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You Belong to Me Ch. 01

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Porter and Peggy - the empty nest and other birds.
6.2k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/20/2022
Created 09/25/2010
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Authors notes: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real life characters or situations is completely coincidental. You Belong to Me is a story of a happily married couple with all of the hallmarks of a successful marriage wherein the wife takes another man as lover. I do not use the term cuckold with this tale, nor most others, because I feel the definition of that simple word has been badly corrupted. Nonetheless, if this type of story is not for you, move on to another. I wanted to break the mold of internet or bar meet to find a lover; what better way to break that pattern than to find him in church? I also wanted to indicate the communication and togetherness that makes for a successful marriage. Where there is teasing and denial of husband in favor of the lover in You Belong to Me, I have tried to portray those actions in a loving way. The song lyrics, a hit for Jo Stafford back in the early fifties, are a favorite for a special lady friend and I have included them because I think they are appropriate to the story. In all, I anticipate seven chapters of which this is the first.


See the pyramids along the Nile
Watch the sunrise from a tropic isle
Just remember darling all the while
You belong to me
See the market place in old Algiers
Send me photographs and souvenirs
Just remember when a dream appears
You belong to me
I'll be so alone and without you
Maybe you'll be lonesome too, and blue
Fly the ocean in a silver plane
See the jungle when it's wet with rain
Just remember 'til you're home again
You belong to me

- "You Belong to Me" -- King, Stewart and Price, 1952

Chapter One -- The Empty Nest and Other Birds

I'm a momma bird in an empty nest. My egg is hatched and flown the coop. I'm free, I can fly. I can fly again, but I have to learn how to fly once more. My name is Margaret, but you can think of me as Peggy; that's what everyone calls me; don't ask me why. The young bird who flew from the nest is Nancy, my daughter away at college. The male bird who seeded my egg so long ago, the one who guarded the nest and sustained us, is Porter.

There is an irony about having that empty nest that no longer needs full time devotion and energy. What does one, or two, do to fill time? Does that common one or two get on the plane? Do they look for far away sunrises and new jungles to explore? What sort of souvenirs are collected and catalogued for future remembrance? At first, Peggy began spending time with other women who now had time on their hands and empty nests. Porter did the same with other men. Peggy and Porter did a few things together too. What sorts of things if not the silver plane to adventures unknown? They did very ordinary things at first.

Peggy grew friendships with two women she had known casually for years, and the three added two more women to their circle. Often they met and talked about books they were reading, movies they had seen, husbands they all still had, and dreams. Once a month, the five planned an outing together; always dinner followed by a movie or play normally. A few times they had their dinner and went to a nightclub. Once, all five insisted husbands accompany them so they could dress and dance.

Porter rediscovered a joyous solitude in fishing. He had no compulsion to be Hemingway's Old Man; if he caught a good fish to fill the fry pan that was enough. If he threw them all back, he still had a good day. Taking the family to a baseball game when Nancy was younger was a fun, wholesome, family outing. Going to a game with the guys and getting good third base side seats so they could watch shortstop and second baseman turn a DP was even more rewarding than being with Peggy and Nancy. Three guys, two beers, and one double play made a perfect afternoon.

Porter and Peggy also engaged in nurture the couple activities on a regular basis. Once a month they went on a dinner and something else date together. The and something else was often music they both enjoyed, in good weather an outdoor something, and once in mid winter they tried ice skating. One night a month became let's just talk night, with no TV, books or work intrusions. They almost always ended their just us evenings early enough to make love before going to sleep.

With Nancy grown and gone, going to church on Sunday morning shifted from a compulsory religious education event to a convenient social enrichment event. They could meet people with similar values, without having to filter quite as many liars and cheats. Church attendance rarely ended in bed and sex.

One of the just talk nights led Peggy and Porter down a path they probably never would have found any other way. Porter talked about lunch earlier that day; he had a salad, sandwich and soda in the park. He told Peggy about the three different groups of young, female, office workers eating lunch in the park at the same time.

