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Persuading PeeJ

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Bella persuades her former boss to give her a private demonstration.
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As given to PeeJ by Bella.


This is Bella’s response to my story, “Bella’s Persuasion”, posted a while ago. You might prefer to read “Bella’s Persuasion” first, but this can be read as a stand-alone story.

A week or two ago, in an alcohol-induced fit of bravura, I showed the original story to Bella, the girl featured in the story. I told her that I had posted it to an erotic story website. She went apoplectic and I thought I had totally blown our friendship. When she eventually calmed down a bit I tried to explain. I pointed out that I hadn’t used her real name so there was no way she could be identified.

In due course she saw the funny side of it and was quite intrigued that what had happened would have been read by people all over the world. I think she must have something of latent exhibitionism in her, in fact I know she has.

She then said that she was going to write her own version of what occurred and that I was to agree to post it on the same website for her, and that I was not to alter it in any way. I wasn’t entirely happy with this arrangement, but she had something of a steely glint in her eye which finally made me agree, albeit reluctantly. This is her version. (Actually I did edit a bit and correct a couple typos).


Bella’s Story

It all started when I was nineteen and got a new job and went to work for this company, but that was five years ago, and I’ve changed quite a bit since then.

Pee J was my boss and I ended up working for him for several years. In the end I felt that I was not likely to progress in the position I held so finally I got off my bottom and found myself another and much better job.

I was always rather fond of Pee J and although we had our disagreements, we actually got on rather well in spite of, or maybe because of, the difference in our ages, he being a heap older than me.

He helped me out a couple of times with personal difficulties and he always seemed to be prepared to do things for me, even outside work. I also soon caught him looking at me a few times and I eventually realised he probably fancied me a bit.

I’ve got quite a decent figure and I like think that I have particularly nice boobs, a good shape and size. I am really proud of them, though I’ve never been one to show them off as I really don't care for men ogling, so usually I wear rather loose fitting tops and sweaters. Only rarely do I show any cleavage, maybe away from work to tempt a boyfriend (or his friends) sometimes.

I have to say, however, that in spite of being mostly so discreet in the office, sometimes I would arch my back and stretch if I thought Pee J was looking, because I was sure it turned him on. I think I must have something of a teasing nature in me.

He never realised that I knew he was looking, but for me that only added a bit of spice. I didn't do it all that often but just enough to keep him interested. I sort of liked him leching at me – as long as he wasn't too obvious. Over the course of time I also realised that I could easily twist him round my little finger, at least for minor things. Persuading him to fetch me a cup of coffee was never a problem!

For most of my time while at the firm I had a long-term boyfriend and although it wasn't entirely satisfactory it served its purpose. Whether it was because of this or because of the age difference, or the problems of office relationships, I don't know, but Pee J never hit on me. He might have looked but he never touched. Occasionally part of me wished he would, just once.

After I left the firm we stayed in touch. He was divorced and didn’t seem to have a permanent girlfriend around, and by this time my own boyfriend had definitely become an ex-boyfriend. In fact, the boyfriend becoming an ex, happened whilst I was still working for Pee J.

My boyfriend of the time had a rundown cottage in Spain which he was doing up and I’d gone out there for a couple of weeks holiday.

I think I must have mentioned how Pee J had done a couple of things for me, anyway, Tony, my boyfriend, put two and two together and made five. He thought we must be having an affair. The old green eye was really glowing. Once I realised, I made sure I didn’t mention Pee J again, but it was too late, and it became clear it had affected not only my stay there but also my whole relationship with Tony.

Shortly after returning to work I was called into the office of the Human Resources’ manager. He asked if it was true that Pee J had been sexually harassing me. I was stunned. Not only was it untrue but I could not imagine how such an idea had arisen. He then told me that he had received a phone call from my “fiancé” saying that I had complained to him that Pee J was coming on to me.

I was furious and told the HR manager that firstly, I had no fiancé and secondly, no, Pee J was not harassing me sexually or in any other way. That was the final straw giving a not-so-reluctant big E to that creep of a boyfriend!

It was only a few weeks after that I found myself another job with more responsibility and more money. It also meant that Pee J was no longer my boss and so it put us on a much more equal footing.

