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Exhibitionist & Voyeur Stories

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Going to Night School

 — Not all school education is boring. by vanessa.evans12/20/064.31

Going To School

 — He & his wife take new student to flashing shopping. by mseaking03/18/024.22

Going to the Club

 — Adventures of a couple before and during a night at the club. by vic45006/21/054.49

Going to the Doctor

 — An attempt to get a handjob by a professional. by T_Warlok03/08/073.93

Going to the Movies

 — Two strangers don't stay unfamiliar for very long. by Nevrdul05/16/013.89

Going Too Far On The Train

 — Housewife got horny on the afternoon train by MaryJ08/18/044.43

Going Up?

 — Middle aged woman fulfills her fantasy. by _brent_12309/26/164.46

Going Uptown

 — Subways are taxing there is a light at the end of the tunnel. by GinnieMcDirty06/07/083.70

Going Wild at the Swingers

 — Couple do much, much more than go for a look! by Orton7404/22/214.26

Gold Card Ch. 04

 — Once again, Gold Card opens his eyes to sexual adventure. by MungoParkIII11/07/074.49

Gold-top and Blue-tits

 — Nick continues his lessons in lust by delivering his cream. by Daniellebatts6903/19/204.00

Golden Lion Tamarins

 — A wander in the zoo on Earth Day. by hoo_hoo_boo04/01/084.28

Goldie and the Three Bear Brothers

 — E-Written: An Adult Take on Goldilocks and the Three Bears. by JBEdwards12/01/204.47

Golf - She Lost the Bet

 — Wife loses bet and plays golf naked. by milalex03/07/214.53HOT

Golf Bet

 — My Aunt Nicole made a bet and lost. Thankfully. by Jamie75312/21/184.27

Golf Championship

 — She finally wins the club ladies tournament. by Sabineteas07/14/044.72HOT

Golf Course View Ch. 01

 — Better scenery than just a fairway. by TheRambler12/13/074.51HOT

Golf Tournament

 — She learns to play much better. by Sabineteas07/06/044.62HOT

Golliwog's Cakewalk Ch. 02

 — Cougar mom teaches another old frat tradition. by Nigel Debonnaire01/27/12

Gone Fishing

 — A voyeuristic day at the river. by Alura201104/17/114.39

Gone Too Far

 — Chelsea and Jim are invited to a nude Welcome party. by teegee10306/26/093.41

Good By Degree

 — Good Guys Can Still Watch ... Right? by AlwaysDancing04/18/114.23

Good Clean Fun at the Camp Ground

 — Showering can be so much fun. by Funloving6212/22/023.95

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

 — A husband sees his neighbor watching his wife sunbathe. by pervinplainpackage12/01/124.36

Good Fences Make Good Neighbors

 — Separated by Covid, neighbors use their imaginations. by LargoKitt10/12/214.65HOT

