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Futanari Note Ch. 01

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Jessy finds a notebook to change everything.
1.7k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/09/2019
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(Hey so this is my own version of sexgundam666's futa note, my absolute fav author. He gave me authorization to post this story of mine. I hope you'll all enjoy this story, its one of my first ones. And please bear with me for the first few mins)


Damn school sucked. I was sitting in my third lesson of math, consecutively. All I did was stare out the window, and the window desk I sat on helped a lot in procrastination. 15 minuted left, and I could finally leave for lunch, no more lessons awaiting me in the afternoon. I was thinking about what amazing dish I would cook once I was home when I saw a little black booklet fall from the sky outside the window. Who the fuck would throw a book off the roof? Giving it not much thought I went back to procrastination, ata professional level.

After the lesson was finally over I rushed out of class, into the front yard, rushing to catch the next school bus. I ran past the booklet, and without looking at what it was or who owned it put it in my pocket. The great thing about rushing on that one bus on Wednesday after school was that Diana would do the same, and a tad quicker than me, meaning she was always a bit in front of me, her skirt being lifted by the wind, giving me a great look at her beautiful, perfect, round ass.

I never talked to her though. She was in a total different group of friends, an other clique. She wasn't the most popular, nor was she a loser, a good in between, just like me. She has been my crush for the past two years, but im pretty sure she's not into girls, so yeah, there go my dreams. I thought many times about confessing to her, but I guess im too shy for that.

I sat a few seats behind her, having a few mid-day fantasies, about her and her great body, her beautiful face and the shiny, golden long hair that complimented her body. I gave the booklet in my pocket no more thoughts until after lunch.

After having eaten a homemade plate of original linguine carbonara I changed into some comfy trainers and hopped on my bed, with the booklet in my hand. Time to explore someone else's secrets. Little did I know this would end pretty (and) fucked.

Futa note, it said on the front page. Whatever that meant. I flipped the first page and got to a page called "rules":

  1. Any name written in this booklet will turn that person into a Futanari.

  2. If not specified, the transformation will take place 60s after the name was initially written.

  3. If not specified, the transformation will be random in the details of the transformation.

  4. The vaguer the details, the vaguer the result.

After reading the first page and flipping it, I saw there were a shitton of rules, more than 30. I skipped all those. Who has time for this kind of shit? And what was a futanari? After the rules came blank pages. A lot of them. Was this ever used? Or should I say, was this ever even fantasized about?

First, before I decided what to do with this weird thing, I had to research what "futanaris" were. I opened a new tab on safari, typed it in and got the first link, urban dictionary.


Futanaris are essentially women with both male and female sexes, mostly over endowed.

Well that's some kinky ass shit. What kind of perverted person would like something like that? Although I could fuck Diana with a cock... Fuck it. I decided writing one name in there wouldn't hurt.

I decided to put in my own name, with the odds being zero anyways. But did I want to write some details? I thought for a bit. I looked at a picture of me riding a horse, back when I was 13, 5 years ago. I got it.

Jessy Keller: a big horsecock with nice balls will grow

And then, even though this was a total flaunt, I waited a bit, nervously.

I looked at the clock. 60 seconds had passed. I breathed out, relieved for some reason. Nothing had happened. Obviously. I threw the booklet in the trash and got to watching Netflix.

I should've read all the rules.

An hour later, having finished the new season of the Punisher, pissed about how it might've been the last one, I stood up to get some snacks. I grabbed myself some chips and a coke. On the way back I passed the full body mirror and took some secs to check myself out. My hair was messy, reaching down to my nipples of my B-cups. My eyes were a very light blue and I absolutely thank my mom for that. I had a very flat stomach which ended in my pretty ok ass, now covered by my baggy trainers. As I stood there, in front of the giant mirror, chewing some chips, I just thought "what are you doing with your life Jessy" and continued to my bed, once more. I tried finding another show to watch, munching on chips, when I fell asleep.

I awoke about 2h later. Groggily I sat up, and saw all the spilled chips on the bed. Shit, I thought mo myself and got up to go to pee and then to clean that mess up. Still numb from the nap, I made my way to the bathroom, dropped my pants and (tight) panties and flopped onto the toilet. With the quick sit my balls slapped onto the cold toilet seat.


