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She's the Boss

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My wife's boss slowly begins to control my life.
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Chapter 1

'So, remember the underwear set that you bought me for Christmas?' my wife Kathryn (or Kat to friends) asked as we sat down for dinner.

'Sure,' I replied, picturing her slim, toned frame in the lace black and white set that I had purchased for her online – after much 'browsing'.

'Well, I was talking at work today about how they sent the wrong size panties, and Nicola overheard.' Nicola being my wife's overbearing boss. I had never met the woman, but from the stories that Kat told about her, she sounded like nothing more than a bully. 'She asked me what size they were and I told her they were a sixteen, but I only needed a ten.'

'Oh right,' I said in a noncommittal fashion, not really caring about workplace discussions.

'Well, then she said that was her size.'

'Just give them to her then, tell her it's a present from me.' I replied with a wink. 'Just say that she has to take a photo for me as payment.'

'Dan,' she replied in mock admonishment, 'she's my boss.'

'Whatever,' I replied. 'It's either that or throw them away.' Kat said that she probably would give them to her; she figured that is what Nicola was hinting at anyway. I figured that would be the end of the matter... I was wrong.

I got to meet Nicola for the first time a few weeks later. Kat's work had organised some team bonding meal type affair at a local restaurant; partners to come too. I hated all of the forced small talk and the whole, let's be best buddies, nonsense that accompanied these events. But, I loved my wife, so I kept schtum and tagged along.

I recognised Nicola straight away from the descriptions. She wasn't overly tall, but she definitely had a big presence. As mentioned before, she was a big girl, but she carried it extremely well. She wore her hair in a short, blonde bob which framed her pretty face and she was immaculately made up. She wore a figure hugging long, black dress that emphasized her curves. I had to admit that I found her highly attractive from the start.

We sat down and enjoyed dinner. After a while, I excused myself to go and use the toilet. It was out of the main room and down a little corridor; the male and female rooms were next to one another. After I finished, I went to leave the toilet, but almost walked straight into someone stood outside the door.

'Ooops,' I said as I stopped just before bumping into Nicola, 'sorry about that. I didn't see you there.'

Nicola didn't speak. Instead she simply held my gaze before casting an appraising eye up and down my body. I began to feel uncomfortable almost straight away.

'Ummm, the ladies' room is next door.' I said after a moment.

'I know.' was the only reply I received.

'Lovely meal eh?' I asked, trying to make some form of small talk. I knew that Kat didn't like her and felt intimidated by her, but I was determined to not let her have the same effect on me.

'I can't believe you've had the gall to turn up.' She replied almost contemptuously.

'Sorry?' I asked, dumfounded.

'You heard.' She replied, 'After the inappropriate comments you've been making to your wife about me.' I must have looked blank because she carried on after a moment. 'You know what I mean. Sending me lingerie and then demanding that I pay you with lewd photographs of myself.'

'Ohhhhh,' I replied, the penny dropping. I laughed, thinking that it was some kind of wind up. 'Yeah, Kat told you that eh?'

'Of course she did,' Nicola snapped. 'I'm her boss; I can make her tell me anything.'

It slowly dawned on me that Nicola wasn't joking about. Surely she knew that my offhanded comment was nothing more than just a playful jest. 'I was only playing around.' I said, thinking that I needed to just get past her and back to the table.

'Well I don't find it funny.' She spoke now in an almost whisper, 'I never gave you permission to imagine me wearing just a pair of lace panties, exposing myself to you.' As she spoke, she moved closer to me. We had moved away from the door to the wall separating the two toilets and I found myself now backed against it with nowhere to go. Suddenly, Nicola's round belly was pressing into my stomach and the soft curve of her ample bosom pressed gently against my chest. 'I think you're just a bit of a pervert.'

'I'm sorry.' I replied hoarsely, feeling just as intimidated as I'd promised myself I wouldn't be. The smell of her strong, musky perfume filled my senses.

'What would you have done with the picture?' She whispered now, pressing her face close to mine, her lips brushing delicately up against my ear lobe, sending jolts of electricity through my body. I became frozen in place; why was I unable to just brush past her and return to the table? 'I know what you would have done with it,' she continued as I felt her fingers brushing against my rapidly stiffening crotch.

'Stop,' I managed to gasp, 'please.'

