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Beach Daze Ch. 01


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"You never cease to amaze me, Red. You held on this long without so much as one 'tee-hee'. You're more iron-willed than I gave you credit for. You probably even think you've beaten my challenge, but alas, you'd be wrong,"

Flipping the feather over in his hand, he pressed the blunt quill right under her cute toes and drew a firm, straight line down her entire sole, circled her heel, then dragged it back up again. It proved too much for the tender-footed girl to bear, and she burst into shrill laughter.


"Sometimes life ain't fair, my dear. I agreed to go easy on you, just didn't say for how long," He withdrew the feather from her sole, and continued. "Looks like you lose; so sad. You tried your best, and I applaud you for it, but in the end you couldn't save her. To be honest, her fate was sealed the moment she stepped into that hole."

"You're fuckin' evil! Ya can't keep us here forever!" screamed the desperate brunette, then turning her gaze to Keith. "And you, don't fuckin' go near me with that! It's mine, put it back right now!"

"Wow, you're really scared of this thing, aren't ya? Guess I would be too if I was in your shoes, figuratively speakin'. Know what? I'm gonna enjoy breakin' ya with it," said Keith, with a wickedly sly grin.

Morgan looked on helplessly as Marcus' lackey practically salivated over her friend's feet. This kind of torture was barbaric, and she couldn't fathom what that awful brush would feel like on her own soles. She really did try her best, but unfortunately it wasn't enough, and now there was nothing left to do but watch.

"No, please. You can't..."

"Brace yourself, this is gonna tickle. A lot,"

The terrified girl whimpered as the cold-hearted brute lowered her own hairbrush to her bare feet. She couldn't believe this was happening, it was surreal, like an out-of-body experience. Oh how she wished she'd left that goddamn brush in her car, or thrown it into the ocean, it could be literally anywhere but right here, right now. Why wouldn't Morgan warn her about Marcus when they'd arrived? She must've known what he was like. They could've been more cautious, and kept a watchful eye. But it was no good to dwell on the past, it wouldn't help her now.

In a last-ditch effort to save herself, she mustered up any remaining courage she had and laid into both boys, scolding them and hoping they'd feel ashamed for what they've done to two innocent girls.

"You're both messed up in the head! I'm gonna tell everyone I know what went on here today, it'll be all over the internet! Just you wait, everyone's gonna hear about what you did to us! And they'll all know about the two perverted little freaks with a tickle fetish. You'll be ridiculed no matter where ya go. You'll be--"

Her words were cut short as the brush finally made contact with her size nines.


"Enough talk, girl. Laugh for me," demanded Keith.

"NOHOOO, NOO! PLEEHEEASE STHAAHAAP IT!" she begged helplessly, practically frothing at the mouth.

"Not gonna happen, you'll be my personal tickle slave until I grow tired of ya. Which won't be for a long, long time,"


"If you're talkin', you're breathin'. Don't lie to me,"


"Looks to me like she's having the time of her life, wouldn't you say?" sneered Marcus. "Keith will push her limits, but he'll make sure to keep her from passing out. He's considerate that way..."

Morgan listened to him prattle on, still stunned by her friend's ongoing, vicious torture. 'God how he loves the sound of his own voice', she thought, while envisioning drowning him in the ocean, hands wrapped firmly around his neck. Never had she considered herself a violent person, but she could make an exception for him, as it would be well deserved. She longed to be set free, and looked up to the sky envious of the birds soaring above her. But his incessant monologue finally brought her back to reality.

"Now, where did we leave off?"

"We're done with all of this," Morgan replied. "No more tickl--AIEEHAAHAHAA!"

The pointy end of the feather began probing the underside of her toes, causing her feet to recoil while turning her right back into a screaming basket case.

"It's so awesome, isn't it? Stimulating so many of your nerve endings from just a teeny-tiny point on your skin. It's one of my favourite methods of tickling, and I can tell it's yours, too."