Peggy was surprised by her husband's vivid and detailed descriptions, even to the short skirted dresses two of the women wore. She didn't recall ever hearing him talk that much about dresses she wore. "I'm glad you had your dose of eye candy today, Porter; I had some at the grocery store too. He was good looking."

It never dawned on Peggy that she described her biker boy eye candy with as much detail as her husband described the women he saw in the park. By the time Peggy completed her description, Porter knew the fellow wore blue spandex shorts and top, had muscular hairy legs, and no socks under his shoes. He was really surprised by his wife's last comment, "Honestly, honey, his ass was so cute I wanted to reach out and stroke him, just touch him, maybe pinch butt a little." When he got over being surprised, Porter calmly asked why she hadn't given in to her desires.

Peggy laughed, and they moved on to talk about weekend trips they could make this summer. Nancy had written a letter, wonder of wonders, and they talked about her being in school, and the two of them at home, alone and with opportunities. It was having the opportunity that led to Porter's final question of the night. "Did you really want to pinch his butt? You could have, you know, pinched him and brought him home with you. I never would have known."

"Porter! Porter, Porter, Porter; what kind of question is that?"

"You know I am right; I would never know, unless you told me."

Peggy looked at her husband a moment and then lovingly laughed her final comment for this just talk night. "You pervert; you want me to tell you, or let you catch me so you could watch." Peggy took her husband by the hand and off to the bedroom they marched. Their just talk night ended like so many of the others.

Only two weeks passed until they sat in the living room again having more just talk. The local public radio station was having a Beethoven extravaganza. The Pastoral was playing when they started, next up was Eroica, the announcer said. This time Peggy broached the subject, "I could have pinched biker boy and brought him home. Tell you or not, I could have. If I invited him, he might have taken the offer. Might not, too, but I didn't so he couldn't. Tell me about the sort of woman you might make the same kind of offer."

Porter thought for a moment and then described one of the young girls eating lunch in the park that day. She had looked pretty in a girl-next-door sort of way. What intrigued him most was the khaki colored skirt she wore with silver metal buttons to the waist. He described several as undone, and with her legs open, Porter could see well up her thigh. "I could almost see her panties, almost but just not there. I returned my eyes to look at her most often; I really wanted to see her panties. I almost think she knew I was trying to look, you know, to see them. She seemed to know how far she could spread her legs to keep me looking, but never really see anything." Porter told his wife that he appreciated that sort of tease in a woman.

Peggy knew he was talking about a girl who couldn't be much older than their daughter. "She might have learned the tease and show, show and tease, from her mother; do you realize that? Her mother might be even better than she was."

"Can I have both?" They laughed together and loudly. "What about you, would you like biker boy, maybe an older brother, or even their father?"

Peggy sat quiet for a moment and then a glint in her eye and a smile on her face came with her response, "Is there a reason I can't have all three?" Eroica was only in the second movement, the slow adagio, when they turned it off and went to their bedroom.

Over the summer, their let's just talk evenings increased in frequency. They just talked almost weekly now, and the most common topic was others as bed partner. Peggy came to understand that Porter was not a threat to go running off looking for new bed partners any time soon. To be sure, he would be a more than willing participant if a young lovely just fell into his lap. He would probably wink and give a small enticement to the mother of the young lady to get her in his lap. Once either young or older woman was in his lap, he would happily be an active participant.

The same could not be said about Peggy. "I am not going to hop into bed with another guy, but just because I don't want to cheat on you, Porter. Other than that, yes, I can see myself in bed screwing the young biker, or his older brother, or even their father. I would do all three at once and probably ask if they had friends if I got into the right mood."

"I'd pay to watch that one, honey", Porter rejoined.

"I think you would pay to watch. I think you might rather watch, or if the biker had a sister, she could take care of you while I had my fun and then I could tell you all about my fun later in bed." Without either knowing that an agreement was reached, Porter and Peggy embarked on a life changing path. Over time they talked more seriously about the possibilities. They rejected such obvious approaches as bar pick-ups and internet meets.

Peggy only thought she had the last word for this just talk session. "I'll tell you what, honey, if I see that biker boy in the grocery store again, I will pinch his butt and ask about father and brothers."

