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Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 006


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"Yes, please, just do it, just OH!" Garrett slid inside her, balls deep, and she came, her whole body shaking. Moaning loudly, Garrett pulled his cock back out, laughing, then pushed back into her.

"OH! OH YES!" She came again, her legs nearly giving out beneath her. Garrett laughed, slapping her ass as hard as he could.

"I knew it! I knew you were a slut!" He pounded her relentlessly, his balls beating against her like a moth against a lit porch light. "And all of your monsters, those freaky abominations inside, they will learn to fear me! I have real power now, the power to make them obey!" The magic spell he cast held strong, which meant that Emily came over and over again, her heart frantically beating just to keep up. Each orgasm piled on top of the last, waves of passion that now threatened to drown her in their magical strength. In the back of her mind, what was left of her consciousness screamed for help, realizing that her body couldn't take much more.

"Wait!" Garrett shoved Emily off of him. She collapsed on the deck, barely able to move, grateful to comply with his new directive. "I want the nymph to see this." Garrett had always been obsessed with Naia, who had refused to have anything to do with him. In hindsight, that should have been the first warning, but hindsight was only good when you still had options remaining. Panting on the porch, her chest on fire, Emily was officially out of options.

Garrett grabbed her by the hair, pulling hard on her braid. "Crawl, but just enough that you move. I want you to drag a little." Emily said nothing, but assisted just enough that Garrett pulled her through the front door of the house.

"Daddy's home, you little fucks!" Doors slammed and shadows fled, but Emily could only look at the floor as the house erupted in chaos.


"We've encountered another block." Naia frowned at Mike. Mike blinked at the ceiling, then wiped moisture from his eyes.

"That guy fucked me," He said. "He fucked me and I couldn't do anything about it. He used that wand of his to make me want it. I feel all twisted up inside. Emily's memories are my memories, but they're not, so..." Mike shivered.

"Those are her feelings, and they will fade. He fucked Emily, not you. You're fine." Naia kissed Mike on the forehead. "The threat of being forced to fuck is a woman's curse. Never forget that."

"Why are you showing me this?" Mike asked. "Why would you show me something so terrible?"

"So that you can see that even Emily made mistakes." Naia touched his head. "On your worst days, I want you to remember that everybody has their own burdens to bear. Now relax."

"I don't think I can handle much more," Mike admitted. "I feel like this is too much."

"Emily had to deal with it. You need to see how it ends, or you'll never feel like justice was served."

Mike sat in silence for several seconds, unmoving. Closing his eyes, he let out a deep breath. "I trust you, Naia." She placed her fingers on his temples once more.


They shoved through the back door together, blood running down Garrett's arm and a piece of Emily's dress torn away. Garrett swore, using his wand to seal the bite mark on his arm back up. Pushing Emily to the concrete in front of him, he stared at the fountain where Naia stood, waiting.

"Let her go," Naia said. The water behind her had formed into several tall water spouts, each of them tilting toward Garrett, swirling menacingly.

"Or what? You'll get me wet?" Garrett drew his wand. Naia unleashed a blast of water intended to knock him off his feet, but Garrett froze the water and the contents of the fountain with a beam of frost from his wand. Naia screamed, the water freezing in place around her legs, pinning her in place.

"No, damn you!" Naia tried to yank herself free, and Garrett laughed.

"Oh yes. You had some fighters inside, and they all lay motionless, just waiting for me once I'm done with you." Garrett pulled his dick free of his pants, erect and pointing at the sky. He dragged Emily to the fountain, climbing inside to stand next to Naia. "You're going to give me the Nymph's Blessing, or I will kill Emily and bury this fountain."

"You can't!" Naia said.

"Oh, but I can!" Garrett pointed his wand at the house. "And none of you can stop me!" Faces disappeared behind curtains, the monsters in the house hiding in fear. "The creatures in this house will serve me, but it has to start with you. Give me the Blessing that I may become the rightful owner of this place, or I will murder every single one of you!"

