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Maid of Dishonour

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Can Stephanie get her brother to the church on time?
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Stephanie knocked on door 217 and waited. She straightened the silky blue dress that flowed down her body. She had been pleasantly surprised by Elaine's choice of bridesmaids' gown. Not the gawdy thing she expected at all. The strap looping around her neck was a nice touch. It matched her hair ribbon, while letting her neck and chest breathe. Not all of the bridesmaids could pull off the look, but Stephanie had worked hard to lose the last few stubborn pounds. She was Maid of Honour after all.

Matron of Honour technically; it sounded way too old fashioned for Stephanie's 26 years. A little tight around her breasts, the weight clearly hadn't come from there. She adjusted her strapless bra and took a deep breath. Construction workers cat-calling her all the way over; it wasn't often the bridesmaid outdid the bride. She restrained her smirk. Now wasn't the time for smiling. She rapped the door much harder. It was no way to treat expertly manicured skin.

"Bro! Everything alright? What's going on in there?"

Did he even know how difficult it was for her to cross from the church to the hotel in high-heels? Not to mention the reassuring words she had to give the anxious bride as she sat in a Rolls-Royce outside the church. It was funny; there was nothing in the little bridesmaid booklet about that.

"Go away!" came his sorry voice.

Stephanie checked the time on her phone. Things were getting desperate. She knew, however, that she had to remain calm.

"Dan," she said in a soft tone. "I'm coming in."

She wasn't going to wait any longer. She took out the key card that Gary - the best man - had given her and slid it into the electronic lock. He had wanted to come along, but Steph felt it better to go alone. Gary had reluctantly accepted -- her pouting face helping no doubt. She eased down the handle and made her way inside. The heavy door sucked shut behind her. The room was a standard affair. Bathroom on the left; closet on the right; a depressed man sitting on the edge of a king sized bed. He was fully suited which was a relief. Oblivious to her steps, he gazed longingly out the window.

"Dan, come on! We have to go. She's waiting for you."

"You look nice," he said, turning back to the window. "I can see the steeple from here."

It was the distant, childlike way in which he spoke that alarmed Stephanie the most. She had hoped it was just cold feet, but this was something different. It was as if he was suffering something akin to shell shock.

"Yes, I know...You're supposed to be over there right now."

She lay her hands on his shoulders and leaned down. Another good call from Elaine, his navy blazer fitted perfectly. Not many men could pull off baldness the way her brother could. Steph was sure it was the combination of his strong jawline that gave him a commanding presence that some women found alluring.

"Come. Let's go together."

"I can't, Steph."

Keeping her composure, she sat down beside him. He seemed to respond to her distinctly soft touch.

"Can you feel it?" she said, pressing his fingers against her wedding band.

She ignored the large amount of leg that had been revealed through the slit in her dress. It would look strange if she suddenly uncrossed them again.

"I only found out much later, but Mike was nervous too. We all are, bro. I mean it's perfectly normal to have reservations when the big day finally arrives."

Steph gazed out the window as she spoke.

"I mean, is Mike the perfect man for me? I don't know? But sometimes we have to do what's expected. What's right. I know I'm a good wife, and I can't wait to start a family of my own. I'm sure Elaine feels the same way. There's a thought! Think how cool it would be if we did it together?"

"You smell nice too."

She beamed her excited smile. Her words seemed to have ignited something in him. She took his hand from her thigh and squeezed.

"So, you'll come back with me?"

Her heart sank on seeing his blank expression return. She struggled to suppress the rising panic deep in her chest. She looked around the room for something - anything. Dialling in on the vintage minibar, she unscrewed the little whiskey bottle and brought it back to her patient.

"It's just nerves. Drink up. It'll help."

His halting palm wasn't a good sign.

"I've had two already. Anymore and I'll be drunk."

She would have taken drunk at that stage if it meant getting him up the aisle. Her gown's tightness made it difficult to sigh away the stress. Unable to take any more of the constant vibrations, she tossed her phone on the bed.

"Ah! See? You do care after all. You don't want to be drunk for your wedding."

"Maybe I want to be sober enough to get the hell away from here."

Shuffling back to the minibar, she stared at her adorned features in the whiskey sponsored mirror. The wood was cool against her palms. 'So pretty, Steph, and all for nothing.' Dark, silky curls hung exactly where the rollers had left them. Silver earrings sparkled as they dangled. Her makeup gave her face a renewed glow. She didn't know how much longer it'd last as tears welled in her eyes. So much effort and now her day was going to be ruined. No, Elaine's...Elaine's day. Movement brought hope that he'd finally come to his senses.


Rough hands ran up her body as lips wet her neck. Pressing himself against her, fear replaced hope.

"Dan! What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Come on, Steph," came his liquor infused breath. "God you look so fucking good!"