'Not yet,' she whispered, flicking a tongue out and teasing my earlobe. I stood prone against the wall as my wife's boss pressed into me with her thick, round body and gently, torturously trailed her fingertips up and down the length of my raging member. 'You need to finish the set now.'

'What do you mean?' I whimpered, wanting desperately to just be let go to return to my seat.

'Bring me the bra to work in the next week – 36GG. Do what I say and everything will be fine. If you don't, well, I can make Kat's life pretty interesting.' With that barely veiled threat, she backed away. She was able to coolly flip from seductress to aloof boss almost instantly. I saw her looking down at my obvious tent-pole. 'Like I said,' she spoke as she turned to walk away, 'You're nothing but a pervert.'

It took me a couple of minutes, but I finally regained my composure. My mind was still reeling from the events that had brought me to this juncture, but I knew that I had been gone from the table for a good ten minutes now and should really get back.

'Everything okay?' Kat mouthed across the table to me as I took my seat. Nicola was already back in her seat, eating her dessert.

I smiled and nodded back across to her, hoping that it came across as casual and cool, knowing that it felt anything but. Thankfully we got through the rest of the meal without further incident; but I was sure that this was just the start of something.

A week came and went. Not that I wasn't thinking about what Nicola had told me (asked would be wrong here) to do; quite the opposite in fact. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I was a married man; despite how humiliated I had been by Nicola at the restaurant, I was still unprepared to go out and purchase lingerie for her.

I worked mainly from home, so usually had the dinner ready for Kat when she got home around 5.30. So when it got to 6.15 I became quite worried; it had been about 10 days since the restaurant; I instantly made the connection between Nicola's demands and her threats to take it out on my wife if I didn't acquiesce to them. What could I do though? I tried calling her work phone and her mobile phone. No answer on either. In the end I just gave in, ate my dinner and watched the clock until Kat's return.

At 7.45 I heard the door slamming shut. 'That bitch.' Were the first words I heard as Kat kicked her shoes off at the front door.

'Hey Kat,' I said as I went out to greet her, noticing straight away how dishevelled she looked. 'You okay sweetie?'

'No, I am not fucking okay.' Kat snapped. 'Fucking Nicola has had me cleaning the office tonight after hours. Apparently the cleaner called in sick.'

'Well that's not anything to do with you.'

'I fucking know that,' Kat replied, 'but she started using very thinly veiled threats about my job security and, well, you know what she's like. I didn't really have a choice in the matter. I've had to clean and scrub the fucking toilets too.'

'What a bitch,' I said, knowing that this was a message to me; feeling trapped and also responsible for my poor wife. 'Can't you look for another job?'

'Where?' She snapped again, 'The fucking economy's a mess. There are no jobs anywhere. Nicola knows that, which is why she takes the piss the way she does.' Her tone softened. 'Look, I'm sorry; none of this is your fault. I'm going to take a bath.'

I stayed downstairs as Kat went up to bathe. My mind was in turmoil. I knew that this was the least to expect if I didn't do as Nicola wanted; she had clearly not been messing about at the restaurant. But I couldn't go and buy lingerie for another woman; I just wasn't prepared to do that. She surely wasn't beyond reasoning with. I made up my mind there and then to visit her the next day to try and talk some sense into her.

Chapter 2

I parked about a 5 minute walk from Kat's work and snuck into the car park from round the back, being careful to make sure that nobody spotted me. I had dropped my wife off at work on a couple of occasions and she had pointed out which office was hers. Thankfully it was only a small building and I was able to work out where I hoped was the manager's office with the fire door leading out into the car park.

Still, I hesitated before I knocked. What if Kat was in the office with Nicola? Did it have a glass front to see into the office? What the fuck was I doing here?

Too late for any of that though, I thought as I knocked. Kat had already been made to stop behind and clean the office; who knew what Nicola's next steps would be.

'You're two days late.' Nicola spoke as she opened the door. No hello, no confusion as to who it was knocking on her fire door; she just knew.

'Can I come in?' I asked, trying to remain formal and focused on the reason I was here.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, perhaps noticing that I came empty handed. She stood aside and allowed me to enter the room. It did indeed have a glass window which would look into the office and allow Nicola to watch proceedings through there, but thankfully the blinds had been drawn, ensuring that nobody, Kat especially, could see into the room.

