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A Loving Mom Should Seduce Her Son Ch. 03

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A mother & son find a place to go public with their love.
4.8k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/08/2023
Created 10/23/2021
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All good things must come to an end, and as their special summer drew to a close, Brian prepared to return to college. As always, the parting was difficult and tearful. Heather sat Brian down that morning after breakfast. She explained that they needed to go in a different direction.

"I think that we should both sleep with other people. I want you to get experience with other women. You've been with me and with Juliet. But I think you need to learn more."

Heather phrased it as if the main goal was her son's sexual development. But really, she was most concerned with filling the time when Brian was away.

Brian was upset, but Heather explained it to him.

"There are plenty of women who would love to be with you. You'll have fun, I promise. And I'll still be there "

Brian nodded.


As an attractive older woman who was unashamed to post racy content online, Heather had no problem finding hot young men to satisfy her voracious lusts.

She enjoyed her toy boys. If they weren't good fucks or weren't interested in pleasing her, she would cut them off. But if they were good and willing to submit to her tutelage, they became regulars to tide her over when Brian was away. She enjoyed sending Brian pictures of their cocks. Really, none were lovers of Brian's quality, but Heather figured it was a good way to keep him on his toes.

Not long after he returned to school, Brian began a relationship with a girl named Olivia. He texted and emailed and called Heather about her. For the first few weeks, it was fun -- though he had to find ways to explain why he needed to get away for the occasional weekend. Of course, it was to be with Heather so they could make love -- something he could never tell Olivia.

But before long, Brian was complaining to Heather. Olivia was boring. She didn't know nearly as much about life as Heather and Juliet, so her conversation was lacking. She didn't have their experience or their comfort with their bodies, so she wouldn't tell him what she wanted or enjoyed.

She seemed to think sex was something she did only to please him, so she mostly just lay there. Brian exclaimed, "Sex with you is like a juicy steak. Sex with her is like cold pizza."

Heather smiled. She was confident that she would be seeing her son more often soon. And by November, Brian and Olivia were through. But now there was a new woman in Brian's life.....


Dr. Laura York always enjoyed spending time with her favorite student, Brian Manning. He was intelligent, hard-working, and cute. That's right, Dr. York was feeling attracted to one of her students. It was always enjoyable to see a bright young thing enthralled with her.

"He's young enough to be my son," she thought "It's just fun, it'll never turn into anything. Anyway, you can get in trouble for fucking a student."

But when they worked late into the night, with Brian assisting her with the book she was writing, she felt herself growing closer to him. She asked if he felt bad about spending so much time with her, rather than with his fellow students.

"No, I love being around you, Dr. York."

"I like being around you, too, Brian. You're such a sweetie."

Her marriage with her husband Sam was on the rocks. They had decided to "take a break" from each other, and see other people for a while. She admitted to herself that she didn't want anything serious right now. She wanted to have some fun.

Brian confided in her that he had broken up with his girlfriend Olivia. She found herself comforting him.

"You're such a handsome young man. She wasn't good enough for you."

One night, Dr. York and Brian were in her office together, having polished off a dinner of Chinese takeout. They were practically the only ones in the building. They were chatting in a relaxed fashion about this and that, campus gossip and pop culture and whatnot.

Dr. York kept some cheap wine in her mini-fridge. They began sipping it together. Before long, they were well loosened up.

Dr. York looked into Brian's eyes. "Should I?" she thought. "I really shouldn't. But, fuck it, I've been a goodie-two-shoes for so long and what it's gotten me is no sex for the last three months."

Dr. York started rubbing Brian's shoulders. "I really enjoy spending time with you, Brian. You're so handsome. I'm sorry it didn't work out with Olivia. You deserve someone who appreciates you."

She kissed Brian on the lips. He opened his mouth and their tongues started intertwining. She felt so naughty, making out with this boy young enough to be her son. She felt herself getting wet as they rubbed against each other. The sensation of his hard cock against her only made her more excited. It had been a long time since she had felt a dick other than her husband's.

She reached down and gave Brian's dick a friendly squeeze. Then she grabbed his firm young butt and pulled him closer to her. Brian pulled down her slacks and began rubbing her wet muff through her panties. She quickly undid his shirt and caressed his chest. She pulled off her top and sat down on her desk, stripped to her bra and panties. Brian stepped over to her desk and began kissing her passionately.

