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Jodi's Story: My Time with Willie Ch. 01

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Jodi becomes a slut to the black janitor at her church.
1.9k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 08/30/2017
Created 05/30/2013
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Most of the time I fuck total strangers, Black Men I meet and wind up sucking or fucking within a few minutes, and often never seeing Them again. There have been a few Men, however, that I fucked more than once... LOTS more than once. Case in point was Willie.

I met Willie about 4 years after I had "gone Black", so by that time I had pretty much done everything with Black Men that there was to do...oral, straight, anal, gangbangs, airtight, glory holes, etc. In my "normal" life I was married and the mother of a young child, and I was active enough in our church to be the Chair of the Building and Grounds Committee, so as such I was responsible for hiring the church custodian. That's how I met Willie.

Our previous church custodian was...well, he was OLD. He had been at the church a long time when my husband and I started attending, and finally it came time for him to retire. We placed an ad in area newspapers and waited for the applicants. There weren't all that many; the offered pay was small, and the church is out in the middle of nowhere. Someone who wanted to live in the nearest larger city would have a 20-25 minute drive each way every day, and with today's gas prices that really cut into the salary. On the other hand, living closer meant living in the middle of nowhere, not much to do.

Then, one day I got a phone call that we had an applicant. The church secretary was a bit skeptical, as she said "He's young and strong and seems qualified, but...but...he's BLACK!!" Our church was an all-white congregation; I don't think we had a policy to exclude a Black family that wanted to attend, but there just were no Black families in our area. And, to be honest, I think maybe a Black family would not be very welcome. But I had been secretly fucking Black Men for 4 years and my interest was piqued. I asked the secretary to set up a time for me to interview the applicant later that afternoon, a Tuesday.

I arrived about 15 minutes before the interview time so I could review his application. It was not very informative; he was in his early 30s, and his last work had been at a church outside of San Antonio, Texas. He listed no relatives and indicated that he lived in a rented apartment in the town that was closest to our church. When the door to the interview room (which was also the adult Sunday School classroom) opened, I had to gasp in surprise. What I saw was a Black Adonis, a large muscular handsome VERY Black Man, the very kind of Man I LOVE to fuck and submit to. I immediately became sexually aroused and very flustered. Willie seemed to expect my reaction and with a superior smile He invited me to have a though He was the one in charge! And as it quickly developed, He was right.

I began with the usual employment interview questions...his background, his experience, his reasons for seeking this particular job. Each answer He gave was short, as though He did not want to give away any more information than He had to. As I scribbled down His answers on my form, I would steal glances up at Him, and He was always staring right at me with a bemused smile on His lips...the very mark of a Man in charge.

After about 10 minutes, I found I had nothing else to say. I looked up at Him with a helpless look, and He smiled again. Then He very pointedly looked down into His lap, then back up at me, and He nodded. There was no mistaking His non-verbal signal; Willie wanted me to suck His cock! And I wanted to...desperately wanted to.

I got up from my chair and went to the room's single door, clicking the lock and closing the door. By the time I turned back to Willie, He had slid His chair back from the table a few feet. I dropped to my knees and crawled under the table. I frantically undid His pants and fished His cock through His fly. I couldn't cram the cockhead into my mouth fast enough. Salivating like a hungry dog, I quickly bobbed my head up and down and up and down on His pole. It wasn't the longest cock I had ever had but it was SO thick! It stretched my lips to take Him in but I did so gladly. I savored the unmistakable taste of a woman's vaginal juices and a Man's cum on His cock and joyously slurped them up as I blew this total stranger. I knew that a physical specimen as wonderful as this would have many women eager to sexually service Him, so there was no jealousy, just satisfaction in having such a Man in my mouth. I began swirling my tongue around His cockhead as I bobbed up and down faster and faster, cheeks going hollow with suction. The sloppy suck sounds of the blowjob filled the room, and I felt His hands come under the table to grasp me by the ears and push my head up and down ever faster. As I got into the blowjob, my head would occasionally bump the underside of the conference table. I was in 7th Heaven..i LOVE to suck cock, especially when I think or hope that the Man (or Men) will fuck me later. I literally forgot where I was and in my mind I was in the bathroom of a bar, sucking off a Man I just met. His cock was seeping delicious precum and I eagerly anticipated Him cumming in my mouth and allowing me to swallow and taste His semen.

Until I heard the door to the room open! I thought I had locked it but apparently I didn't or the lock didn't work, because I heard the door open and the minister's voice, not 10 feet away from me, say "Oh! I thought Mrs. __________ was in here doing your employment interview!" I froze in terror with Willie's cock lodged in my throat, god what if the minister saw me or heard me?

"She was here," Willie said. "But then something big came up and she felt like she needed to get on it right away!" And He chuckled at His little joke. And His hands under the table firmly began to push my head up and down again. Clearly I was to go on sucking His cock as the minister stood there! I complied but slid silently up and down and up and down.