'Sit.' She spoke as she closed the door behind me. I took a seat in a leather office chair in front of her huge, antique looking oak desk. I sat and, before nerves got the better of me, began to speak.

'Listen, Nicola. Whatever game you are playing must stop. It's completely unprofessional to treat my wife this way and I certainly am not going to get drawn into any inappropriate activities that could jeopardise my relationship. So whatever it is that you are doing; just stop and we can draw a line under it.'

Nicola didn't respond. She sat down behind her desk, pulled her seat in close and leaned forward, placing her elbows on the desk. I tried, and failed in my attempts to not check out her huge bust as it strained in her tight fitting, low cut blouse. She looked at me curiously, inspecting me the way one might look at an insignificant spider or insect as it crawled across her desk. I began to feel uncomfortable.

'So... what do you say?' I finally said, not liking the silence in the room, broken only by the low hum of the air conditioning.

'Bring me the bra this Saturday and I will forgive this transgression.' She finally spoke.

'...Did you not hear what I said? I'm serious Nicola.' I said, hoping that I sounded so.

'If you don't agree to this, your wife will be in my office in 30 seconds flat. She will wonder how you got here and what your business is. What I tell her would be enough to end your marriage.' She smiled at me now, 'I can be quite convincing.'

'No... I...' I fumbled blindly for a response, nothing came.

She took a post-it note from her desk and scribbled something onto it. 'Here is my address.' She said as she thrust the note across the table. 'Take it.'

I hesitated, mouth opening and closing like a fish, searching for something, anything that I could say. I shook my head numbly.

'Right, you've left me no choice.' She picked up her phone and pressed three numbers. I was too stunned to react still. 'Kathryn,' she spoke into the receiver. 'Be in my office in 30 seconds.' She raised her eyebrow at me. 'The only place to hide is under my desk.'

She was right; the front of the big wooden desk went right down to the floor. Heart thumping in my chest I jumped to my feet and threw myself around and underneath, finding that there was just enough room for me to squeeze myself in. Wasting no time Nicola pulled her chair closer, pinning me in an awkward position against the back of the desk.

There was no time to protest though; I heard a knock at the door. 'Come in.' Nicola spoke; the door opened; the sound of footsteps, the door closed again. 'Sit'. Nicola slid her shoes off and pushed them to the side; one foot pressed down onto my chest, the other on the top of my thigh. There wasn't much light under the desk, but I could see that her toes were perfectly pedicured and painted a deep red. They were quite little digits, round, but not fat and her soles were nicely arched. I was pinned in place and she applied more then a gentle pressure to let me know just that.

'Did you like cleaning the toilets last night Kathryn?'

'Honestly Nicola? Not at all.' I heard my wife's voice reply, although she was being honest I could tell that her voice was cagey and guarded, having to be careful of what she said was something she was no doubt used to.

'Well that's a shame, because our cleaner is ill again, so you'll be taking that role tonight. Is that okay?'

'...Is there nobody else?' came Kat's tentative response.

'Sure there is.' Nicola replied, her feet beginning to move around; keeping me pinned down, but toying with me as a lion might its prey. 'It's a recession dear, I'm sure there are about 200 people who would come into the office, do your job and then a cleaning one on top. Shall I call an agency and find out?'

'' Came Kat's resigned response. Nicola's right foot found its way to my throat; her soles felt soft and warm. She applied a gentle pressure there, making it slightly difficult to breath. I tried to move, but felt myself pinned down with a gentle application of more pressure. I was also conscious that even that slight movement had caused a bit of a noise.

'Good,' came Nicola's response. 'You know how much I appreciate you helping us out.' She assumed a much friendlier voice now; her point well and truly made.

I now saw no other option but doing as she asked and hoping that would be the end of it. I hoped that she felt the same way and would let my wife leave the office now, but the silence from above the desk began to stretch out. About a minute passed; god knows what was happening above the desk, but below Nicola was continuing to use her feet to pin me against the desk and toy with me, knowing that I was trapped. Her left foot was massaging the top of my right thigh, dangerously close to my crotch; while her right was running back and forth across my throat, teasing my oxygen supply and causing me to pant silently for air.

Eventually my wife spoke up. 'So is it okay if I go back to work now please Nicola?'

