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Consequences of Pranking My Sister

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A prank between siblings, snowballs out of control.
9.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/06/2023
Created 04/25/2022
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This is a stand-alone story of two siblings, both of whom are over 18 years of age.


From as long as I can remember, my older sister (the only sibling I have) and I, have always played tricks or jokes on one another; some of them were just messing about and some more elaborate. The 'victim' usually retaliated later by jumping out from hiding, onto the perpetrator, and attempting to wrestle or playfight them into submission.

The 'fights' weren't violent in any nasty sort of way, in fact, I was actually very protective of her, and woe betide anyone who I thought might hurt her. These 'fights' mainly consisted of attempting to force the other person down onto the floor into a position where they couldn't move and would have to call out the agreed word 'uncle'. I don't know the origin of why 'uncle' is used, but it's something I have heard that others do when they want to submit or give-in, so that was our word too.

Sometimes our parents would become exasperated with the rolling about on the floor, and the jumping on and around the furniture that this retaliation entailed, and we would be admonished and sent to our separate rooms. At this point, we would normally call it a 'draw' and get on with our lives until the next time.

It is difficult to say who used to win more 'fights' before parent intervention made us call it 'evens', as although Julie is two years older than me, we have always been about the same height growing up, and although she has a slim build, she is strong, and I admit, lightening fast.

As we grew up and other things claimed our different interests, the pranks became less and less, and we seemed to stop competing with each other and lived like most other brothers and sisters. Now that I have reached the age of 18, I believe I am supposed to be mature and beyond such childish things. That's all very well, but sometimes the urge, or opportunity, to do an unexpected prank on her that I think will be funny, bubbles to the surface and...well... it sometimes gets out of hand, as you will see...

Although I am her brother, I do have eyes, and can see that Julie at 20, has turned into a very attractive, young woman. She loved playing all the sports at school and excelled at some of them. She continued to exercise regularly after leaving school, the result being that she has a toned, slim, body, with I what I suppose you would call average size breasts, all of which when coupled with her height I am sure has turned many a male's head.

She has always kept her naturally blonde hair long enough to touch her shoulder blades at the back, and it was always a target for me when we had our wrestling fights, as it was an easy thing to grab hold of when she squirmed and tried to slip out of holds, although she always complaint that it was cheating.

When it is cooler, she usually wears skinny jeans and tight tops that further accentuate her figure, but in the summer, short skirts or tiny shorts seem to be her preferred fashion. I never saw her as anything more than my sister or friendly adversary, but as a male with newly found hormones, it's difficult not to notice these things, even if it is your sister.

Julie works as a clerk for a group of solicitors in their offices in the local town, where she is hoping to progress to perhaps being a solicitor herself one day. She dresses very business-like for work, normally in a dark pencil skirt, dark tights, white blouse, and a jacket that matches her skirt. I have to say that it suits her figure, and her long blonde hair contrasts beautifully with her dark jacket. It's a sort of 'uniform' in their offices where all the male solicitors wear suits and ties, and the females dress similarly to Julie.

As she doesn't yet have her own car, she is fortunate in that one of the other female clerks lives not far from us and they share the journey together every day, presumably sharing the costs. I mention this because it means that she always leaves home and returns back around the same time every day, so I usually know when she will be arriving.

It was mid February, and we had had an unusual fall of thick snow yesterday, that had persisted into today. It hadn't been enough to stop the traffic flowing, albeit quite a little slower, but Julie had been picked up by her colleague as usual. Our parents, stoic as ever, had both gone to work too. I on the other hand, had the luck to find myself on half term break from the college where I was a first-year student studying Electrical Engineering and didn't have to go anywhere particular all day.

I had the house to myself, and with the heating turned up, I dressed comfortably in lose jogging bottoms and T- shirt. In-between watching TV, playing games on my computer and texting friends, I lazily observed the snow gently falling onto the small front garden and drifting into small piles along the hedge line that separated our property from the road.

