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Did I Misjudge My Mother-In-Law?

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Is my mother-in-law, Janet, as bad as I thought?
12.2k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/24/2023
Created 05/21/2020
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Part 1

Is Janet as Bad as I Thought?

Everyone in this story is over 18 years of age. All characters are fictional, and any similarity to people of the same name or description is purely coincidental. This story contains sexual scenarios.

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Chapter 1

As I begin this story, I had been married about ten years before life as I knew it took an unexpected downward spiral. In six months, my life went from really good, to a devastating low.

First, my parents, Beth and George Beaufort, were on a two week trip into the mountains of Colorado to celebrate their thirtieth wedding anniversary. I was thirty-two and had become a very successful chemist. I wasn't rich, but my beautiful wife, Maureen Cassidy James, and I were very comfortable. I would forever call her Cassie, which was my unique name for my gorgeous wife.

On that fateful Friday afternoon, I received a call on my cell phone from a Colorado State Trooper requesting to speak to Mr. Mack Beaufort. It was the call no parent ever wanted to receive about their children, much less a child about his parents. But I was no child, and yet when she told me that she was Trooper Johnson and that I should sit down because she had some bad news for me. I was instantly in shock, and then on hearing her tell me that my parents were dead following a sideswipe accident with an eighteen-wheeler that caused them to go through a side guardrail and over a cliff, I fell to my knees crying. She told me, "Mr. Beaufort, I know that it is not much consolation, but we believe that they died instantly once the car reached the rocks below. Mr. Beaufort, your parent's bodies have been taken to the Pueblo, CO city morgue, because in accidental deaths, an autopsy has to be performed. Is there someone I can call for you, Mr. Beaufort?"

Somehow I managed to croak out that I was okay, and I had family and friends to help me. I thanked her for her call and said that I would drive to Pueblo in a day or two. She told me that I would be hearing from the medical examiner's office, and to wait until then to drive two and a half hours to Pueblo.

Somehow I drove home, and with my face covered in tears, I walked in to see Cassie. She said, "What is it, darling? What has happened?"

I replied as tears continued to roll down my cheeks, "Their dead Cassie, my parents are both dead. There was a terrible car/truck accident, and they were forced over a cliff and died when they landed below onto the rocks." Then I was wailing like a baby in tremendous pain. Perhaps I loved them so very much that their loss was almost more than I can take.

Thank God for Cassie, she held me for hours until she convinced me to allow her to call our doctor. He was a friend and neighbor. Dr. Hal Barton came over immediately. He told me how sorry he was for our loss, and suggested a sedative right away, and a sleeping pill for later that night. He said that I should lay down and rest to prepare for the rough days ahead. I stayed in bed the next day, and Dr. Hal returned to give me another sedative injection at lunchtime.

Hal was there for us through the ordeal, whenever he was needed. We lived and worked in Boulder, a smaller town just north of Denver. Therefore, we would have to make the same drive as my parents had driven the day they died. I broke down again before the sedative took control, and I passed out on the bed.

I awoke on Sunday morning to my cell phone ringing. This time it was the medical examiner from Pueblo calling, "Mr. Beaufort, Mack Beaufort?"

I answered, "Yes, this is Mack Beaufort."

He continued, "Mr. Beaufort, I am Dr. Thompson, the ME in Pueblo. I am calling regarding the death of your parents. I will be finished with their autopsies tomorrow morning, and I will need someone to make a positive identification before I can release them to a mortuary. Can I assume that you will want them transferred to their home town of Boulder?"

"Yes, that is correct, Dr. Thompson. My wife and I will make arrangements with our local mortuary to have their bodies picked up, and we will drive to Pueblo on Monday."

"Mr. Beaufort, that will be perfect. Let's make an appointment for 2 PM if that works for you, and I will also speak to the state trooper post to see if they have completed their investigation. I suggest that you spend the night in Pueblo so that you have enough time to learn everything you can about your parent's accident and the results of all investigations. Mr. Beaufort, I didn't say this, but if you haven't sought out legal representation, I would advise you to do so. They will advise you on what you should do and the questions to ask. That's all I can say, and I shouldn't have even said that much. Be safe, Mr. Beaufort, and we will see you on Monday."

