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Daniel's New Boss Ch. 06


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He had only been stroking it for 30 seconds and he knew he was going to do several minutes.

"Daniel, your nipples are hard," Lalonde said looking up at his chest.

"Ya," Daniel managed to get out in a breathy burst between waves of stimulation.

Lalonde reached up and pinched one of Daniel's nipples with his left hand, "they are dry," Lalonde snapped open the tube with his left hand and let go of Daniel's cock, it bobbed and stood upright, rigid as a post.

Daniel shuddered when Lalonde touched his nipple. His nipples are sensitive to say the least.

"Done yet?" Daniel asked.

"Oh no, we really need to work the cream in in this area," Lalonde replied.

Lalonde stroked him hard, making the young man's balls bounce and slap with every stroke. Then he slowed down to snail's pace, going slowly up and down. Stopping and rubbing the cockhead with his thumb.

Lalonde reached up breathing heavy and putting his hand on Daniel's shoulders, moved him off the coffee table and onto the couch. He pulled Daniel down into a slouch and kneeled low sitting right down on his heels between the young man's knees.

He began applying more cream and stroked the young man more. He got his face close to the rigid member and breathed out hot breaths.

Daniel felt the hot breaths of Lalonde as he was so close to his cock. He didn't know what to do. It felt like he could possibly cum. He had those drinks which helped him last longer but he could feel something building deep inside between his balls.

"Done?" Daniel managed to get out.

"No, stop asking Danny," Mr. Lalonde answered back.

"Okay, sorry," Daniel said back in a quiet whisper.

Daniel was now panting and moaning as Lalonde stroked his cock.

"Mr. Lalonde, stop!" Daniel said weakly, "stop"

"No," Lalonde breathed back.

"No, please sir, please, it's... umm, oooo, shit"

"Relax Danny," Lalonde said back.

"Uhh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, my, ahh, Mr. Lalonde!" Daniel screamed, "HOLY FUCK! NO, STOP! No! NO! NOO!"

Steve Lalonde was just inches away from Daniel's cock when it erupted. He saw a long rope of cum at least three inches long shoot upwards, another one followed, a bit shorter, then another rope, this one longer, then more cum, this time not shooting but oozing out and all over Lalonde's hand.

"Sorry, sorry, ahhhh! Oh FUCK, SHIT, MOTHERFUCKER, Whoah,"

Daniel spasmed again and saw himself push his pelvis up, sliding his cock through the tight hand slowly, one last time. It was totally involuntary like an outside force pushed him through Lalonde's hand, he couldn't help himself. Daniel was covered in cum. There was cum on his face, cum on his nipples, cum on his belly and tons of cum covering Mr. Lalonde's hand and Daniel's cock.

"Don't worry Daniel, it's just a natural response," Mr. Lalonde said standing up and walking behind the couch.

Lalonde immediately stuck his thumb into his mouth tasting Daniel's salty seed. He licked his hand clean while Daniel lay there on the couch.

"What the fuck? I am so embarrassed. Mr. Lalonde has seen me cum. Mr. Lalonde made me cum," Daniel tried to make sense of it all.

"Let's clean you up and get you to work," Lalonde said appearing with two facecloths.

He went to work wiping all of the cum of the young, hard hot body.

"No shower or we have to reapply the cream," Lalonde said.

"Okay," Daniel said.

"I'll go and see it the shorts are dry," Lalonde said heading out the glass door.

He returned without the shorts, carrying the work boots and a fresh pair of work socks,

"Not even close to dry, Danny. I can't let you wear those, you will be chaffed and red so fast your head will spin."

"You should get started though, so here put on the boots and socks and get to work. Once the shorts are dry you can put them on. The yard is completely closed off so no problems with neighbors seeing anything," Lalonde said.

Daniel bent over and started to pull on a sock.

"Work naked?" Daniel asked.

"Going to have to," Lalonde said, "For a little while at least."

"You know what, fuck it, fine," Daniel thought in his head, "at least I will be getting closer to the finish."

"kay," is all Daniel managed to say out loud.

