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Petra's Pictures - Art to Porn Ch. 05

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Will she overcome any reluctance about more sex with Lezlee?
5.4k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/30/2022
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With lyrics from Dire Straits, "Money for Nothing", 1985.

The MTV Shoot

It was a gloomy morning and Petra Stanwick lay in bed, her head throbbing. She just didn't feel well on a number of levels. Sure, too much alcohol the night before at the professor's apartment, but she'd been smoking weed too. And having rampant sex, a lot of it.

Regrets plagued her mind this morning, because an older woman she hardly knew had munched Petra to a crushing orgasm. What was happening to her lately? Was she becoming a total slut?

It had started a month ago when Professor William Edwards invited her to pose anonymously in old-style clothing for his Fine Arts lectures. Architecture wasn't working to illustrate trends in art and design; however, his friend, lecturer Ronald Dennison, had suggested that fashion would interest students. Especially the sleeping guys at the back of the lecture theatre.

Mr. Dennison had posed with her most Friday evenings. A virile and handsome man, she had given herself to him willingly in private photos and video after the lecture shots were finished. Professor Edwards had joined in too- even both at the same time! Then her best girlfriend Emmeline posed and fucked with them one weekend. Recently it was two stacked cougars the men picked up at a bar. Petra felt out of control, driven by expanding sexual excitement.

Listening to the rain splattering on her window, Petra resolved to talk to Professor Edwards. Was this posing really a replacement for a final course assignment? Would she be having sex with a widening array of people every week? Could those scandalous private images ever surface, by accident or design? Would classmates and professors learn that she was the mystery model?

"I really have to see him. I'll make an appointment Monday," Petra resolved.

In the late afternoon that same Saturday, Edwards and Dennison were ogling the professor's photos from the previous evening.

"Sexy little devil, isn't she, Ronald? I'll never tire of looking down into those big brown eyes with her mouth wrapped around my cock."

"Yes, who could guess how much pleasure she'd give us? All in exchange for a high grade! Oh, the power of learning!" Dennison joked, adding, "Now show me the video you shot later, old boy."

"Some of the best so far! Petra with that barfly Lezlee is really wicked stuff."

"Yeah, Lez was a fine fuck too. I could use some more of that. What's going on next Friday anyway?"

"The glitzy Eighties, when all the hippies went into business to get rich," Edwards laughed cynically.

"I was just a kid, but I remember the big hair and bigger shoulder pads," Dennison recalled.

"Yeah, on women's clothes, not just football players."

"And big hair on guys too. Remember those bands? So androgynous it was hard to tell men from women in those old music vids."

"Hmm.... Ronald, you've just given me an idea for an Eighties shoot. It could be set as an MTV video with a rock star and groupies!"

Dennison grinned approval, then broke into song:

"Now look at them yoyos, that's the way you do it

You play the guitar on the MTV...."

Edwards laughed and came back with:

"That ain't workin', that's the way you do it

Money for nothin' and your chicks for free."

"Great idea, old man! Maybe we can get Petra, and those two roomies, Lezlee and Desiree together, fawning over a rock star? Me, of course"

"Capital thought!" Edwards enthused. "I'll bet they'd like it."

"I'll call, William. Lezlee gave me her number."

"You sod! But first let's talk about this some more. If they're willing, could you get all three women typical Eighties gear from your contact in the college Theatre Department?"

"Sure, but I'd need the right sizes."

"So, we probably need to meet them this week- here or their place- to check out their physical 'specifications'."

"My hands know how much they felt last night, but that's probably not accurate enough for clothing," Ronald joked.

"If we're lucky, we could get some more 'hands-on' information early next week. Maybe even tomorrow?"

"That's it then. I call Lezlee and float the idea of modelling in an Eighties music vid shoot. And I'll get them over here for their measurements and sizes."

"Exactly. Now let's run through last night's photos again. Gets me stiff every time!"


The room mates were gushing about the fabulous Friday night before when Lezlee's cell tone chimed.

"Oh my god! Ronald! We were just talking about your great party. Haven't had so much fun in a long time!"

"Thanks, Lezlee. We should do that again. This weekend is open."

"Oh yes! I'm sure Desiree feels the same way," she exclaimed, before putting her hand over the phone. "It's Ronald. Interested in partying again with them Friday?" she whispered loudly, to which her friend nodded enthusiastically. Lezlee continued, "She's all for it."