At the time I never mentioned my interview with HR to Pee J, nor that I had split from by boyfriend, but a few days later we went out for a drink. Almost casually he said, “Bella, you didn’t enjoy your holiday much, did you?”

I was quite taken aback that I had made it that obvious. No one else had said anything.

“What happened? Did you and Tony have a row?”

I didn’t answer for quite awhile, trying to decide what I should say. I didn’t want him to be upset by the accusation, nor did I want him to think it was an invitation for him to come onto me. I decided to come clean on the former and risk the latter.

When I told him about HR questioning me about him sexually harassing me, he stared at me bog-eyed and turned puce. I think he must have immediately grasped the implications for him if I’d said it was true. Supposing I had wanted to get back at him for something and said it was true, he’d have lost his job and, without references, probably would have had problems finding another.

I placated him and looked him in the eye and I could see him visibly melt. He’s such a puppy dog. I decided that next time we went out I would wear a tighter shirt and maybe leave an extra button undone. I felt I owed him that at least, and anyway, by that time, I had made up my mind to leave. In the meantime if he did make a pass I would deal with it in my own way, definitely not through HR. Anyway, I was pretty sure he wouldn’t – after what had happened he would be most unlikely to risk his job, especially as I had told him I was looking for another one.

Shortly after that I had a new job, money in my pocket, went out with a few guys, nothing long lasting and continued to see Pee J from time to time. I enjoyed those evenings out. He always looked after me, and very rarely let me pay for dinner!

I‘d developed this habit of playing the innocent with him. In part it was true, but I think I laid it on a bit thick. I wasn’t as inexperienced as I made out. I liked to ask him about all aspects of sex, partly because he was the one guy I could say just about anything to, and partly as I knew it turned him on.

One time in a restaurant I asked him to describe exactly what he liked when being given a blow job, how should a girl go about it, where were the most sensitive parts, what gave him the biggest thrill and so on.

Another time we were in a restaurant with occupied tables close around us, I asked him about anal sex and made him tell me everything about it. About using lubricants, taking it slowly, making the girl relax, cleanliness after and so on.

I am sure our neighbours must have heard what we were saying. I think both of us knew it and found it exhilarating, I know I did. I wonder what they thought of the relationship, me in my early twenties, him more than twice my age openly talking about anal sex.

At first I’d thought he was going to refuse to tell me, but I put on my best soulful face and I could actually see him weaken. He is so easy – I knew I had him in the palm of my hand, and not just for this occasion either!

All this, in part, was my curiosity. Pee J was the only guy I could really discuss such intimate aspects of sex with, and I also enjoyed the flirtatious part of it. I knew how much he liked and fancied me and I was pretty sure he would never do anything objectionable.

When we were finished and the waiter paid, I told him I wanted to leave straight away and stood up. I wanted to check out if I was right that he was turned on. As soon as he stood up I sneaked a look at his crotch and sure enough there was that telltale bulge and it was so obvious. I gave him a big smile, but I don’t think he realised it was because I had seen he had a hard-on!

Over the next few months we saw each other every few weeks, and I would tell him in quite a lot of detail about my escapades with whatever guy I was seeing at that time. One way or another they all turned out rather secondraters, so, as far as I was concerned, it was hardly a betrayal. Anyway it wasn’t much more than I might have said to my girlfriends. A bit perhaps, but not much.

I found that now I was away from the office I was looking at Pee J in a mildly different light. I didn’t want him as my boyfriend or anything, but I did like the idea of testing his experience. I had learnt quite a lot from him and I was eager to learn more if I could. By then I had discovered that there was both love and lust and if the first wasn’t available then the second certainly was!

Then one day he mentioned that some Spanish dancers were appearing at a theatre local to where he lived, about twenty-five miles from where I did. It was scheduled for a Friday night and he suggested that if I would like to, I could stay over at his place, then we could have a few drinks and not worry about driving. I knew that he meant for me to stay in the guest bedroom. I deemed it very unlikely that he would try anything, he never had done so before when I stayed over.