Good Friends

 — A blossoming Nudism and maybe more. by starbeam08/28/033.60

Good Game Ch. 02

 — The games over, now it's time to go home. by Swtt2112/04/054.55HOT

Good Girl vs. Slut Ch. 04

 — Someone unexpected helps Trisha out. by HiddenDevil_09/12/084.51HOT

Good Girl vs. Slut Ch. 08

 — Britney gives Trisha some hands-on training. by HiddenDevil_10/23/084.68HOT

Good Girl vs. Slut Ch. 11

 — A day at the beach. by HiddenDevil_01/30/094.60HOT

Good Girl vs. Slut Ch. 14

 — Trisha gets teased, again. by HiddenDevil_05/18/094.58HOT

Good Girl vs. Slut Ch. 18

 — Trisha moves on. by HiddenDevil_01/03/104.58HOT

Good Girl vs. Slut Ch. 19

 — Trisha graduates from high school. by HiddenDevil_05/26/104.74HOT

Good Hair Day

 — A trip to the salon pays off in a big way. by Sextoy01/28/034.49

Good Housekeeping

 — My awakening to becoming a voyeur. by Oldtalesoldman05/15/134.44

Good in Garters

 — Modleing lingerie turns hot. by OBGYNkenobi10/21/054.56HOT

Good Kisser

 — Be careful what you ask for... by mrpeachesva12/19/174.10

Good Man Pt. 03

 — The man submits to her needs. by OliviaLocke11/27/154.70HOT

Good Morning

 — Morning mistake leads to a wake up. by SeaCat07/03/043.70

Good Morning, Good Morning

 — A commuters morning journey changes his view on life. by bill_p9910/30/063.68

Good Morning, Sunshine

 — A man out for a walk encounters a man masturbating. by anonymous_a09/21/224.21

Good Motorcycle Vibrations

 — Motorcycle riding couple get naughty. by TheMayKing09/29/164.21

Good Neighbor Policy

 — Watching the neighbors can be as good as playing with them. by northparkbi04/14/163.93

Good Neighbors

 — Neighbor asks him to watch. by 12/23/003.90

Good Neighbors

 — Through a window, doors are opened. by texaz4502/23/084.33

Good Neighbors Don't Want Fences

 — Sexy MILF masturbates as neighbor watches. by ALadyInTheStreets10/12/224.12

Good Neighbours Ch. 01

 — Fun with a chocolate bar is watched unseen. by redfacedandnaked02/08/094.25

Good Neighbours Ch. 02

 — Susie and Adam meet again. by redfacedandnaked03/01/094.42

Good Neighbours Ch. 03

 — Susie calls round on Adam. by redfacedandnaked03/06/094.36

Good Night, Kelly

 — Best friend takes Kelly on an unexpected adventure. by SexyCurvz11/24/183.88

Good Samaritian

 — Stopping to help leads to an explosive erotic encounter. by silenceup2nogood10/13/094.51HOT

Good to the Last Drop

 — My BF watches while I take on the men he's invited inside. by vulpes3211/17/084.52HOT

Good Vibrations

 — Remote control vibrator provides some interesting dinner conversation. by hannsg08/25/154.36

Good Vibrations

 — Taking my toy for a walk leads to more than I expected. by AlexaDrake08/01/214.41

Goodbye, Jerilee

 — A female exhibitionist. by tracewrites08/11/113.90

Goodbye, Jerilee Ch. 02

 — Daring. by tracewrites08/15/114.24

Goody Two-Shoes Ch. 06

 — Sam and Jay experiment with a cam. by KarennaC05/13/084.52HOT

Got Any Batteries

 — She goes door to door to fill her need. by DreamerKitty05/28/083.45

Got Screwed

 — Man gets screwed without having intercourse. by kimberlykitten03/04/053.85

Got to man-up with her

 — Flashing and a near miss with some doggers. by coolomon09/15/194.25


 — Alec gets caught watching. by MydnytRayn05/25/013.42

Gothika - Amy and Christian

 — Amy & Christian watch their two friends in the club. by CornishBabe01/20/084.25

Gotta Keep 'em Dripping

 — College boy knows how to drum up business. by mef11/21/063.75

Gotta Love Holiday Parties

 — Girl goes crazy starting with a work party. by Migtydep109/30/144.16

Government Mandated Penis Exam

 — Lance must submit to penis exam from female coworker. by BigAssumption03/29/233.48

Government Service

 — Inside a unique federal agency. by HStoner08/18/184.60HOT

Grace Pt. 03

 — Grace gets into showing off. by TMONY109/17/214.69HOT

Grace Wants More Than Space Ch. 01

 — Greg disrespects Grace's privacy, gets the info he deserves. by HonJamm05/11/153.55

Graceful. Provocative. Classy.

 — A lady doesn’t always play tennis on the tennis courts. by bawdybloke09/02/143.95

Gracie's Glory Hole

 — Gracie's first time doing a glory hole. by Krazy_Organized_Chaos02/16/234.33

Gracie's Pool

 — Intimate encounter involving a swimming pool. by tall_texan5408/10/073.96

Graduation Day Pt. 01

 — Tiff graduates the only way she know. by Tiffany809/15/174.04

Graduation Night!