"So this is what I have been missing," Dr. York thought.

Brian began kissing her all over, unfastening her bra, setting her generous bosom free.

"For a boy, he knows something about pleasing a woman," she said to herself.

Brian kissed and sucked and licked Dr. York's nipples. She began to groan. His hand began rubbing her wet panties.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," she gasped.

He slid down her panties.

"Just let me know what you like."

Brian immediately buried his face in Dr. York's damp muff. He slid a finger into her pussy while he ran his tongue back and forth over her fat labia and up to her clit.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, yeah right there."

What was up with this boy? Dr. York thought. As far as she knew, Olivia was the only girl Brian had been with. But someone must have taught him...

Brian kept finger fucking her until he could push in two. He was loudly sucking on her clit while Dr. York grabbed his head and pulled him into her. Her legs rested on his shoulders. She felt like a queen.

Dr. York began breathing hard and started to cry out. "Motherfucker!" she shouted and she felt herself come.

She really hoped that no one else was in the building. This was the first orgasm she had not by her own hand since....when?

"Stand up and drop those jeans, boy."

Brian did as he was told. Dr. York knelt before him, salivating at the sight of his thick cock. She pulled down his boxer briefs.

"Mama likey," she thought as she gazed at the erect member.

While one hand caressing his balls, Dr. York spat on Brian's hard young cock and began jerking it. Before long, she was too greedy to keep her mouth off him. She opened her mouth and immediately took him in. She felt him pushing against her throat. She bobbed eagerly on his cock, savoring every inch of that thick prick, enjoying Brian's youthful energy as he used her wet mouth, benefiting from her years of cocksucking experience.

She could have sucked his cock for hours. But there was a greater priority. She got on top of the desk and spread her legs.

"Fuck me!" Dr. York cried.

Brian's thick cock slid right into her pussy as his strong arms held her legs apart. He moaned as he felt Dr. York squeezing him. His thrusts carried deep into her cunt, almost hitting bottom.

His thick cock filled her up almost to bursting, pushing against her walls. She felt his pushing in and out of her. The constant stimulation pushed her closer and closer to orgasm. She felt his bottoming out a couple of times and she cried out in ecstasy.

Finally......she got there. "FUUUUCK," Dr. York yelled. Brian kept going for a few minutes until she felt him come inside her.

After Brian shot his load, he pulled out, and leaned over to kiss Dr. York. Then, abruptly, he moved down towards her ass. Was he going to fuck her in her ass? That wasn't in the plan. But instead, he spread her ass cheeks and stuck his tongue in. As he tongue-fucked her bunghole -- something no one had ever had done to her before -- Dr. York luxuriated in the treat of having a handsome young man eat her ass.

"Fuck my tenure file, any letter of reprimand would be worth this kind of treatment," she thought.

Dr. York realized that she no longer felt towards Brian like a teacher feels towards a student. Instead, they were two horny animals in heat -- Laura and Brian, lovers.


Laura never confused her affair with Brian with a serious relationship. After months of crummy sex with her husband Sam, she was getting off like she hadn't in years. Brian was an attentive lover, always trying to find ways to please her. Just knowing that she had landed a man so much younger and so adorable gave her a huge surge in self-confidence.

When they spent time outside of bed, his conversation was pleasant and charming, never arguing with her or challenging her views. They usually had sex on weeknights or early in the day, before they both went off to classes.

For some reason, he frequently went home on weekends. Brian remained vague about why he needed to see his mother so often.

But Laura was confident that she and her husband Sam would be getting back together. They still loved each other. They just got on each other's nerves and not living together was taking the edge off their disagreements (he was crashing with a longtime friend).

Laura and Sam traded emails regularly and chatted a couple of times a week. Their communications were increasingly friendly. Sam was doing much the same as she was -- fucking around a bit, probably before he came back to her.

So she never said "I love you" to Brian. She always referred to the two of them as "friends," which they were. She really was just enjoying good sex and the attention of a cute young guy.