It was seeing this soft, crisp, snow piling up, that gave me the idea to ambush Julie when she came home with a few surprise snowballs, as a minor prank, which wouldn't do much harm except maybe get her a bit wet. The more I thought about it, the more I remembered the tricks we used to play on one another, and how it might be a bit of a laugh to see her face when she was hit with the cold snow when she was least expecting it.

Later in the afternoon, wrapped up well against the cold, I cleared a path through the snow from the road to the house, not all that far, but it needed doing and it also meant Julie would undoubtably walk along the path I had cleared. I dumped the snow from my shovel on each side of the path and then taking a couple of handfuls, tested it to see how well it clung together as a snowball, without it being too hard and perhaps dangerous. I had no intention of hurting her, and it was perfect.

When I got back into the house, there was a message on the phone from our parents who said that as the traffic was so bad this morning, they were going to have dinner near where they worked and then come home later when the roads would be quieter. They said there was various things in the fridge and for me to have whatever I wanted. It wasn't the best news, but perhaps good that they wouldn't be home for several hours after Julie had come home.

As it grew dark and the time for her to return home approached, I bundled myself up in warm outer clothes, and a few minutes before she was due, went out into the front garden, near the hedge, and made a few large snowballs. Crouching down near the hedge, I knew that she would walk past without seeing me and then I could spring up and throw the snowballs towards her back, with hardly a chance of missing.

I was glad I had put on enough warm clothes as, presumably due to the road conditions, she was later than usual getting home, but sure enough, eventually, I heard a car draw up and the car door open.

"Thanks Pat, see you tomorrow, drive carefully," Julie shouted, then shut the door.

I heard her feet crunch on the snow on the pavement, then change to a harder noise as she got to the cleared path I had made. I watched as she passed by without noticing me and continued up the path.

The first snowball hit her squarely on the back of her blonde head and disintegrating into a flurry of loose snow in her hair. She turned slightly, not sure what was happening and the second one hit just above the collar of her coat and then fell down her neck.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" she screamed, putting her hand on her neck and still trying to work out what was going on.

It was then she caught sight of me.

"Chris, you stupid, fucking, bastard, what the hell are you playing at," she screeched at me, "what did you do that for, I'm covered in fucking snow you dumb prick."

I have to admit I was a bit shocked. I had never heard her use foul language like that before and realised she was really angry at me.

" was just a joke," I said, lamely.

"I don't think it's at all funny," she continued shouting, "what age are you, 12? I've been working hard all day and I come home to find you, you little shit, playing stupid pranks because you've nothing better to do?"

I didn't know what to say, so I just stood there.

"You haven't heard the last of this, not by a long way," she said, menacingly, before turning round and going into the house, slamming the door behind her.

Wow, I thought, I really got that wrong and now she is furious with me. Although it was cold, I decided it was best to wait a few minutes before going inside and hope she would have gone to her room and calmed down a bit by the time I saw her again.

When I thought enough time had passed, I gingerly opened the door and looked around, there was no sign of her, but a trail of melting snow on the carpet heading towards the stairs gave me a clue as to where she was.

I took off my outer clothing and went into the warm living room where the TV was still on and sat down on the sofa, which has its back to the door. I flicked through the channels until I found a video music channel, put on my wireless headphones, turned the volume up a little, then sat back to watch it, wondering what grovelling I would have to do to Julie to make up for my prank.

I had been sitting there for about twenty minutes or so, my attention focussed on watching and listening to the bands that the channel was playing. I was in my own world and wasn't really paying attention to anything else.

Suddenly, I felt a quick tug from behind on the back of my T-shirt and then a large amount of something very cold being dropped down against my bare back.

"Ahhhggggggg," I shouted, leaping up and unsuccessfully trying to scoop whatever it was from my back, but of course I couldn't reach it. God it was really cold and wet. I ripped the headphones off and pulled my T-shirt up and over my head as quick as I could, in an effort to release whatever was against my skin.

A large pile of slushy snow fell onto the carpet and as I cavorted one way and another to get it all off, I saw Julie standing behind the sofa, a smirk on her face and a large plastic bowl in her hands.