"Emily? Emily!" Naia waved her hands frantically at Emily, who couldn't move. "Please, help, somebody!"

Garrett laughed. "Oh yes! I am so glad I came for you first! Scream, cry, beg! I want to hear it all!" His wand glowed, causing icy hands to grow from the ice, pinning the nymph in place. "Every last one of you will bow, and I will use your gifts to collect even more of you. I left here a man, and I return a wizard. Now watch me become a god."

The icy limbs forced Naia to bend over. Garrett laughed, Emily blinked, and the whole world came to a crawl. Garrett released Emily, stroking his dick with one hand while keeping his wand pointed at Naia with the other. "I can keep you alive for quite some time, just like this. How many times will I be able to fuck you before you give in?" He slapped his dick against her ass.

Tink scurried out from beneath the bushes, scrambling across the ground on all fours. She was fast, silent, and Garrett was too busy staring at Naia's ass to see her. Leaping through the air, she collided with Garrett, knocking him off his feet.

"Who the fuck are you?" He shouted, wrestling with the angry goblin. Punching her in the head soon proved worthless, so he fought to aim his wand downward, but it was too long-he accidentally fired a spell into the ice below, causing it to explode, icy shards spraying everywhere. He punched her in the face several times, causing her grip to loosen, allowing him to force her down and away. Aiming his wand to vaporize her, he realized his sudden mistake as Tink suddenly shifted her weight.

Tink bit down on his dick with needle sharp teeth, sinking her claws into Garrett's thighs as she tried to shake him like a dog shakes its prey.

"AHHH!" Garrett misfired his spell, shattering one of the ice pillars nearby. Tink ripped her head away from his crotch, taking part of Garrett's manhood with her. She spat it out.

"How dare you! How dare you attack my family! I'll kill you!" She shrieked. Garrett curled into a ball to squirm away from her, but Tink wasn't having it. She leapt on him again, fighting to take away his magic wand. It was pointed at her head when the spell was cast, a blue blast of energy that knocked Tink through the air and into the side of the house. Falling behind the bushes, the goblin disappeared.

"This can't be happening, it can't!" Garrett dropped his wand, holding what was left of his injured dick, groaning into the ice. "I worked too hard for this! I will grind you up into a paste you worthless bitch!" He noticed the shadow fall over him, looking up at his attacker.

"Die, you fucker." Emily stood over him, the spell broken. She held up a chunk of ice the size of a basketball and brought it down on his head, smashing in his skull.


Emily stood outside the greenhouse, Garrett's dead body lying in the grass.

"Sweet pea!" She called, opening the door. The Mandragora vines appeared, coiling around her arms lovingly. She was covered in Garrett's blood from trying to drag his heavy ass all the way through the yard. It had taken her some time to empty his pockets-he had been traveling with so many jars and vials stored in magic, room sized pockets inside of his coat. "I have a meal for you!"

"Help us get rid of the trash," Abella added. She stood next to Garrett, holding his magic wand. The Mandragora slithered across the yard, wrapping gently around the dead body. A thin vine rose to shoulder height in front of Abella , who handed over the wand.

"Make him disappear," Emily said, wiping tears from her face. The plant wrapped several vines around the magic wand, dragging it and its owner away into the greenhouse. Emily shut the door behind it, falling to her knees. The tears came in torrents now, soaking her face.

"Don't cry." Abella wrapped her arms around Emily's shaking shoulders. "Don't cry. It's going to be okay."

"I put everyone in danger. Tink saved us, even though I was so awful to her. I almost lost this place because I couldn't keep my knees together! And now they're saying Tink may never wake up. It's all my fault!"

"Everyone make mistakes. Do a good job and make up for it. Like Tink." Abella used the edge of her wing to wipe away Emily's tears, the leathery stone surprisingly soft. Emily could only look at the gargoyle through her own tears, a parade of regrets marching through her mind.

