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Persuading His Wife

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Her husband encourages Megan to wear a revealing costume.
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Jonathan Kolb took great pride in his wife's appearance. He was one of those people who not only didn't resent other men looking at his wife, he derived genuine pleasure from the idea that others would envy him for being in the company of such a woman. After all, he would think to himself, Megan has chosen to be with me and not them. He was also proud of her success at work, where she was part of the development team at BetterWorld, a leading charitable organization.

When they first met in college, Megan had been quiet and somewhat withdrawn and that, combined with her obvious intelligence, often gave the impression of being standoffish and a bit of a snob. But Jonathan, a popular student athlete on campus with an outgoing personality, had always seen through that. When they first started dating, he helped to draw her out and make her more comfortable in large groups of people. With his natural athleticism, he sparked a greater interest on Megan's part in exercise and physical activity, and over the eight that years that they'd been together, she'd slim down to her current 130 pounds, working hard to keep her 36-25-35 inch figure in shape.

Jon was now a senior art director at an important advertising agency, and as such he understood how to persuade people to do things, and he knew that sex sells. And although his wife often seemed bashful about acknowledging her beauty, Jon would point out that her good looks, and especially her 34DD cup breasts, were undoubtedly factors in her landing a job as a fundraiser at a non-profit. Trained as an accountant, she had grown bored with working all day with numbers. She wanted to help make things better in the future, and when she learned of the position at BetterWorld that combined finance and public relations, she jumped at the chance. Over time Megan grew more comfortable with the idea that she needed to "turn on the charm" when convincing prospective donors to contribute and began to discover that she enjoyed the interaction with people and the attention that her good looks invariably garnered.

Now, for any nonprofit, the single most important aspect of anyone's job is to bring in the money needed to support the various goals of the organization. And Megan Kolb was very good at her job. So, when the development team assembled in early January to plan an event to kick off that year's fundraising campaign, and the CEO Scott Marston suggested a costume party to be held around the time of Mardi Gras, Megan knew that she along with the rest of her team were expected to take the lead in making the event a memorable one.

"Well, I can't say I have a lot to add to Scott's idea," she confided to Kayla, one of her colleagues on the development team and best friend at work, after the CEO left the room. "You know, I've never actually even been to one myself."

"You haven't?" her friend said, somewhat surprised that someone as attractive as Megan had never attended a costume party, at least during her college years. "Never dressed up as sexy nurse or naughty school girl? It's a great way to be a little creative, and it's amazing how differently people treat you when you're in a costume. I think you'll love it."

"Don't get me wrong. I understand Scott's logic in getting the donors and the Trustees together for a celebration, and I can see why the whole idea of dressing up could get them to think and act in ways they don't normally behave. I'd just prefer to limit my role to going around and encouraging them to sign the big checks!" she said with a smile.

"And that's what we'll all be doing," Kayla nodded. "But I would think," she said, pointedly looking up and down the shapely blonde's body, "that with the right costume, you'll find it a whole lot easier to persuade them to sign those checks."

"Now you're sounding just like Jon," she replied, then paused. "So, is that what you're going to do?"

"Absolutely," her friend nodded. "I think that's the whole point of a costume party. It gives you the chance to dress in a way you would never dare to otherwise, especially at work, "she added with a chuckle. "I'm already thinking of wearing this dress I bought when Patrick and I went on our first cruise right after we were married. It has a thigh-high slit and it's practically backless. I just have to make up some lame explanation of who I'm dressed as."

Sydney, the young assistant on the development team, had been sitting on the other side of Kayla and eavesdropping on their conversation. "Sounds like Jessica Rabbit," she chimed in.

"The cartoon character, right?" Kayla asked, turning slowly to face Syd. "I remember my parents showing us that movie when we were kids. That's not a bad idea." She paused, and then asked the assistant, "And how about you, are you okay about dressing up?"

"Can't wait," the young woman exclaimed. "We did stuff like that at our sorority all the time," she added. "In fact, I think I've got a devil's costume packed away somewhere that I could wear."

