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[ENF] The Emma Girl's New Clothes

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A naive girl ends up naked and humiliated at a pool party.
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Joint work by swguy123 and Executionus

The Emma Girl's New Clothes

Part 1 -- Prologue

In certain close-knit small towns in America, there are many unwritten rules that you can never break without turning yourself into an outsider. In this type of town, some of the families have lived here for generations. Some of the families have lived on the same land and even in the same house for a century or longer. Everyone knows everyone else, and secrets are rare. It is expected of people that they homogenize, and extreme diversity is frowned upon.

There one key unwritten rule which is central to this story here: You can never leave. These folks don't trust outsiders, and the moment you move away from the community you become an outsider yourself. It's seen as a betrayal in many circles and is overall frowned upon, even if this is not explicitly stated at any time. And if you do happen to leave one of these towns, even just to go to an out-of-state college, don't expect to just come back to town one day without suffering some consequences.

Completely unaware of this unwritten rule was Emma Robinson, a college freshman born and raised in Well Springs, a mountain town with a total population of only 1500 people. She had a tendancy to be unaware of many things, as she was generally a clueless and gullible "go with the flow" type of girl. Many of the stereotypes for blondes applied to Emma, however she was a natural brunette. She also had a slim figure, C-cups, and a surprising amount of ass for her build.

Her whole life it was a running gag among her friends that Emma was dumb, especially on matters of an adult nature due to her sheltered upbringing. She shocked her entire circle of friends at 15 when it was revealed in conversation that she didn't actually yet know that sex involved penetration of the vagina. The other kids laughed at Emma's horrified look on her face as she tried to imagine shoving a piece of another human being's body up inside her hole.

Emma did really well on school assignments and tests, but almost any test of street smarts scored her a big ole F. Her friends knew they could trick her into just about anything and lots of fun was had with this knowledge. Emma's lifelong embarrassment over being "the dumb chick" is actually one of the reasons that she went to college in the first place. It was her hope that higher education would be the tool needed to finally turn her into one of the smart ones. Sadly... it was not.

After completing her freshman year, Emma was ready to head back home for a couple weeks of her summer break before heading back to her job near the college. She texted her best friends Sara and Rachel to let them know that she would be back soon and that she hoped to hang out with them some as soon as she was in town again.

Emma knew that the two girls were very upset about Emma moving off to the dorms and had not talked with her much at all since she left, but in her blissful ignorance she mistakenly thought that the two girls would be overjoyed to hear of her return. Sadly... they were not.

Sara and Rachel began texting each other behind Emma's back, astonished by the audacity of their former friend acting like there was nothing wrong with leaving town and then just coming back a year later like it was nothing.

They began to gossip about what all type of deviancy Emma had gotten into with her elitist college friends from the big city, and they also joked about what all types of brainwashing these "indoctrination camps" had filled her empty mind with. Their text convo rapidly escalated to more and more insulting of their former bff, while simultaneously both girls were all smilies and positivity in their chats with Emma herself. It was blatantly two-faced, but that's small town USA in a nutshell.

After a little while, Sara came up with a brilliant idea. In a text to Rachel, she wrote, "Hey, what if we threw a big party at my house with all of the cool people from high school, told Emma it was a 'welcome back' party or a 'one year HS reunion' party or something, and then we humiliated that dumbass in front of everyone?"

Sara's family had money, so her house and its yard were quite large and well-decorated. There was even a fairly large swimming pool. It was a popular party location anytime Sara's parents were off on a long business trip, such as now.

Rachel texted back, "I love it! How should we humiliate her though? Everyone from school already knows she's riding a short bus the length of a bicycle. We need something new to really teach her a lesson. Any ideas?"

Sara thought for a minute before replying, until suddenly the best idea came to her. "You remember how Emma didn't know shit about sex stuff even during senior year? I'll bet she's still utterly clueless about that stuff. And remember that time I almost tricked her into flashing gym class? I got her to walk out of the locker area in nothing but a towel by convincing her that Mr Levins needed to do everyone's laundry after we showered because of a bedbug problem in town. We both walked out in towels, she just didn't know that I had clothes on under mine. I swear to God, if Mike didn't start yelling at us both like a horny idiot ruining everything I'm positive, 100%, that I could've convinced her that the towel needed washing too and gotten her to hand it to me before she noticed that everyone else had clothes on. $20 says I can actually get her topless at the party, maybe even naked, as long as we tell all of the boys ahead of time to keep their stupid mouths shut."