Heather and Brian were lying together in bed Thanksgiving morning, luxuriating in the aftermath of making love. Heather's boys were fun, but none could compare to the one she had raised and trained.

Brian kissed her.

"I know what I'm thankful for this year."

"Me too, honey." As always, Heather was confident that deciding to fuck her son was one of the best decisions she had made in her life.

"I love you so much, Mom."

"I love you, too, baby." She tousled his hair.

They began chatting about Brian's life at college. As Heather had hoped, Brian expressed no interest in girls his own age.

"They're just not very interesting, Mom. And none of them are as sexy as you - or Juliet."

They had an informal Thanksgiving dinner. Afterward, they chatted over a bottle of wine. Heather enjoyed drinking with her son, since his tolerance still didn't match hers, so he got sloshed while she remained in control.

They talked about Brian's classes. He kept talking about Dr. York.

"I thought that you didn't have any classes with her this semester."

"I don't. I'm still her research assistant, though. It's fun."


"Well, I just, you know, like spending time with her. She's smart like you."

"Well, that's flattering. Is she like me in other ways?" Heather was starting to poke around to see what might be going on. She definitely thought Brian was having a schoolboy crush on Dr. York -- could there be more?

Brian was getting tipsy and uninhibited. "She's beautiful like you -- not as beautiful as you, Mom! But like a real grown-up woman. And she's funny and cool and she likes me a lot. I like hanging out with her."

"You seem to spend a lot of time with her. Is it just it in her office?"

"No, we go to her house sometimes. She and her husband are taking a break."

"What do you do in her house? Just talk?"

The wine was going to Brian's head.


"Well, what do you do there?"

"We, um, well...."

"Well, what?"

Brian blushed.

"Are you and Dr. York fucking? Answer me, son."

"Yes, we are."

Heather smiled. Between her and Juliet and Laura, Brian was probably getting all he could handle, even for a boy his age. That would keep him from getting involved with girls his age who might eventually want something more serious.

"That's good. I want you to gain more experience and you'll learn more from her than from a stupid bitch like that Olivia. Do you enjoy sex with her?"

"Yeah. She's like you -- she knows what she likes and tells me to give it to her."

"Does she like having sex with you?"

"She says so. She says for a guy my age, I know what I'm doing. And she likes that I care about pleasing her."

"Who taught you what you know?"

"You did."

"Damned right I did. I'm glad that you are pleasing her. You certainly please me."

Brian smiled.

"Thanks, Mom."

"Show your gratitude to me by giving me a massage."

They walked upstairs to their bedroom. Heather stripped and lay face down on her bed. Brian turned off the lights and lit a couple of vanilla candles.

Brian began by rubbing her shoulders.

"Yeah, that's good, boy. Do it for Mommy."

Brian worked her back and arms with long, slow strokes. He rubbed his thumbs in a circular pattern all over her back. He then kneaded her butt and thighs.

Brian asked Heather to flip over. He gently fondled her breasts and then kissed her stomach. Heather felt herself breathing a little harder. Then she felt his hands rubbing her lips up and down. After a few minutes, he began stimulating her clit.

"There you go, boy," she thought.

He got more and more intense. She felt herself getting increasingly aroused. "Fuuuuck," she cried out. She moaned and trembled and panted. Brian kept working her clit hard. Finally, she felt herself come.

Heather was now soaking wet. Brian soon buried his face in her hairy muff., licking away at her clit. "Yeah, boy, that's what I like," she exclaimed. Her son eagerly flicked her tongue over and over. Heather felt herself tensing up and then relaxing. Her breathing got heavier. Finally, she cried out in joy as she had her third orgasm of the day.

"What a good boy you are. My beautiful, beautiful son, " Heather said, before turning over and falling asleep.


The week after Thanksgiving, Heather stopped by the campus to see Brian.

She had emailed Laura, asking her to dinner at a fashionable French restaurant. After all, she was her son's favorite professor, why shouldn't they get to know each other a little? They sat down at a table in the back. Heather noticed that the professor was dressed in a rather revealing way for a woman her age. Brian's attention was making Laura feel more comfortable with her body. Good.

The two women made pleasant conversation over their salads and entrees. After they had finished, Heather changed her tone just a little. She began discussing how college life had changed since she was young. For example, when she was a student, sexual affairs between faculty and students were common. But things had changed.