"And you know," Kayla continued, "I could probably find an inexpensive red wig somewhere and," gesturing discreetly to her B-cup breasts, "some sort of push-up bra to accentuate these little puppies."

At first Megan had been somewhat disconcerted by the entire conversation, but the matter-of-fact manner in which her two colleagues discussed possible costumes was having the effect of getting her excited about the entire enterprise.

"Yeah, and I'll have to make sure I exercise a little more often," Sydney said with a laugh. "My devil outfit is really just a tight jumpsuit with a tail on the backside and a pitchfork, but it's kind of clingy, if you know what I mean."

"Not the sort of thing we'd normally wear to work," Kayla added, making the comment as much for Megan's sake as Sydney's. "But as long as you're comfortable with it, you should definitely go for it." Then, turning to her friend, she continued, "You know, we could really have some fun with the whole thing." She paused, and then added, "So let's see, what we can come up with for you?"

"Well, if partners and spouses are invited, I'm guessing Jon will have some ideas," she said with a faraway smile. On multiple occasions, she had noticed the pleasure Jon took in having her wearing some slightly revealing outfit when they were out in public, and she realized that this could very well be one of those situations.

Kayla nodded. "I'm sure they'll be included. Scott likes to foster the idea that we're all one big happy family." Then, having been in a number of social situations with Jon and Megan and observed her husband's reaction when people commented on the blonde's looks, she added, "And you should definitely tell your hubby to text me so we can consult on costumes. After all, he's the creative one in your house," she teased her friend.

"I guess you're right," Megan conceded. "Plus, I'll make him come up with some sort of matching costumes. There's no way I'm doing this alone!"

"Don't worry about flying solo on this," Kayla reassured her. "Syd, Eric and I will be right by your side."


That night at home, Jon asked how work had been, and naturally enough Megan mentioned Scott's plans for a costume party. His eyes immediately lit up.

"That's a fantastic idea," he responded enthusiastically. "And partners are included, eh? That sounds ideal."

"Ideal for what?" Megan asked. "Are you going to suggest I go dressed up as something crazy?"

"Not crazy, hun. But definitely a little daring," her husband answered, doing his best to keep the excitement he was feeling out of his voice.

"Jon!" she protested, trying to mask the fact that ever since her discussion with Kayla, she had been fantasizing about just what Jon might suggest.

"Well after all," he explained, "if you're supposed to be encouraging donors to cough up some big bucks at this affair, something a bit naughty might be just the thing to help to convince them." Sensing his wife might still be uncertain, he continued. "Trust me on this, Meg. After all, I do work in advertising, you know."

In fact, the same exact thought had occurred to her and Kayla hours ago, but for some reason she was pleased that her husband had offered this rationale himself. Trying her best to look as if she were being reluctantly persuaded by the logic of his argument, she glanced demurely at him and said, "Well, when you put it look like that...."

"Then it's settled," Jon immediately replied, eager to get Megan on record as agreeing to go along with his suggestions.

"You know," Megan offered, "you might want to get in touch with Kayla about this. She was at the meeting with Scott and she's really excited about the whole idea. She seems to know all about these costume parties, so maybe you can coordinate the whole thing with her."

Jon already had several ideas in mind, and he was somewhat suspicious about why Megan would want to involve a friend from work in their planning. At the same time, he had met Kayla and her husband Patrick on several occasions and gotten along really well with them. And as he thought about it, he realized that having his wife's work colleague partnering with him on this would probably help. Cautiously, he replied, "Sure, why not."

Somewhat surprising to herself, Megan found that she was relieved by the way their conversation had unfolded. In her mind, she had already decided she wanted to follow through on the idea of dressing somewhat daringly. But she also knew that her conservative instincts might cause her to second guess any decision and back out at the last minute. But now, with her husband and her colleagues working together, she would be getting just the encouragement she needed. Knowing that this represented the point of no return, she took a deep breath and went on.

"Let me give you Kayla's number so you can text her. She already was talking about going as Jessica Rabbit, so I suspect she's got the same take on this affair as you."