 — She graduates to two lovers. by Painfullypatient07/06/164.56HOT

Grand Canyon

 — Going on a sex filled trip by BeachBunny195202/15/082.59

Grand Canyon Trip: Father in Law

 — Wife plays games with dad in law. by Gabriel02/15/023.88

Grand Prix Ch. 1

 — She & Sheree show off their charms in public. by sluttyally04/24/014.47

Grand Prix Ch. 2

 — The girls act like complete sluts in public. by sluttyally04/25/014.55HOT

Grandma's House in the Country

 — We go to visit Gram, run into my cousin & a boy from my past. by EmiTsuruta05/06/224.28

Grant & Pauline Find Each Other

 — Friend gives release to neglected lady. by Tomray1003/18/013.87

Grant the Photographer

 — Disillusioned with glamour girls, he finds natural beauty. by MasterBate06/24/014.51HOT

Grapes O' Wrath Ch. 02

 — DeeDee spies something wild. by Stardog Champion12/06/104.48

Grateful Wife

 — Turn a gripe to a Valentine gift - with a friend. by LitEroCat02/03/094.16


 — What does the future hold for public displays of affection? by kylewhitney06/17/094.32


 — Pretty inexperienced student gets her biker boy. by misspeachyd04/27/133.64

Great Neighborhood Views

 — New neighbors put on quite the show. by mjt0902/15/104.27

Great Show

 — Wife unknowingly gives hubby & his friend a show. by si17405/21/013.83

Great Shower

 — sister-in-law intrudes on my shower on a hot, breezy daySister-in-law intrudes on his shower. by SirHardalot01/05/074.40

Greek Adventures Pt. 01

 — A holiday with my new girlfriend. by wankseveryday09/27/184.28

Greek Island Blowjob Contest

 — Guys compete in blowjob contest as horny girls cheer! by alanabirequest05/20/154.49

Greek Week

 — Competition brings out Julie's best. by DonnerBBQ02/02/104.49

Greek Week: John's Tale Ch. 01

 — Guy stages a play to get with girl of his dreams. by StanBrey06/28/154.44

Greek Week: Julie's Tale

 — Julie takes a role in a play competition. by DonnerBBQ08/07/104.62HOT

Greg's GF Pt. 03: Drinking Games

 — Teasing continues as the gang plays some drinking games. by Luv4hotwives11/15/204.40

Gretchen Does the Groping

 — A companion to Felicity Gets Fondled! by eatoure01/22/104.23

Grey Hair Ch. 09

 — Showtime in the elevator. by Figaro195501/30/215.00

Greyhound Game

 — Discretion is required on an overnight bus trip. by WFEATHER01/22/064.13

Grocery Creampie

 — Woman sees something vulgar on the internet, tries it. by vladm11/02/204.17

Grocery Gals Ch. 01: Wendy

 — From timid to wild Wendy changes. by TwinkleTwinkie12/28/214.12

Grocery Gals Ch. 02: Girl Scout Alumni

 — A College girl sales more than just scout cookies. by TwinkleTwinkie01/02/224.22

Grocery Parking Lot

 — Susan milks Bryan dry in Grocery Parking Lot!!! by BR_imornery8109/18/214.16

Grocery Store

 — Get some in the last aisle. by CGDavid07/28/084.06

Grocery Store

 — Nude trip to the grocery store. by publicnude04/20/164.04

Grocery Store Aisles

 — Foreplay at the strip club; sex at the grocery store. by TheCoz10/14/083.73

Grocery Store Exhibition

 — In response to a story request. by quietwoman18703/21/094.02

Groomed For Pleasure

 — Hair dresser publicly takes over personal grooming. by inchXinch04/06/204.34


 — I was trapped in an awkward situation. by CopyCat1310/21/133.81

Groped at the Company Party

 — Young busty girlfriend is groped and used at a company party. by ret12302/22/154.21

Groped at the Company Party Ch. 02

 — Busty girlfriend gives a humiliating deposition. by ret12304/20/154.29

Groped Ch. 02

 — I decided to call her. by CopyCat1311/25/133.55

Groped in Japan

 — I had no idea how busy the subways in Japan could be. by Lady_MaDonna08/16/154.07

Groped While Showering

 — Summer2014 - Taking a shower and then fingered by husband. by verysimplegal06/27/144.03

