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Greek Week: John's Tale Ch. 01

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Guy stages a play to get with girl of his dreams.
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This is an unofficial sequel(?) to a story by DonnerBBQ which is one of my favorites on the site.


It was senior year of college and I was on a major dry spell with the ladies. My roommate Ronny would joke that maybe the reason I wasn't getting laid is that most chicks assume I must be gay for being a theater major. I had made friends with a few girls in my classes, acting with them sometimes led to hanging out to read lines but nothing really ever came out of it.

Which brings me to my story. Every year the frats would have a Greek Week competition. Basically members of different fraternities would compete to see who could sell the most tickets to their play. Members would write, direct and act in the play, the university provided the stage. End of the week, whichever play sold the most tickets would win the pot. In theory this was all for charity but realistically winning the competition meant we wouldn't have to pay rent for the rest of the semester so it wasn't a laughing matter.

Since the guy who directed the play last year had graduated, it meant I was now the guy who had to do all the work of writing, directing and running the show. But I had been looking forward to it all semester for one reason: Julie.

Probably the most attractive girl on campus but unfortunately Ronny's girlfriend. I had the chance to act with her last year in the atrociously bad Midsummer Nights Dream re-imagining our frat did, which bombed. She played a wood nymph which meant I got to see her up close in a pretty revealing outfit consisting mostly of leaves and vines. Her in that outfit was the only thing that got any positive response from the audience and I made sure to remember it for this year.

When I sat down to offer Julie the lead role I was amazed at that she immediately said yes. She pressed me for details about the script so I tried to be vague. I gave her the rough outline, it was a raunchy comedy with romantic sub-plot set on a cruise gone bad and it's hijacked by pirates. I explained to her that as the female lead she might have to do some kissing and things like that but that I hadn't picked an actor for the part of Steve, her romantic interest in the play.

"Are you okay with all of that?" I asked.

"No, I've been trying to get bigger acting roles, I just have to talk with Ronny to see if he's okay with it".

"Uh and there's one more thing. Since this is kind of raunchy you might have to show some skin. There's a hot tub scene that I think will really sell a lot of tickets. You'd need to strip down into a bikini on stage"

She kind of blanked out on me when I said that and I was scared she turn down the offer.

"Well look we still got a few more weeks. Just think about it for now" I said.

She left and I didn't see her again until a week before the first cast rehearsal where she said yes.

We went through the usual process of handing out copies of the script for people. I told Julie I hadn't been able to find anyone else to play Steve so I would be playing the part, which she was okay with. We started line readings and rehearsals, all the while Julie was starting to warm up to me. Julie had picked out a great little bikini for the scene which she ended up wearing for the entire rehearsals just to avoid getting the wardrobe wet.

After one reading I asked Julie to stay back so I could talk to her.

"Hey what's up?"

"Look, I've been thinking about the hot tub scene and it's just too tame right now and it's not the right tone for the rest of the play. I've made a few changes to the scene to make it sexier." I said, trying to come off as calm as possible.

"Sounds great! What did you have in mind?" she responded.

"Well right now as the scene is written, we're just hanging out in the tub and then the pirates show up. The new scene will have Diana and Steve being intimate just before the pirates run on stage. I salvaged a lot of the dialogue as we get into the tub, but then Diana goes up to Steve and straddles him. They kiss, things get steamy in the tub and they end up having sex which is rudely and comically interrupted by the pirates. Of course we'll simulate the sex and the water will cover everything, but it'll look real."

"What? You want us to fuck in the hot tub?", she said in a slightly louder voice that got me worried.

"No, I told you, it'll be fake. Actors have to do things like this all the time. We'll both be wearing swimsuits so it's no big deal."

"Uh I have to fake an orgasm?", she said, starting to sound calm now.

"No the joke is that the pirates show up before you can" I told her.

"Oh okay, that sounds fine" she said in an almost cheerful tone.

The next day we finally got to do the scene as I originally intended it. Julie wore a little blue string bikini and my heart was thumping in my chest as she got into the tub to join me. She sat down on my lap and I finally got to run my hands over her body. She started to move her hips as if she was riding me and I started to thrust up to keep up with her. On cue the pirates showed up and we scattered out of the tub and behind the stage as the script indicated.

