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Mortal Kombat- A Wraith's Love


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"I know that I've made my point to you." He said stroking her hair. "I'm sure you won't make me hurt you again."

"No. Of course not." She conjured up some sobs, that weren't too fake, a few sniffles, that weren't that fake either, and she snuggled into his shoulder.

He snapped his fingers and a guard appeared at his door.

"Send for the healer." Noob told him.

"Yes, My Lord."

The healer arrived and Noob went to sit at his desk and work on his paper work. Alia watched him and thought how much it made sense to have to do paper work, especially considering they were in hell. The healer, Arran, was an old man with a kindly smile that instantly put her at ease.

"I've healed your arm," Arran told her. "Is their anywhere else that you're injured?"

"No." She said with a blush. Considering where she was sore, she didn't want to say anything.

"Enough said my dear." He pulled a carton of Epsom salt out of his pocket and handed it to her. "Use it in your bath tonight."

"First of all, thank you! And second, where the hell did you pull that out of? You're wearing tight clothes."

"Now, now, little one. I'll just tell you that it's a trade secret."

"He's a sorcerer." Noob said from his desk. "Show her your real self."

Something ugly flashed in Arran's eyes and then he sighed. He twisted his neck like he was going to pop it and she watched with wide eyes as he grew to almost seven feet tall. And he was young looking.

"You're hot!" She told him.

"No, I feel fine." he said.

"No. I mean that you're extremely good looking." She looked at Noob from the corner of her eye, and he was looking at Arran with narrowed eyes. "Not as hot as Noob though."

Noob smiled and went back to his paper work.

"Why the façade?" she asked Arran.

"Because people trust a little old man."

"I guess. I certainly did."

"There you go then." He winked. "Use the salt tonight. You'll feel better tomorrow."

"Take two aspirin and call me in the morning?"

"Exactly." He turned himself back into an old man and left the room.

"I'll run you a bath," Noob told her, getting up from his desk, and walking to the lone tapestry on the wall. The bathroom door was behind it and the luxuries hadn't been skimped on. Noob ran a bath, came and picked her up, and put her in the bath to soak.


"Where's the girl?" Drahmin asked walking into Noob's room.

"She's in the bathroom, having a soak." He looked over at the bathroom door. "I'm planning on keeping her, so I think you're going to have to start knocking."

"Wouldn't like me watching huh?"

"Humans can be that way about such things."

"You'd know."

"I guess. I don't remember too much."

"So I'm waiting for it." Drahmin told Noob.

"Waiting for what?"

"A, you were right." Drahmin said smugly.

"I told Alia that I was going to have to thank you."

"You're welcome." He plopped down on the chase lounge.

"Have you heard anything?" Noob asked.

"Nothing solid. I've been hearing rumors though."

"What rumors?"

"He's looking to capture you."

"Capture me?"

"Yes. Apparently Sub Zero thinks there is still good in you."

"Gods!" He shook his head.

"Yeah," Drahmin snorted at the thought.

"Keep an eye out for them."

"I put guards at the portals."

"Good. I think I'm just going to have to hunt him down and kill him if he keeps this up."

"Might be the way of things."

Drahmin smiled at him.


"How did it go?"

"Much better than expected."

"No crying or pleading?"


"All right, tell me your secret."

"She thought she was having some kind of vivid sex dream."

"And you took advantage? Good for you."

"I didn't realize that she thought it was a dream. I thought maybe she liked what she saw."

"I did like what I saw," Alia said coming out of the bathroom, Noob's robe draped over her. "Hence my thinking it was a dream."

Noob was sitting at his desk talking to the same demon she'd run into. He was also twirling his shuriken between his fingers again and Alia tried her best not to cringe. She figured she didn't do a very good job because Noob's eyes narrowed and the shuriken disappeared.

He pushed his chair out and motioned for her to sit on his lap. She might have hesitated if he'd still had the shuriken. She'd already learned to fear the thing. She sat down on his lap and tried to get herself to relax.

"Drahmin, this Alia. Alia, Drahmin." Noob introduced the Oni and the woman who gave polite nods to each other.

Noob motioned toward the door and Drahmin gave a nod and got up and left. Which just put Alia more on edge.