"Do you think it's funny now then Chris, you prick?"

I realised that she had come in quietly, the bowl filled with snow, and tipped it all down my back.

"Look at the mess," I shouted at her, "I know you were annoyed, but you didn't need to go that far, it was just a harmless joke I played on you."

"So was mine," she retorted, "and it's not 'were' annoyed, I am still fucking annoyed." she added.

"I should get you for this," I said.

I was mad with myself partly because I had let my guard drop and also because she had upped the ante and caught me out properly.

"Oh yes?" she said, raising one eyebrow, "you think you are man enough?" she challenged.

"Any day," I replied.

"Just try it," she said, putting the bowl down, but keeping her eyes fixed on me.

I could see she had changed into a soft, grey jogging top and from the little I could see, matching, tight, leggings.

Not giving her the chance to be prepared, I shot around the sofa in an attempt to grab her and show her she wasn't a match for me. Embarrassingly, I wasn't even able to touch her as, fast as lightening, she jumped over the sofa, bounced off the cushions and stood up where I had been standing a moment earlier.

"Not got any better moves than that then?" she taunted me, picking up my very wet T-shirt and shaking it at me, flicking drops of icy water onto my bare top.

We moved round the sofa, mirroring each other until we were back where we started. We circled around again, but I couldn't get close to her.

I wasn't going to give up and let her win, but I was out of ideas how to get any advantage, when a thought popped into my head. While she was watching for the tiniest movement, I used the oldest trick in the book. I let all the tension go out of my body, stood up straight and pointedly looked at the open door that was behind her with a surprised expression on my face, as if someone had appeared there.

On a reflex, Julie turned her head to look and see who was there.

Quickly, so as not to lose the moment, I jumped onto the sofa cushions, leaned over, and grabbed Julie by the waist and before she had a chance to recover, hauled her bodily over the low back of the sofa and onto her back on the cushions.

I reached for her flailing arms, caught one of them, and at the same time swung one leg over her body so that I was sitting on the top of her thighs.

"Get off me you dick head," she shouted.

"Not a bad move for a 'dick head' then after all? I asked, bathed in the glory of my own prowess.

"Just get off," she said.

"Oh no, you gotta say the word first to show that I have won," I answered.

"I am sure you've regressed to childhood," she said, scathingly, as she struggled to free herself, "we don't play these silly games anymore."

"It looks like we are," I said.

She struggled more and tried using her free hand to push me off her. She was strong and was almost dislodging me, so I leaned forwards and put more weight on her heaving pelvis with mine. The tight leggings that she had put on were moulded to her firm body and as she shifted, pushed, and twisted, I became aware that my cock had begun to grow and was now firmly in contact, although through our thin clothes, with her mound.

The more she struggled and lifted her bottom up and down, the more it stimulated my sensitive appendage. In all the times we had fought and wrestled, nothing like this had happened before.

Oh my God, I thought, I've got an erection pushing against my sister. What will she think, she is already annoyed, she'll probably never speak to me again. I tried to think of something ordinary or boring to make it go down.

I am fairly sure that in the beginning, she was so intent on getting free and turning the tables on me, that she didn't realise how our parts were rubbing together. I wasn't sure what to do, as it was her movements and not mine that were causing us to almost dry-hump.

I first noticed her expression flow from concentration trying to get free, to puzzlement, confusion, and then realisation. I also noticed less of a struggle and more experimental movements of her hips.

I was just thinking how to get out of this situation, when...

Julie stopped moving.

When she stopped, my hard cock came to rest in the dip between her thighs, the head pressed firmly by my weight, against where her pussy would be.

"Chris, is that what I think it is, sticking into me?" she asked, almost unbelievingly.

"Err, I dunno, what do you think it is?" I tried to brazen it out but felt my face reddening.

"It feels to me like you have a hard-on for your sister, you pervert," she spat.

"It's not my fault," I said, trying to defend myself, "it just sort of happened."

"What do you mean, 'it just sort of happened'?" she asked, sarcastically, but made no effort to move.