Flailing hands accidentally glanced something hard. Her bare arms feeling the squeeze of his embrace, she did well to spin around. Face to face, his slobbery lips fell onto hers. She felt her dress being lifted for clawing fingers. She struggled to bring her hands to his chest. Despite the assault, she found herself being acutely aware of her fingernails. They'd do serious damage to his waistcoat. The photos would be ruined. Still, it was all she could do to get some space between them. Being driven back against the cabinet sparked some inner fight. She was much weaker than him, and her hands were hopelessly soft. The snap of the slap filled the room as a red-faced Dan stumbled backwards. He cradled his injured jaw and sat sheepishly on the bed.

"What have I...What the fuck is happening to me?" he said, holding his head in his hands.

Panting hard and fixing her dishevelled dress, Stephanie was trying to figure out the same thing. She stared at the door and thought about making a run for it. The buzzing phone on the bed was drowned out by clanging church bells. Neither did her heart any good. The crease in his pants beginning to shrink, at least her attacker was calming.

"Ok, Ok. It's all good. Everything is fine, Dan. You're nervous, that's all. You're not yourself...Was that tobacco I tasted? Since when do you smoke?"

"I've tried everything today."

He beamed his guilt ridden eyes.

"I'm sorry, Stephanie."

The crease was hardly all him, was it?

She looked up at his face. His big green eyes matched her own. It would take a long time to forget where his hands had strayed. It was the single-minded ferociousness of him. The very notion that he could just simply take what he wanted. Under all the layers, his rock hard...chest.

But then it was true. Steph knew there was no way she'd be able to counter another advance. Not if he really wanted to. What could she realistically do? Submission would be her only option, she figured. Repulsed by his pitiful sulking, her nipples softened. There was no time, and apologies could wait for another day.

"Forget about it," she said, resting her hands on her hips. "It's not me you should be apologising to. There's a beautiful girl out there. She's waited her whole life for this moment. She loves you, and I know you love her too."

"Do I?" he said looking up. "I just tried it on with my own sister."

A concerned Steph stepped forward and stroked his freshly shaven face.

"The things you make me do," she said.

She hoped the redness would disappear soon.

"I know you're confused right now. Stress will do that. But you've been planning this for almost two years. It's what we both want. Uhm...the wedding, I mean..."

He looked up to catch her. Catch her staring at the thing growing along his leg. Steph shuddered as he brought hands to her hips.

"So, you'll cum? Back to the church with me?

Bold eyes stayed on her. They had rid themselves of all the sulkiness she despised. She found his single-minded ferociousness much more alluring. She didn't stop him as grasp slid from hip to bottom. His head was oily as she cradled it just below her breasts.


Steph closed her eyes as her hands swirled. His tongue lashed fingers as they crossed his mouth.

"After what?" she whispered.

Dan brushed against her as he rose from the bed. His warm breath marked her face. Soft lips touched hers. He took her hand and kissed it -- giving particular attention to the shiny ring. Then he brought it to his crotch. Fingers moved by themselves over his thick shaft. He let her explore as he held her waist.

"After you help me destress."

She couldn't quite believe how big it was. Would she even be able to get her fingers around it. And all this time, Stephanie thought it was his bald head that women found sexy.

"We can't, Dan. It's not right. It's...You're just horny is all."

"And you're not?" he said as lips found her neck.

Impure thoughts swirled around Stephanie's head. Sweaty fingers kept slipping off his zipper. She knew how wrong it was on so many levels. Elaine; Mike; Mom and Dad. Slipping again, frustration overtook her at the absence of cock in her hand.

"Ok, Dan. You win. A real quick handjob. Alright?"

Curling lips glanced her ear.


She rubbed him harder.


"Keep trying. We're running out of time, sis."

Why wouldn't his fucking fly unzip!

"A blowjob?" she said, rubbing to his moans. "No, too messy. My dress. My face. My hair."

"Agreed. Unfortunately."

They both knew she was putty. Saliva was traded as tongues twisted around one another. Hungry hands would soon devour flimsy wedding attire.

"But sex? Actual sexual intercourse we're talking about, Dan. It isn't normal."

He swept hair from her eyes.

"For once in your life, Steph, stop worrying about what's normal. What everyone else thinks and does."

"It's not that. It's just I tho-"

"Go to the minibar. The way you were before. When you were teasing me."

Steph wasn't sure what was harder; her nipples or his cock. Not much else existed right then. Not the priest, the bride, nor the scores of friends and relations. Emboldened by his words, she obeyed without restraint. Oh, how she had been thrilled when Elaine asked her to be Maid of Honour. She recalled some of the words in the bridesmaids' booklet as high-heels slid from her feet:

'The Maid of Honour will help the Bride out with whatever tasks are needed.'

The wood was cool against her palms. Arching her back, chest went forward and butt went out.

"Just be careful with my dress."

He removed his navy jacket and hung it carefully on a hanger. Predatory eyes never left the body he soon stood behind. Heavy breaths sounded as warm fingers drifted from bare shoulders to the small of her back. Perhaps he'd have been in the church by now if it was the alter she was bent over.