"OK. Another dress-up, but this time the Eighties. Something different, though. You heard William say he occasionally shoots Petra for fashion. He's doing that Friday and would like you two to be extras."

"Extras? Meaning?"

"It's an imaginary MTV video with me as a rock star and the three of you as groupies. There'll be some serious fashion photography, mainly with Petra, but you'd be in on it too. And we supply the Eighties outfits. Sound good?"

"Yeah, very interesting, but I'll have to talk it over with Desiree. Can I call you back in a little while?"

About ten minutes later Dennison and Edwards had their answer. Of course, they'd do it, but first they wanted to know who was going to see it.

"Just the five of us. Petra's fashion pictures will go to a slightly larger audience, but everything else is private. William will give each of you a drive with any photos and video a couple of days after the shoot. Petra trusts us and you can too."

"What about the pictures from the party? We're worried about that, you know. My god, if anybody saw it...."

"We have jump drives ready for each of you," Ronald lied, "And we can get them to you right away, say tomorrow?... Two o'clock at William's apartment?... Great!"

By mid-afternoon Sunday the guests had arrived, eager to collect their photos and learn more about being extras in a video shoot. The bar was set up in the kitchenette, stocked with some good wines. With glasses filled, everyone quickly picked up from Friday night.

The professor joked that he found Desiree very 'desireable', to which she replied, "And William, you're so 'willing'." When Ronald humorously called the wine they were drinking 'panty remover', Lezlee winked and purred, "What if I'm not wearing any!"

One drink later, the professor was recording their vital statistics for their Eighties costumes. Both men took every opportunity to feel the merchandise as they measured in far more detail than was necessary. Lezlee and Desiree knew it, of course, but they liked these guys. And they enjoyed the sexual attention, fully aware that there'd be plenty more of it come Friday night.

By the time they left for home with the promised jump drives, Lezlee and Desiree had been thoroughly pawed, while their hosts were strongly tempted and teased. However, the ladies held firm- no sex that afternoon- leaving William and Ronald eager for the scheduled evening photo shoot.


On Monday, Professor Edwards' lecture was packed- and it was 9:00 AM! At one time, his Fine Arts course was just a place for jocks to sleep before going for a gym workout. Now that he was illustrating his talks with fashion images of the mystery model, he had full attendance and full attention.

"This week we'll be examining The Arts in the 1960s. You've probably laughed at old family photos where the guys wear their hair long and the girls wear their skirts short. In case you haven't, I'll show you some today. Young people had a good time in the Sixties. These should whet your appetite to study this trendy time."

All eyes were on the big projection screen as Edwards brought up an image of his friend Ronald Dennison disguised as disheveled Sixties rocker, Joe Cocker. The next one featured a beaded hippie woman beside him, in a tie-dyed shirt and tight bellbottom jeans. The mystery woman- Petra- wore big round shades and her side profile clearly revealed that she was braless.

In the following photo, her arms were around his waist, and his hands rested on her hips. Then, the next image showed her looking up into his eyes while his chest mashed against her full breasts. She'd puckered up, an instant away from a kiss! Nobody breathed as the professor held the image and continued to speak.

"Art was about expression and colour in the Sixties. You've seen the poster art- hypnotic psychedelic designs were a vibrant part of the scene. The world of the Fifties was turned on its ear, as old ideas and conventions were challenged. The baby-boomers were coming of age and revolutionary changes occurred in almost every aspect of life. The birth control pill was widely available too; in case things spun out of control"

The students laughed.

Then Professor Edwards projected shots taken inside his apartment at Friday's party. The class saw the day-glow posters and colourful lights, while Lezlee and Desiree grooved with Joe Cocker in their short dresses. There were several more images taken before the guests got drunk and stoned and fucked. Every student was examining the photos closely while Petra cringed lest she be recognized.

"Great parties in the Sixties. Wild parties!" Edwards teased. "It was a time of youthful exuberance. There was an explosion of new ideas in the Arts and every other aspect of life. We'll study it with more photos this week. Join me."

Later, when the class poured out of the theatre, Petra hung back until everyone was gone. As usual, Dennison had come by to see the images which his friend had used in the lecture. They were standing side-by-side smiling, but Petra didn't look happy at all.

"Was there something wrong with my slides of you this morning?" her professor asked with some concern.

"They were fine.... But I'm worried."

"Can we talk about it? I have time now."