"Okay. I'll do a good job. Just like Tink did."


Mike stared at the ceiling, contemplating what had just transpired. He could remember the cold rage, the helplessness, all of it, Emily's tears down his face, soaking her blouse.

"What happened next?" Mike asked.

"Tink recovered, but as hard as her little head is, the injury did something to her brain. She's just as smart as she ever was, but something happens between her brain and her mouth. It was almost a decade before she could string any words together in a sentence. Because of this, Emily almost never left the house again. She figured that, unless it was an emergency, she would take care of the occupants of this place. Garrett was a mistake. Anyone who comes inside of this home becomes a part of this place in one way or another. It's why he was able to walk in without any trouble."

Mike remembered the blood on Garrett's arm. "Well, some trouble."

Naia nodded. "I'm no fighter. Many of us aren't. That's your job. You are our bridge to the outside world. If that bridge should fail, it can spell our doom. We fight if we must, but that was never what this place was about. It is meant to be a home, not a keep. That goes double for our caretaker."

Mike leaned his head back, looking into Naia's bright, blue eyes.

"Emily made her mistakes. I know I'm going to make a ton, too. But I swear I will do my best to keep this house safe, for all of us."

Naia leaned forward, her lips gently touching Mike's.

"Consider that an oath, lover." She kissed him again, her lips soft. Mike caressed her cheek with his hand, basking in the silence of the house.

The doorbell rang. Mike swore to himself, getting out of the water.

"If I find out Tink ordered pizza again..." He stopped himself, a thin smile on his lips. "Well. If she did, I hope she picked something better than pineapple this time."


Elizabeth sat in the old, wooden chair in the library. It was uncomfortable, and creaked every time she shifted, but wood was required. The tome she perused was old, likely to fall apart at the slightest provocation. She turned its pages slowly, copying the letters within. Simply snapping pictures of this magical tome would never work, the resulting image always blank. Every time she finished copying a page by hand, the ink on the old page would disappear, its magic released. She slowly transcribed the ancient tome into a leather bound book, arcane symbols swirling above her writing surface as they infused the new page with magic. The world around her was still, the result of a spell of silence.

Sarah stormed into the library, throwing a book of her own. It was odd to see her daughter behaving in such a manner, doubly so to see her rant but not hear it. Elizabeth finished transcribing her current page and set her quill down. Stoppering the vial of human blood she had been writing with, she snapped her fingers, breaking the spell.

"-and to top it all of, some asshole hacked our website and my profile picture is a giant dick!" Sarah kicked the book, launching it across the room. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"The spells in that book are worth millions," Elizabeth chastised her. Knowledge dating back millennia had been lovingly transferred to its pages eight decades ago. "It is not a thing for you to treat so lightly."

"Oh fuck it. We've had the knowledge in this book memorized for centuries." Sarah aimed another kick at the book, but it shot across the room, landing gently in Elizabeth's hands.

"Not everyone in the Society has memorized them. It would do you good to remember that just because you are my daughter does not mean that you will be protected from the others. The Society is a democracy now, and I am beholden to the consequences of a group vote."

"Ha. Only fools would dare to challenge my magic." To make her point, Sarah scorched the floor with a small blast of lightning, causing Elizabeth's ears to ring.

"And only fools throw tantrums such as yours. Now tell me what has you so riled up, my child." Elizabeth found the spot for the book, sliding it into the gap where it belonged. The whole bookshelf gave off a blue glow, a powerful spell that would neutralize anyone curious enough to take the book without permission.

Sarah lifted her shirt, revealing the skin just below her breasts. A dark stain, like soot, was smeared across her belly in roughly the shape of a fish. "My fire elemental was destroyed, and now I can't wear a bikini for a year!"