"I'm not going to be gentle with you. Do you understand."

She was worried an emphatic 'Yes' would make her sound like a bit of a slut.

"Will it get you to the church?"

Stephanie didn't wait for his response. She rolled her butt against his stiffness. Time was of the essence.

"We leave our clothes on. And Dan, as fast as you can, ok?"

It was a bizarre feeling having her ass in his controlling hands. Not quite as rough as she hoped. Eyes met in the mirror as a fly was unzipped. The styled cut along her leg made the dress easy enough to lift. His wandering hand ran up her thigh. There was that feeling again; his bold fingers on her scanty underwear. Him taking what he wanted. Steph knew why he was smirking. Ass and minibar rattled from his slap. A bridesmaid howled and hissed.

"I'm surprised they even let you in the church, sis."

Sniggering, he tugged the white, laced thong to stretch around her smooth thighs. He spat in his hand and violated her sex. Guilty eyes met on discovering she needed no extra lubrication. Stephanie had never seen her brother's cock before. Not in the flesh anyway. She couldn't even see it now, only registering the girth as he pushed inside. She moaned and clung to the wooden edges.

"Oh shit!" she eeked.

Dan grinned. More swollen inches forced her lips apart. Not wanting her juices all over him, he opened his belt. Mirror and glasses rocked as he settled into rapid thrusts. Hands tightening around her silky waist, Stephanie gazed at her submissive reflection. Earrings swayed like his heavy balls. His belt buckle jangled. She switched between breathing through her teeth and letting out low moans. Her cries loudened the more he glanced her clit. The phone flashed on the bed. Delightful pain charged her pussy as she took his rape-like slams.

"Yes! Yes!" she shrieked.

She was only going to let Elaine down if she didn't milk her fiancés cock in time. Then what kind of bridesmaid would she be? Knuckles drifted down her arm. Thick fingers interlocked with hers. She wondered if he was purposely rubbing Mike's ring in rhythm to his rams. A meaty hand found her shoulder to angle her up. Fingers spread over her busting bosom.

"Careful! My hair."

She was careful not to smudge her makeup as lips met. His powerful hand squeezed her neck. Faces nearly glanced as four green eyes peered back from the mirror.

"I'm not gonna last much longer!"

"NO! Not yet," she begged. "I'm so close!"

As her knees knocked wood, tiny liquor bottles fell and rolled off the cabinet. She shrieked on being forced flat against the surface. Her breath threw fog onto the mirror. Both mouths fell open as pelvis smashed ass. Neck veins bulging against his shirt collar threatened to send buttons flying. She sensed he'd be finished soon. Too soon.

"I gotta pull out! I can't hol-!"

Waves of pleasure stole her words. She grabbed his wrist and fell back with him. Losing balance, they both went down. A little white garment lay strewn across her thigh. The bridesmaid became a cowgirl in reverse; the groom her horse. She massaged his testicles as pings of warmth cannoned freely inside. Steph hoped the walls were thick enough to conceal their roars. She clenched soaked pussy lips to his throaty grunts. Spent and softening, she rode him a little longer. She gave up worrying about intrusive beads of sweat on her face and chest.

"Just great!" she announced, holding up her snapped thong.

Tentative hands massaged her slim waist. A breathless brother spoke.

"I could have pulled out you know?"

"And get your cum all over my dress? That wouldn't have been very smart now, would it?"

She waited for her brother's obvious point of concern. Unlike him, it never came.

"Something funny, sis?"

"Oh, Dan!" she said, still giggling. "You're doing it all wrong. Get married first and THEN start a family."

"Naughty, naughty girl."

"Ok. Seriously. Stop messing around. Hold me."

Fingers glanced her belly as he secured her waist. Pinned to him, it took her a few pleasurable attempts to reach for her phone. The mountain of missed calls invaded the screen. She used one hand to dial, and the other to cradle half empty balls.

"Gary, listen, it's me. Get everyone ready."

Dan straightened up to fix his sister's hair ribbon.

"I'm on my way over with the groom. Five minutes."

She hung up and craned her neck.

"You better keep your side of the deal, mister!"

Dan kissed his smiling sibling.

"So, five minutes?"

Stephanie bit her lip and moaned. Wedding bells chimed as the groom's cock fattened inside her.

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juanviejojuanviejo11 months ago

Pretty bad...2 Stars!

BilleyedBilleyedabout 1 year ago

What the fuck does cageysea9725 know anyway. He must be a fucking English professor.

I think this story is HOT!

Robinius1Robinius1about 1 year ago

Probably gonna be messy and embarrassing as she stands in church with her brother's cum leaking from her pussy. Will her beautiful dress stain? How would she explain that? Will she fuck her brother again...and again...and again? The baby she wants to have...will it be her brother's or her husband's? Inquiring minds want to know.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wish I had younger sister to do this with. Good story.

dikupinyadikupinyaabout 1 year ago
next chapter

please continue

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