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Luckiest Guy I Know Ch. 02


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Sandy said, "Okay," and, as he walked away, looked over her shoulder and said, "Fuck me Gabriel, fuck me."

I did, with all I was worth. She came again and again, orgasm following orgasm in hard quick bursts. Her cunt spasmed, my balls tightened, I was close, so close, then I heard Dad in the hallway.

"Where's Gabriel?"

Modulating her voice Sandy said, "Doing me a favor. I needed a big hard screw."

Dad said, "Good. I want some toast and there's no bread. He can pick some up while he's out," then my cell phone, sitting on the bathroom counter, rang. Dad was calling. I lunged for it but Sandy, in a seamless motion grabbed it, turned it off, said, "Honey that's him calling, , I'll let him know," then held the phone in front of her face and said, "Yes Gabriel, the biggest hardest strongest screw you've got. And could you pick up some bread for you father, hold on," then said to the door, "The usual dear, white Bunny Bread?"


She said to the deactivated phone, "White Bunny Bread, your father wants toast and don't forget the screw."

Dad's footsteps moved down the hall and down the stairs.

Sandy leaned on the shower wall and said, "The biggest hardest strongest screw you've got," and I drove inside, her cunt quivering as I moved in and out of her sweet sex and said, "Is this what you need? To be fucked hard, to come hard, to be filled with hot dick and hot cum."

She reached between my legs, coddled and rolled my balls, and said, "God yes, fuck me Gabe, fuck me."

My cock was on fire and when Sandy came her pussy clamped hard on my dick. My asshole clenched, my balls boiled, the spring inside me sprung and, suppressing the howl born in my solar plexus, I flooded her with thick creamy cum. She jiggered, shook on my tool, and her sex contracted again, driving the few drops of cum left in my dick into her tight horny snatch.

* * * * *

We were leaning against the shower wall, trying to catch our breath. The water was lukewarm – hot water heaters have their limits – and Sandy shut it off, turned to me, my cock sliding from her sex, said, "I'm not ready for a cold shower, are you?" buried a hand in my hair, and shoved her tongue in my mouth. Her free hand explored my nipples, the light pattern of my chest hair, the dip of my belly button, squeezed and stroked my re-hardening dick. She said, "It feels like warm hard velvet, let's see how it tastes," dropped to her knees and, as I braced myself on the shower walls, swallowed me. When I reached the back of her mouth she tilted her head, the cock-head nudged on the opening of her throat and, moaning in obscene pleasure, she took several deep breaths through her nose and pushed forward until I slid inside her throat.

She swallowed, hummed, bobbed her head, licked the head, fondled my balls, and desire etched on her pretty face, let me slide from her mouth, pressed her knees to the floor, providing a stable target, and said, "You can do better than that big boy. Think of my face as a cunt, fuck it hard."

A gentleman tries to give a lady what she wants.

Holding her hair in my hand, I sank my dick in her mouth, again, then again, harder each time, Sandy groaning as powerful thrust after powerful thrust filled her face with cock.

And, even in the face of this blitzkrieg assault, Sandy managed to drag her tongue on my shaft, swirl it on the head. This sexy unholy scenario – deep-throating my step-mother with my father downstairs – couldn't be resisted for long and my quivering balls pulled into my body and I, with a low grunt, flooded Sandy's mouth with jets of hot cum.

She swallowed it all, let me slide between her lips, licked my deflated cock, and with a naughty little smile said, "You've got some bread to pick up. Try the convenience store at the corner, you'll pay more, but its quicker. We'll get to that screw later."

* * * * *

The three of us stared at the truck.

Dad said, "There's a lot packed in there. Where are you going to sit?"

Sandy said, "Don't worry dear, I'll find a comfortable spot, then let Gabriel slide right in."

I said, "She's right Dad, even as big as I am I've found I can squeeze into some mighty tight places. Sandy and I will find a way to fit our bodies together."

Dad turned up the volume on the business radio station as we merged into the interstate traffic. My stepmother lifted her short skirt, raised herself, slid my dick along her labia, lowered her panty-less pussy onto my erection. We fucked, the sharp groans of our mutual orgasms drowned out by the deafening noise in the long tunnel under the river.