Gropes 'n' Roses

 — A crowded crush at a rock concert turns tittilating. by bentmagpie01/06/124.20

Groupie Gives More

 — You take it a little further, but who's watching? by Young_Dream0409/09/034.28

Grove Beyond the Field at Sunset

 — Couples meet in a park to see and be seen. by ContinentalPsyOp07/04/214.35

Growing Need

 — He makes her body quiver with desire. by Intoxyc8me02/12/013.65

Growing up a Nudist

 — A new friend visits me. by flashgordon56200605/14/194.05

Growth Spurt

 — A grower is also a shrinker. I have a wide range in between. by JuanSeiszFitzHall06/17/214.03

Guard Shack

 — A hot date AND a sexy parking garage attendant... by ChatLuvver6404/14/164.34

Guess I Should've Called First

 — Domestic errand turns wild. by Stardog Champion10/09/004.15Editor's Pick

Guess What I Saw?

 — My young neighbor catches an eyefull and returns the favor. by ErotickWriter03/05/134.66HOT

Guess What I Saw? Ch. 02

 — I learn just what an exhibitionist my neighbor truly is! by ErotickWriter03/24/134.72HOT

Guess What I Saw? Ch. 03

 — Tony and Kelly bring Tony's wife into the fold. by ErotickWriter07/13/134.74HOT

Guess What I Saw? Ch. 05

 — Monica, Kelly, and Tony finish what they started. by ErotickWriter10/23/134.78HOT

Guess Who?

 — A accidental Gloryhole and a case of mistake Identity. by UnpublishedEroticaWriter06/14/224.48

Guiater Hero

 — Singer is persuaded to create extra interest in the band. by MattBN09/03/124.40

Guilty Pleasures Ch. 02: Veronica

 — Title: Butterflies. A woman gets excited for her new role. by SmuttySamoanMD12/16/204.36

Gullible Danielle

 — Gullible Danielle gets tricked into public nudity by Nudiebooty2407/23/184.13

Gullible Danielle Pt. 02

 — Danielle and Katie go for a jog. by Nudiebooty2408/17/184.23

Gullible Danielle Pt. 03

 — Danielle goes to a Halloween party and loses her costume. by Nudiebooty2409/08/184.44

Gullible Danielle Pt. 04

 — Danielle walks naked through a mall. by Nudiebooty2408/15/194.53HOT

Gullible Danielle Pt. 05

 — Danielle is unaware that she went skinny dipping. by Nudiebooty2410/05/194.52HOT

Gullible Danielle Pt. 06

 — Danielle takes a nude trip with Katie and makes a discovery. by Nudiebooty2405/17/204.54HOT

Gullible Danielle Pt. 07

 — Danielle tries answering the door naked, and other things. by Nudiebooty2412/22/204.42

Gullible Danielle Pt. 08

 — Danielle and Katie have a naked workout. by Nudiebooty2401/21/214.40

Gullible Danielle Pt. 09

 — Danielle has an uneventful day in the spa. by Nudiebooty2411/17/214.44

Gullible Danielle Pt. 10

 — Danielle accidentally is naked in a hospital. by Nudiebooty2411/19/214.58HOT

Gullible Danielle Pt. 11

 — Danielle gets naked while cleaning a stranger's house. by Nudiebooty2405/06/224.63HOT

Gullible Danielle Pt. 12

 — Danielle takes a visit to the dentist. by Nudiebooty2407/12/224.27

Gullible Danielle Pt. 13

 — Danielle goes for an early morning streak along the water. by Nudiebooty2407/27/224.28

Gung Ho at Gunnison

 — The cure for a hangover is a nude beach! by ReedRichards05/29/174.32

Gwen Shows Off

 — Kinky couple ends up in a sex shop. by statestreet05/18/044.23

Gwen's Journey Ch. 01

 — But for the Loss of a Tree. by LitRiter08/17/094.41

Gwen, Trevor and Friend

 — College girl exhibitionist and boyfriend are exploited. by Writer632411/24/214.45


