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Sue's First Time

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School nurse exams 18-year-old Sue.
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Sue's First Time

or What the School Nurse Taught Me

Sue grew up in central Florida in the 1980s. Her parents divorced when she was 12 years old, which changed life much to the worse for her and her mom, who received no money, only the house from the divorce settlement. As a result, they found themselves living in a neighborhood they could no longer afford but with nowhere else to go. Sue's mom had not worked since her marriage and had difficulty earning enough money from the part time jobs she could get. Perhaps because of the absence of a father in the home, her mom tried to compensate by increased strictness, a loving strictness, indeed, but Sue felt an absence of affection in the home. Although Sue was a fine student in school, she had trouble fitting in with the other kids. She did not have pretty clothes like the other girls and found herself pushed to the periphery of the very cliquish teenage world in which she lived.

As she entered her teens, her loneliness began to prey on her, and she began to fantasize about an ideal life where she could fit in. Often in these fantasies, there was an attractive older female, experienced and understanding, who guided Sue. These romantic schoolgirl fantasies changed a bit as Sue began to mature at 15 into a well developed young lady, much more so than the most of the girls at school. Sue was amused at the thought that she had inherited her dad's brains and her mom's very full figure.

Now boys began to take an interest in Sue, but she still felt awkward socially, not having pretty clothes or fitting in with the crowd. Her fantasy life began to take on a more explicit tone, focusing on strong, confident women leading and taking control of her. With her strict upbringing, this really disturbed Sue, so much so that she felt she had to talk to someone about these wild daydreams, but to whom could she talk?

She could not confide in mom; that was out of the question. The minister in her church was too straitlaced. Finally, Sue hit upon Maria, the school nurse, who might be sympathetic and discreet. At age 18, Sue was a bit heavy, 137 lbs., 5'4" with shoulder length, very curly, reddish brown hair. But she was noticed, that was something at least. Her beautiful, naturally curling hair and her large breasts often got her plenty of attention when she walked into a room.

Sue met with Nurse Maria on a Friday in March at the end of the school day. The 40-year-old nurse was a big woman, about 5'8" , still single, who lived through the girls she watched over in school. She had plenty of experience helping young girls with their adolescent problems. Maria asked, "Sue, please tell me what is on your mind?"

"I've been having dreams, fantasies, which I can't get out of my mind. I wonder if I should see someone, a psychologist, because it is getting hard to concentrate on my schoolwork."

"But, Sue, you are at the top of your class. What is the matter?"

"Nurse, these dreams have been haunting me more and more. Mostly, they are romantic fantasies about being with someone who cares for me. But in the last few months, the dreams have gotten more explicit, more sexual, and it is quite uncomfortable."

"Sue, I have been helping young girls like you for 15 years. I have heard everything, dear, so you won't shock me. Besides, these are only dreams, not real life. So tell Maria the most disturbing thing that happens to you in the dreams. Then I can help you, and it won't go outside this room."

Sue felt she had to come out with it. "Nurse, lately in the fantasies the older woman has been taking control of me, making me do things that it is hard to talk about--bad, nasty, dirty things."

"Tell, me, dear, what things!"

"I kneel before her. She is on a bed or couch. She instructs me to take off my top, then my bra. She views my nakedness. I feel sick and mortified with shame. She touches my breasts, pinches my nipples till I cry out in pain. "

"Then she lifts up her skirt and I see she is naked below the waste. She guides my head between her thighs and forces me to do a forbidden, dirty thing, something I have never done."

"Sue, have you had sex with a boy or girl yet?"

"No, I haven't, Nurse."

"You have done nothing intimate yet?"

"It happened only a couple of times with an older girl last year. She graduated last year, but we didn't go all the way. It happened a couple of times in the girls' locker room when we were alone together."

"Dear, if you want me to help you, you must be truthful. Give me all the details. I promise you, nothing will happen to you or your friend."

"It was last year. The girl was Connie R. You remember her, quite tall, the captain of the girls' volleyball team. She graduated last June. She was 18 at the time. I had a crush on her and she knew it. But I never said anything. Then last April, we happened to be alone in the locker room, both of us drying off after a shower, and she came over to me and smiled. I melted with happiness."

"Connie took my towel away and let hers slip to the ground. She pulled me to her and pressed her body against mine. She kissed me deeply. I never felt so wonderful in my life. It was all so fast. We kissed and she fondled my breasts. I felt so happy. As we kissed, she began to touch me intimately, and partially penetrated me."