"I can go back in the bathroom if you want to talk." She told Noob trying to get up.

He pulled her back down and clamped a large arm around her waist. Then eased his arm off and picked her up, plopping her down on his desk. He sat back down on his chair and stared up at her. She tried her best to look anywhere but Noob's eyes and she started fiddling nervously with her fingers when he didn't say anything.

"What is it?" he finally asked.

"I don't know what you mean." She said apprehensively.

"You're stiff as board. Were you scared of Drahmin?"

"I can honestly say no."

"Then what is it?"

She looked down at her arm where he'd cut he with the shuriken. Arran had left a scar, probably as a reminder of what Noob was capable of. She'd stared at it in the tub, her mind racing, trying to figure out what the hell she was going to do. She certainly wasn't planning on telling Noob that he bloody well scared the piss out of her.

Noob saw her look down at her arm and realized that Arran had left a scar. Probably as a reminder for the girl to obey Noob's orders. The cut had the desired effect of making Alia understand that she shouldn't try to escape but it also probably made her scared of what else he would do to her should she step out of line. And he knew that she would, she was human.

"I did it to make a point," Noob finally said looking at her arm.

"I got the message loud and clear."

"Good. I need you to understand that I don't feel the need to maim you for every little thing. As long as you keep me sexually pleased, I'm willing to let you get away with quite a bit."

"You just don't want me to leave."

"This is true."

"What if I don't want to be here?"

"Shouldn't have hopped through the portal."

"I didn't hop." She said. "I fell."

"Cheeky mouse."

He untied her robe and pushed it open so that he could gaze at her body. He slowly ran his hand up to her thigh and brushed his other along the bottom of her stomach. He smiled when she closed her eyes and shuddered. The thought of taking her on the desk became uppermost in his mind. She was becoming wet and her scent was driving him crazy.

"Please," she begged him.

He stood up and freed his cock from his pants and plunged into her waiting pussy. She wrapped her tiny legs around him and ran her hands under his shirt, pulling his nipples, and scrapping his back. He let himself go when she stiffened and called his name.

"I read romance books," She finally said.


"It's takes the people it the books three hours to have sex and it just took us three minutes."

"Obviously those people don't get excited by each other and have to work at making it happen. Their problem, not ours."

"Wow, you justified that pretty well."

"I'm good at justifying things to suit myself."

"I can see that."

There was a knock at the door and the two took a few moments to right their clothing.

"Enter." Noob called and two servants entered carrying trays.

Another two servants came in baring a table and two chairs. They set everything up, placed the food on the table and left. Noob dragged her over to the table and sat her down on one of the chairs and then sat opposite of her.

There was some kind of pig/lizard looking animal on one of the trays. It had obviously been roasted over a fire, it had some kind of strange fruit in its mouth, and it stared at her through emptied eye sockets.

"What is that?" She asked with a grimace.

"I'm told it's called a Trukeen."

"I'm not eating that."

"Of course you are." His shuriken appeared again and he sliced a piece of meat off of the Trukeen and held it out to her.

"Not hungry."

"If you don't open your mouth and have a bite, then were going to have a problem."

She grabbed the meat out of his hand and crammed it in her mouth hopping that maybe she could just chew and swallow without tasting too much. But then she stopped to really taste it.

"It tastes like chicken." She said with surprise.

"I don't remember chicken." He said absently playing with his shuriken.

"Here." She pulled a piece off and held it out to him. When he opened his mouth to tell her he didn't eat she shoved it in. He glared at her and she shrugged. He chewed the meat and started to remember that he'd really liked chicken when he was alive.

"Yeah. Pretty good right?"


"Okay, so you're a dead guy."


"Do you have, you know, bodily functions?"

"Thankfully, no. Anything that I eat or drink merely gets absorbed and turned into energy."

"Why do you have a bathroom then?"

"Because not only was it there when I took over but I still remember what it's like to feel dirty."


"I wonder if cattle would survive here." He said to himself, taking another bite of the Trukeen.

"Craving steaks now, are we?"

"Maybe." He popped some vegetables in his mouth. "Eat more. You're too thin."

"You can never be too thin or too pretty." She quoted.

His shuriken stopped twirling on his fingers and he looked at her like she had grown a second head.