He tied the second boot and stood up in the steel toed boots wearing nothing else and charged out the back door into the sun.

Lalonde watched Daniel walk across the back yard out to the guest-house. That gorgeous round, tight, bubble butt, bright white in color walked away from him, up to the guest house and inside. Lalonde went to work making a fresh pitcher of mojito.

Daniel entered the guest-house and stared down at himself. He was completely naked except for the construction boots. "What the hell is going on?" He asked himself. He still blamed Barb for getting him into this situation. She had forced him to show more skin which effected his relationship with Mr. Lalonde.

He went to work moving the excess copper piping that was piled along the back wall. The piping was cold to the touch and he really noticed when his cock brushed the shiny metal rods. Daniel spent a long time relocating all the copper pipes. He was already sweating, his hair wet clung to his forehead, he felt sweat trickle down his ass crack. He also noticed how differently the sweat ran without his bush. His cock and balls were way more wet than usual.

Finally Lalonde brought him his shorts. They were a little worse for wear. They were in rough shape to begin with but now the seam on the right leg was split almost all the way up to his hip. Still at least he was wearing clothes. He managed to get the shorts past his boots without taking off the footwear. Lalonde stood and watched him sitting on the floor struggling to get the shorts over the boots.

They still sagged so low on his hips, now there was no longer a bush showing above the front waist band.

"That looks so much better," Steve Lalonde said reaching down and lightly touching Daniel's clammy skin where his bush had been.

"Ya, thanks Mr. Lalonde," Daniel said feeling light and happy again from the rum.

Daniel finished cleaning out the guest house and it was starting to look how it will when finished. Daniel started to lay out the thick canvas drop cloths over all furniture and the plastic covered floor.

He had almost finished the entire space with the first coat when Lalonde said he was ordering dinner. Daniel paid no attention.

Steve Lalonde had kept Daniel supplied with mojitos all day long and he could tell Daniel was close to the same pace as the day before. He stared across the back yard at the muscular back and the very low riding shorts that showed his tan lines and the top of Daniel's butt crack. Steve Lalonde's own cock strained forward against his shorts. A wet spot appearing from the precum on the inside of the fabric.

"Just gotta get through this," Daniel thought to himself. "Tomorrow evening I can go home with a lot more money than I arrived here with." His experience had been bizarre with Mr. Lalonde seeing him naked, shaving him and actually making him ejaculate at least once, maybe more depending on what he couldn't recall from last night. Still the alcohol kept Daniel feeling light, fun and positive.

"Daniel! Food," Steve Lalonde called.

Daniel turned around slowly and was facing forward just in time to see the gate to the yard open and Barb, his boss from the pub step through carrying plastic bags of food. His head went light and he thought he was going to faint for a second. His hearth thudded and there was an odd pain in his chest.

Barb and Steve exchanged kisses as he took the bags from her.

"They know each other?" Daniel asked himself.

Barb sat down at the table her keys still in her hand.

"Come on, Daniel," Lalonde called to the back of the yard.

Daniel started to walk towards the table. He tried to pull his shorts up so they didn't ride so low. At least he was not wearing underwear and Barb couldn't bust him for that.

"Hi Daniel," Barb said smiling.

"Hi, wasn't expecting to see you here," Daniel said lightly prompting chuckles from Lalonde and Barb.

"Well I better keep moving, Mickey's in the car," Barb said.

"Mickey?" Steve asked.

"Ya, Mickey Montgomery. Your neighbor," she said to Daniel, "He's our new star dishwasher and delivery guy."

"See you soon," Steve said as Barb got to her feet.

"That payment, should be there tomorrow," she said to Lalonde as she walked off.

"By Honey," Steve said as the gate closed behind her.

Daniel sat down grabbing the piece of fish. His mind raced with questions, "How did Lalonde know Barb?" "What payment was Barb making to Lalonde?" "Why was Mickey Montgomery, his pervert neighbor with her?"

"You are doing a fantastic job Daniel," Lalonde said staring across the table at the sweaty brown body across from him.

"Thanks," Daniel said. "How do you know Barb?"

