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Click hereInga had never felt more ashamed and frightened in her life, and yet, at the same time, she'd never felt anything so incredible and wonderful, either. The heat and pressure of his tongue as it caressed and massaged her most private area sent goose pimples racing across her skin, and she moaned loudly as she fought desperately against herself instead of her attacker. Why did it feel so strange? Why wasn't she writhing in pain and horror? She didn't know how much more of this she was going to be able to take.
However, the sasquatch was merciless in his task, increasing the pressure and frequency of his licks, and grunting a strange, husky kind of grunt as he buried his face in her wetness. Without realizing it, Inga began to swivel her hips back and forth in response, and her breathing became shallow and labored as she felt a peculiar tingling begin down between her legs and slowly warm her body, a bit at a time. Instinctively, she knew that if she increased the activity down there, things would only get better, and as she nearly forgot all about resisting, she lifted trembling hands to the top of the beast's head and clutched at fistfuls of his hair as she pressed back against his merciless tongue. Her moans were no longer moans of despair and fright. Inga was slowly approaching a peak of pleasure, and she was no longer able to dwell on anything else. She wanted this release; she needed it. She wrapped her legs behind the creature's neck and breathed all the more heavily as he eagerly complied with her silent pleas for stronger attention. His tongue thrashed violently against the resistance of her opening and undulated rapidly against her engorged clit. She cried aloud as the pleasure this aroused went ricocheting through her bucking frame, and she tightened the grip of her legs around his neck.
"Please..." she half-whined, half-panted. "P-please don't stop! Hah... ahn... ah!"
All at once, it felt as though an explosion of euphoria had just gone off between her legs, and Inga bucked wildly against the wriggling culprit as she let out a high-pitched scream of ecstasy. Her muscles jerked and spasmed as the pleasure radiated throughout her body and sapped it of its strength. With a panting moan, she fell limply away from the face of her attacker, and he allowed her the relief of the removal of his tongue. He gently guided her shaking legs back down onto the bed, and he locked his eyes with hers as she panted and trembled before him.
Unable to meet his gaze any longer now that the warm glow of her pleasure was slowly but surely ebbing away, Inga dropped her eyes and allowed them to settle on a sight that they hadn't closely scrutinized before. There was a thick, rigid protuberance jutting its way out of the shaggy patch of hair adorning the creature's groin. It was a kind of brownish-purple in color, and it was glistening as though it had a thin film of moisture all across its veiny, textured skin. If she had to wager a guess, she'd say that from base to tip, the size of this thing's penis was easily ten or eleven inches, and nearly as thick as a summer sausage. All her pleasure and enjoyment from before immediately fled from her mind, and only horror and fear were left in their wake.
"Please!" she shrieked as she struggled to scramble to her feet. "No, please! Not that!" She succeeded in righting herself and leaping to her feet, but it was as far as she got. She screamed as she felt his rough hands seize her waist and yank her backwards, causing her to crash into his wide chest and feel the heat of the pulsing organ behind her back, which only made her panic mount to even greater heights. "Oh God, please no!" she screamed, shaking her head violently and straining to push herself away from him as he again shoved her onto her back and pulled her backside up off the bed. "Please no! Not like this! I don't want my first time to be... oh God, no!"
Whether he understood her protests to be what they were or not, the creature was by now too far gone in his own amorous desires to pay them any heed. Grunting a harsh, thick cry at her, he grabbed her thighs in his massive hands and eagerly pulled them toward the bobbing head of his thick, rigid cock. Screaming in terror, Inga could do nothing to stop him as he shoved the meaty firmness against her wet, slick opening, growling contentedly as he breached her virginity and embedded several inches of himself inside her. The sudden pain of this act sent daggers through her spine, and Inga screamed more loudly than she'd ever screamed in her life. She screamed and flailed about as he clamped his hands around her waist and shoved more and more of his throbbing, straining cock inside of her. When he had embedded some six or seven inches inside, he found more resistance than simple tightness barring his path, so he contented himself with his current depth and slowly withdrew his impatient cock from her hot, tight pussy. He noted the red smears of blood on the veiny shaft as he withdrew it, and he realized that she must be in pain after all. Still, she was his mate, and mating with him was part of the bargain. He would simply have to take care to be gentle with her, and she would soon grow to want his cock inside her as much as he wanted to put it there. Grimacing with pleasure, he again pushed inside, enjoying the way her muscles tightened around him as he entered.