Her freckled cheeks reddened as she cackled, while blinking tears from her eyes. The merciless tickling was wreaking havoc on her mind, and she'd been reduced to nothing more than a babbling madwoman. She knew her words were falling on deaf ears, but maybe she could still appeal to his sense of decency, if he even had one. She tried to think of something else, anything but the hellish tickle torture she was subject to, but nothing could replace the sensations she was feeling.


Her incoherent rambling continued as he explored her wonderful soles. Tracing the lines on her wrinkled foot bottoms, then feathering her toe stems until they curled up, only to pin them back with his vice-like grip. Her taut sole was like a blank piece of parchment, ready and willing to receive the touch of his quill. He could run it anywhere he liked, top to bottom, with zero resistance.


The soles in front of him, once porcelain-like, were now a deep shade of pink from the unrelenting tickling they were receiving. It was almost hypnotic, watching them writhe while being brutally tortured. The blunt tip of the feather's hollow spine dashed along her arches, and scratched the plump balls of her feet. The begging was music to his ears, as each garbled word was yet another small victory.


Meanwhile, Kelly was sobbing uncontrollably as the disturbed boy molested her undeniably ticklish bare soles. Her cheeks were flushed, her jaw sore from laughing so long. She howled while enduring the brush's assault, wishing nothing more than to pull her feet beneath the sand, out of reach from this sadistic, brush-wielding lunatic. But they might as well have been locked up tight in a set of padded stocks, as they were going nowhere fast.


"Pee? Don't be doin' that, now. I ain't pullin' ya outta that hole for a while yet," said Keith.

Her frenzied toes reacted to each brushstroke, either splaying out or scrunching up, wrinkling her precious soles over and over. The bristles skated across the bottoms of her feet, pulsating as they flexed, overwhelming her fragile senses. Flailing her feet around was not something she did intentionally anymore, they were simply in panic mode, trying desperately to escape this agonizing torment.


He had full reign over her, and felt unstoppable as he dominated her exquisite bare feet. He was enchanted by the way her long toes moved, as if performing a rhythmic dance just for him. But it was time to amp it up, so once again he pried back her big toes with one hand to give a good scrubbing to her now smooth, immobile feet. A set of toe cuffs would come in handy right about now, but he could get by without them, in fact it was almost more enjoyable to feel her struggle.


"Not so tough now, are ya?" asked Keith, brushing vigorously.


The guttural screams produced by the brush had turned into a fit of silent laughter, as if the air had been sucked from the babbling girl's lungs. Her mouth was still hanging open, but no sound escaped. Did he finally break her? Or had she slipped into a tickle-induced seizure?

Morgan could no longer hear Kelly's cries for help above her own. Whatever Keith was doing it was shockingly effective, the poor thing wouldn't be conscious much longer. But her concern was misplaced, as she soon felt her own toes being pulled apart two at a time, as Marcus flossed between them with the downy feather. To think that something as simple as that was being utilized to such a lethal extent, it was unfathomable.


"I'm so glad that I bumped into you today, it's been a blast catching up, don't you agree?" asked Marcus.


Marcus used a sawing motion between the ballistic redhead's toes, and repeated it from one pinky to the other, and back again, until his once-pristine feather had become frayed around the edges. He found her reactions to be wild and chaotic, as no two pulls of the feather would elicit the same response twice.



Judging from the reactions Keith was obtaining from Kelly, he'd soon have to test out that brush on Morgan. 'A bottle of coconut oil would be quite useful', he thought, as he pictured drizzling the slick substance over the entirety of her spectacular feet. It would allow that deadly brush to glide with ease, and heighten her reactions. But there was still plenty of fun to be had for now, so he pinched the tip of her big toe and drew the letter 'M' on its surface.


