Bonus News: I am nominated in FOUR categories for the 2022 Literotica awards. Please go check out the votes in the Forums!
-- Vote for Cattie from AMA: The Boyfriend for Sexiest Female Character - />-- Vote for Robbie from AMA: The Boyfriend for Sexiest Male Character - />-- Vote for The OF Girl Ch 121-130 for Best Erotic Couplings story - />-- Vote for Quaranteam: North West Ch 6 for Best Mind Control story - />
Hello folks! The Writing goes on, and I am so fucking happy with how the community has rallied to help support all of my stories and series. The only way for that to continue though is if folks check out and consider joining my PATREON. Being able to write Erotica full-time has always been a dream of mine, and we're making it happen! Check out my for the latest news, multiple chapters ahead on all my stories, and the chance to vote on Polls related to what I write next, and sometimes even the course of the stories.
- Font of Fertility and Quaranteam: North West - These are still my 'flagship' series that I'm working on. With everything else I'm working on, my goal is 1 chapter of each a month.
- The OF Girl and AMA: The Boyfriend - The collections of these series are continuing. AMA is reaching a natural stopping point soon, where I will take a break to work on some more one-shots, before coming back to it.
- Pushing Series: I still have a new episode with the College Crew on my list, but Patrons will control when I end up writing it through polls!
- RECENT RELEASES: Masseuse and the MILF and Porcelain were both fantastic stories that could stand alone, but that I have plenty of ideas to continue as mini-series as well. If you want to see more of them, make sure to check out my Patreon so you can vote for them!
- COMPLETE: The Afterparty stories and TWE should be considered complete.
Thank you all so much for your continued support