"We can make you a new fire elemental," Elizabeth muttered, examining the mark. Sarah had trapped the elemental beneath her skin, a magical tattoo that was freed at her whim. Elizabeth had borrowed it from her in an effort to get it to ride into the Radley house with Mike, to kill him if he turned down their offer. Upon its demise, it had left behind a third degree burn on Sarah's stomach. Already the flesh was peeling off, revealing soft muscle tissue beneath. "Daryl can fix this for you."

"But I liked that one." Sarah dropped her shirt, throwing herself into one of the chairs, crossing her long legs. "It's the principle of the thing. I summoned that creature over a century ago. It was like a pet, and there's no way that idiot could have done it on his own. No fucking way he could have extinguished it."

"So in response, you want to treat the books in our collection like garbage?" Elizabeth examined the tome on the table, stroking its pages. "I'm half tempted to turn you into a weasel for a week."

"You always were mother of the year." Sarah turned sideways on the chair, kicking her legs impatiently. "There has to be something we can do. You tried to play nice, we offered him far more than the house is worth."

"And there is no way he could have taken out the elemental on his own." Elizabeth frowned. "It's obvious that he has discovered at least one of the house's secrets."

"You don't suppose-" Sarah sat upright in her chair, clutching her amulet. "I mean, he couldn't have..."

"The guardians of that home have been there for decades. We would have known if they had found it. Garrett would have known. Maybe even the whole world would know." Elizabeth stood, crossing the room to her daughter. "You told me earlier that we shouldn't have bothered trying to do things diplomatically. The longer we wait, the more power he will draw from those... things. We need to send something into the house that won't easily be spotted. Something that can get in and out without a trace, something that the creatures in the house can't defend him against." She held out her hand. "I'm going to need the blood sample."

"You mean this?" Sarah grinned, pulling a leaf from her bra. It had a single spot of blood on it, a tiny red spot on an otherwise ordinary leaf.

"I saw you pull it. He almost saw you too. That should have been our first warning. Despite our glamours, he didn't fall for charm, whimsy, or distraction. He is obviously warded."

Sarah laughed. "You can't remember the last time a man didn't fall all over himself to impress you, can you?" She handed the leaf over to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth stared at the blood spot, a murderous grin on her face. She walked across the room to a portrait on the wall, a picture of the Society's founder. Behind the painting was a safe. Typing in the pass code, she withdrew a glowing ruby from the safe. Holding the two objects side by side, the ruby glowed brighter, illuminating the cruelty in her eyes.

"Yes, well neither can she."

I hope you enjoyed this magical flashback! Also, evil forces are gathering, and they will make their move soon enough. If you enjoyed this, don't forget to rate it. Check/follow my bio for Horny Monster news, I update it every time I get ready to post! Much love to the Lit community, you folks are so awesome, tell all your friends!

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Gym52Gym522 months ago

Another extremely interesting chapter.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I’ve been reading close to non-stop for many months now and I’m finding gems like this that haven’t had a comment for months & months. Can’t understand it. There ought to be a way to advertise stories like this.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This is just an emotional Rollercoaster , one of the greatest one i'e read

texlootexloo3 months ago

I started reading this series expecting your average, run-of-the-mill monster girl harem story. Instead I finding this is an actually fully thought out, professional level, free novel. There is a bloody good reason this series tops the Literotica charts.

Hearthfire223Hearthfire22310 months ago


Rereading. I hadn't noted first time the significance of Garret(RIP) saying he'd already amassed a collection of monsters.

I wonder if we'll ever meet them, possibly in hiding or imprisoned somewhere...

Marklynda2Marklynda210 months ago

Wow Tink to the rescue and by a cringe-worthy solution!

Very enlightening chapter, definitely helps to put things in perspective. Looking forward to reading more and seeing how the new threats are handled and what other house residents introduce themselves. I'm awed by your and your Muse's abilities. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

One of the best stories ever written imo. Excited for more! 😁

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago


lukeey90lukeey90about 1 year ago

Tink is my favorite.

DruggoDruggoabout 1 year ago

Wow comments section is hot.

Life is savage.