"I want to, but not here. In your office, just with you," she fretted.

"Ohh... this sounds serious. Meet me there in ten minutes, Petra."

As the professor rushed to his private office negative thoughts crossed his mind. Had someone found the model's identity? Had their private photos or video become public? And maybe worse: was Petra pregnant? They had never asked if she was protected, and they certainly hadn't been!

She arrived minutes later.

"Come in," he called, pulling himself together a bit. "What's troubling you, Petra?"

She blurted it out. "Professor, I'm so worried about these pictures and now the parties. I'm... well... I'm having too much fun.... You know what I mean."

"I see," he replied, much relieved. "You probably mean all the wine, and now the marijuana, right?"

"Partly... but look what it leads to every week!"

"Ah... and this is bothering you?" he asked in a soothing voice, realizing he wasn't about to lose his reputation and career.

"Well... yes. I've never... I haven't had so much of it before...."

"And you don't like that?"

"No... I like it too much! It's all I think about sometimes. I... I can't get enough of it!" she admitted with anguish.

"I see. I can assure you that what happens at my apartment stays there."

"I just don't want you to see me as a slut.... Sex with Lezlee is so embarrassing- I was stoned. I'm not a lesbian!"

"Relax, we both think only the best of you. Enjoying sex is perfectly natural, and experimenting can be good too."

"Sure, but every week in class I worry that you'll show some of the wrong pictures, you know, naked, or even doing it. I'd die if that happened!"

"Trust me, Petra, that will never happen because Ronald and I would be fired immediately and nobody would ever hire us again. We'd be finished! So we take every imaginable precaution and trust that you'll be just as private too."

"I suppose...."

"No 'suppose' about it." Edwards emphasized in a serious tone.

"There's one more thing. Before I started modelling, you said that it would be in place of my final assignment. Others are working on theirs' already and I haven't done a thing yet."

"Oh, but you have, Petra. You've revitalized my lectures. You see how full my classes are every week. You see the enthusiasm your images create. How could I give you anything less than the highest possible grade on that assignment?"

"Well, OK.... I'm feeling better now that we've talked. I could hardly sleep after Friday night. My head was whirling with these things, and I was ready to tell you today that I won't do it anymore," Petra admitted.

"But you've changed your mind, right?" Edwards asked hopefully.

"Yes.... Really, last week was an amazing party, professor,"

"We do have a good time, don't we," he commented softly, much relieved.

"I'm ready for more on Friday. What comes next?" she wondered, feeling so much better after unloading all the issues that seemed insurmountable before she came to his office.

"And we promise you more, Petra". Lot's more. Fashion-wise, it's the glittering Eighties."

He could see by the look on her face that Petra was waiting for him to tell her what else was planned for the next photo session. However, he wouldn't say that he and Ronald had lured Lezlee and Desiree back to the apartment for an elaborate fake music video shoot.

"Sex-wise, you just never know," the professor replied evasively.


Petra did come back. On Friday night, she arrived at her usual 7:00 o'clock time, a little unsure of what to expect. She knocked and was met by Professor Edwards and a quiet apartment, quite unlike last week's Sixties party.

"Come in, Petra. Ronald and I know that you're going to enjoy the theme for this week. He's in the kitchen, setting things up. Your favourite wine is there, and we can relax a bit to talk about tonight's shoot. It's a little different in some ways."

"You're always full of surprises, William," she laughed as she turned the corner to the other room. "I see that all the psychedelic stuff is gone tonight."

"Yes. This will be the slick, 'big hair' Eighties- most of the idealism of the Sixties was sacrificed on the altar of consumerism. And speaking of sacrificing idealism, let's have some alcohol to loosen up before we start."

They filled her glass and poured scotch for themselves. Then they crowded onto the couch, Petra in the middle, to discuss the evening's photo session.

William and Ronald couldn't help but notice the young woman's long legs- the hem of the black leather miniskirt up at mid-thigh! Above that, Petra wore a gauzy white tailored blouse, with padded shoulders and a few buttons left undone. A black velvet choker around her neck and high black patent heels heightened the effect.

"You look stunning tonight!" Ronald complimented, unable to contain his enthusiasm.

"I wanted an after-business look, something different from the shaggy Sixties, so I went online for images and then found this in my wardrobe. I probably need to shop more often!" she joked.

