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Yet another February Sucks sequel

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Jim takes charge.
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I don't know what it is about this story that it has spawned so many sequels. In any case, I wanted to write a version where Jim handles things and isn't a victim.

I took a few liberties with the original -- Dee has a somewhat different role, and Jim and Linda probably got together after, not during, college -- you'll see. And Jim might seem different.

On the 1 - 10 RAAC vs BTB scale, I aimed for a 5 -- expecting to please no one : )

+++ From the original story +++

"Jim, she's not in the restroom. She has left the club."

"Left? Without me? Why? What's the matter? Why didn't she tell me? Where did she go? Is she all right?" I still didn't get it.

"Let's go to the end of the bar where there's some privacy."

I just went where Dee dragged me. It was quieter in the dark corner at the end of the bar. Dee looked me in the eye.

"Jim, Linda loves you. She loves you and the children more than anything else in the world, and she always will, and you know it. But she is spending tonight with Marc."

I stood there with my mouth open, looking stupid as my world ended. Pictures whirled madly through my mind, or what was left of it. Linda at the top of the stairs in her beautiful blue dress. Linda at dinner; Linda at the club; Linda as we fed wings to each other. Linda in Asshole's arms. My anger rose.

"So on what was supposed to be our special night, she left me for some asshole jock." I glared at Dee as I growled the words.

"Jim, she hasn't left you. She'll come home to you tomorrow, and you'll have plenty of other special nights together."

"She didn't even have the guts to tell me to my face that she was leaving me. She just snuck out the back door."

"Jim, listen to me. She hasn't left you..."

"Well, if she hasn't left me, then where the hell is she? She sure isn't with me now, is she?" I was getting loud, and didn't care who heard me.

"Please settle down, people are looking at you."

+++ And my ending +++

"Settle down my ass! You tell me that some asshole has seduced my wife and she's going to spend the night at his house, destroying our marriage? And you want me to settle down?"

At that point a bouncer came over.

"Listen buddy, if you don't dial it back right now we're going to remove you from this club, and we won't be gentle, understand?"

"That's fine with me. Just tell me how I can get hold of LaValliere and I'll be out of here."

"No way. He's very protective of his privacy, and he takes good care of the staff here to ensure that we are equally protective of it. Now are you going to calm down or leave?"

I started to react, but then had an idea, "OK, I'm calm. Is there a manager on duty, and if so, can I speak with him or her?"

"Sure, you stay calm, and I'll go get him."

Dee started talking, "You see Jim, it's not so bad."

"Dee, I'm staying calm, but if you say another word to me, I'll do something that will change your life forever. Sure, I'll go to jail, but so what, I'm fucked anyway. In fact, you should go back to Dave and then both of you should just leave, and probably take all my other friends with you. I really can't be relied on to act in a civilized manner at this point, OK?"

"Jim, relax, everything's..."

I interrupted in a quiet voice full of rage, "Dee if you don't get away from me right now I'm going to rip your right arm off and shove it up your pox-ridden cunt. I hope I've made myself clear. And if you repeat this to Dave and he tries to start something, I'll rip his arm off and do my best to shove it up your anus. I'm sure I've made myself clear now."


"Dee I was neither joking nor exaggerating. Just get the fuck away from me."

The look in her eyes told me she believed me -- she left in a hurry.

At that moment, the bouncer returned with the manager, a 30ish guy you wouldn't notice if you passed him on the street.

"Sir, My name is Andrew Templeman. Bruce here says you were having an issue and wanted to talk to me. How can I help you?"

"Well, my name is Jim. My problem is that my wife just left here to spend a night with Marc Asshole LaValliere. I'd like to know how to get hold of him as quickly as possible. I'd like to save my marriage if it isn't already too late."

"Jim, I'm sorry to hear that you haven't enjoyed your time here, but I assume your wife is an adult who can make her own decisions. It's not really something we can get involved in."

"Andrew, I can call you Andrew, right?" He nodded. "Andrew, do you own this club?"

He shook his head.

"I assume that the owners would like this club to be seen as successful and respectable, a safe place for folks to come and have a good time, right?"

He nodded.

"Well Andrew, how do you think the owners will feel when there's a big story in the paper about how staff at your club assist a local celebrity who comes in periodically to pick up married women, humiliate their husbands, and then take them home for some marriage-ending adultery?"

