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Gullible Danielle Pt. 10

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Danielle accidentally is naked in a hospital.
1.8k words

Part 10 of the 13 part series

Updated 05/29/2023
Created 07/23/2018
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"Don't worry Danielle, this sleep study is harmless," Doctor Paddle explained. "All you have to do is hook yourself up to the machine and the next morning we will examine your results."

"But doctor, I feel as though it will be hard for me to have a normal night's sleep when I'm in such an unfamiliar location," Danielle replied.

"Oh don't worry, dear. That is very normal and we account for that when we review the results," the doctor replied.

Danielle reluctantly agreed to the sleep study. It wasn't even her idea to begin with. She was only doing it because her parents complained about the noise Danielle made every night.

Danielle just didn't want to explain to her mom and dad that she was plagued with nightmares about herself being nude in public, which caused her to wake up screaming frequently.

It didn't help that Danielle's real life was full of source material for her mind to pull from.

Danielle couldn't count how many times she had been nude and humiliated in front of a crowd. Not to mention the amount of times she was naked and horny in front of a crowd.

So Danielle agreed to take a sleep study to appease her family. Although she didn't like the idea of sleeping in a hospital overnight.

At around 8 PM, Danielle's parents said goodbye and wished her good luck with her sleep study.

Then at around 830 PM Doctor Paddle greeted Danielle and said, "Well, my shift is over but I will be here bright and early to give you the findings. In the meantime, make yourself comfortable and do whatever you can to get a good night's sleep."

"Thank you doctor," Danielle politely responded.

And with that, the doctor was off. And Danielle was left in her room to figure out how to fall asleep.

Danielle scrolled through her phone for a few minutes unable to fall asleep until the doctor's words occured to her.

"Make yourself comfortable" echoed in Danielle's head.

"Well, I certainly can't sleep like this," Danielle thought.

Danielle was dressed in a pair of tight jean shorts and a t-shirt.

"I only sleep in the nude," Danielle continued.

Danielle reasoned that since she had the room to herself, that there should be no problem with her stripping.

Danielle removed her t-shirt to reveal a lacy black bra that could just barely contain Danielle's voluptuous C-cup breasts. The Danielle slid her jean shorts down to reveal her string panties.

Her panties consisted of a flexible black band that wrapped low around her waist, and another band that traveled through Danielle's sexy legs to the other side.

The thickness of Danielle's panties was irrelevant because it was entirely enveloped by her bubbly ass cheeks. To an outside observer, Danielle might as well have been wearing just a black rubber band around her waist.

In the end Danielle's revealing underwear didn't matter anyway because she stripped that off too. Danielle always slept in the nude.

Danielle lied in bed for a few minutes trying to doze off but she just couldn't. She needed to go to the bathroom.

So Danielle got up and walked towards the door, but as she reached for the knob she remembered that she was butt naked.

So Danielle grabbed a hospital gown hanging on the door and put it on.

"That should do," she thought.

Danielle failed to realize that she was supposed to tie the gown in the back, but she was already out the door and walking down the hallway.

Danielle's bare booty was completely exposed as she strolled down the hallway looking for a bathroom.

She searched for several minutes until she finally found a woman's locker room.

Danielle figured that there must be a bathroom in there. She slowly opened the door and walked inside. Danielle found a room full of lockers with a few stalls and a sink in the corner.

Danielle was relieved to finally find a bathroom.

After Danielle was finished she washed her hands and took a moment to admire herself in the mirror. Danielle discovered her big booty was exposed in her current attire.

"Well this just won't do," She thought.

Danielle searched though the lockers in the room and discovered some nurse's scrubs. Danielle for some reason only noticed the top which she mistook for the entire outfit.

Danielle discarded the hospital gown and replaced it for what was essentially a shirt.

The shirt did not cover Danielle's ass or pussy at all. It barely covered her belly button, but Danielle was tired and figured that no one would notice.

So Danielle made her way back to her room with the cool hospital air tickling her bare butt and exposed shaved pussy, when all of the sudden she heard a voice.

"Nurse! Nurse!" Yelled a young man.

Danielle was unsure of what to do because she wasn't a nurse but was wearing a nurses outfit and thought that maybe she could help.

The young man was in his late twenties with short brown hair and a bit of stubble.

Danielle entered the room and asked, "How can I help you?"

The young man called the woman in the ask for some water but when he saw Danielle's naked bottom he changed his mind.

"Miss, I could really use a sponge bath," the young man stated.

Danielle hid her nervousness and confidently responded, "Of course sir."