I had fucking balls?!? In shock I opened my eyes and stared down at two apple sized, dark and fur coated balls. I panicked, jumped up, and peed myself from the shock. But no shaft was visible. That meant I still had a pussy, given that there was pee running down my legs. I grabbed the balls hanging above my pussy, and they felt real. Oh fuck. Oh shit. What was this? Was I dreaming? I sat back down and took a deep breath, or at least tried to do so. I slapped myself. Still here. Twice. Still here. Was this real? I had a tear rolling down my side.

Having regained some of my sanity, I took a minute to inspect my transformation. Right above the furry, dark, mostly giant ballsack was something very weird. With the diameter of about 2 inches, there was a ring of fur that stood out, with a nub in the middle, all in all sticking out not more ½ an inch from my normal skin level. That must be the sheath to my cock, I thought. At least it wasn't very detectible.

After having decided not to touch that, I took one of my balls in my hands. They were heavy. And then I gave them a squeeze.

A bolt of electricity shot through my body. My nipples immediately perked up, my pussy going wet almost instantly. That had felt insane. I took both balls in both hands and gave both of them an even harder squeeze. Ecstasy shot through me, and I felt my balls suddenly fill up as soon as I squeezed them. Looking down, I could see something happen: my balls grew; slowly but steadily. And then, I saw something even weirder, and felt something I never felt before:

My sheath extended almost instantly, an entire foot long. But that wasn't all: out of the sheath shot the rest of a black, monstrous horsecock, sending a huge wave of unknown pleasure to every inch of my body.

There I sat, panting, on the toilet seat, with a 2 foot horsecock, putting every stallion to shame, and from that hanging two balls as large as cantaloupes. I needed relief. I grabbed the shaft by the base and thrust up violently getting it closer to me, and as soon as I reached the top a huge gulp of precum shot out the the tip, onto the mirror in front. Simultaneously, my pussy exploded in an orgasm, my juices almost filling the toilet up to the rim.

If that was one thrust, what would the rest feel like? I kept stroking my monster prick, continuously cumming from my pussy, the toilet-bowl overflowing with the juices that now covered the entire floor. After what felt like hours but actually were a mere 3 minutes, I came. And I came, a lot. The entire mirror in front of me was covered in cum, the floor in front of it covered too.

I sat there for at least 10 minutes, borderline unconscious, after getting my strength together to inspect the mess I made. I looked down on myself. I was covered in sweat. My horsecock was half the length now, but still had the same diameter. I guess it was sheathed now, but not completely. My balls were back to the size of apples. I stood up, getting used to the new weight dangling around. My trainers were totally soaked from my pussyjuices

overflowing the toilet. Taking a look inside it, I flushed it, and miraculously it all disappeared, not clogging. Then I took a quick look at my watch. It was 5:46 already?! My parents could come home any moment from work! I sped up the cleaning process, bottomless, with my dick slapping my thighs. A bit distracting.

I managed to have cleaned up the entire bathroom by 6:05 pm. The only thing to worry about now was, well, my new giant appendages. None of my pants would fit.

Wait. It was sheathed completely before it came out right? Could it be retracted like that again?

I sat down on my bed and tried flexing any muscle down there. Sometimes it moved, but nothing else. It was getting frustrating. My parents would be home any second now, coming from work.

I tried, and failed.

I tried again, and failed once more.

It had to work.

It needed to work.

And then the doorknob turned.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

chaptr plz

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Can't wait to see where this goes, good job

LargeChungusLargeChungusabout 6 years agoAuthor
Thank you all

Thanks for the support, and i’m sure to get into your wishes one at a time! Chapter 2 will be submitted soon, hope you’ll like it given that this is one of my first erotic stories.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Nice writing

Keep writing and don't let others criticism stop you!

PrinzmettlePrinzmettleabout 6 years ago
Very Nice Start!

I love futa stories and you seem to have jumped right in. I am lusting for part two (and 3 and 4 . . .). Ignore the trolls. If they don't like your fantasies, they can read Charles Dickens.

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