"What are you talking about? Sorry that your wife ran off to get some strange, but that's not our fault. If you claim otherwise, we'll sue you for slander and any paper which publishes the story for libel."

"What? Are you a lawyer? If so, then you should know that Truth is an absolute defense against all claims of defamation, and every word of this story will be true. We both know this isn't the first time LaAsshole has pulled this in this club. Why else would he take such good care of the staff? I watched him cue the band. How hard do you think it will be to find others to corroborate the story?"

Andrew glanced at Bruce, who was looking for loose change on the floor.

"OK, we don't want that. How can I help you to prevent that from happening?"

"It's really simple. I need LaAsshole's phone number. And I need Bruce here to convince him to talk to me."

"How can he do that? Marc is going to too busy with... how can he do that?"

"Actually, it's really simple. All he has to do is mention a name -- Spence Hudson."

"The sports writer?"

"One and the same, and my fraternity brother. In fact, we roomed together jr. and sr. year in college. And Linda knows him quite well, he was in our wedding party. So if LaAsshole seems skeptical, Bruce here can have him confirm the relationship with Linda. So grab a phone, and call him right now. Otherwise, I'll grab my phone -- I have Spence on speed-dial."

Bruce looked at me, and I saw his fists tighten, but before he acted he looked at Andrew. Andrew was thinking, but he could see Bruce's tension and subtly shook his head 'No'. Then he let out a breath and looked at me, then back at Bruce. "Call him."

So Bruce pulled out a cellphone and hit a couple keys. Then "Hi Marc, it's Bruce... Yeah, I know, but this is important. You gotta talk to this guy... He's the husband of the slut you picked up... I know, but he claims to know Spence Hudson. Says he's his fraternity brother and claims he was in their wedding party... (long pause)... OK, here."

He handed me the phone. I decided not to beat around the bush.

"Hello FuckFace. Here's what you're going to do."

"Fuck you cuck, my name is Marc, Mr. LaValliere to pissants like you. I'll do whatever I want, which right now is to fuck your wife until she's blind. She'll never come back to you once I'm done with her."

"No, your name is Mr. LaAsshole, but fine, you can keep her. I'm certainly going to enjoy discussing this with Spence. Remember that piece he did a couple years ago about the Texans' linebacker who was harassing those cheerleaders? What ever happened to that guy?"

"Big deal. He was stupid. I never go with a woman who isn't willing. So go ahead and expose yourself as a cuck -- what do I care."

"Oh, you're right Mr. LaSpermBreath, she clearly was willing. She was willing to lie to me and to leave with you without even telling me what she was doing. And I'm sure she'll be willing to have you fuck her, to suck your cock, to take you up her ass. Hell, she might be willing to pull a train for all your buddies. But will she be willing to do all that if she knows that it will cost her her marriage, her relationships with all her friends and family, and the ridicule she'll have heaped upon her everywhere she goes once the story comes out? More importantly, will YOU be willing to accept the consequences?"

"What consequences? You'll just be reporting what an amazing stud I am. Free publicity. Hell, I probably won't even have to go hunting -- the sluts will come begging for it."

"I wasn't referring to social consequences, but rather financial consequences."

"And what would they be? I just signed a 5-year contract extension for an average of 11 million per year. How are you going to hurt me?"

"Quite easily in fact. I'm pretty sure you make some pretty good money from your endorsement deals. I certainly see your face on billboards, in print ads, and on commercials quite a bit."

"So what, I have contracts for all those deals which last for years. I'm not looking for any new ones -- my agent says I've pretty well saturated this market."

"Ah, but how many of those deals have morals clauses? Those clauses can be pretty vague, and courts have been fairly willing to allow companies out of them based on lots of different behaviors by the talent. Drugs, sexual impropriety, even foul language have been used successfully by companies to get out of deals with pitchmen who under-perform. By the way, haven't you positioned yourself as a moral, Christian celebrity who endorses only wholesome products and services.

I seem to recall that you were quite vocal about refusing some endorsement offers, saying that, in good conscience, you couldn't endorse their products and services. I remember one was for a booze distiller, and... wait a minute... wasn't the other advertising for a chain of adult resorts?"

