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The Prefect

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Submission at an all girl's rehab camp.
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"Oh God!" Cathy squeaked. Her knees trembled as she nervously wiped her hands on her rough wool skirt.

Tammie glanced from her new friend to the girl walking down the hall toward them. The girl didn't look like she should inspired such an overblown reaction. Nose held high, smirking knowingly as conversation stopped as she strutted past open doors. Well, Tammie had to admit, the girl was pretty, with slate eyes, blond hair, and big boobs. She would probably be going out with the hunky quarter back in some other school. Tammie gave her own knowing smirk, because there was no quarter back here...no hunks whatsoever because this was a girls only school.

Not just your average girls school. This school was for girls that had been in a small bit of trouble, and yet had parents that could afford the tuition. It was called Camp Rehab, where girls could get cleaned up and earn college credit. But it was a ridiculous place all in all. Like these stupid uniforms. White oxford shirt, wool skirt, white socks, and Mary Janes..it looked like something out of an film about British schools, not something in the United States.

"Hey Scunt," the pretty blond said. "Trying to make friends with the new girl? Why do I have the feeling you haven't told her your position here? Or perhaps you have? Maybe the new girl likes your particular talents? You know she has to ask me for permission first. You haven't given her any freebies, have you?"

"No prefect," Cathy whimpered, eyes downcast, not daring to look at those hard blue eyes. "I..I.."

"My shoes need polishing Scunt."

"...please..." Cathy's eyes filled with tears as she knelt down at the prefect's feet.

Tammie had seen enough. At first she thought the bullying was some kind of good natured teasing, but when she realized the stuck up little blond was serious, she was determined to do something about it. Yes Prefect. No prefect. Who was she anyway? The little bitch was a caught with drugs or stealing just like everyone else here.

"Leave her alone!" Tammie pushed the prefect in the chest, making the girl stumble backward. "Get up from there Cathy. She's not going to bully you anymore."

"Is that so?" The blue eyes narrowed. Her lips turned up in what passed for a smile.

Tammie puffed up her chest and dared the shorter girl to push her back. But the girl simply smiled, winked down at the girl kneeling at her feet, then turned around on her toe, and strutted back down the hall.

"Wait!" Cathy begged, lurching to her feet, and running after the blond.

"Cathy, come back." Tammie said. "You are a grown ass woman and you don't have to put up with that shit anymore. She'll have to come through me first."

But the Prefect kept walking and Tammie followed behind like a puppy.

Fucking weird. Tammie just wanted a friend. Initially, she tried befriending her roommate, but the girl was strange and not in a good way. She...well, she tended to touch and those touches lingered for too long. Her neighbors were standoffish. That left Cathy. These girls were not what she was used to. The girls back at home had been ...more adventurous. More stylish. More artsy. More fucking fun than this bunch of drones. Well at least she would be out of here in a year with two full semesters of college under her belt.

Too bad she'd been busted at that party with crack cocaine. The worst part was, it wasn't even hers. She smoked weed and did a little ecstasy when it was available. Like everyone who was anyone, she'd done LSD and shrooms just so she could see what it was about. But she didn't do crack. Only losers did crack, and she wasn't a loser. Some fucking loser had put it in her bag though, and that was all it took to get her sent here with these fucking drones, a prefect with the Hitler complex. What the hell was a prefect anyway? But the choice was this expensive ass rehab camp or jail.

Tammie was so caught up that she didn't notice that all the girls had deserted the hall and shut their doors. Didn't even notice that her roommate wasn't in their shared dorm. She peeled off her uncomfortable school issued uniform, put on a Tshirt, turned up her iPod nano, put on her headphones, and hopped into bed listening to Apex Twin.

She closed her eyes and thought back to better times, but she wasn't daydreaming for long before her headphones were abruptly pulled out of her ears.

"The Headmaster requests your presence this moment!"

Just great. Who was this old short bitch? Oh that was right. Dorm mother, residence lieutenant or something or other.

"What?" Tammie asked.

"Twenty five demerits!"

"Okay..okay...I'll be right out." Tammie said. Jesus, did the woman think Tammie was going to take off her nightshirt in front of her?

"Fifty demerits."

"I need to put on some clothes...and shoes."

"Seventy five demerits."

Tammie didn't even know what these demerits were about. To tell the truth she wasn't listening during her brief orientation to camp hell...er rehab.

Tammie choked back her retort and bent down for her shoes.

"One hundred demerits.You are going for a record on your first day young lady."

"I..I..." Tammie stammered. Were they even allowed to treat her this way? She was nineteen years old damn it. But, she followed the cruel woman, barefoot, and only clad in a thin night shirt, panties, but no bra.

"When the headmaster requests your presence immediately, she means immediately. Do you understand young lady?"

"I understand."

