then remembered that Lindsay would occasionally go there. But was it the same? This was a guy!

As this young man's hands slid down her back he reached to just under the edge of the cotton towel again. Mary Ann heard herself whimper quietly as she moved her hips and raised just a fraction off the table. What was that for? What was she reacting to? Mary Ann collected herself and settled back down, knowing he wouldn't continue to go further. He wouldn't would he?

He didn't.

She felt his hands on the backs of her legs now. Jim had walked back to the side of the table before she had realized it. She felt more oil on his hands as they ran up from her knees to almost touching her mid-thigh. His fingers never quite went under the towel though. He came quite close, but never beyond.

"You do feel much more relaxed now, even if I do say so myself."

"Yes, you do good work." Mary Ann had to agree. As he finished off her lower body again, she could feel a week's worth of stress ooze out every muscle and pore. She was quite content.

Lying there, eyes closed once again, almost naked and exposed to a stranger, a male stranger at that, she was literally surprised she felt nothing but pure relaxation.

Then again, more oil and Jim continued the massage. He ran his hands up and down her sides, along her ribs, under her arms, and back across her shoulders. He paid a lot of attention to them this time around, caressing and kneading them, while also gently pulling and twisting. He spent more time, digging deep.

"Yes, just stay doing that forever. At least for a few more minutes, please! It feels so good!" Mary Ann whispered aloud.

"Yes, ma'am."

Mary Ann tried to relax and focus on the massage, just laying there and enjoying the feelings. She felt herself drifting off to the true sensation of it all.

The strong soothing hands felt wonderful on her body. They were warm on her skin as they rubbed into the small of her back. He worked on in silence for the next few minutes, until his fingertips pressed more firmly down just above her waistline.

Mary Ann flinched a little, not from any sort of pain, but rather from the soothing warm sensation that radiated from his touch.

"Oh my," she sighed, "that feels so nice."

He kept the pressure on her back and worked around in little circles, until she felt him slide the towel from her bottom just a little further than he had done so far. His fingers were on her cheeks now!

For a woman of forty-something, having her less than taut bottom exposed made her nervous in more ways than one. Her whole body tensed as his hands began to work still lower. Why wasn't she saying something? This was so wrong. Not even Lindsay crossed this far under her towel. Now here was a young man doing just that!

Only she could also feel another tender pain now. It was her nipples. They had gotten so hard. With the room as warm as it was it could mean only one thing, she was getting aroused.

His fingertips traveled around the very top of her cheeks. But after a moment more of this she began to relax again and enjoyed the sensations this very handsome young man made her feel back there.

Mary Ann shivered when she swore one of his long fingers worked its way through her crack. She was so worked up, she could only moan as his pressing hands pressed her hips down bumping her now very aroused sex into the crease of the massage table.

"You feeling okay?" He asked softly.

"Oh, yes," she gushed too quickly and too enthusiastically. She tried again but with more decorum, "Very fine thank you. It feels just great."

His hand went there again.

Almost involuntarily she let out a long, low moan and whispered, "T-that, um, feels absolutely wonderful, mmm, yes, thank you."

The sexual tension was becoming almost unbearable. But this was only a massage she kept telling herself.

But as she tried to make herself believe that Jim's fingers pressed her down more insistently and she spread her thighs just enough so her clit could bump against the table now. The contractions in her pussy quickly built out of nowhere it seemed. The rhythmic movement of his hands on her body and the deliberate but almost imperceptible thrust of her pelvis into the table hips was driven over the edge.

Mary Ann wanted to scream, she knew she was close to cumming.

She desperately thrust her hips and clit down while trying not to be obvious as Jim continued rubbing her back. She put her other hand to her mouth and stuck a finger between her lips. She greedily took into her mouth as the orgasm began to rocket through her pussy and up through her body. She bit down hard as the sharp excruciating waves of pleasure washed over her.

Moments later, still a little shaken from her climax, Mary Ann rose up onto her elbows. She let the washes of relaxation now course through her body.

"So, how do you feel now?" Jim asked.

"Feel?" Mary Ann replied with a question still dazed.

"Your massage," he said with a broad smile this time, "did it work out for you, having me do it today?"

With an almost embarrassed smile she replied, "Oh, yes! I do, you did, thank you." Mary Ann said as she raised her head and looked back at him putting the lotion bottles back in order.

"You are very welcome Mrs. Snyder." Jim toweled his hands off again and went to the door to leave. But he stopped just as he reached for the doorknob. "By the way, enjoy your evening."

Mary Ann looked at the now sheepish grin on his face.

"I will." She answered, scrunching up her own face, feeling as if there was something more to that simple cordial comment.

Jim left and Mary Ann rose from the table, wrapped the towel around her now relaxed body then headed for the dressing room.

As she walked down the short corridor, another door opened and out came Lindsay.

"Oh, Mrs. Snyder!" Lindsay looked startled.

Mary Ann looked questioningly. "Lindsay, I thought you had rushed off to the dentist."

"Um, oh yea, I did, wasn't much of anything." She put her hand to her cheek.

"That's good." Mary Ann noted there was something else in those young eyes. As if she was saying something different. It was the same devilish grin on Jim's face before he left.

"Well you have a great evening." Lindsay said as she turned and headed to the office.

Mary Ann just stared off down the hall, trying to decipher the situation. She finally shook her head and smiled as she felt that soothing sensation in her body. It had been one of the most relaxing massages ever.

She pulled the thick white towel up a bit and continued her walk on to the dressing room.

On her way out to her car, Mary Ann's cell phone rang. It was Donnie.

"Hello." She answered, the total relaxation in her body still being felt.

"Well, hi there." Donnie greeted her back. "It sounds as if you had a vey pleasant session at the massage parlor today."

Mary Ann at first wanted to get perturbed with her husband but the very recent climax of her body was still too real to get upset right now. "First, it's not a 'massage parlor' as you always like to call it. This place you got me a membership to is a very classy spa. And second, yes, I had a very wonderful session today. I am too relaxed and happy to let you ruin it for me."

"Oh, I didn't want to ruin it, I just wanted to know how well a job the masseur had done on you this afternoon." Donnie replied.

"He was very goo...wait! How did you know I had a man instead of a woman do me? I mean give me a massage." Mary Ann uttered, now tensing a little at Donnie's last words.

"Well as you so eloquently put it a second ago, 'first' from the sound of your voice just a moment ago I'd say your masseur did 'do' you very well. You sounded as if you had a very satisfying hour. And 'second', Happy Late Anniversary! The girls there at the massage par...uh, spa helped me set all that up."

Mary Ann could almost hear the huge grin stretch across her husband's face.

"So you liked young Jim, huh?" He asked with to giddy a lilt.

"You!" Mary Ann wanted to be disgusted at what he was telling her, but the warmth that radiated down deep inside her womanhood still overwhelmed any other emotion or feeling.

Then her husband added. "Just suffice it to say, I'm looking forward to you getting home. The boys are gone for the night, the candles are already lit and dinner will be ready when you get here."

Now it was time for Mar Ann to grin.

What more could a woman want, a relaxing massage, with an incredible orgasm thrown in for free, and a husband at home with dinner already prepared and waiting? The long, hard Monday had turned into paradise.

She felt ready for something else long and hard.

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