"Guess you got a little excited", Julie said.


I looked down to realize I was fully erect.

"Oh sorry, I can't really control that."

"Don't worry about it, it's natural." She said. "We might have to practice this more because you seemed kind of stiff and nervous."

We did a few more takes of the scene. Julie would grind against my erection through my swimsuit as I grabbed her hips to get more pressure. On the last run I got concerned I might pop in my shorts but she got off me before I could cum. She joked a few times about the tent in my shorts, which I took as a sign of progress.

As we joked about the stiff cock in my pants backstage, I took the opportunity to push her a little bit more.

"Okay the problem with a play is, you watch it once and you're done. I think I have a way to get people to show up to watch us every time we do the show. We'll change the script a little bit every time and make it sexier every new show, that way people have to keep buying tickets."

"Like what?"

"Well we can get you in a progressively smaller bikini or something like that, come on if we pull this off neither me nor Ronny have to cough up for rent the rest of the semester."

"Well okay that sounds good, I can manage it."

Usually opening night as a director is stressful, but this time it meant I'd get to feel Julie up in front of a crowded theater. It was Thursday so there weren't that many people which actually did get me worried. We ran through the play until we finally got to the hot tub scene.

As Julie took her robe off to show off her bikini clad body to the audience, I could feel the blood rush to my cock. We did the dialogue then started kissing as she straddled my lap. I dry humped her (well wet since we were in the tub) and grabbed her butt through the bikini. I'd been lusting after her body for so long and wanted her to make me cum even if it was through a bikini and swim shorts.

All I needed was five more seconds but that was when the guys playing the pirates decided to run in. The audience booed once we stopped "fucking" on stage but started cheering when they saw how Julie's bikini had reacted to the water. It looked painted on now. As I turned to get out and the audience saw the a seven inch tent in my shorts, they cheered a second time. We ran off behind the stage. After the show ended,I congratulated everyone on how well everything went particularly Julie, and reminded them to show up tomorrow.

I could barely sleep that night, my balls were blue from feeling Julie rubbing up against me in the tub. I went to reach for some lotion to stroke myself and release the pressure but realized I had a better option. I went to the kitchen, got an ice pack, put it on my aching erection and tried to sleep for the next day.

Friday afternoon we ran over a few lines, nothing major. Finally I went to talk to Julie.

"Okay remember how we talked about how we'd make the play sexier with each showing."

"Yeah, I was thinking about that. I hate to say it but the loudest response we got from the audience was when I showed off my swimsuit and when you flashed your boner to the audience." She said.

"Well hear me out, what if you go topless for the scene this time."

"Are you kidding? Everyone would be able to see my breasts!"

"Well no, you'd do it with your back to the audience, nobody would be able to see."

She was quiet for a while but finally said, "Okay that's no big deal."

She asked if we should rehearse it topless and even though I wanted to, I told her it'd be best to just do it live. My dick was on a hair trigger and I might ruin it if I came before the show.

Soon enough it was time. The theater was a lot more packed than it had been on Thursday. Everyone did their lines a lot better this time and we got to the hot tub scene with no problems.

Julie stepped out of her robe as usual, this time a little gold bikini. I was already hard as she reached behind herself to undo her top. Finally I got to see her perfect perky breasts. The audience went wild even though they couldn't see what I was seeing. As she stepped into the tub I tucked my cock into the waistband of my swim shorts.

She straddled me as usual and she pressed her breasts as we started to kiss. She sat perfectly with her whole sex pressed against the length of my cock. As the kissing progressed she began to move her hips, sliding up and down my shaft. As the pressure increased, it felt as if my dick was getting bigger and bigger. If she kept it up, she was going to make me cum before we got out of the tub.

On a lucky down stroke, her hips pulled my shorts down just enough so that the head of my cock popped out of the waistband. I moaned into her lips at the sudden change in sensation. Her clit was now rubbing up and down on my cock head, separated by the thinnest barrier of bikini fabric.