But Tammie didn't understand such stupid rules. Didn't understand the doors to the other rooms being cracked open and curious eyes staring at her as she left the hall, and then downstairs. But there was worse to come. The fall air was brisk during the day, but frigid at night. Much colder here in New Hampshire than her native South Carolina. Her nipples hardened and the tight nubs were easily visible through the fabric of her thin shirt. She crossed her arms over her chest to preserve her modesty.

"Keep up or you'll earn more demerits."

"I'm trying." The side walk hurt the tender soles of her feet. She should have taken the demerits and put on her shoes anyway, fuck this bitch.

"Twenty five more demerits for back talk."

Tammie bit her tongue, and walked on the grass to avoid the rough surface of the sidewalk.

Soon they were walking up the stairs of an old Victorian home. Tammie walked through the door the woman held open.

"What happened to your feet?" the woman asked.

"I..must have ...accidentally."

"Twenty five demerits for dirtying the headmaster's floor. Don't just stand there. Wipe them quickly and follow me."

Tammie was ushered into what appeared to be a study.

"Sorry we are late Headmaster," the woman said. "But this one managed to earn one hundred and fifty demerits from her room to your house."

"A girl with spirit," the Headmaster said. "I love a girl with spirit. You may leave now Miss Jane. Thank you."

"Now, as for you." the Headmaster narrowed her eyes. "Stand like you have some manners. Chin up. Arms down.Eyes forward."

Tammie reluctantly followed orders, fingers fidgeting with the hem of her nightshirt, cheeks blushing at the obvious state of her cold tight nipples.

"Now young lady, one hundred and fifty demerits already. You are not going to be sitting down for weeks. And I hear that you've been fighting and shoved a prefect. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I wasn't fighting."

"Step closer to the desk young lady." the headmaster said.

'I'm not a young lady. I'm nineteen damn it. But Tammie kept the words to herself as she stepped obediently to the desk. She did not like the slender stick the woman used to guide her forward. She assumed it was to be used for intimidation.

"Lean forward."

That stick again. It was thin and round. Like the kind an old school teacher would have used before they came out with laser pointers.

"You won't be needing these for awhile my dear."

Oh! That was inappropriate.

"You can't do that!"

"Oh but I can." the Headmaster said. "While you are here, I can do what I please. You signed the release. You can always leave."

"But.." Tammie had to sign the release. It was either here or jail. Jail. Jail would be worse. Jail was with hardened criminals. Jail didn't have comfortable beds or college credit. Oh God. She felt her panties being pulled down her legs.

"Lean forward."

Okay, Tammie was officially intimidated.

There was a whistle, more like a swish. another sound. Almost like a splat, or a thwat. Another swish. And another thwat. It took a moment for her nerves to route the signal to her brain. When it did it was something she'd never felt the like of before. A stinging burn that seemed to go down from her skin to deep in her nerves.


"Twenty five more demerits for language." The headmaster said.

"Now take your medicine."

Swish. Swish. Swish. Swish. Swish. Swish.

Ow fuck. She'd reached back to protect her bottom only to her her hands caned.

"That one doesn't count. They only count on the bare bottom. Bend back over. We'll take break."

"Stacy and Cathy. Come in please." the Headmaster called. To Tammie: "No, you stay right where you are. We aren't finished by a long shot."

"She shoved you did she?" The headmaster said. "Come take this chair and sit. Yes, right here."

"Young lady, I'm going to switch to the paddle. It will be less harsh. Is that okay? Or would you rather continue with the cane."

"No ma'am..the paddle please..." Tammie gasped.

"That was almost polite," the headmaster said. "I think I'm going miss that spunk of yours."

Swish. Swish. Swish. Swish. Ouch. Fuck. The worst, the worst was having that blond prefect looking at her, seeing her there, red eyes, tears dripping, snot flowing.Oh God, and the look in the prefects eyes suggested she was enjoying herself. She'd tattled and brought all this on.

"You can ask your prefect for forgiveness whenever you wish."

Never. Slap. Slap.Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap. It went on and on. It didn't hurt as much as the cane, but it hurt none the less. And the pain built.

Okay, she'd ask, but she wouldn't mean it.

"I'm sorry prefect."

Swish. Swish. Ow..fuck.


"I'm sorry prefect!"

"Again." Swish. Swish. Twhat.

"I'm sorry prefect!" Tammie blubbered again and again. She wasn't sorry, but she'd never ever shove this little bitch again. Never.

"I so love a girl with spirit." The headmaster said. "I think that is satisfactory, is that satisfactory to you prefect."

"Yes Headmaster."

"That's very kind of you."

"Now about this slapping of your classmate."

Tammie looked back at Cathy and saw the print on her cheek. A red print from where she'd been slapped - by that fucking prefect!

"I didn't do that!" Tammie cried, rising up from the table. "It was her."

Tammie pointed an accusing finger at the liar who'd caused all this torment. The fucking sadistic prefect."

"Do you want to lie to me?" the Headmaster asked. "When I've already talked to both these girls. Then you can earn some more demerits for lying, is that what you want? Perhaps I just misheard you?"