"OK, so maybe you can hurt a couple of my endorsements. Still peanuts, and I still get to fuck your slut of a wife."

"Yep, you sure can. And I'm sure the team won't decide to exercise the morals clause in your contract with them."

"Why would they? I was the second most productive tight end in the league last year. They care about winning more than any of this BS. You can't touch me."

"Are you sure about that Mr. ButtLicker? Are you sure they won't care when the follow-up story reports how many marriages you've fucked up? How many 'willing' women ended up divorced and broken? How many children live in broken homes because you fucked up their lives?"

"Yep, I'm quite sure they won't turn their back on their most effective offensive weapon."

"And if you're not so productive? What happens then? You know, things happen to athletes all the time. A nagging injury won't heal. A young player gets a little too enthusiastic during training camp. At the end of a play, a big guy falls 'just right' on a smaller guy. A crazed husband smashes a knee with a baseball bat. You think none of that can ever happen to you? So now you're on the DL, and then the story comes out.

Understand this. Spence is more than just a friend, and more than just a fraternity brother. If I gave him this story and asked him to hold it until the right moment, he'd do it without any hesitation. Don't believe me? Ask Linda."

"Did you just threaten to injure me? I'll have you arrested for that."

"Nope, I made no such threat. I was just mentioning unfortunate things which could befall you. Besides, do you think I'm the only pissed-off husband out there?"

( another long pause... talking in the background )

"OK, fine. She's not worth it. There are hundreds more willing sluts out there, just as hot, or hotter. We're coming back to the club."

"That's fine. Put Linda on the phone."


"Linda, go to the hotel and spend the night in our room. Make sure that fucking dildo-head doesn't even get out of the car when he drops you off. I'll be watching. And if he goes in with you, I'll be on the phone with Spence before the door shuts and his pecker hits the back of your throat."

"Will you be there when I arrive?"

"No, I'll stay somewhere else tonight. And I'll pick the kids up and take them to my folks' house in the morning. I'll meet you in the hotel restaurant at 11:00. We'll talk over brunch and figure out what's next."

"Jim, I'm sorry. I know I hurt you, but I also know you love me enough to forgive me."

"Well, your knowledge is mistaken. Had you gone through with this, I would absolutely not have forgiven you. Never! That's enough for now -- we'll talk tomorrow."

I hung up and copied the number into my phone. When I handed the phone back to Bruce, I could see he was still pissed at being handled. In fact, he was very close to getting physical with me.

"Andrew, I can see that Bruce has some un-resolved issues to deal with. Could you please have him wait somewhere else while we talk a bit more?"

"Bruce, you can go cover the door. Have Trent come over and wait for me by the office door."

Luckily, Bruce's eyes weren't loaded, so I didn't turn into a piece of charcoal.

"OK Jim, we've done what you asked. Is there anything else you need before you leave?"

"Just one thing. Ban LaBleedingCuntLips from this establishment. Permanently. He's bad for your image. I'm not the first guy to be put in this situation by LaScrotumSucker, and I won't be the last one if you don't bar him."

"I'll discuss it with the bosses, but I can't make any promises. One of them is a big fan and loves it when those guys come in."

"Explain it to him. If I see LaAnusMouth is still coming in here, I'll sic Spence on him and your establishment. And don't think you can avoid it by watching for Spence. He's very good at ferreting out information in places which would not welcome him if they knew what he was up to. Do you think the Texans invited him to come and interview all those ladies? I mean it's your guys' choice, but banning him would definitely be in your best interests."

"Like I said, I'll bring it to the bosses."

"All I can ask for. But I would like one more favor. Hopefully not too burdensome for you."


"I'd like you to stay with me while I call a cab and then wait with me until it arrives. I'm concerned that Bruce might decide that I need to be taught some manners. Also, I see several of LaPantyBitch's friends and or teammates over at those two tables in the corner. He might have called them -- they've looked over here several times, and I didn't see them smiling. I'd just as soon leave your fine establishment alive and unharmed."

"Sure, I can help you tonight, but what will you do tomorrow, and the next day?"

"I'm not worried about that" I laughed. "Right now, I'm alone and unarmed. Tomorrow I won't be alone, and I won't be unarmed."

I actually thought about saying that loudly as a warning to the meatheads in the corner, but I figured that might just whip them into a rabid frenzy, and I didn't need that.