Pleased by this additional information, Jon smiled and nodded. "Sounds like she and I are on the same page." He gave Megan a big hug, saying, "This will be a lot of fun. Just relax and leave everything to me and Kayla. I'm sure you're gonna love what we come up with."

"That's kind of what I'm afraid of," she responded, as she leaned against Jon's chest. And then, becoming aware of how obviously aroused Jon had become, she reached down and started to unzip Jon's pants. "After all, there may be some other benefits to this plan," she thought to herself as she began to slowly stroke his already semi-erect cock.

Part 2: The costume

Thanks to the distraction of Meg's hands and mouth and one of the best nights the two of them had shared in months, Jon hadn't given another thought that evening to the costume party. But driving to work the next day, he found his mind drifting back to the choice of an outfit for his wife. For some reason, he recalled pictures that Andrew, one of the young assistants at his office, had shared several months earlier after returning from a Comic Con convention. The shots featured various attendees dressed up as favorite comic book, film, and video game characters, and not surprisingly, the young man's selection had heavily emphasized women in revealing outfits --Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, and Princess Leia slave girl apparently being his personal favorites.

So as he soon as he arrived at the office, he asked Andrew if he still had some of those shots on his phone, and over a cup of coffee they scrolled through several dozen pictures. One immediately got Jon's attention, in part because it showed a couple in costumes with the guy wearing some sort of outfit that closely matched his old karate robe. But more importantly, the young woman was a stunning blonde with pigtails, full breasts, and wide curvy hips on full display in a bright green bodysuit.

"Hey, that one," Jon said, pointing to the image. "They're some sort of video game characters, right?"

"Good guess, boss," the assistant nodded. "That's Cammy street fighter, and the dude with her is supposed to be Ryu."

It was clear his costume would be easy to pull together, but Jon had no idea how to assemble the woman's costume. So, he starting searching for street fighter costumes, and almost immediately a number of possibilities popped up. Some were in blue. some in green, but all closely matched the outfit that the girl in Andrew's picture was wearing.

"Cammy White?" he asked his assistant, who nodded.

"Yep, definitely a badass. You never played the game?"

"Not that I remember. Besides, I was more of a movie guy so Princess Leia was my ideal," he said with a low chuckle, thinking that wouldn't be a bad choice for his wife either. "But thanks, Andrew. This has definitely given me some ideas for a costume party we're supposed to go to."

"You and your wife?" Andrew asked with considerable interest, having seen Megan a couple of times in the office visiting Jon. When his boss nodded, Andrew let out a low whistle, turned and walked away as he muttered under his breath, "I'd pay to see that."

As he continued looking online, Jon found a number of places that sold the complete outfit, along with appropriate gloves, weapons, boots, and a blonde wig with pigtails. Initially he hadn't thought about a different hair style for Megan, but knowing that her current short crop pixie cut could easily accommodate it, he decided that a wig would be a useful part of any costume. It might allow her to get more into the character of Cammy, adopting the mindset of being someone completely different from herself.

Scrolling through the pictures of the Street Fighter costumes, he realized that getting his wife to dress this way was going to require some persuasion on his part. Cammy's green bodysuit was like a leotard someone might wear doing gymnastics but cut very high above the top of the wearer's hips. This meant that the fabric narrowed dramatically as it approached the juncture of the thighs, exposing a great deal of skin on both sides of the green material. And although most images online were showing the front of the model, the one rear view Jon found confirmed that most if not all of his wife's ass would be on display.

Having selected a specific website that sold the Cammy costume, he texted Kayla. Explaining that Megan had suggested that she might be able to help him select his wife's costume, he said he was hoping to discuss the situation with Kayla. He didn't hear back from her until the very end of the day. After offering her apology for the delayed response and the explanation that things had been particularly hectic at work, she indicated that she'd be happy to help him out. They agreed to get in touch that night from home.