She didn't interrupt her rhythm or react so I had to assume she hadn't noticed. Her soft wet breasts were sliding up and down my chest as she moaned, her pussy was stroking my cock up and down, and my balls began to churn. One more stroke and the floodgates came crumbling down.

The waistband had moved lower exposing most of my dick and she must have noticed. She moved back slightly, putting her breasts right in front of my face right as I began to cum.

I couldn't let her look down between us so I closed the distanced and clamped my mouth on her nipple right as I began to cum. She threw her head back in either real or simulated ecstasy. I was too far gone to care.

As she back down on my cock a miracle. My cock hadn't cleared enough of the waist band to be able to point straight up but it was angled enough to hook under her bikini bottom. And as my shaft lay perfectly nestled between her bikini and her labia, the first jet of cum spurted out splashing against her clit. My cock spasmed against her as she stroked four more ropes of cum out of me and she moaned as I kept my mouth fixed to her breast.

As my orgasm ended, the pirates entered the stage. Julie lifted off me quickly, my cock popping out of her bikini bottoms, forgetting she was topless in front of a crowded stage. As the crowd cheered at the sight of her exposed breasts, I tucked my spent dick into my shorts and hoped the water would be enough to get rid of the evidence of my surreptitious orgasm.

The audience cheered a second time as I got out of the tub sporting a large but satisfied erection. Julie and I ran off behind the stage as usual and changed into our outfits for the next scene. We finished the last scene, bowed to the audience to massive applause and went backstage where Julie stopped to talk to me. I was scared she would be mad.

"John I'm really sorry for getting carried away tonight."


"Our umm, wardrobe malfunction was totally my fault. I got carried away grinding on you and I didn't realize your trunks had slipped down, I'm really sorry. A few centimeters to the left and you would have ended up sliding inside my pussy, it was really unprofessional of me." she sounded exasperated.

"Well don't worry about it, we got lucky and I didn't penetrate you so everything's fine", I said, not even sure if I sounded like I was being honest.

"No it's not, you trusted me to be the lead in your play and I almost messed it up by having a huge orgasm in front of everyone even though the script says I'm supposed to get really close then get mad when the pirates interrupt me."

"It's fine Julie it was an accident, we'll figure out something for the next show."

She came up to me and hugged me.

"Thanks so much. I feel guilty having an orgasm while you've had to go home with blue balls after every rehearsal." She sighed.

Oh my god, I thought to myself, she didn't realize I came. I got a freebie and she's the one apologizing to me!

"Well umm, don't feel too bad about it. I've been taking care of myself before and after the show so there wouldn't be any accidents," I lied.

"Hah", she laughed, "that's really considerate of you. Most guys would be begging me for a handjob or something. Thanks for not asking me to cheat on my boyfriend." And she kissed me on the cheek.

"Don't worry about it, we're just doing this for the ticket sales anyways." I joked.

"Well, I feel bad for leaving you frustrated but you know I have a boyfriend, but...", she blushed, "you can have my bikini if you need some inspiration taking care of things tonight. I feel like I owe you one and besides I already have a new bikini picked out for tomorrow."

"Oh wow, thanks. So you don't mind if I think about you when I do that?" I asked

"If it keeps the show running smoothly, go right ahead" and she placed the now dry bikini in my hand, kissed my cheek and ran out to meet her friends that were waiting for her at the lobby.

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StanBreyStanBreyover 9 years agoAuthor

Yeah I wanted to split it up into two chapters just to get some feedback before finishing it since it's my first submission. Now I notice I'm only at one page long, so I think the next one will have more fluff to expand it. Maybe make it a two week thing so there's extra days and character development.

spyraloutspyraloutover 9 years ago
Looking forward to more!

Great job! Donners original series is one of my favorites on the site as well. Looking forward to the next installment. May I suggest you keep going with it? How about the next year one of the other fraternities is pissed at having lost and realize that sex and nudity is the way to win. They partner with a sorority (since it's for charity) and the two fraternities try to one up each other every night. You can incorporate reluctant nudity, first time girl on girl, MMF sex and more. . All for a good cause. The only thing a bit unsatisfying about the original series was that John didn't get to cum. Keep up the good work!

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