"Well, you know, a man, an attractive girl... I am sure I don't have to spell it out," I said.

"But I'm your sister," she said, "are you telling me you find me sexually attractive?"

"Of course you are attractive, but I didn't mean that I have been lusting over you or anything," I said, feeling somewhat embarrassed and trying to distance myself from my uncooperative rigid cock.

"It doesn't feel like that to me," she said, the expression in her eyes seeming a little softer, and she still hadn't tried to move.

"If you say 'uncle' we can end this now and forget it happened," I offered, thinking that it would be a face-saver all round.

"Oh no, I don't think so," she replied, a mischievous glint forming in her eyes, "lets see how much of a macho man you are and who 'chickens out' first shall we, pervert."

With that, she began to move her hips slowly up and down, resulting in my covered cock rubbing along the top of her clothed mons and perhaps her clit.

"What are you doing?" I asked, a bit shocked at the direction this was taking.

"You'll have to work it out," she said, "unless you want to call 'uncle' now of course?"

It seemed neither of us were prepared to be the one to give in just yet. I didn't know what the rules were and wasn't about to ask, but I could see that she had lost that angry look and was showing signs of a different sort of excitement. How far she was prepared to take this spontaneous new game I had no idea, but with my mind in turmoil at how this was evolving, I just let her lead.

While she was pre-occupied, I had taken the opportunity to grab her other wrist, so that now I had both of her hands pinned to the sofa each side of her head, my legs either side of hers and pressing my hips down on hers to try to immobilise her. However, immobilised she wasn't, as she certainly had some core strength in her slim frame and was still able to lift me a couple of inches, even though I was pressing my weight down on her.

She continued to look directly into my eyes, challenging me to call a halt, but also daring me to continue.

Her movements were more subtle now and I wasn't sure if this was a ruse to lower my guard or something more. She was certainly stimulating my hard cock with these gentler movements, and I wondered if it was doing the same thing for her.

"I don't think we should be doing this," I said, getting even more embarrassed at how much it was getting me worked up.

"So, you admit defeat then? You can stop anytime by saying the word," she said, in a huskier voice than before, and stopping her movements.

"That's not what I said."

"What are you saying then?" she retorted, the corners of her mouth just lifting with the suspicion of a grin.

"I just think you seem to have us playing a weird game and I don't know the rules." I replied.

"That's because there aren't any," she giggled, "except that the first one to say, 'that word', loses."

I think I was beginning to understand that this was about brinkmanship. Which of us would reach the limit of our comfort zone first and give in. I hadn't ever contemplated anything sexual with my sister, and now here we were, clearly competing for who would let it go the furthest. I believed she wouldn't let it go too far; she also had never given any hints that I figured anywhere on her sexual spectrum.

With that thought in my mind and her movements beginning again, I decided to step it up a notch and see how she reacted.

I waited until she relaxed into the cushions, then quickly slipped one leg over and in-between hers. She wasn't ready for it, and her legs opened easily against the pressure. While she was still making sense of that, I slid my other leg alongside it, so that now I was lying on her, effectively in the missionary position, my cock up against her pussy.

Although my top half was still bare, we were both still dressed in the rest of our clothes, but even through them, I could feel the head of my cock against a soft fleshy part of her that had a natural valley in-between.

Now her face took on a more surprised expression tinged with a blush that crept up from her neck. She lay perfectly still, gazing at me.

"You can stop anytime by saying the word, if you want to," I said, mimicking what she had said earlier to me.

Her surprise hardened to determination as she unconsciously bit her lower lip.

"No chance," she said, "but you are hurting my wrists."

I looked at where I was holding her and realised I was gripping her hard, a red mark forming around where my fingers gripped her.

"Ok, I'll release them if you promise not to batter me with your fists."

She thought about it for a moment.

"Agreed," she said, a bit too quickly.

"No, no, I know you, you have to promise, and you know we have never gone back on promises," I insisted.

"Yes ok, ok, I promise, cross my heart, pinky promise, blah, blah, and all that kid's stuff," she said, a bit ungraciously, rolling her eyes.


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