"It hurts!" she shrieked, shaking her head and clawing at his hands. "Please! Oh please, stop!"
He didn't stop. Instead, he slowly began a sequence of pushing himself into her, and then pulling back out again. The pain this movement caused Inga was incredible, and she could only writhe and scream at him as he slowly quickened his pace and used his grip on her hips to guide his penetration. Every so often he would growl that soft, gutteral growl of his.
It felt so good... it felt amazing to mate with her, and he knew that he would want to repeat this activity many, many times. Her petite, milky breasts bounced in time to his thrusts, and he found himself mesmerized by their repetitive bobbing. Ignoring her cries and pounding fists, he slowly lowered her back onto the bed, never once slowing the frequency of his deep, forceful thrusts. He leaned over her, his back hunching upward again and again as he continued to penetrate her. He closed his eyes and licked forcefully against one of her bouncing teats as he gripped the other in his left hand. She was so very delicate and sensitive. It was taking all the restraint he had not to slam his cock into her with undue force. The warmth of her creamy skin and the intoxicating scent of her sex drove him nearly mindless with arousal. Growling deeply, he nibbled one of her nipples ever-so-lightly, eliciting a pained squeal from Inga, and causing her to strike helplessly at his face with soft, trembling hands. She was wonderful, and she was his.
Before long, he began to feel the heat of his impending climax deep within his loins, and he growled more loudly in response. Releasing her sore breast from his suckling mouth, he towered over her and stared lustily down at her frightened, pleading face. Tears again. Their presence somehow made it past the feverish intensity of his arousal, and they moved him to pity. Although it went against everything his body wanted, he slowed the pace of his thrusts to a crawl, and he gently lowered himself against her, grunting softly as he wrapped his arms behind her back and cradled her sobbing face against his chest.
Inga was nearly beside herself with shame and pain, and she could only cry and convulse against him as he held her fast. Why was he doing this to her? Wasn't he satisfied enough with his own kind? How could any animal be so cruel? Eating her for food was one thing, but raping her was something far more sinister and inhuman than even an animal should be. Oh why had she gone on this trip alone? She'd have given anything for even the most obnoxious of people to barge in on them now, so long as they could get this beast to stop.
Although he maintained his gentle pace for several minutes, the sasquatch soon grew impatient with it. Her trembling body felt so warm against his, and the way she pressed her fingers against the thin fur of his chest made him nearly mad with desire. He could endure it no longer. Uttering a long, groaning growl, he cupped his hands over the top of her head and held her fast as he began pumping into her with hard, urgent thrusts. She screamed in his ear at the pain this caused, but he didn't dare stop now. He was too close to release for him to listen to anything but his cock any longer. As he pounded her with an increasing, frenzied pace, his grunts and growls became louder, stronger, and more fierce. Within seconds, his cries had become so loud that the entire cave echoed with them, multiplying their intensity and filling Inga with a fear more maddening and powerful than anything else. She could feel the flecks of blood and other fluids as they spattered messily against her inner legs and his, and she felt the hard slap-slap-slap of his massive testicles as they collided with her ass cheeks. The wild fierceness in his surprisingly expressive face made her weak with fear, and she realized with no small degree of fright that he was nearing his climax.
"N-not inside!" she begged him, ignoring the knowledge that he couldn't understand her, and wouldn't heed her even if he did. "Please don't come inside me!"
The sound of her voice only seemed to have the opposite effect on him, though. He bared his teeth and snarled savagely as his thrusts became even harder and faster. Inga watched in terror as his eyes rolled back in their sockets, and with a loud roar of pleasure, he slammed his massive cock into her one last time. The explosion of hot liquid that filled her ravaged pussy rendered Inga all but incapable of speech, and she could only gasp and sob as surge after surge of the creature's semen erupted inside of her, only to come squirting out around him as it mixed with her blood and coated them both with splashes of white and pink. His roaring, snarling cry ebbed off into a deep growl as he continued to jerk and buck against the warmth and tightness of her overflowing pussy. It was the most incredible, overwhelming sensation he'd ever experienced, and he knew at once that he'd made the right decision. This female was an incredible mate, and he was never going to let her escape him. He had found a treasure worth far more than any number of tasty elk or fish.