Heather looked Laura directly in the eyes. "I have read that intimate relationships between faculty and students are forbidden at your school. Even for tenured faculty, the consequences can be serious. And sometimes people who think something is totally secret turn out to be wrong..."

"I understand."

"I realize that you and my son are spending a lot of time together. I am happy about your friendship and I think you are a good influence on him. Sometimes such friendships can take a more intimate turn. I would also approve of such a relationship. But I think that you should also understand that my relationship with my son will always take precedence."

"Yes, that is clear."

"Would such a relationship be a major commitment by you? Or just a bit of fun?"

"Just a bit of fun."

Heather smiled and sipped her wine.

She asked Laura if she expected to go back to her husband eventually.

"Yes, I do. I think we both needed to sow some wild oats. But we both love each other and I can't imagine us divorcing."

"That is good to hear."

Heather and Laura decided to split a crème brûlée for dessert. Heather commented that she usually stayed away from sweets, but she was in an especially cheerful mood. The two women clinked their glasses and drank the rest of the wine.


Heather and Brian had been through so much that year. She decided that they should celebrate Christmas somewhere that they could express their love freely. Juliet suggested Paradise Bay, a luxury resort on one of the smaller Caribbean islands. It appealed to many wealthy, single, middle-aged women -- enough to create jokes about "Alimony Bay" or "Cougar Bay." An older woman / younger man couple would not attract attention.

After they arrived, Heather found the resort just to her liking. The dining options were fabulous, and of course, she had trained Brian well enough that his manners were exquisite and his dress always appropriate. The two of them could dance for hours at night. , and of course, Brian showed off his skills there. There was an excellent spa with massages, hot tubs, aromatherapy, and facials -- all top-notch. Their room was up to her high standards, and of course, so was Brian's lovemaking.

The pools and beaches were fantastic, whether for swimming or sunbathing. Enough women had brought young lovers that there was ample opportunity for quality boy-watching.

The beach had a nude section, which she enjoyed. Not only did she appreciate the looks that her ample butt received, she loved how women were clearly checking out Brian. In an objective sense, he wasn't quite an Adonis, but he was now a very handsome man who had developed the self-confidence he had long lacked. There were plenty of cougar-cub couples, so Heather and Brian fit in well -- but she was confident that they were the most attractive of them all.

When women found out that Brian belonged to her, they congratulated her on scoring such a delicious young guy. "What can I say, I know where to find them," she said with a laugh.

She could see older women who were clearly there to hire some of the local "talent." Heather congratulated herself on being fiscally responsible by keeping her procurement in-house.

While she was checking in, Heather found herself chatting with another visitor, a woman named Kerri Wheeler. She had stayed there before and gave her some pointers (including a discreet tip on where to get some quality local weed). She was there with a handsome young man named Nathan. Heather noticed that they shared a similar tall, thin build and raven-black hair. "Interesting," she thought. They had dinner together that night and had all gotten along really well. Kerri and Nathan clearly knew each other very well.

A couple of days later, Heather ran into Kerri on the beach. They got adjoining chairs in an out-of-the-way area and spent their time relaxing, sipping daiquiris, checking out the boys, casually chatting.

"You've never told me Nathan's name."

"His name is Nathan."

"No, his last name."

"Why do you ask?"

"Just curious. You know that my name is Heather Manning."


"Brian's last name is Manning, too. Funny coincidence, don't you think?"


"Maybe it's not a coincidence."

Kerri looked nervous. Heather smiled. Kerri smiled back. They gave each other a high five.

"Mothers of the Year!" Heather exclaimed. Kerri just laughed.

Naturally, Kerri and Heather made plans for the new couples to become better acquainted. They met after dinner in Kerri's suite.

The dinner conversation was light-hearted; all four of them were relaxed now that they could be open about their love.

The Wheelers had followed a similar path: Kerri had seduced Nathan and they quickly moved into a torrid affair. Nathan was a couple of years older than Brian, so he had just graduated from college. Like the Mannings, they had an open relationship but the mother-son love always came first. Unlike Brian, Nathan had not been a virgin. Kerri had actually stolen him from his girlfriend.


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