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Font of Fertility Ch. 07


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"Um," I said, possibilities flashing through my mind. "Maybe you three could line up on the edge of the bed with your asses in the air, and I could fuck each of you over and over until one of you makes me come?"

The three girls all grinned and Lauren slapped my ass before stepping onto the bed on her knees. "Now that sounds very hot."


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EoRaptor013EoRaptor01330 days ago

I'm enjoying the story, but there's one little thing that feels like running over a speed bump at full throttle. Please people, learn the difference between "me" and "I," particularly when there's a second person in the sentence. The easiest thing to try is to leave out the other person, then decide whether me or I applies. For example, you would never say, "give the cake to I," you say "give the cake to me." That doesn't change just because you add another person: "Give the cake to Lauren and me."

Okay, I'm putting my soap box away now.

striker24striker24about 1 month ago

This Jer guy is almost too stupid to believe. Many derp moments...why doesn't he use some of his magic to give himself a working brain? Then he can talk to the fairy to figure things out, use magic to improve himself and gain money. This guy is fucking most things up and really fucked up with Annalise. Just talk to the fairy and learn shit, like he's so stupid he doesn't even realize how critically important learning/knowledge is.

It's sad that his sister is basically an afterthought in the story. He didn't even get to be alone with her their first time together. He told her nothing even after Lauren's sister was brought in and wouldn't have sex with her until Lauren gave permission.

AyyarAyyar9 months ago

I found this story while waiting for the author to return from hiatus on a different one. Mostly I've been pretty happy with it, but this chapter was not enjoyable. The torture of Annalise just should not be interspersed with fun times at the baxley grant house. Each could be good on its own but the mood whiplash the reader receives from the tonal shift blindsided me. I was unable to do more than skim the last 3 pages because I couldn't mentally distance myself from what I had just read about Annalise to get back to fun sexy times.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I fu ked 8 different girls for years daily and never got as tired as this kid. What's his problem. Go eat and drink and come back and fuck. Simple

Lee2012Lee201211 months ago

Ok, dude. Tag-team butt-fucking three chicks is mind bending But enough of the cliff-hanging teasers on Annalise. I’ve tapped her as my fav mage, but you’re losing my interest as I’m an ADOF.

YourNeighbourYourNeighbourabout 1 year ago

So the proclamation he made a few days is already broken.

He either fucked his spell and set no consequences for going after his word, but let'sbe honest he wasn't told he could or should. Or if he had his fairy around maybe he would know his proclamation has been broken. But since he's a horny with 3 beautiful girls on his mind all of his responsibilities just went under his radar. I just hope no one gets permanently harmed for his oversight, or worse.

I must admit I skimmed through the second half of the chapter hoping for more about the plot.

NirosuNirosuabout 1 year ago

Going through this ch I got caught up on the father broke the proclamation what is the consequence?

So magic proclamations mean literally nothing, like there is no magic to inherently holding it or anything?

Backlash or hit from breaking a proclamation in the magic world... I honestly started skipping to see what the inherent consequences were to breaking a rule or law set by magic...apparently nothing?

Like at the very minimum the magic should have informed him to the rule being broken

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is a great story or series but what the hell was that insert about dad and pruning shears cutting her neck about that was so random it doesn’t need to be there

ZephyrwhirlZephyrwhirlover 1 year ago

I have to agree with the comments of wolfbeckett.

He has the power, but doesn't care one bit about it. He is supposed to be in charge, but Laura has all the power. He needs her approval or involvement in every act.

WolfbeckettWolfbeckettover 1 year ago

Okay I've really liked the story thus far. However. This chapter was a serious downgrade for me. The author writes the erotic scenes really well and I enjoy reading them, but the problem is that it's impossible for me to enjoy them because of my concern about Annalise being tormented literally in real time as all the sex is happening. Also, the fact that Jeremiah keeps on putting off speaking to his advisor over and over and over again is pissing me off. He comes across as way, way, WAY too unconcerned about this new magical world he's discovered. What should be the biggest revelation of a mind screw in his life he puts off learning about because "lol I'm tired some other time". For these reasons the story is causing me more anxiety than enjoyment.

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