"Fine. She stuffed another piece of meat in her mouth. "Happy?"


"Do you even realize that you're doing it?" she finally asked.

"Doing what?"

She looked pointedly at the shuriken rolling along his fingers.

"To be honest with you I started doing it to intimidate people and it just became a habit. I don't realize that I'm doing it most of the time."


"You don't like it?"

"Ha, ha. No." She looked down at her arm. "You cut me with the damn thing."

"You didn't feel the cut because it's too sharp and I sent for the healer right away." He smiled evilly. "Quit complaining. If you were one of my enemies you'd be full of them."

"Believe it or not, that's not that reassuring."

"Sorry. I thought that it might be." He shrugged.

"You don't deal much with women, do you?"

"Not women like you."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"You know, girly and emotional, and can't really defend themselves."

"I can see that I'm going to have to put us back on a more equal footing."

"How is that?"

"I could drop you in two seconds."

He laughed, loud and long. He was wiping tears from his eyes by the time he was done laughing.

She calmly wiped her mouth on a napkin, got up from the table, and walked away.

"Oh, I've hurt you feelings." He got up and walked toward her. "I'm sorry."

She stopped and turned to look at him with a small smile. Her arm shot out, she gave her wrist a light flick, and her middle finger just barely caught his left nut which pinged off the right nut and both vibrated for a moment.

Noob actually turned into a black oozy smoke and fell to the ground, hands clasped between his legs.

"My bad. That was three seconds. I'm going to have to work on that.


She bent down and patted him on the top of the head.

"If I hadn't done that, then you never would have taken me seriously. I'm thinking that you need to rethink my position in our relationship."

She stood up and went back to the table.

"Oh. By the way, I'm not very emotional. If I was then I might feel an insy bit bad about having done that to you."

She sat down and started eating again. After about five minutes he picked himself up off the floor and limped back to the table joining her. He valiantly managed to keep the food in his stomach and even took a sip of water to prove to himself that it hadn't been that bad.

"I didn't even see your hand move," he said finally.

"I can be fast when I need to." She yawned. "I'm tired."

He stood up and came around to pull her chair out for her.

"I would normally pick you up but I'm still recuperating."

"I'll forgive you this once." She said walking over and throwing herself on the bed.

Noob climbed in beside her, taking her in his arms, and covering them both.


Noob and Drahmin both stared intently at the small vial that sat on Noobs desk. It was glass and no bigger than Noob's small finger. It had a small amount of glowing pink liquid inside that swirled on its own.

"Where did you get it? How?" Noob finally asked.

"It's probably best not to ask," Drahmin told him with a shake of his head. "I've spoken with the Oni council and they are pleased with your leadership thus far."

"Good to know," Noob said a bit sarcastically.

"Trust me when I tell you that when the council is pleased with a Netherealm ruler, life is made easier."


"Yes." Drahmin shrugged. "Shinnok was not well liked."

"There was always something going wrong around this place." Noob said nodding thoughtfully.

"Exactly." Drahmin picked up the vial and set it in Noob's hand. "Just consider this our oath of allegiance."

"It won't hurt her?

"Not even a bit. The council feels that she is an asset."

"An asset?"

"You Wraiths aren't exactly stable."


"And she seems to be able to calm you."

"Do you really think so?"

"Yeah. I've been watching closely the last six months." Drahmin grimaced. "And not in a creepy way."

"Hmm." He looked down at the vial and smiled. "You have my thanks. I owe you."

"I like the thought of you owing me." Drahmin told Noob with an evil smile.

"See that you don't squander it friend." Noob said back.

"I won't." He looked at the vial again. "Are you going to speak to her about it?"

"Hell, no!" Noob told him. "I'm just going to put it in her drink at dinner."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? Women can be particular about such things. I would know, I do have three concubines, and you can trust me when I tell you that women are the same no matter what species they are."

"And what am I supposed to say? "Oh by the way, Alia, I've got this essence of a god. I want you to drink it. It will make you immortal." No thanks, I'm just going to do it and not tell her."

"Your choice," Drahmin told him easily. "Don't come whining to me though. You'll just get an I told you so."


"Where is Alia anyway?" Drahmin asked looking around suspiciously.

"In the garden," Noob said absently.