Danielle carefully approached the man and lowered the blanket to the bottom of the hospital bed. This revealed the man wearing nothing but a hospital gown..

Danielle would have noticed the man's growing erection if she paid a little more attention, but she was too busy finding a sponge and a bucket.

After Danielle found a bucket in the room, she squirted soap in it and filled it with water and dropped a sponge in it.

This gave the young man a great view of Danielle's perfect bubble butt which made his erection slowly grow even more.

Danielle finally approached the bed with her bucket and sponge when the man asked, "You're not gonna keep that on while you bathe me right?" Pointing towards her shirt, "I mean, you don't want it to get all wet, do you?"

Danielle feigned understanding and said, "Of course not! Thank you for reminding me."

Danielle thought to herself that she was very smooth and was glad that she didn't reveal to the man that she wasn't a nurse.

Meanwhile the young man kept thinking to himself, "I can't believe that worked."

Danielle grabbed her "scrubs" and lifted them off over her head, showing her perky c-cup boobs to the man. His erection was now in full drive poking from his hospital gown.

Danielle didn't notice this and began giving him a sponge bath by gently removing his gown to reveal his naked form.

Danielle started by washing his toned chest and arms. The young man just stared at the young beauty in the dim light.

Danielle was doing fine until she had to reach his far arm. Danielle's short stature made it difficult for her to reach across the young man's body. So her only option was to climb up on top of the naked man's body to reach his other arm.

The man acted natural, but on the inside he was shaking with excitement to have a cute woman in her birthday suit crawling on top of him and scrubbing him with soapy water.

Danielle finished washing his upper torso and started working towards his lower body. Danielle figured she might as well stay on top of him so she could reach all of his body, so when she turned to his lower body she inadvertently exposed her naked ass and pussy to the man's face.

The man's eyes widened as he stood face to face with the sexiest ass he has ever seen.

Meanwhile, Danielle noticed the man's rock hard cock pointing directly at her face and tried to wash around it. However, the hard dick kept brushing up against Danielle's lips and chin as she reached down to wash his calves.

Normally Danielle would have easily been able to work through it but she felt the man's warm breath on her tight asshole and wet pussy, which was hovering just inches in front of his face.

Finally the young man made his move and slowly reached forward and slid his tongue through her sensitive butt crack, lightly touching her tight asshole.

This sent Danielle in overdrive and instinctively swallowed his long white dick. Her saliva dripped all over his balls as the man engulfed her clit with his mouth, sucking passionately.

Danielle's naked body convulsed in bliss as she orgasmed all over the young man's face. Danielle orgasm only made her more hungry for cock as she deepthroated his thick member.

Danielle finally slid the cock out of her mouth to take a deep breath and that's when it erupted into her face and covered her with his hot cum.

"You're the best nurse ever," The man smugly said.

This is when Danielle realized that she had taken too far.

Danielle gave a polite giggle to the man and said, "I'll be right back."

Danielle quickly exited the room, forgetting her shirt. Leaving her utterly and completely naked. Not to mention her face which was dripping with cum.

Danielle wandered around the hospital for hours until she could find her room, often hiding from doctors and nurses who happened to be walking down the same hallway as her.


Danielle finally found her room exhausted and collapsed on her bed.

Danielle was awoken a few hours later to sound of her doctor speaking loudly to his residents.

"Now this next patient is her for a sleep study," Doctor Paddles projected as he slid the curtain to the side.

Danielle had just woken up and was frozen in fear as the doctor had just exposed her body in its nude glory to all of the doctor's students.

There was a short pause before Doctor Paddles dismissed his students. They each took their time getting an extra look at the sexy nude girl as they left the room. Especially the men.

Danielle was finally able to cover herself with the blanket although there was nothing she could do to cover the dried cum on her face.

Doctor Paddles asked gently, "Danielle, what happened last night?"

Danielle was petrified, but she was able to come up with a lie that she thought would cover her tracks.

"I.. I... I must have slept walk last night and lost my clothes." Danielle stuttered out.

"Oh don't worry dear, we have security cameras all throughout the hospital! We'll be able to figure out what you got up to last night, don't you worry!"

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Reading about Danielle's naked adventures is fun.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I hope you're nowhere near done with Danielle. I'd love to see 10 more chapters of this story

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Happy seeing you writing Danielle stories. I hope the next one brings back Katie or maybe get Danielle's mother involved.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

yes! Excellent! thankful to see her getting fucked again!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love the story! Can't wait to see what happens to Danielle next

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