Nothing in the world could take him out of the trance he was in. The berserk girl's toes were perfectly suckable, and he was tempted to wrap his lips around them and nibble on each one. He knew it would have a profound effect, perhaps even transforming her maniacal laughter into moans. Given enough time he could condition her to crave it, to depend on his tickly touch for her own gratification. He wondered just how good it would feel if they were upturned and wrapped tightly around his cock, pumping up and down, every stroke bringing him closer to the edge.

But he had control over his primal urges, and there'd be time for that later. He wasn't planning on letting these two go anytime soon, they'd be in this for the long haul, and there was still daylight left.


During sunset, in the day's twilight hours, the sun had tinted the beach sepia. The sand took on a reddish-orange hue, and the water had become dark as the moon knocked the sun from the sky. Blazing heat was replaced by cool evening air, and Morgan was on her last shred of sanity when he finally stopped. She wanted to continue protesting, but her voice was hoarse from overuse, and even if she could find the words she certainly didn't have the energy to speak them.

Likewise, Kelly had been pushed to the brink, she was mentally and physically exhausted. Her eyes were bloodshot and could barely open, her slack-jawed expression testament to the boys' cruelty. She wasn't sure what she did to deserve this punishment, but if she ever got out of here she promised herself never to return.

Marcus and Keith were taking a break from the ticklefest they so thoroughly enjoyed, when Morgan spoke.

"...it's late... let us go..."

Let you go? Do you know how long I've waited to get you like this? How often do you have a dream become reality? Besides, your mouthy comrade said she planned on telling the whole world what we did here, and we can't have that, can we? Looks like we need to make sure neither of you tell a soul."

"...won't tell... anyone..."

"No, you won't. You think we're the only guys 'round here with a tickle fetish? You've no idea. I could keep you here as long as I like, and call more friends to join the fun."

To Morgan it was like a dream; a fever dream, but hopefully she would wake soon. How long could he keep them here? Her tear-stained cheeks were sore from smiling and cackling like a banshee, surely the worst was behind her.

"...y-you can't..."

"No? Watch me. Hey buddy, would you run up to the cottage and grab some firewood? I think we should camp out here tonight, and it's starting to get cool already. But toss that hairbrush over here before you go, Morgan would love to experience it."

Keith nodded in agreement, tossing the brush beside his friend, then rising to his feet.

"Oh, one more thing," added Marcus. "Could you bring me her anklet? Please and thanks."

Bending over and extending a hand toward Kelly's trembling left foot, Keith ripped the cowrie shell anklet away with ease. It was dropped unceremoniously on the beach next to Marcus as he made his way to their cottage for supplies, but not before looking her direction one more time.

"Losin' that anklet didn't make your feet any less pretty, girl. And don't worry, I'll be back soon, so don't go anywhere,"

Kelly's lip trembled as she watched the brute stomp away into the sunset. She was a snivelling mess, reduced to tears and pushed beyond her limits. This afternoon had been a gruelling test of endurance, which she'd somehow survived, but how much longer could it go on?

"Don't let it bother you," said Marcus, clutching her white anklet in his hand. "I take a memento from each lee that I play with. Just a little token to remember our time together, which isn't over by the way."

Marcus took out his phone and scrolled through the photos that he'd taken earlier. When they'd met, the tanned smokeshow was strong-willed and flirty, but was now a shell of her former self. The once-belligerent girl appeared to be in a near catatonic state, her sassy attitude replaced with silence and a look of defeat. He snapped another picture of her, thinking that it would make a good 'before and after' shot.

"I think you need a break, sweetie. You don't look like you have any fight left in you, and that zaps some of the fun, you know? But you, however..."

He propped his phone up against a rock, switched it to video mode, and faced it toward Morgan's weary feet.

"You have some fight left, and I plan to drain you of it. I'd like to catch some of the action on camera before we lose the light, if you don't mind of course. So stay cool, Red. You have a long night ahead of you."

Beach Daze will continue.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Can’t wait to see their toes and soles licked. Good story!

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