"Yes, thank you, doctor, and thank you for your advice."

Chapter 2

My father was a full partner in one of the largest firms in Denver. I notified a good friend of our family at the firm of his death. It was Sunday morning, so I called him at home. Jack Horner and my father had gone to law school together and then went to work for the same law firm right after graduation. He was shocked to hear what had happened to dad and mom, but he told me to hang tight, and he would call me that afternoon to discuss what I should do in Pueblo.

As I arrived downstairs, I could smell the freshly made coffee and heard voices. I was glad that I showered and dressed before coming down. There in the kitchen was a vile woman, perhaps the most loathsome woman in the world. It was Jan or Janet Walker, my mother-in-law. How did my wonderful wife come out of the womb of this horrid woman? This fact, I would never understand, even if I lived to be a hundred years old.

Walking into the kitchen, I kissed my lovely wife and said, "Good morning, ladies."

"Good morning? Good Morning, Mack how can you possibly say good morning only two days after your parents died? Are you crazy or just mad out of grief?" Said my mother-in-law, Jan, the bitch.

"Yes, mother dearest, I can always depend on you to find something evil to say under any circumstance. It's no wonder your husband ran off with his secretary leaving you nothing but a house and mortgage. For your information, I have been drugged for a day and a half, and I wanted to be better today. However, as usual, you have sucked out what little happiness I may have had when I woke up this morning. Do you hate me that much?"

I grabbed a cup of coffee and went outside to the deck to sit in the morning sun.

Cassie joined me on the deck a few minutes later. "Darling, I am so sorry that she said those horrid things to you. Since dad ran off, her mean streak had gotten much worse. I told her to go home and try to regain control of her tongue before the funeral, and not to show herself to us again until then. She makes me so mad, sometimes I wonder how she could be my mother. Thank God, I got my dad's personality."

I thought for a minute before saying, "Yes, my darling Cassie, I give thanks every day for that fact. I do have to admit that you got your gorgeous looks and figure from your very horrid mother. Other than that, though, you have absolutely nothing in common with that woman. If I never had to see or hear her again, I would be a happy man."

It amazed me that these two beautiful women could be so very different. They both were five-feet-ten inches tall; both had thick honey-blond hair and dark blue eyes. They looked more like sisters than mother and daughter. I often thought that if my mother-in-law wasn't so despicable, I might have loved her nearly as much as my darling Cassie. Unfortunately, as soon as I asked for Cassie's hand in marriage, Janet started treating me with malice. I wanted to marry her daughter, now kill her. I couldn't understand such deep-seated hate.

An hour later, dad's partner called and informed me that one of his attorneys would meet me at the coroner's office and also accompany me to meet with the trooper's to follow up on the investigation. He said, "Please let us handle this for you from this moment forward. I promise you that your family will be our only concern. I personally will keep you informed every step of the way. Mack, I am so sorry for your loss and for all of our loss. Your father and mother were my dearest friends for over three decades, and I will do everything in my power to find out who caused this tragedy. My wife and I and most of the firm will be at the funeral. Until then, if you need anything, please contact me immediately."

I felt better about going to see the coroner and investigators, knowing that someone with more expertise would accompany Cassie and me.

After identifying my parent's bodies, I went back into a fog. Truthfully, the next two weeks were a huge blur to me, and but for my wonderful wife, Cassie, I surely would have died from the stress and sadness of that period of my life. I hoped that nothing so horrible would ever occur to me again.

Chapter 3

The truck driver had been driving for twelve straight hours and was on uppers to stay awake. Also, the trucking company had numerous safety violations. Over the next few months, they settled for four million dollars, and the lawyers took nothing for their work. Not only that, but it seems that my father's share of the partnership was worth three million dollars. Suddenly, Cassie and I were very wealthy. We sold our house and moved into my parent's home. My parents bequeathed it to me as their only child and sole beneficiary of their estate.