It began to occur to me that this could be a great opportunity to test his resolve if I gave him an opening, tease him a bit. How would he react? Would he then be able to resist me if I asked him to do something outrageous? I always liked pushing him, getting him to do things for me, and this seemed the ideal opportunity. Flashing my eyes, let alone my tits, was all it ever took.

Friday arrived and when I got to Pee J’s place I put my overnight bag into the guest room and tidied myself. I know Pee J doesn’t care for much in the way of makeup, but he seems to like a little when we go out in the evening. So I took particular care, a touch of bright lipstick, green eye shadow, and even some mascara. Knock him dead tonight, kid, I thought! You never know!

I felt quite wicked when I had on my war paint and thought about my little plan for him later. When I appeared out of the bathroom he seemed to like what he saw, for he raised his eyes approvingly.

Step one successful! Now for step two.

We had a nice meal with a couple of glasses of wine each, then we went on to the theatre and we each managed to sneak a glass of wine into the auditorium. It is allowed, but not with glass glasses, they have to be plastic, which he hates, but we picked our moment and slipped through when the guy collecting tickets had a rush on.

The Spanish dancing was great. They have so much energy, it is so vibrant and colourful – a super show. Afterwards we had a quick drink in the pub opposite the theatre and then strolled back to Pee J’s place – he lives only a couple of hundred yards away. His place is a conversion of part of what was once the outhouses of an old inn. It’s quite cute and all on one floor, raised up. It’s not over large but it is comfortable. I always feel relaxed there.

One thing about Pee J is that he always has plenty of booze, but tonight we didn’t go for the hard stuff we settled for some strong German lager. I’d had quite a bit to drink so I slowed down but Pee J didn’t seem to. That suited me fine as I knew it would deaden his inhibitions.

My plan was to ask him about his masturbation habits.

It was partly a tease on my part, but I also wanted to push him. See if at his age he would be willing to talk to me about it. I doubted very much if it was a usual subject of conversation among his contemporaries. And, I have to admit, I was also being a bit devious.

What I wanted was to get him to admit to me that he did it, but I also wanted to know how often. I always want to know all the details. I sort of bet myself that he probably sometimes fantasised about me when he did it. I don’t think many guys of his age like admitting to their partners, wives, or other female friends they do it, let alone young, ex-office colleagues, but I reckoned I could get Pee J to tell me. And I knew me asking and him telling would be sure to get him turned on. I also knew that if he was in anyway forthcoming (sorry, slip of the tongue)that not only would it wind up his libido, it would probably get me hot too.

I steered the conversation onto the subject of sexual frustration, and so it was easy to lead it in the direction I wanted.

“Well for you men there is always masturbation.” Maybe he doesn’t know that many women do it just as much. He sort of grunted.

"Well, all men do it, don't they."

He only really muttered a reply, “Yeah, I expect so,” which was a bit strange for him. I guessed I had hit a bit of a raw nerve. Maybe he was even embarrassed, though he had never seemed to be before. Ha! Perhaps because we weren’t in a public place. Perhaps he thought it might get personal. That’s what I wanted it to be: personal.

Then I went for the jugular: “Do you do it?” A bit to my surprise he quickly answered that he did. Not that I ever had any doubts.

“How often?” That took him aback!

He paused for a moment or two. He said it varied, several times a week, sometimes two or even three times a night! Not bad for an oldie like him!

When I asked he told me he mainly did it on or in his bed. I wondered if I could sneak a peek at his sheets and see if they were stained. But then if things worked out the way I wanted, I wouldn’t need to.

I think the conversation had got him a bit flustered because he went off to get another couple of drinks.

This gave me a moment or two to decide on the next round.

When he came back and got settled on the sofa next to me, I half snuggled up to him and pressed a boob into his arm, licked my lips, and said in my most innocent way:

"Pee J, if I asked you, would you do something for me?"

Predictably he replied that he probably would if he could, but I think he was a bit suspicious. So, undaunted, I pressed a bit closer to him.

"Pee J, would you let me watch you wank yourself off?"

You should have seen his face! His jaw practically bounced off the carpet. He just kept looking at me; he really had no idea where I had been leading him. In fact, for once, he was speechless.