At long last, he let out a long, growling sigh of contentment, and he slowly withdrew his softening cock from her sore, seeping pussy. He crept back a little and poked his face down into the mess, snuffling interestedly at the mixture of blood and cum that was now oozing out of her opening. She didn't strike at him now; she seemed entirely exhausted, as her arms lay limply on either side of her head, and her eyes drooped sleepily as she breathed short, heavy breaths. Grunting approvingly, he gently lifted her weary body off of the bed and clutched her to his breast as he lay down himself. His mate didn't struggle to get away from him; she only whimpered pitifully and trembled slightly as he wrapped his powerful arms around her and held her firmly against him.
Inga's legs quaked and shivered as they lay against the warm, sticky mass of fur that had only minutes before been pounding against her violated pussy. That same pussy was now oozing the evidence of her assault onto the beast's belly, but he seemed to be entirely unbothered by the mess. Sobbing quietly, Inga clutched handfuls of his fur as she buried her face in his breast and asked herself how she would ever be able to escape this beast, and if she did, how she would ever be able to live with the shame of what he'd done to her. Even these frightening, troubling thoughts were unable to keep her exhausted, numbed body from succumbing to the lure of sleep, however, and she soon lay sleeping quietly upon the chest of her new mate, who lovingly stroked her pale, damp head-fur with one possessive hand and gripped her about the waist with his other. He would let her sleep for now, but he knew that he'd want to go again soon, so he hoped she'd rest well in the meantime!
Brilliant!!! What an amazing story, I thoroughly enjoyed every word of it! I only wish you would make this into a series, there are so many angles and questions that could yet be explored. For instance, is she going to get pregnant, will she come to love the beast...etc.? I hope you read these comments and decide to continue the story. Thanks for sharing this wonderful work of yours!!!
What an awesome story! Too bad it isn't cross-posted under "Nonhuman". I think a lot of people are missing out on this fantastic story.
The voice is really great too. In the past, I haven't liked most female voices because they sound too "breathy" or forced sexy. This voice sounds very professional and I'm amazed that someone could read almost an hour without the 'uhms' 'ahs' or 'dry mouth'.
Too bad there isn't a sequel because I'd love to read and hear more about this couple. I'm also disappointed that this author hasn't written or recorded more stories.
I loved every bit! X) I did feel a bit bad about her loss of virginity but the rest was great. Keep on writing :D
I never know that their would be a real story about Sasquatch,well done I would like to read more,but sadly this story is quite old, I just wish what will happen next.
I loved this story. Sort of like Beauty and the Beast.
Will there be an Update? Will she get pregnant? Will she grow to care for him seeing as she will not be getting away from him?
I liked this - it's very different from what readers normally get. :) My only complaint is that the name of Inga's father sounds more Scandinavian than Swiss. Otherwise, great job!
I hope there's a part 2 as well. As others have said, you have a genuine talent for *realistically* describing the emotions a woman in her place would go through. This is something that only the great novelists can do.
I personally found the realism refreshing, and adding to the erotic nature.
I liked how you gave the beast a more male human thought process.
You really captured the fear this woman would experience in her situation. Very realistic, and well done. It's refreshing that she didn't just start getting into it like women in a lot of these stories, which makes them unrealistic, IMO. Hope there's a part 2.
I understand that you wanted to make the story realistic, but it didn't do it any good.
It became more of a 3 pages Abduktign and raping story, and it wasn't pleasant at all to read.
The part where he's oraly satefing her is a great part of the story, it made me wish it had started allready at the middle of page 2 and kept on like that.
I'm sorry, but becouse of all the fear, pain and screams it became a very disturbing story to read.
it was a great theeme though, had you put as much energy on the erotism for her part as you did for him it would have been one of the best storied i'd read.