Please say yes, I begged silently. She asked nicely; she's agreed to work late again. What more could you ask for? 'Your husband, Dan, what does he do for a living?' My heart skipped a beat.

'He works from home mostly,' Kat replied, 'he does some consultancy work among other things.'

'So he has no set workplace?' Nicola's right foot moved up from my throat now to my face, she pressed it against my cheek and gently pushed so that the side of my head was pressed up against the desk; probably inches away from my wife's legs, separated only by the desk. She wiggled her toes playfully against my face, her digits dangerously close to my mouth.

'No, I suppose not.' Kat's voice had not lost its defensive edge.

'Is that ever a worry for you?'

'Nicola, can I please leave?'

'Who do you think you are talking to?' Nicola suddenly snapped.

'I'm sorry.' Came the quick, apologetic response from Kat. I flushed with anger and shame, knowing that I was powerless to do anything about this situation. Nicola was nothing but a bully, but she seemed to really enjoy the role.

'Answer the question. Is it a worry for you?'

'No, I trust him.' Kat replied.

'Well that's fortunate,' Nicola responded, in a far more friendly tone now. I couldn't believe how quickly she could flip it on and off; right now she sounded like a girly friend having a chat. 'Tell me,' she said, adopting a more conspirational tone now, 'does he have a nice cock?'

'Nicola!' gasped my wife. 'I can't answer that,' she said, dropping her more defensive tone now and sounding genuinely shocked.

Nicola chuckled, 'I'm only playing with you. Some things are only for a wife to know.' What my wife didn't know, however, was that Nicola was, as she spoke, finding out lots about my cock. As she was speaking she had stopped being dangerously close to it with her left foot and had actually started to rub it, vigorously, through my jeans. And my god was it fucking hard! It felt like a steel rod in my trousers and the sensations that her touch gave me felt heavenly. I couldn't do anything to prevent it; a slight movement could alert Kat to my presence, so I just had to lay there while my wife's boss rubbed her bare foot up and down the length of my throbbing cock.

I opened my mouth in a silent 'o' and instantly felt her right foot pressing its way in, her toes forcing their way onto my tongue. My mind whirled and reeled as my senses were over stimulated. The ministrations of her foot on my cock, the feeling of her foot as she began to fuck my mouth with it, the shame, the embarrassment, the deviance. I knew I couldn't hold on, I don't think that my cock had even throbbed so hard before. Involuntarily I began to thrust my cock against Nicola's foot. She responded by applying more pressure and rubbing it with even more fervour.

Kat was still sitting so close to me as her boss forcefully gave me a footjob under the table. About thirty seconds had passed since anybody had spoken and I knew that I was close to orgasm. I didn't know what to do; would I be able to come without making a noise? It was going to be a mind-blower, I knew that much.

'Just between you and me,' I heard Nicola somewhere, her voice only just penetrating my consciousness as I steamrollered towards my orgasm, finding that the only way to not make any noise was to suck, hard on her little piggies as she pressed them into my mouth. 'I bet it's a thick one.'

I came; or, more accurately, I felt my cock explode. I screwed my eyes shut as stars burst in my brain and a dam burst somewhere in my groin. I felt blasts of hot, ropey cum spurting from my throbbing, aching cock. I was conscious only enough to try and not make any noise, but knew that soft gasps and moans were emanating from me as I hungrily sucked at Nicola's toes; that is when she let me. She seemed to be enjoying forcing her foot as far into the back of my throat as possible; causing me to gag while trying to control the sounds I made.

I knew that the crotch area of my jeans would be soaked through with my cum, but still, even after the last blast of spunk came out, Nicola continued to rub me off with her foot, prolonging the torture of my incredibly sensitive cock, now sticky and wet with my ejaculate.

'Well, shouldn't you be back at work now? You've wasted enough time haven't you?' I heard Nicola speak, finally dismissing my wife. She had remained blissfully unaware of what was happening right in front of her and I had Nicola's excellent acting skills to thank for that. She was something else this woman; I had no idea how I was going to get out of this game she seemed to be playing.

Despite the fact that I heard the door opening and closing, Nicola kept me pinned against the back of the desk, continuing to toy with me; I couldn't speak, she still had her foot in my mouth, but once I knew that Kat had left the room I began to squirm and struggle under the desk in an attempt to get out.

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