The minister and Willie continued to exchange small talk for what seemed like an eternity but was probably only a few seconds. The minister finally made his exit and (thank god!) closed the door behind him. When I heard the door close I went wild on Willie's cock, doing everything I could to make Him cum faster. I hummed, I twisted my head back and forth (a "corkscrew" move as its known locally), I sucked as hard as I could, and my tongue slither around His cock like a snake. Soon I felt the unmistakable signs of His orgasm, and as He held my head in a viselike grip and pumped His cum into my mouth, I swallowed frantically to keep up with the flow. Fortunately, Willie had apparently already fucked at least one other woman that morning, so His load was not as big as some I would receive on some other occasions.

Wiping my lips and catching some cum that had dribbled down my chin, I came up from under the table and grinned up at Willie. "Not bad, slut, not bad," He said. "I'm gonna call you 'Miss Tuesday' cuz that's when I met you. You is to be here at the church every Tuesday at noon and you gonna be my bitch those days." I almost squealed from happiness at the prospect.

It was a foregone conclusion that Willie had the job. I gave Him the highest salary that I could justify for the position, and then Willie picked up my purse and opened it. Finding my wallet, He took out all the cash I had, about $60. "Bring more next time you see me," He growled as He tucked the money into His pocket. "Now get out of here."

And that's how Willie came to our church.

At church that Sunday Willie saw me arrive with my husband and child and He immediately shifted into a slow stereotypical Black speech pattern, calling me "Miz Tuesday" and apologizing for not remembering my name, saying He could never remember names very well so He found nicknames like mine. But 20 minutes later I was kneeling on the floor of His janitor's closet, giving Him another blowjob before Sunday School classes. Again I could taste another woman's vaginal juices and a slight trace of feces on His cock, telling me Willie had fucked and assfucked someone else that morning.

As time went on, other women (all white) at the church acquired "nicknames" from Willie, and it became clear He was fucking them as well. There was no "Miss Monday" because Monday was Willie's day off. I was "Miss Tuesday." "Miss Wednesday" was the church's choir director and the wife of the associate pastor. She was as beautiful blonde in her mid-40s, with huge breasts and did not appear to sag much, at least from what one could see from her normally conservative attire. "Miss Thursday" was a young girl of 19, who had grown up in the church and was married in the church to her childhood sweetheart, another church member. I am quite certain that both of them were virgins on their wedding night. About 6 months into their marriage, her husband's National Guard unit was deployed in Iraq, and within 2 weeks of the husband's departure, this slender innocent-looking young girl was being called "Miss Thursday" by Willie. "Miss Friday" was the exception to the MWF status, as she was a 50 year old widow and the sister of the church's pastor. She had a teenage daughter and her husband had been killed in a traffic accident about 6 months earlier. And finally "Miss Saturday" was another MWF about my age who had a son and drop-dead gorgeous twin daughters in high school.

In various ways it became clear that Willie was fucking all 5 of us on our appointed days and also sometimes on Sunday mornings. We gave Him anything He wanted sexually, and we were all paying him in cash every week. I was giving Him between $100 and $150 a week. And there were others, women who came under Willie's control but who did not have a specific "day" they were expected to belong to Him.

Over the next few months, I slowly came to know Willie's story. He made His living by becoming the Black Sexual Power in small white communities, usually churches like ours. He would get a menial job, fuck as many of the white women as He could and get whatever money He could, and when He was discovered by the men of the community He would move on, usually with a significant financial incentive by the husbands, who wanted Him to stop fucking their wives. The last church before ours was a small rural church outside of San Antonio, and the husbands gave Him a new car (a BMW) to leave. No one ever reported Him to the authorities as none of them wanted to risk the scandal and publicity.

In Chapter Two I will start telling more details of Willie's time at our church.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It's been 8 years since Jodi posted pt 1.

Perhaps Jodi got caught and took a trip to the swamps or a deep mineshaft.

I guess part 2 is out of the question.

Jrunner16Jrunner16about 4 years ago
More about Willie

Great stories about your experiences. Can’t wait to read more. Thanks for sharing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
This is hot!

I love the manner in which you almost instantly submitted to him! Those of us who are submissive send out a 'vibe' apparently, that dominant, receptive men pick up on. It's just a natural part of many species, the need to procreate. Willie is one of those men. I look forward to more!

Kacey Owens

patilliepatillieabout 5 years ago
Willie needs a "come to Jesus" meeting

with someone who can meet out righteous punishment for his arrogance. He does this to feel better, superior to the white man, who has everything he thinks he wants. Cant believe he didnt get his ass beat at some point.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

You want to know how I can be sure this story is a fantasy? A black man gets discovered cuckolding a bunch of white men in Texas and didn't get shot dead. I mean, sure it's 2017, but the story takes place in Texas not Neverland. The cops would investigate this for like, a minute assuming the cops weren't the ones to do the shooting in the first place.

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