"Know her Dad from back in Toronto, I'm her silent partner at the pub until she can buy me out."

"You're part owner of the pub?" Daniel asked with surprise.

"Yes, she needed a little help getting the deal done," Lalonde replied.

Daniel did not know if this was good news or bad news. Maybe Lalonde could get him out from under Barb's tight control. Maybe he would be happy to help her with her micro-life-managing of Daniel. He decided not to discuss it further. He flopped back in the chair, full of the fish and chips he just ate. Sweat poured down his chest and face.

"God, take a swim Daniel, look at you," Lalonde said.

"After the next coat maybe," Daniel said getting up, his shorts sagging extra low, showing the creases where his penis and scrotum emerged from his pelvis. He adjusted the old shorts and headed back to the guest house to finish the painting.

The sky began to lose its blue color and the light became lower. Lights twinkled to life across the backyard as Daniel finished the last of the painting and started cleaning up. He had to be careful not to stumble and trip a couple of times. The mojitos had once again really done a number on him.

He came walking across the backyard soaked in sweat the odd splatter of paint here or there on his hand, arm and hair.

"You going to have that swim Daniel?" Lalonde asked, pointing across the yard to the soft blue color shimmering in the larger of the two 'ponds'.

"Ya, I think so," Daniel said, trying to untie an annoying knot in his boot. Eventually he had both boots and socks off of his feet and he was now only in the shorts. "I don't have swim trunks with me," he thought to himself.

He got up and walked tentatively to the edge of the pool, it was much bigger close up than it appeared from across the yard. One end was twelve feet deep and it rose to less than three feet at the other end.

It looked so refreshing, should he just jump in wearing the shorts? Should he just skinny dip? Lalonde had already more than seen him naked. If I get the shorts wet I will have to be nude again, so it's either nude in the pool or nude for the rest of the time, he thought walking towards the shallow end.

The pool was designed to look like a natural pool, with uneven asymmetrical edges and shapes. It could have been the fact that that pool had uneven stones around the edge or simply the marathon of mojitos but Daniel's decision was made for him when his foot slipped off the edge of a stone and he fell into the pool sideways.

He was annoyed but it felt amazing. He enjoyed the crash and bubbles sound as he fell deeper under the water. He splashed through the surface and swam towards the deep end, gliding and paddling around.

"Feel good?" Lalonde said standing at the edge of the pool in his trunks.

Steve Lalonde dove elegantly into the deep end and swam some very fast laps from one end of the pool to the other before climbing out and grabbing his towel.

Daniel sat in the shallow end for a moment longer and then he too walked out of the pool. He, however had no towel and simply remained soaking wet as he walked towards the table where once again the marijuana was being prepped by the older man.

"Give me your shorts," Lalonde said as Daniel got closer to the table.

Daniel, without hesitation undid the button and fly and the shorts fell in a squelch to the stone. He picked them up and Lalonde took them from him and placed them in a bucket of water nearby.

"Those things need to soak after all the sweating today," Lalonde said casually as he lit up the largest blunt Daniel had ever seen.

Daniel sat in the patio chair beside Lalonde, the chair was back from the table and only turned so that it faced Lalonde. He sat low in the chair with his legs spread wide open as he would normally sit without thinking about it. He folded his hands across his stomach just below the rib cage. His cock hung down over his loose balls arching downward.

The joint went back and forth, Daniel's entire body was buzzing. He honestly did not want to take the joint again after it came to him the second time, but it just kept coming back again and again. He couldn't appear a light weight so he would take the two hauls on it and send it back.

At one point the heater fell off the end and onto Daniel's pubic area. Lalonde swatted at it and brushed it away, knocking Daniel's cock to the side as he did so.

Daniel was again feeling the potent mix of the rum and the weed. His chin fell lower almost touching his chest, his legs and arms buzzed his back buzzed. His entire groin area buzzed.

"Come on Daniel, chlorine will dry out your skin, we better moisturize and you've earned a massage," said Lalonde rising and helping the 20 year old to his feet. Daniel almost lost his balance and fell backwards but Lalonde caught him and he had stabilized himself. His cock bouncing and bobbing as he stumbled.