That bitch of a mother-in-law Jan came to visit us after we moved to their beautiful home. She wasn't there for three hours before she suggested that we didn't earn or deserve this kind of wealth. She said, "You should share part of this newfound wealth with me since my husband left me with little or nothing."

I replied, "I tell you what, Janet, when you learn to keep that mouth of yours closed and become our slave, then I may allow you to have an allowance. Until then, there will be nothing for you."

Cassie was bothered by what I said, saying, "Mack, you can't mean that. Even I will admit that my mother is a disturbed bitch, but to suggest she become our slave is ridiculous. Please don't say that in front of me ever again."

I said, "Yes, dear, of course, you are right. Just keep your mother away from me. The only thing I owe her for is you, my dear. Thank goodness that your father and that worthless bitch mother of yours, brought my wonderful wife Cassie into the world so that someday we could meet and marry."

Two months later, the bottomless spiral of my life continued, and my world, as I knew it, changed forever. My world became fully overcome with grief, deep depression, and ultimately, a mission fueled by hatred for one woman that became all-encompassing. Retribution and retaliation would be my life's work, if necessary.

Cassie was a registered nurse and a damned good one. I tried to convince her to quit that job and stay at home to begin having our children. She loved bedside nursing and just couldn't give it up. We only lived about twenty miles from the hospital, but I often worried about Cassie working a twelve-hour shift and then driving home. The job was so intense that twice I found her asleep in her car in our garage. Those two episodes scared me so much that I begged her to quit and not return to the hospital. Her love for her work only surpassed her love for me.

I especially worried about days like today, when the snow was flying, and temperatures were barely out of the teens. She usually left the hospital at seven-thirty in the morning or at least by eight. That morning at eight-thirty, she still wasn't home, and I did begin to worry. I called her unit manager, and she told me that Cassie clocked out at seven-forty-five, and she had seen her taking the elevator to the parking deck. I called her cell phone six times with no answer. I became scared shitless. I even call her mother, and she said that she hadn't spoken to Cassie in a month, so I hung up.

Perhaps my thoughts were an omen of some sort because no sooner had the feeling of something evil happening to her entered my mind, my cell phone rang. It was the local police department on the phone. They were calling to inform me that my beloved Cassie died in a single-car accident. Her car slipped on black ice and went over the edge of the road, crashing into a large tree off the highway's shoulder. My beloved Cassie was dead, and from that moment on, I began to die from the inside out.

She was buried three days later in the family plot. At the funeral, her mother stood up, pointed her finger at me, and yelled, "You killed my daughter, you made her work despite your wealth, and then she drove into that tree. I hope you rot in hell, Mack, you sorry bastard." Some friends escorted her out of the church and only allowed her to see the burial from afar. I didn't see Jan again until three months after the funeral.

I became a hermit in my home. I sold my company for an unbelievable amount of money, locked myself in my house to mourn, and hate, starting with Jan, my mother-in-law, the bitch.

Chapter 4

After the first month, my senses started coming back to me, and the pain of losing Cassie was becoming easier to manage. I started seeing a grief counselor, and I was on my way back from a deep depression caused by Cassie's loss.

That pain, I realized, was now being replaced by my intense hatred for her mother, Jan or Janet, her real name. I used the internet and a private investigator to examine her life thoroughly.

I discovered that she was a full-fledged whore. The frequented numerous bars and clubs in a fifty-mile radius and went to bed with a different man an average of three times a week. I used my wife's key to her mother's home one night. I staked it out from a block away and saw her leave home dressed in a short tight dress. I knew she would be out for hours, perhaps all night, as was her habit of late. I installed small cameras in her bedroom, bathroom, family room, kitchen, and blue toothed them to the Wifi system in her home. She would never know that they were there. I linked into her wifi system remotely, enabling it to send the camera videos via the internet to my personal computer.

What I saw over the next month shocked even me. Man after man came to her house and enjoyed every part of her body, and then gave her money when she begged for financial help. I believed that she was making more than two thousand a month. The one smart thing that I observed what she made every man wear a condom. If she did that every time she had sex, at least she should be disease-free.