* * * * *

I hit the send button, forwarding Viki an account of the day's events, as the captain instructed us to turn off electronic devices . Sitting naked on Mom's bed, Viki read it, then read a text from Sandy thanking Viki for the loan of a boyfriend and proposing some dates that she could come and visit. Viki finished reading them just as my mother, newly showered and naked but for the towel around her waist, emerged from the bathroom. Viki stood, turned to face her, and said, "What do you think?"

"About what?"

Viki ran her hands over her pubes, where a fresh thatch of hair was sprouting, and said, "My pussy hair silly. I trimmed it for your son, shaved it for your son, now I'm growing it out. He's never seen it in full bloom. He should have the complete experience."

Mom said, "Would you be serious," and added in a voice tinged with doubt, "You're sure?"

"Sure about what?"

With an affected scowl Mom said, "Y'know, the little stuff. Like whether my son is ready to learn you and I are lovers, were so months before you and he were. And, assuming he's okay with that, whether he'll be willing to make this a happy threesome?"

Picking up Mom's brush, with an air of complete confidence, Viki said, "Oh that, yeah I'm sure, now let's do your hair."

Mom, looking forward to Viki working her hair, decided, for the moment, not to press the issue.

As she brushed Mom's hair Viki was uncharacteristically quiet, wondering was it time to tell Mom about the afternoon of my high school graduation, when she and Sandy had not gone shopping, like they'd told everyone, but had made love in Sandy's hotel room? Was it time to tell Mom the details of my visit to my father?

She finished, decided it was, lay the brush aside, kissed Mom, checked the time, and said, "We better get dressed, we don't want to be late. There are a few things I need to tell you on the way to the airport."

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DuncanitaDuncanita17 days ago

Don't stop now!! We need more chapters🤭🤭 5stars

LutiousLutious4 months ago

Great story! The level of deceit and manipulation from his mom and girlfriend is entirely off the charts. I so hope he was able to extract himself from such a toxic situation.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Such a hot story. I would love for you to continue the story as to when Vickie, Mom and son get it on hot and heaven together. And even bringing Sandy into the mix to make it a hot sexy 4some

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I hope the author make the next chapter in a way that the MC was hurt by GF & mom and they console and comfort him to like them again. If not it will be sad and disappointing to see he was alright getting lied/ hurt by 2 people who he cared about. And also make the MC look like a wimp/loser . This just my opinion.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Had real potential, but the mom is a pos, gf is a pos.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Where does it go from here? What happens when Vikki and mom tell her son?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Inconceivable and unrealistic, it started out great and like most the chronic masterbaters on just hard to make a made up story worst. Show a lack of talent...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I'm hanging for the next chapter.

nyteramblernyteramblerabout 1 year ago

No fiar not doing another chapter on this one with the way you left it lol.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

All I can say is... wow. This story is incredibly hot and sexy. It's unfortunate that you decided to end it here because you paint such a lovely, sexy picture that these two chapters aren't nearly enough.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Amazing, now this is a story you should continue...Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Your imagination never ceases to amaze! Another absolute winner!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

God, I thought this story started out decently, but If straight from the beginning she was ducking his mom, that doesn’t make him a stud or anything, you just made him into a little bitch. God, what a way to ruin a story, I’m glad you haven’t updated in years.

lovedefactolovedefactoalmost 2 years ago

This story deserves another chapter or two!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The end of this chapter sets up another excellent chapter -- looking forward to it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Love all the characters. Keep this going. Gotta have more chapters. Although You should make dad even more of a dick.

MogelbaumMogelbaumover 2 years ago

Don't like Vikki, she is manipulating Gabriel so hard.

And his mom is not better, she's having a relationship with hif gf and keeps telling him how nice Vikki is.

It feels like Vikki is playing for some endgame where she controlls everything.

It is sad that there is no follow up on the story because it would've been interesting to see how the story unfolds.

LeFrog08LeFrog08over 2 years ago

Hot series, hot characters...I agree with

a previous comment: another chapter

with Vicky and his mother is needed.

I’ve just discovered your stories and

really appreciate your style. Thanks

for the reading pleasures.

JabonieJaboniealmost 3 years ago

I’ve just started reading your stories and they are absolutely amazing. I can’t wait to finish the list I love your incest stories keep writing you’re doing a great job.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

this story is very interesting, please finish it

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Please part 3

I know it's been over 2 years but please do a part 3 to this. That last bit with Viki and Mom is so hot.

Vstar67Vstar67almost 4 years ago
More please!

Please finish this story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Chapters three and four at least!

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