Lalonde led Daniel through the back door and to the couch and coffee table area.

Daniel was so high and intoxicated he was again only seeing the world in quick flashes.

Lalonde got Daniel to lay on the rug on the floor face down. Lalonde took off his own shirt and shorts until he was only in his jockeys. He straddled Daniel's buttocks and began to rub the 20-year old's muscular back. He quickly worked his way down and began to massage Daniel's buttocks pulling them apart as he rubbed them, eyeing the perfect hole.

He had Daniel roll onto his back. Daniel rolled onto his back and sighed deeply his eyes opening a crack.

Daniel's perfectly sculpted body lay before him again. Lalonde went to work to get

Daniel erect right away. He used the unflavored lube to get Daniel rock hard and pulling upward.

Daniel could feel his cock being stroked, it felt so good.

Lalonde got really low and exhaled hot breath on Daniel's cock and lower abs. It appeared to drive the young man wild

Daniel felt hot breath on his cock and balls and he felt himself surge and almost cum. One of his biggest sexual triggers was being kissed and licked and hot breath on his abs and chest.

Lalonde got right down and put his face and mouth on Daniel's pubic area right beside his rigid member. Lalonde held the throbbing member as his face was buried next to it. He licked and kissed and sucked Daniel's lowest ab region before his lips were resting on the tip of Daniel's rock-hard cock. His lips parted and lowered and the extremely thick cock was filling his mouth again. He aggressively sucked it moving up and down, loud slurping noises and sucking sloppiness filled the room.

Daniel was filled with such intense pleasure he couldn't help himself he tried to sit up he lifted his head off the floor and tried to look down at his body. There was a head there bobbing furiously it then let his cock slap out of its mouth and onto Daniel's abs.

Lalonde continued up Daniel's chest and sucked his nipples breathing the hot breaths the whole time.

Daniel was going wild, he was so turned on he couldn't help himself, he was so intense with pleasure that when the mouth that had been stimulating him reached his he kissed it, deeply sticking his tongue inside grabbing the head he was kissing and pulling it close to his own. His mouth was wide open and his tongue completely inside the other person's mouth.

Steven Lalonde knew his licking and kissing was driving the boy crazy. He was surprised when he got to the boy's mouth and the boy kissed him deeply gripping his head tightly. Lalond rubbed his hard cock through his underwear against Daniel's.

When Lalonde broke the kiss, he went down to Daniel's cock and let it fill his mouth again. He went up and down, sucking it tightly, not letting any air escape and then sloppier and faster. Daniel started to cum, the first shot went down Lalonde's throat. The rest he kept in his mouth and went up to Daniel's mouth again, letting the semen fall from his mouth into Daniel's.

Daniel swallowed the semen just to clear his mouth of fluid.

Daniel lost consciousness.

Lalonde stripped off his jockey shorts and straddled Daniel's hips. He let the boy's giant hard cock rest between his cheeks he rubbed his hole back and forth on Daniel's cock.

He took his own cock and exploded several days worth of cum onto Daniel's face, neck and chest.

Lalonde rolled off of Daniel and passed out on the floor.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wow! If this is what happens if the old guy I can't wait to see what is going on with Mickey and the new boss! I hope its super embarrassing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
Hot Dang!

This dude really likes being jerked off. First his boss, then this old guy, I wonder who's next. I hope they enjoy doing it as much as I enjoy reading it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
My cup of tea

I simply adore stories with hot male nudity, embarrassment, and plenty of groping. This tale is the perfect mixture of an arousing journey.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Sweet Reactions!

I absolutely loved Daniel's reaction when he climaxed during that scene with the lotion, very verbal. I was smiling from ear to ear while he was being pleasured. I like how he simply can't resist liking it so much.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
better than I remembered!

I remember reading your first chapters years ago...I saved them to my favorites...reading them occasionally hoping for a new installment...I am delighted that you have picked up this story and are adding to your writing skills...very hot and hope you keep posting more frequently!

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