 — A woman comes home to an eyeful of surprise. by jellogrl06/07/174.40

Gym Adventure

 — She has a hot workout. by kinky shy girl06/19/044.47

Gym Bunny

 — Why does Nicola workout nude at her gym? by Knickers02/26/044.52HOT

Gym Club

 — Sophie discovers gym club. by stripgnd05/06/224.78HOT

Gym Incentive

 — He gets a new incentive for a 'complete' workout. by Chazzy12301/15/084.26

Gym Inspiration

 — Flirting at the gym leads to a show. by gymguy11/07/084.16

Gym Night

 — Kellie enjoys being watched and fondled by an old man. by kellie_beth02/07/114.29

Gym Shower

 — Women's locker room shower gets hot & steamy. by astuffedshirt_perv07/09/024.37

Gym Shower Show

 — He jacks off as he watches couple in the showers. by storyxteller04/26/063.91

Gym Showers

 — After a long workout, she relaxes by watching them shower. by vampgirl13710/07/144.45

Gymnasium Games

 — The first time I found myself the object of voyeurs. by Grey_Eyes01/16/103.95

Gymnasts in Heat Ch. 01

 — Jen discovers Sara's libido and ambition are dangerous. by Subtext07/13/174.28

H&R In The Shower

 — H&R have a hot shower. by hrbishop6905/24/123.88


 — You get seduced by a stranger on your phone. by CountessCHarlow04/12/153.79

Had to Leave The House Sometime

 — The Swede and I go shoe shopping. by FluffyLove09/25/123.97

Hail Ch. 01

 — Strange girl, strange name, strange situation. by gentlebutfirm06/30/044.29

Hail Mary

 — New office worker Mary meets her boss. by jerryskidz06/29/224.27

Hailey's Ghostly Encounter

 — Hailey encounters some prankster ghosts. by Dominic_DeCoco10/28/224.38

Hailey's Ghostly Encounter Pt. 02

 — Hailey's prankster ghosts take it further. by Dominic_DeCoco11/03/224.67HOT

Hailey's Secret

 — A teenage exhibitionist gets helps putting on a show. by Jamie75312/19/184.60HOT

Hair of the Dog Ch. 02

 — The hike and lunch at a local burger shop. by SEVERUSMAX10/13/164.18

Hairelding a New Don Ch. 4

 — He watches Athena & Frederico in back of car. by belab10/09/024.01

Hairless with a Tongue Stud

 — Father learns wonders of shaved & the tongue stud. by Baxter7202/25/064.43

Hairy Pussy On Display

 — She opens wide. by Kay-Dee01/23/064.40

Haitian Hooters

 — My First Breast Expansion Story. by DDDDave12/09/124.42

Half Blind Brad

 — A son sends racy pictures to him mom by accident. by mcmurryae01/31/174.25


 — We show appreciation to the friend who introduced us. by raiderh07/30/114.74HOT

Halloween Again!

 — He meets his neighbor and they watch a show. by sam180910/18/064.56HOT

Halloween Cross-Dressing Bash Ch. 03

 — Bob enjoys the show. by BOSTONFICTIONWRITER10/17/083.99

Halloween Dance At a Nudist Resort

 — She asked if he'd come to their party. by Stillgettingitup10/13/114.03

Halloween Delight Ch. 04

 — A Dance, a Delight, a Deception. Things in threes. by The_Blackguard03/25/104.17

Halloween Hijinks

 — I get naughty at two different Halloween parties. by BarbKann10/20/164.52HOT

Halloween Night Pt. 01

 — Tabrin spends her Halloween in a fun way. by LustPersona05/23/194.00

Halloween Noir

 — A private detective, a womanizing cuckold, a ghostly voyeur. by AlwaysHungry10/04/104.30

Halloween Party

 — Halloween Contest gets out of hand. by Ginabee02/07/014.13

Halloween Party with the Phantom

 — Jamie & Steve attend party with the Phantom. by theladycroft11/02/054.57HOT

Halloween Party with Tracy

 — Exhibitionist Halloween party goes out of control. by Magda_Sorensen10/11/224.13

Halloween Shadow

 — She watches over her husband. by Dribble6910/23/034.27

Halloween Voyeur

 — Taking advantage of the customs to get a free sex show. by SweetPrettyAss10/05/143.76

Halloween, 2224

 — Halloween party on a space station motel suite. by LitEroCat10/22/224.00

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