From the fight out of the womb to the fight for everyday breaths.

I had no comments for this chapter until I saw the comments.

This is a life and death situation for the house.

Life is chaos. We all sit on a ball of dirt hurtling through space at thousands of miles per hour waiting to be cooked by a solar flare

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It’s a fantasy, and I’m not offended by where it has gone so far. Rapes happen in real life, in movies, and in novels. Like murder and other horrible things. I’m really surprised at anyone who’s a reader on this site getting wound up about it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What the fuck.

Did someone hit you over the head or something?

We've gone from a somewhat wholesome series to rape, suffering and the goddamn nymph forcing the mc to experience how it is to be raped.

At least give a warning before throwing that shit at us.

Were you trying to make your nymph look like a psychopath?

She subjects a character to a vivid rape memory then tells him he'll get over it because the experience was borrowed. Oh he's "fine"...

As the cherry on the cake, he must 'never forget that forced-to-penetrate isn't real rape'. This is especially rich coming from a character who forced herself on him sexually in the first chapter.

I don't get the impression this exercise in gaslighting was intentional

frayedtuxedofrayedtuxedoover 1 year ago

To all the folks seeing this as a rape fantasy - let me give you my point of view...

Yes, this is about rape. And if it was depicted in a somehow positive or excusable way, I might agree with you.

But it's not. It's depicted as what rape is - brutal, degrading and cruel. The victims are shown as being massively hurt - one becomes a recluse, another suffers brain damage.

As much as I hate it - rape is a fact of life. As is murder. Both destroy lives - and not only that of the direct victim.

And no matter how hard we try - we won't be able to eradicate it entirely. Sorry, but that's the way it is.

There's a difference between promoting rape and _describing_ it...

(Somehow, nobody takes offence when an author describes a murder.)

Dreamdog519Dreamdog519over 1 year ago

There is nothing more disgusting than rape! I knew a bright vibrant young woman in college who was raped by a group of guys who drugged her. Somehow she blamed herself for it happening. She slowly slipped into madness and finally suicide in spite of her religious beliefs. It is no joke! Otherwise a good story.

YiftoYiftoover 1 year ago

Woah people are whack down here. Acting like rape or warning of rape is an agenda??

The rape was a sudden turn but as soon as he put her under the spell I expected it to happen considering his demeanor. Also when he ordered he to blow him the rape started next paragraph so it could have been avoided. Warning would be good. Never know when somebody can be fucked by it tho.

So.. pizza girl is gonna see some monsters? Future ally or a plant? She already walked into the house. What about that lawyer lady? Plot thickens.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"The threat of being forced to fuck is a woman's curse".

Mevermind the fact that Mike says to Naia in the second chapter that she almost raped him.

Rape is everyone's curse, women and men.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I love the story so far, but would REALLY appreciate a warning if there's going to be any more rape scenes. It's a lot harder to handle when you don't know it's coming.

ShadowClonesShadowClonesalmost 2 years ago

"The threat of being forced to fuck is a woman's curse"? Really? That's some feminist sexist drivel from atop a soapbox, but great plot overall.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Story is great and enjoying it, but content warning for rape would be nice, especially as it came out of nowhere.

chucktastic75chucktastic75over 2 years ago

Not only a great story, but the erotica is amazing as well. You have kept me interested the whole time cant wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The plot thickens! This is getting even better every chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
Warning please

Hate rape stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Please put a rape trigger warning on chapters like this! 😡

RagintigerRagintigerabout 3 years ago
Loving it

I am 100% hooked, cannot put it down.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
best series ever

Please keep writing

The deep dive into the Emily’s past, tender and shocking as it was, makes your storytelling deeply compelling.

Grimjack01Grimjack01over 3 years ago
Very good

Excellent (I know I overuse it but the authors are very good) character development, the bad guys are really bad almost Japanese in their evilness. They good guys are very flawed. This is really shaping up to be a Well developed story.

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