Over the course of the evening, chiefly when his wife was out of the room or not paying attention, Jon exchanged texts with Kayla. They both agreed that Megan might be resistant to wearing anything too revealing, so they needed to emphasize that their costumes would help the development team reach their money-raising goals for the night. And once Kayla confirmed that she would be dressing as Jessica Rabbit, Jon was certain he had a natural ally in this campaign to move his wife outside of her comfort zone. Saying that he had already come up a possibility, he proceeded to send a link to the costume with the suggestion that he and Megan go as Cammy and Ryu.

In a matter of minutes, he got a reply. "Patrick and I agree this is perfect. In fact, hubby says he wishes he had thought of it for me, but I think the honor should go to Megan. Besides, I've already ordered a red wig!"

So, with Kayla on board, Jon selected the appropriate accessories to go with the costume and proceeded to order them online. They agreed to have them sent to Kayla so she could take the lead in making sure everything fit properly and advising Megan on the type of undergarments that would be needed with the bodysuit. Jon, at least, was certain that no pair of panties he had ever seen Megan wear would work with the Cammy outfit.

Furthermore, Kayla added with a certain degree of pleasure, that it would be best not let Megan see the actual costume until it was too late to back out. "If we're going to make our goal for the night," she reminded Jon, "we need our girl wearing something other than one of her usual dresses." This, of course, matched Jon's thinking precisely. After all, if the costume was sent to their house and sat around for days before the party, it gave his wife time to reconsider and possibly choose something else.

That was on a Friday night, but Jon waited until Sunday evening to provide his wife with a full update. He had, he explained, with Kayla's blessing, settled on the idea they'd dress up as characters from a video game. He'd be able to wear his old white karate pants and top, and he had already purchased a few accessories for himself online. At the same time, he had ordered a costume for Megan and had it shipped directly to Kayla. "We thought," he explained, "she could help you try it on and decide what else to wear with it. You know, that sort of thing."

Although she was growing more and more comfortable with the idea that Jon wanted to show her off to people, this was still going to be a work event with many of her colleagues in attendance. "I'm really glad," she replied, "that you're working with Kayla on this. She totally understands what our goals are for this event, so I know she'll keep things from getting out of hand. God knows," she said teasingly, "what you'd do if left to your own devices. You'd probably have us go as Adam and Eve!"

"Now, why didn't I think of that," Jon laughed. But it was only later that he began to wonder if he had missed an opportunity. As the couple cuddled together in bed, he found himself imaging what it might be like to someday display his wife fully nude to other people. He sighed as he wrapped his arms around the sleeping Megan, satisfied at least for now. In less than two weeks, he thought, his wife would be dressed in a costume that proudly displayed most of her luscious ass to dozens of her colleagues and donors.

When Megan talked to Kayla the next day at work, her friend provided her with more details about the costume. "It's called Cammy Street Fighter, and it's essentially a one piece bathing suit," she explained, searching on her computer for pictures on her computer of the specific outfit Jon had ordered for her.

When Kayla typed in the search term, the first images were of an exaggerated animated figure with huge muscular thighs, arms of a body builder, and lots of weapons. Then, when she narrowed the search by selecting shopping, row after row of costumes popped up, all worn by large breasted young blondes wearing extremely high cut green leotards. In a sense Kayla was right -- she would be wearing something very much like a bathing suit, if you didn't mind exposing most of your butt when you went to the beach.

Not sure of how to respond to her friend, Megan simply stated with a completely straight face, "You know my hair isn't long enough for pigtails."

"And I'm not a redhead," Kayla immediately replied. "That's going to be half the fun of it."

"And I think I can see what the other half is going to be," Megan answered with a chuckle, clicking on a picture that showed the rear view of a model wearing the Cammy outfit.

"Not what you'd normally wear to the office," her friend said with a smile, "but it's entirely appropriate for a costume party. Besides, Patrick played the video game as a kid and he said this Cammy is, in his words, a totally awesome kickass bitch."

They both looked at each other and laughed. "I know," Kayla said, rolling her eyes at her husband's description, "guys have such a way with words. But he says she's one of the most powerful characters in the whole Street Fighter universe," and then shook her head after a brief pause, "whatever that means!"

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