Along with being considered by my peers to be a brilliant scientist and chemist, I studied computer science while working on my master's in chemistry. I didn't need two degrees, but I enjoyed computer science a lot. Therefore I was able to hack into her phone and computer with little effort. I then discovered a file containing her password list, which like the bimbo she was, was hidden in plain sight on her laptop. I found all of her bills and account numbers, and then I found her mortgage information and knew exactly how much she owed on her mortgage. This woman was in an enormous amount of debt compared to the money she brought in from her whoring. That was the moment I started formulating my plan for my revenge.

Even though I hated Jan, I couldn't deny that she was still a beautiful woman, even at forty-eight years old. She was the second most beautiful woman I knew, I didn't realize just how true that was until I kept seeing her totally nude on the videos. Her body was totally shaved from her shoulders down. On the camera in the bedroom, I was able to zoom in on her shaved pussy for a closeup view. That's when I noticed how closely it resembled that of her daughter. It was a lovely sight, notably when she laid on her bed to masturbate with her fingers and toys. When she had an orgasm, it was a wild sight to behold. This was a wild insatiable, sex loving woman. I thought that information alone might work to my advantage.

I had plans for Janet, if I couldn't have my dear Cassie, I would have the next best thing. I continued formulating ideas, and I worked many long days to develop the perfect plan.

My first move was to find a remote cabin that could be converted quickly to suit my needs before the coming winter. It took hours on the internet before I found what I was looking for in the remote mountains of Northern Colorado. It was a two-story log cabin sat on an eight-inch thick reinforced concrete walled basement with a three-car garage with a workshop. Including the finished basement after my additions and modifications, the cabin totaled 30,000 square feet. It was an immense home by any standards, but it is humungous to be off the grid and self-sustaining. It even had a large safe room off of the master bedroom. Best of all, it sat in the middle of two hundred and fifty acres of land that backed up to a mountain on one side and the national forest of the other. That meant that any expectation of future neighbors was highly unlikely.

I bought the cabin paying cash using a shell company to actually purchase the cabin, so it could never be traced back to me. I did this just in case things went terribly wrong.

That same shell company paid all the bills to modify the cabin to be entirely off the grid. By adding an industrial-grade natural gas generator big enough to power a small hospital, to provide power, a bank of solar panel grids. I set up everything to be able to live through the coming winter off the grid. My most significant expense was having a natural gas line run five miles to my cabin. Unfortunately, there was no way to tap into electricity. Still, I did have underground wiring installed with the gas line while the trenching was being done to be ready when power was available.

The cabin was located in the general area of Grand Lake, Colorado (Grand County on Green Mountain), which received an average snowfall of 129 inches per year. I knew that if it was a big snow year, I could get snowed in for months. So I prepared in every way I could think of to make sure that we could live through a bad winter. I even went so far as to establish an account with a supplier of nearly everything I might need or run out of during a bad winter. I also created a line of credit through my shell corporation with flight service to have a chopper fly in supplies if needed. They would be dropped in a clearing near, but not too near my cabin. They had a GPS location, and I had a satellite phone that would work no matter what type of reception I had on my cell phone.

The cabin had so many amenities that it would be had to name all of them. However, I knew that food would be the most important. I added a walk-in pantry on the lower level for bulk storage, and two large electric freezers that ran off of the gas-fueled generator dedicated to that level of the house. It ran year around.

In the kitchen area was another walk-in pantry, all appliances were commercial grade and size. The cabin was a fortress, it had every modern-day amenity and a computer system that was protected in every possible way. All significant electronics were located in a Faraday cage system built into the walls for protection from EMP attacks.

Chapter 5

Finally, all of the planning and preparations were finished. I called Jan, and we had a pleasant conversation despite the circumstances of our last meeting at the funeral. It went something like this, "Hello Jan, it's your son-in-law Mack, wait, please don't hang up on me until you hear me out first, please."


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