Nurse asked, "Sue, did she take your virginity."

Sue declared, "No, no, no! It wasn't like that at all. I am still a virgin. It was about our feelings for each other. It happened twice more in the locker room. That was all, three times total."

Nurse probed "Sue, did you have an orgasm with Connie?"

"No, I don't think so. I don't think I've ever had one. But it was wonderful with Connie. I will never forget it."

Nurse smiled sympathetically, "Sue, we have made a great deal of progress, but we have only 10 minutes left in today's appointment. We will continue this next Friday. I am sure I can help you. There is one thing, however, I am required to do by my profession, after having heard what you told me. I must examine you to determine that you are in fact still a virgin. It will take just 5 minutes, and you then can go home. Have you started to see a gynecologist yet, dear?"

"No, nurse, I have not been examined there."

Nurse said, "Please come into the other room; take off all your things and lie back on the table, putting your feet in the stirrups. I do this all the time for the older girls in the school. It is quick and generally painless, though it might hurt a little in your case since you are still a virgin."

Sue felt quite embarrassed to strip off her clothes. She had no idea that a heartfelt conversation would turn into an intimate physical exam. But if she wanted Nurse's help, Sue knew she would have to get through the exam.

Sue lay on the table, quite stiff and nervous. Nurse Maria smiled a matronly, comforting smile, saying "Now, dear, in order to make this as painless as possible, I will use lubrication to minimize the friction as I insert my index finger to test your virginity. Hopefully, we will be helped by your natural lubrication."

"Don't be embarrassed if that happens. It is quite natural and normal for a girl or woman to become more lubricated during a vaginal exam. So just close your eyes and relax, dear."

Sue said, "Yes, Nurse, I will do as you say. Thank you, Nurse, for helping me."

Nurse Marie used her right hand to gently rub Sue's vulva, her exposed virgin slit. Sue involuntarily spread her legs a bit wider to give the older woman better access to her pussy. Nurse could feel Sue's pussy lips become engorged with blood, puffy and swollen with desire. Sue's ass was moving around, and she was letting out a whimper, "Oh, oh, yes, Ohhhh."

Nurse said, "Dear, you are doing very well. I will not have to use any lube after all, since you have plenty of your own." Sue couldn't say anything. She was focusing on the intense pleasure radiating out from her swollen cunt. She didn't want it to stop.

Nurse slowly inserted her right index finger into Sue's gaping hole. The girl moaned deeply, "Oh, oh, oh Nurse...." The girl's eyes were shut, while he mouth was partially open, as she took quick, excited breaths. Nurse could feel the barrier. Sue was indeed still a virgin.

"Sue, dear, the good news is that you are still a virgin. Your sexual responses are quite normal. I just wanted to eliminate any physical symptoms before we move on next week to your psychological problems. Just lay back while I complete the physical part of the exam. It will be only a few minutes more."

Sue could barely gasp out, "Yes, Nurse, thank you, please, yes, do what you need to do."

Nurse's right hand remained deep inside the girl's throbbing cunt, while Nurse's left hand began to knead Sue's right breast, then pinch Sue's erect brown nipple. Sue's body jerked a bit off the table and she let out a low, animal whine. Nurse began pinching alternately the nipples of both breasts, harder and harder, while her right hand pumped the girl's creaming cunt.

Then suddenly Sue's legs stiffened, as she gave a wild cry, "Oueeeeeee......." He legs shot forward, her torso arched up, her mouth gaped open, as her love juice flooded from her convulsing cunt." The electric pleasure flooded her body and her brain circuits so she could not think, only feel—more intensely than she had ever felt anything. Sue knew that she wanted the pleasure never to stop; and Sue loved Nurse Maria.

curiositykittencuriositykittenover 16 years ago
Good Start

Good start - very realistic, but ends quickly. Look forward to more chapters. Incidentally, same story is posted as Nurse Takes Sub Sue.

imouseimouseover 16 years ago
Sue's Second Time and more.

Wonderful story with an authoritarian figure who is not a rogue. I wondered whether she would pierce the hyman; since she didn't I look forward to the second time, and of course, turn-around.


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Loved It,Wants More

Would very much like to hear more of your experiences.PLEASE!! post more


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

more darling



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