Porter had a final rejoinder. "Don't forget to ask about mother and sister, too." Again they went off to their bed for fun and frolic.

Porter suggested they combine a dinner night out with a just talk night following dinner. He mentioned somewhere they could have a drink and check out the party crowd. Peggy reminded they decided against bar meeting a guy. Hubby agreed completely, but he wanted to move beyond the imaginary biker youth to visible examples. "What I am thinking of, Peggy, is that you can look over the crowd, point out guys that look sexy and interesting to your taste, and maybe even what you imagine he might be like as a date. I don't want to really decide on anyone tonight, certainly not do anything. We are still a long way off, I think."

"Okay, it might be fun. Who knows, a night like tonight might be as close as we ever get to the real thing." Peggy had her own suggestion to spice up the evening, "You can pick out the clothes I wear tonight, everything, inside to out. Dress me the way you imagine me dressing if I was going to meet a lover. This will be fun."

They had a very nice dinner, but the restaurant, with attached lounge area, Porter selected was mostly populated by couples. After dinner drinks and two dances taught Porter one thing about his wife as potential seductress. Wearing a just above knee length dress with full chiffon skirt, Peggy attracted attention from all sorts of men, single and coupled. If an admirer was with another woman, Peggy just couldn't see him as suitor, even using a what-if hypothesis. Whomever, if ever, Peggy's lover better not be cheating on his wife. They decided to move on to another club hoping to find a better atmosphere for their conversation. In the parking lot, Peggy pitched a curve ball. "Porter, when we do find the right guy, if you take us out to dinner some night, you can make reservations here. They had a nice dance floor; I could dance with a lover here while you watched."

The dance club had more noise but also more interesting people. Porter and Peggy found a table in back where they could people watch, talk and still hear themselves think. They ordered a carafe of white wine so the waitress wouldn't have to interrupt often. "Porter, when I pick a guy, I'll pick him because of chemistry. Something about him will get me excited, turn me on, make me wet. Let's play a game tonight. You look around the club for three guys; I will only look for one. We'll just look while we drink our first glass of wine."

"The one man I will try to find is the one I think I want for me." Porter looked sharply at his wife. "Just pretend, honey, tonight is all just pretend."

"Why do I look for three men?"

Peggy explained her reasoning. "I want you to pick one you think I would pick, one you would pick for me, and one that would scare the hell out of you if I picked him."

"You have come up with some game; it fits a just talk night, doesn't it?"

"Sure does. Just for kicks and to keep both of us on edge, if any of the guys we pick ask me to dance tonight, I will accept for one dance."

"You may have to mingle some to make that happen; let's drink our wine and survey the crowd."

Porter sipped his wine and began checking out the crowd. His mind switched to think and analyze mode. I wonder what type of man she wants? That fortyish fellow in the sharp suit looks pretty good to me, our type, but taller than me. Would Peggy want someone like me, or different? I'll bet different. The sharp suit is out. The tall guy with good moves over there on the other side. He's a bit younger and really looks in good shape. If Peggy sees him, she will say yes. Porter looked around for twenty minutes, diligently playing Peggy's game. He didn't realize his wife was just watching him with an amused grin on her face.

Peggy refilled his wine glass, "Point out who you think I will pick, and who will scare the crap out of you if I pick him. You go first and then I'll show you my pick."

"What about the one I pick for you?"

"I probably don't care about him anyway; you can point him out last."

Porter was perplexed, but nodded toward and described the tall, mid thirties guy with the good dance moves.

"Good choice, I looked hard at him myself. You know me pretty well honey; he was my second choice."

Porter gave her a light kiss and a smile, "Which one took first?"

"Your scare the hell out of you pick, show him to me and then I will do mine."

A younger guy, slender but sinewy muscled, danced close to them. He was already with his second dance partner in the half hour or so they had been in the club. Nowhere near as tall or solidly built as Porter's first pick, this young guy moved with an arrogance born of success with women. Porter pegged him at thirty, give or take a year. He was the type to sweep any woman off her feet and into bed. Porter explained his feelings to Peggy as he pointed him out.