Rachel responded, "PERFECT!!!! I'll bet we could get her to make a complete fool out of herself all party before she ever caught on, as long as we got everyone to pretend that everything was normal. Let's just make sure to not invite Mike. Fuck Mike! Also fuck Patty the preacher, she'd ruin it too."

Sara replied, "Yes, we have to be very careful about who we invite if this is going to work. But one guy is an absolute must: Devin. Do you remember how head over heels in love with Devin she used to be? And she went all school without ever once making a move on him because she was such a chicken. It would be so damn funny to see the look on her face when she realizes that she just made a naked fool of herself in front of Devin, plus like everyone else there too!"

Rachel then asked, "So how exactly are you planning to trick her into getting naked, especially in front of Devin and the other boys? You know how shy she is about that stuff."

Giggling to herself like a fool, Sara texted back, "We get the T&A with a little T&A of our own... Trust and Alcohol!"

Part 2 -- The party begins

The day of the party, roughly 30 19-year-old young adults were all gathered in Sara's back yard, all from the same graduating class. Emma was not there yet, having been told a later start time than the others. Each person was hand-selected by Sara and Rachel for their ability to go along with the prank without ruining it, although they did make up the majority of their graduating class so there weren't many important people missing.

Word had been passed to all of them, the boys and the girls, that the goal was to teach Emma a lesson a little bit for running off to some fancy elitist college while leaving all of them behind like that. The instructions given to everybody were pretty simple: Act natural no matter what Emma does or is done to her, and constantly praise her and egg her on. To avoid potential leaks or second thoughts from the crew at the party, the specific detail of HOW Sara and Rachel planned to make a fool out of Emma was withheld until after everyone showed up.

Sara chose to do the honors of announcing, "So...we are going to get Emma wasted-level drunk while the rest of us stay mostly sober, but pretending to be as drunk as she is. That girl was always a lightweight so this won't be too difficult, but for today's adventure we're going to be going much lighter on the alcohol content of your screwdrivers and pina coladas than we are with hers. Even if you WANT to get wasted, tough shit. We can't have any of you blurting out the wrong thing at the wrong time messing this up. Also Officer Jones keeps trying to catch me with alcohol underaged, the prick, so you assclowns have to be able to walk a line if he tries to stop by. Once Emma's nice and loopy, I'm going to enact a secret plan of mine... which will hopefully end with shy little Miss Robinson walking around here... topless!"

The girls squealed, the boys hooted. It was no secret to anybody that Emma was smoking hot, probably the hottest of the three chearleader girls with Sara and Rachel, so the promise of getting to see her uncovered chest got the immediate attention of all of the guys (and a few of the girls too). They weren't ready for the next words out of Rachel's mouth, however, as she added, "Oh and by the way... the plan is to get the bottoms eventually too!"

Final details were hashed out among all of the teens in attendance, with the anticipation growing in all of them (either out of hormons, spite, boredom, or some mixture of all three). When they heard Emma's car pull up in the driveway, the entire back yard went silent. Sara and Rachel went around one last time ordering everybody to act natural no matter what and to see how long they could keep the ruse going and how far they could get away with pushing it.

That's when Emma walked around the back of the house. She was elated to see all of her friends standing there waiting on her. The crowd launched into a loud, "Welcome back, Emma!" as soon as they saw her, which made the girl jump and wave her hands excitedly.

Emma's innocent little eyes bugged out a little bit from seeing so many of the hot guys from high school shirtless in swim trunks. Half the girls were in bikinis too, making Emma feel a little overdressed in her pink shorts and white cami. On the other hand, she was pretty shy and was nervous about changing and coming back out in her bikini in front of almost the entire class without some liquid courage first.

Upon seeing Sara and Rachel, her two besties, Emma immediately ran to both of them to give them big hugs. She was utterly clueless as to the petty vendetta against her felt by those in this crowd.