To give him encouragement this time I nestled into him, virtually grinding my tit into his arm. I intended to make sure he was going to agree. More than that, I intended to make it impossible for him to refuse.

I could feel my heart beat faster and I was not only getting hotter between my thighs, I knew I was getting wet. I’ve heard that some girls can be dry down there, I am just the opposite.

I had, on some occasion, asked him, other than the obvious, where were his most erogenous zones, and he’d answered that his neck, shoulders and back were. Taking advantage of this innocently given information, I buried my face into his neck and gave him a gentle love bite, not enough to leave a hickey but enough to cause him to moan slightly.

Half turned as I was, I needed to rest my hand somewhere and the most convenient place was on his knee, well, thigh really. The heel of my palm was on the top but of course my fingers were on the inside. I actually felt a shudder as I touched him. Oh boy, I knew I was almost there. There would be no turning back now. One thing more and I knew I would have him prepared to lick my boots if I wanted.

I moved my fingers in little circles just a bit higher on his thigh. He made the sound of a quick intake of breath. It was time to make him commit.

“Please, Pee J, you will, won’t you?”

I knew I didn’t really have to ask but once he’d agreed, he’d not be able to back out, but I still wanted something more. I’d watched my ex-boyfriend, Tony, play with himself but never properly jerk off. That was what I wanted from Pee J. All I had to do was to get him to say yes. If I could get him to agree, the rest would be easy – with a little encouragement from me, of course!

"You'll go all the way, won't you? I want to see you cum."

I watched his eyes glaze over and he nodded. I couldn’t wait to see him first stroking, then pumping and then at last squirting!

Taking him by the hand I pulled him to his feet and led him towards his bedroom. I remember saying to him that he’d be comfortable in his bedroom. I couldn’t wait to see him stain those sheets!

He had a bulge in the top of his jeans so I guessed his cock must be pointing upwards. I got him standing with his back to the bed and quickly undid his belt and popped the button. Then, taking the puller on the zip in my fingers, I began to pull it down. Of course, it was impossible to entirely avoid that bump in the top of his jeans. My fingers brushed that hard lump that I knew to be the head of his cock. Another moan. It was the first time I had ever touched him there and it felt so very good.

Having pulled the zipper down I slipped the jeans over his bum until they were piled round his feet. I quickly unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off his arms and shoulders. He was passively letting me do whatever I liked to him.

So there he now was standing in front of me in just his jockeys. The bulge was very obvious and the outline of his cock showed that it was almost peeping out from under the waistband.

One little push and he fell backwards onto the bed with his legs hanging over the side.

I waited expectantly to see if he would need any more persuasion. He didn’t. He put the flat of his hand over the bulge and pressed it down and then began rotating it. God, he wasn’t the only one who was hot. If I hadn’t been wearing any panties I would have been dripping.

By now I was getting seriously impatient; I was desperate to see it, see his cock and to watch him wank. I really do love that word. Wank! It sounds so good! Wank! Wank!

“Get it out and let me see it then,” I think I must have almost yelled at him. If he didn’t hurry I wasn’t sure what I would do to him, but the idea was for me to watch, only to watch. Nothing more.

He was so slow getting his jockeys off it was almost inciting me to rip them off him. But it only took a second for his cock to start to appear. First the head, the tip vivid purple, partly sheathed by foreskin. So he wasn’t a Roundhead, he wasn’t circumcised! Good. I knew from past experience that guys not circumcised seemed to be more sensitive around the head of their cocks, probably because most of the time it’s covered up with the foreskin.

Finally it sprang free bobbing and jerking as he got out of his jockeys. His cock stood up almost vertical. This guy was most definitely hard and I had barely touched him at all. I was feeling so pleased with myself that I had been able to influence him so easily and so completely.

His hand went to his cock and I expected to see him grasp it round the shaft and start pumping. I knew he was much too far gone to stop now. Instead, using just his first two fingers and his thumb, he seemed to be concentrating stretching the foreskin upwards not pumping much at all. He’d stretch it up and cover the whole of the knob then pull it back so that about half was visible. As he kept this up he began to pull further and further back so more of the head became visible. It was exactly what I was hoping to see – and it was right in front of my eyes.


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