Peggy looked up and happened to catch the scary one's eyes; she smiled and licked her lips before turning her head back to her husband. "I can see why he scares you; he is a heartthrob, and he knows it. He just looks like, acts like, he knows how to use what he's got. I hope so."

"You hope so? Do you want to find out so you can scare me?"

"Maybe, let's finish this glass and then you can dance with me." As she danced with her husband, Peggy teased about the game they were playing. "I hope he does ask me to dance; I'll accept. Will you shiver if he asks, or get hard?"

Porter decided he could play word games too. "Probably both if you leave your panties on the table while you dance."

Back at their table, Peggy had a wicked gleam in her eye. "You are kinky, honey, but I win either way."

Peggy returned from the ladies room. The young man who didn't scare her at all approached, held out his hand, and asked, "This dance please?"

Peggy was as discrete as possible, but all three saw her hand a black nylon wisp to Porter before she gave her hand. Porter was going to pocket his wife's panties but felt devilish. When he recognized them as hot and damp, he arranged them by Peggy's wine glass and then signaled the waitress for another carafe of wine.

Her heart throb dance partner clearly noticed Peggy's panties when he returned her to the table. He touched them with his fingertips. "If you need help putting them on, or taking them off, I always try to be helpful to ladies."

Peggy took panties in hand and they held them together as she kissed a thank you for the dance. She and Porter drank about half of the second carafe and then left for home. Peggy was very wet, and Porter was very hard when they reached their bedroom.

Just talk nights continued, but neither wanted this one topic to consume their marriage. Still, they recognized that even talking about Peggy and a lover as often as the topic had been part of just talk night brought them closer. The marriage of Porter and Peggy blossomed more vibrantly now than many of the last dozen years. They had something they talked about beyond jobs, home life and child rearing. "You focused right away on the guy that would scare me. We barely mentioned the others. You never said who was your pick."

"You're right honey; I had fun teasing about your scary one. He was fun, and a good dancer. He knew I gave you my panties. He copped a quick feel to check, did I mention that?"

"You let him?"

"I smiled at him."

"Is teasing me what you want to look for in a lover?" Learning how this Peggy with a newly liberated attitude was playing their game kept Porter guessing.

"No, not teasing you, I want someone who will turn me on, turn my whole body to mush. Teasing you is an added benefit, but teasing you is just between the two of us, Peggy teasing Porter, never teasing you with anyone else."

"If you meet a guy you want to kiss right away, you will probably tell me he's the one. You will know that quickly, won't you? You will know, will kiss him, and you will hand me your panties so they won't be in your way."

"Yes, or I might let him remove them. The two of you could exchange gifts. You get my panties and he gets me."

"Your bolt from the blue perfect lover will have a big dick, make your heart throb, and shake my boots. Am I right?"

"If he has the first two, I don't care if your boots shake or not. If he has the big dick, if he makes my heart throb when I see him, and if he knows how to really use his big dick, I hope your boots stop shaking after the first couple of times when you see how happy I am with him."

"How many times do you think you will want him?" Porter was getting nervous about the direction their just talk was heading tonight and wanted to set some limits.

Peggy was in no mood for predefined boundaries. "That's up in the air, or flat on the bed."

Three weeks later, Peggy was dressing for church on Sunday morning. Her dress was spread out on the bed, but she was still nude. Porter finished tying his tie. "Are you trying to decide what to wear under your dress, or whether to wear nothing at all?"

Peggy laughed and then, snatching things, made up her mind. She dangled a sheer bra and panty set at her husband, "I might see him in church this morning. I best wear something pretty. Get out of here and let me finish dressing."

Organ music played softly; people began filling the pews. Peggy touched her husband's thigh to get his attention. "I think I found him."

"What, who, who's lost? Oh! You think you found that him."

Peggy discretely pointed him out; Porter was baffled by her choice. The man that set Peggy's boat rocking was clearly older, not much but older. Porter guessed him about fifty with hair well grey to confirm his age. Give him his due, he has no beer belly; he looks about six feet, no taller, and in good shape without a muscle builder look. He was wearing a sharp, and probably expensive, suit. Porter didn't see someone to make his boots quake, but Peggy apparently saw something.


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