After the first hour had gone down, Emma found herself quite tipsy indeed. She had no idea that everyone else was drinking much lighter cups than she had, so in her attempt to keep up with her friends and classmates constantly downing glass after glass she had already slipped past the point of sobriety by quite a lot. The hotdogs on the grill were tasty too, but eating just made Emma thirstier and they weren't exactly serving Cokes at this party.

Sara then called out, "So everyone, now that food is done, who's ready to hit the pool for a little bit?" Basically everyone cheered for a unanimous yes.

Part 3 -- The "bikini"

Emma, still very tipsy, walked over to Sara and asked her, "Hey girl, can I use your bathroom to change? I've got my bikini in my purse, as usual."

Rachael and Sara both knew that Emma always changed in and out of her suit at pool parties instead of wearing it the whole time. She got too shy or cold just standing around in it normal. This was part of their plan.

With an evil smile, Sara answered, "Of course. I'll even tie the back for you."

As Emma walked into the bathroom with Sara, she had no idea that her conservative bikini had actually been swiped out of her sitting purse earlier by Rachel.

Emma stripped completely naked before she even looked in the purse itself for her suit, confident that it was in there waiting for her as always. She didn't worry about Sara seeing her naked, since being on cheer squad the three besties had seen every inch of each others' skin hundreds of times over the years.

Sara got a good look once again at Emma's bare chest and her smooth nipples with very-wide lightly colored areolas that covered over half of her C-cup tits, a source of good-natured ribbing from the other cheer girls over the years who had more traditional-sized and perky pink nipples.

The naked Emma fumbled through her purse looking for her suit, but quickly realized that it wasn't there.

"Sara!" she whispered nervously, "I think somebody stole my bikini!"

Sara giggled, "Um Emma... why would anybody steal your clothes instead of, you know, your wallet? Besides, somebody would've seen if anyone here was robbing girls purses. You probably just left it at home."

Emma pouted, "Oh noooo. Sara, I'm too drunk to drive back home and get it. What do I do now?"

Sara paused a second, and then responded, "Well you don't want to swim in your normal clothes or your bra and panties for sure, that would just look ridiculous. Besides, I'll bet you don't want all of the guys from school seeing you in your underwear."

Emma's eyes went wide, "No no! God, that would be so embarrassing. Help me, Sara!" she pouted drunkly.

Sara put her hand on Emma's back, "I might have a spare suit, lemme check quickly!"

With those words, Sara ran off to grab the pre-prepared "spare" that she had ready for this day. After stalling for a few seconds to be less suspicious, Sara then returned to her naked friend while holding a single item: a nude-color string bikini bottom smaller than anything Emma had ever worn in public in her entire life. The coloring was remarkably close to Emma's natural skin color, almost as if they had been purchased with her in mind.

Sara began, "Sorry girl, this was the best that I could find. It's kinda hot though... I'll bet you can get a few naughty looks from... Devin... if you wear this."

The drunk girl went red in the face. Part of her was too afraid of going out in public like that, but the alcohol and the hormones had both completely overwhelmed that part of her brain.

Without answering with words (just making a "Eemmmm" sound), Emma grabbed the skimpy bikini bottom and put it on. Drunk as she was, the act of tying it in place while covering her trimmed little bush was much too difficult though.

Sara offered to tie it for her instead. She made sure to tie it somewhat loosely and using just a single knot tied into a bow like a shoelace on both sides. Just one well-timed pull on both sides would drop this garment to the ground in one second flat, and the thought of doing that later secretly made Sara very giddy inside.

Once the bottoms were on, Emma asked, "Wait, where's the top?"

Sara quickly responded, "Ok, so hear me out... That top broke a long time ago and I threw it out. I kept the bottoms as a spare if I needed them though."

The drunk Emma leaned a little and fell into a wall, then put her hands over her big nipples, "Sara, I need a top before I go out there!" she pouted.