"It's very Eighties, Petra. I'll start with some photos wearing that outfit, if you don't mind? Would it blow your cover if anyone in class saw you in your own clothes?"

"No. I hardly know anyone, and I'll be eye-masked anyway."

"Ronald has plenty of stuff from the Theatre Department, Petra, and he'll join you in a three piece suit. I think it would be perfect with your tailored look. What do you think, old man?"

"Yes, perfect, William. While you're taking your first shots of her, I'll change my clothes." He continued, "Petra, later tonight I'll also dress as a rock star in a mimic production of an early MTV music vid. You'll be a groupie then, wearing a colourful spandex bodysuit and leggings, Eighties-style."

"Sounds like fun!" she replied, tilting her head to drain her glass.

"Shall we begin now in your business clothes?" the professor asked. "Good. Put on this eye-mask and Ronald will soon be back in a suit to join you."

"Are my hair and makeup alright for the times?"

"The big, teased hair is just right. Don't change a thing. Ready?... Start with a sexy model walk across the room, head up, a confident look.... That's it.... Slow turn looking over your shoulder.... Now cross-step back to the centre.... Can you undo a button, please?... That's better.

Chest out now with both hands on your hips.... Widen your stance and slide your hands down to mid-thigh, bending forward.... Big pout for me.... Hold it.... Good, now stand straight and turn for a profile shot. Shoulders back'.... A sexy look this way.... Something different now, Petra. Turn away and slip off your bra, then button up just halfway."

He waited until she had put herself back together before continuing.

"OK, But one less button, please.... That's so sexy!.... I'm going to come closer, and I'd like you to lean forward so I can see most of your breasts.... And from this side now.... Open the blouse wider by holding the collar.... Look right at me and slowly unbutton to the waist.... Much better!... Shooting across from the side.... Beautiful tits!...

Slowly push the blouse back alongside them now.... Show me everything.... Bring those nipples up.... Mmm, lovely!... Cup both hands beneath them and look into the camera.... Now suspend them both by the nipples.... Lift them higher.... Excellent!... Give that slutty look. Hold it....So sexy, Petra!... Did you like that?"

"You know I did," she confided, breathlessly. "It makes me feel so hot."

"You can leave your blouse tucked in but fully undone. Ronald will like that." Then the professor turned to the bedroom door and called, "Ready for you now!"

Dennison came into the lounge wearing a three-piece mid-blue business suit. Wide lapels and padded shoulders made him look even bigger and more muscular than usual. His bold striped tie had the largest knot possible. This successful business tycoon had just arrived in the office and spotted his lovely secretary.

"Ah, Miss Stanwick, you look delightful today! Don't button up on my account. Stay as you are!"

"Yes sir, Mr. Wealthy," she clowned. "Umm... I was feeling a bit warm."

"Ronald, come close to her and put an arm around her waist.... A kiss to her cheek.... Petra, turn to kiss his mouth.... Now slip his jacket back, and Ronald, remove it.... Loosen his tie Petra, while you continue to kiss him.... Now unbutton his shirt and pull it off.... Good....

Ronald, gradually slip her blouse off now.... Petra, arch your back to offer him those lovely stiff nipples.... Excellent!... Look right at the camera as he sucks.... Sultry smile.... Good, now squeeze his cock.... Lots of passion in those kisses.... Ronald, you want to fuck your executive assistant, right?"

"You know it!" he exclaimed.

"So, help her out of her skirt and thong, but leave on your trousers and her stockings and heels. While you're doing that, I'll shift my spotlights over here for your last sequence."

It was only when both were half-naked that Petra noticed the big desk that had been moved from the professor's bedroom into the lounge for the evening. It was solid oak with a wide top and a thick green desk pad bearing a big monthly calendar with today's date circled, as if to remind the boss that he had something important to do. He did- fuck his secretary!

"Ready over here now, you two. Petra, come sit on the desk, while the boss comes up between your parted legs.... Ready?... Embrace and show me some erotic French kissing.... Take his cock out... and stroke it.... That's it!... Slutty look at the camera now.

Gradually lean her back onto her elbows, Ronald.... Bring your cock right to the entrance.... Hold it. Not yet. Look right at the camera, Petra.... Good.... Ronald, slowly guide yourself into her.... I;m coming in close to get this.... Passionate mouth Petra. You want him to fuck you.... Hold it.... Now a nice steady pushing rhythm... and lift up against him.... Feel good?"


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