Of course Alia wasn't in the garden; she was on the balcony getting ready to come in when she caught the ass end of Noob's conversation. The fact that Noob was making such an important decision about her life, without talking to her about it, was very upsetting.

They had really been doing well the last six months. Alia had fallen ass over apple cart in love with Noob. This was amazing considering he was very evil. She'd set out to please him and not just in a sexual way. She'd taken on what amounted to the responsibilities of the queen. She spent hours every day practicing the martial arts he thought that she should know, and learning to use the weapons he'd brought her. She backed his decisions and argued with him when she felt that he was in the wrong.

She was also pregnant. She hadn't told him yet and he was completely oblivious about the fact but he would figure it out sooner or later. Of course she wasn't quite sure how it happened or what exactly her child would be, but she wasn't unhappy. She wasn't sure how Noob would feel about it though.

And of course now he wanted her to drink some kind of god essence and become immortal. There was no telling what affect it would have on the baby and she wasn't going to play with his life that way.

When Noob and Drahmin left the room she quietly slipped in and packed a light bag. She covered herself in one of Noob's cloaks and headed back out the balcony doors. She made her way to the portal, which she knew was being guarded. She hopped that she might be able to sneak through the portal, seeing as it was the dark of night.

She shook her head and tried not to laugh at her luck. The Oni, who were supposed to be guarding the portal, were both busy trying to catch a large Trukeen. While they were off a bit in the distance she merely walked up to the portal and jumped through.

A big black guy caught her. A big black guy with metal arms. There was also a tall blonde drink of water. She was wearing boots, cargo pants, and an extremely tight belly shirt. She also had breast that seemed huge. It might have been the shirt that made them look that way.

"I'm feeling somewhat inadequate," Alia told the woman as she looked down at her much smaller breast.

"They get in the way too much," the woman told her back.

"Enough," the man said to the woman. "Not who we're looking for but let's take her back to headquarters anyway. She might have information."

"Whoa, there big guy. I'm not going anywhere with you."

He merely pulled her along with them when the woman nodded her head in agreement. Alia didn't have much choice the man's grip was unbreakable. She didn't feel like it was too much of a big deal because; a, they hadn't mentioned Strignofsky and b, she'd been living in the Netherrealm for the last six months so she wasn't really afraid of much anymore.

Of course, several hours later, she was sitting in an interrogation room and she was pissed. She was alone in the room and was at her breaking point, when a large man with a wide brimmed straw hat walked in.

"You know what?" She stood up leaning over the table and glaring at him. "I already told big boobs and metal arms that I'm not saying one damn thing, so you can just piss off!"

His eyes crackled with electricity.

"Not scary."

"No?" He seemed confused by her statement.

"I've been living with Noob Saibot in the Netheream for the last six months." She plopped back down in her chair. "Trust me when I tell you that you're not scary."

He walked back out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Well, big boobs, and metal arms, I'm not sure what to make of her." Raiden said.

Then they all turned to look at the blue clad ninja laughing his ass off in the corner.

"You give it try," Sonja said to him.

"I will," Sub zero told them and walked to the door. He pulled it open and quietly slipped in.

"I told captain static that I don't have anything to say."

Raiden's eyes narrowed as he listened to this from behind the two way mirror. He took a menacing step toward the door.

"Hey," Sonja said stepping in front of him. "If Jax and I have to be big boobs and metal arms than it won't kill you to be captain static."

"This is ridiculous," he said throwing up his arms.

In the interrogation room sub zero stood looking down at the girl. He'd heard what she'd said about being with his brother for the last six months. He wanted to get his hands on Bi Han so that he could at least make an effort to turn him back to good.

He pulled off his mask and watched as the girl's eyes widened. She launched herself at him. She wrapped her hands around his neck and started sobbing into his chest. He wasn't sure what to do but he finally wrapped his arms around her and started rubbing her back soothingly.

"I'm sorry," she sobbed. "I was just scared and angry. You were just going to make me immortal. You weren't even going to talk to me about it."

She pulled back and looked up at him.

"Forgive me?"

He nodded.

"Thank you for coming to save me. We have to get out of here. These people are crazy." She started pulling toward the door. "The disguise is kind of cool by the way."

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