Ever the "helpful friend", Sara replied, "I know. I have an idea about that. So these bottoms are quite small and mostly just a skinny string holding two triangles, right? Well, why don't I just use some of my lipstick to draw a fake bikini top on you? It would have the same style as the bottoms, and I think I have a lipstick that actually matches your faded nipple color. I can use your wide nipples and make them look like a top, and draw a fake string around you to make it look legit. Everybody is so drunk that they'll never even notice that it isn't real, and I'll bet you'll get a ton of compliments from the boys for being so daring and sexy now that you're a big bad college girl."

That suggestion was so stupid that no intelligent or sober person would ever even consider it. Luckily, Emma was neither of those things right now, so she sheepishly nodded her head and allowed Sara to draw the fake bikini.

Sara began with the string, drawing it tube-top style so that there wouldn't be much "string" on Emma's body at all, with her shoulders completely bare. Basically, Sara just drew one horizontal line between the edges of Emma's big areolae at the front and another horizontal line that went around her sides and her back. Next, she worked on Emma's chest itself. Because Sara had absolutely no intention of actually hiding Emma's body, she only pretended to color in Emma's nipples, drawing on them with the back of the lipstick instead of the front.

The end result was a topless girl with a very faint pinkish line drawn around her upper body that hid absolutely nothing, while wearing tiny skimpy bottoms that didn't hide too much and also blended in heavily with Emma's natural skin tone.

Sara had the intoxicated Emma check herself out in the mirror, making sure to compliment how good she looked like this and egging her on to wow everybody with how mature she is now. With her blood alcohol level as high as it was, the inebriated girl saw her reflection and actually thought that her wide areolas and the drawn string between them looked passable as a bikini top. Sadly... they did not.

Outside, all of the teens waited with baited breath. Rachel had informed everyone that this would be the moment of truth and that they HAD to act natural when Emma came out in her "bikini", or else it would all be ruined. Warning after warning had been given, and yet most of Emma's classmates were still not completely mentally prepared for the image that walked out of Sara's house.

The boys faces all lit up as Sara walked out first, followed by a topless Emma wearing nothing but a thin "string" drawn around her cleavage, sides, and back. Emma's C-cup breasts, her large areolas, and her small nipple points sticking out were all completely uncovered and on display for them all to see.

Several of the boys noticably blushed at the sight, since Emma's stunning beauty and sexiness stole the show instantly when she walked out. Many of the girls stared as well, and the entire party accidentally went dead silent as she came out topless in front of them all, blissfully unaware of the show she was giving nearly her entire graduating class.

Rachel knew that she needed to break the silence quickly to keep the ruse going, so she loudly squealed and ran up to Emma while saying, "Wow girl, you look HOT! That bikini is so much better than your old one was last year. Did you buy it off Amazon or was that one of Sara's?"

Emma blushed from the attention, and then answered, "Sara gave it to me. You really like it?"

Rachel gave a double thumbs up, "Hell yeah! I might borrow that suit myself the next time we do a party like this. We should get some selfies together, all three of us looking fine."

Part of Emma's brain vaguely remembered that she wasn't actually wearing a top right now, but that voice was just a whisper drowing in a sea of screwdrivers right now. With Rachel on one side of her and Sara on the other, the three cheer girls in bikinis posed for several selfies with Rachel's phone camera.

Little did Emma know, however, that Rachel was a proud owner of a very high quality phone that was far from cheap, which she had purchased mostly to use its Ultra HD camera for her photography hobby. The resolution and clarity of this camera was so crisp and detailed that if you zoomed in enough on a person's skin you could probably see their mitochondria.

Rachel made absolutely certain to include Emma's bare chest and exposed nipples in every selfie that she took of the three of them, and every shot captured every freckle on Emma's skin and every teeny bump on her nipples. The pictures even showed the blushing of Emma's face and chest region from being photographed topless, but the clueless girl still thought that nobody else could tell and that her disguise was perfect. Her being handed and downing yet another shot didn't help her self-awareness at all.

After Rachel's initial selfie haul, it became a thing from that point on for the other girls and boys to all constantly sneak pictures of Emma, or just walk up and grab selfies together with her. Most of the time they would pretend to receive a text just so that they could subtly aim their phone at her without being obvious. Before long, every single one of them had at least one topless picture of Emma with her embarrassingly big nipples on display, and nobody would ever be able to stop them from showing these pictures to anybody they wanted to from that moment on.

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