And that's how it went. I called a cab, Andrew waited until I got into the cab and left. Some of the meatheads came out just as I was leaving, but they didn't follow me.

The cab driver asked "Where to?"

I was glad to be in a real Yellow Cab -- not sure I could have worked things out with an Uber driver.

I pushed 2 twenties through the pass-through.

"This is going to be an unusual fare. There'll be another forty for you, plus the meter. I need you to go around back of the Madison, and wait until I come back out. Run the meter, it might take half an hour or so. Afterwards you'll take me home."

"Fine, but what if you don't come back out?"

"Here's my driver's license. Now you know how to find me if I don't come back, but I will."

He took a hard look at the picture, at me, and then turned and went back to the Madison. I got out and used my room keycard to go in, went up the elevator to our room. Went in and sat down in the dark.

After a few minutes I decided to stir the pot a bit. I called the asshole's cell phone, but of course he didn't answer. So I texted him,"Spence says you better answer." Then I called again, and he answered and said "What do you want cuck?"

"I just want to make sure you weren't stopping off to view the submarine races. I haven't actually talked to Spence yet, but if you fucked her, you can be sure that's the next call I'll make. And trust me, I'll know."

"Fuck you, cuck! We're almost back to the hotel, and I hope I never see the bitch again."

"I'm sure that could be arranged."

He just hung up at that point.

About five minutes later, I heard some activity at the door, then it opened and I could see her silhouette. She reach for the light switch near the door and turn it on, looked around and then gasped when she saw me.

"I thought you weren't going to be here?"


Show me your panties."

"What, you think I took them off?"

"Just take them off and give them to me."



She gave me a disgusted look, but then reached up under her dress and pulled them down stepped out of them and hand them to me.

They were fucking soaked.

"You fucking slut. If this is sperm, we're done."

Before she could say anything else, I got up and walked out of the room. As I closed the door I said "I'll see you tomorrow at 11."

I walked out went down the elevator out the back door, got in the cab headed home. When we got there, I was out a couple bills between the tip and the fare, but to me it was well worth it.

I went in, set the alarm for 7:00, set the house burglar alarm system, got out my piece, loaded it, put it on the bedside table, made a couple calls and went to sleep.

My sleep wasn't interrupted until the alarm went off. I got up, dressed, made coffee, made a couple more calls, including to my parents.

At 9:00 I went to pick up the kids. They were ready, and once they jumped in the car we headed off to my folks' place. The kids were excited to head there as there was lots to do at that big place. Plus, my folks spoiled the kids rotten every time they came. I dropped them off and told my folks I had to run to pick up Linda and that we'd be back around dinnertime.

At 10:55 I parked at the Madison, and went in. I walked into the restaurant and saw Linda at a window table in the back away from other patrons. I also saw two of my friends sitting at a table where they were out of the way, but could see the door and Linda. Thank goodness she was alone. She looked up and saw me, and I saw a hundred emotions flash across her face in 3 seconds.

I glanced at my friends' table, and Tim held up one finger, and then made a fist and nodded at Johnny, meaning she came in alone, and they were armed. I did the same, nodded and then turned toward Linda.

I took a deep breath and headed over. It was a conversation which could easily finish our marriage, and I had no idea how we would end up.

When I got to her table, I looked at it, and then sat down at the next table over, a booth where I could scoot in and sit with my back in a corner. I know, what a cliché, right? But fuck if I was gonna let somebody sneak up on me here, and I was pretty sure Asshole would know we were having this meeting. I didn't expect him to try anything serious, but what Andrew told me about the owners of the bar indicated he had some unsavory associates. Wouldn't surprise me to have Asshole reach out to try and make this problem go away.

And Linda's reaction was almost comical. I'm not sure if she thought I was being rude, or just trying to make a point, or what the fuck was going on. At the same time, she sure didn't want to start a fight about it. So she very studiously picked up her napkin, touched her lips, put down the napkin, looked for her purse ... and I got up, "OK, you want a divorce, you got it."

Suddenly it was "No wait", and she came right over and slid in to where I had been sitting. I motioned for her to come over and stand up, turned her and frisked her, very thoroughly, inside her panties and her hair -- no bra to check. I took her shoes off, grabbed her purse and took them to a table across the room.


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