"I..I..." Tammie stammered. She could not take any more licks from that cane than absolutely necessary and it was obvious poor Cathy was being pressured into this. She rubbed her aching bottom. "You misheard me."

"Sit in front Cathy." The Headmistress said. "And you ...back over the table."

"Please....I can't." Tammie's tears returned unbidden. She could not endure this again. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"Are you disobeying me?" the headmistress's eyes gleamed as she ran her fingers over the wooden paddle.

The look was enough to convince Tammie. She forced her reluctant body back over the desk once more.

"Reach back and pull your nightshirt up." the headmistress said.

Tammie's face and breasts mashed against the cold surface of the desk as she obeyed.

"Bottom up," the headmaster purred. "Tippy toes. Be a good girl and I'll use my hand."

Oh God. Please be gentle Tammie thought as her trembling limbs obeyed.

"Tippy toes young lady, one leg hear, and one leg there. Arch your back. Perfect. That's a good girl.."

slap. slap. Slap. Slap.Slap. Slap. It went on and on. Once again, it hurt less than the cane and the paddle. But once again the pain continued to build until it was more than she could bear. Tears fell and snot flowed.

"Now apologize to your classmate and tell her it won't happen again."

Tammie could feel the headmaster's hand rubbing the hot skin of her bottom. It was inappropriate, but at the moment she welcomed the touch.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

"Sorry for what?" Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap.

"Sorry for hitting you. It won't happen again."

"Again." Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap.

"Ouch..sorry for hitting you...ouch...it won't happen again."

Tammie glared at Cathy for allowing this to happen. She accused her with her hurt red rimmed eyes. But the glare quickly faded and those eyes soon pleaded as she squirmed under the blows and her voice whined higher and higher.

"Please Cathy... I'm sorry...I'm sorry..I'm sorry...I won't ...slap you every again."

"Are you satisfied young lady?" The headmaster asked Cathy.

Tammie looked up with pleading eyes, but Cathy wasn't even looking at her, she was looking at the Prefect. Who was looking at her with eyebrows raised in question.

Please, Tammie mouthed.

The prefect nodded.

"Yes headmaster," Cathy said.

"Clean yourself up young lady." The headmaster tossed some tissues at the prone girl. To the prefect: "See that these two don't get into further trouble."

"Yes ma'am headmaster." The prefect said.

The headmaster took one long look at Tammie's red welted backside and admired her handiwork. She kept it firmly in her mind as she left quickly to go take care of an itch that needed scratching in deep in heated loins.

Tammie dried her tears and blew her nose. She rubbed her aching bottom. Jesus, she could feel the raised skin of painful welts. This was abuse, but she had no choice but endure it. The judge had given her a choice...this school or jail. Jail would be even worse. She grabbed her panties and moved to put them on. She didn't relish how they'd feel on her abused bottom, but there was no way around it.

Well there was one.

"No." Jessica said. "Give them to me."

Tammie handed them over, her hand trembling from the punishment she'd endured. She couldn't believe her eyes at what she witnessed next. Biting her lower lip, the prefect took Tammie's panties and appeared to be pleasuring herself with them. When she took them out from beneath her plaid skirt, they were obviously soiled and stained. Jessica licked her lips and placed them back on the table.

"A little present for the headmaster."

Tammie looked up with panicked eyes. The headmaster would think that....

"Am I going to have any trouble from you?" the prefect asked.


"No prefect." Jessica said, her blue eyes forming slits.

"No prefect." Tammie repeated dully.

Tammie followed the prefect and Tammie back to the dorm. Once again the small rocks on the sidewalk dug into her tender feet. Once again she attempted to walk in the damp grass.

"Back on the sidewalk dummy," the prefect ordered.

Tammie reluctantly obeyed, following the girls to the prefect's room.

"Kneel." Jessica ordered.

Tammie stood silently. By now her ass didn't just smart, it throbbed with every pulse of her heart. So she didn't dare say the comments she wanted, like ,"Go fuck yourself you little twat." but she didn't obey either.

"Come closer Cathy, this little dummy is about to slap your other cheek." Jessica said with an evil smile, as she rubbed her palm on her leg in anticipation.

Tammie knelt.

"Now polish my shoes little shit."

The bitch. The little nazi bitch. Tammie glared up in anger. There was no way in hell.

Jessica rubbed her palm over Cathy's cheek. She drew back.

Tammie began to rub the girl's black leather shoes with her fingers.

"Dummy." Jessica said. "Show her how it's done Scunt."

Cathy quickly knelt down beside the dark haired teen. "You have to get closer, like this." Cathy edged forward until she was now straddling the prefect's patent leather shoe. She reached up beneath Jessica's plaid skirt and grasped her buttocks. She exhaled as she began to rock her hips.

It took a moment for Tammie to absorb what she was seeing. Then she realized...oh God, the girl was rubbing her sex on the prefect's shoe. Up and down and then from side to side.

"Enough." Jessica ordered. To Tammie: "Your turn dummy."

There was no way Tammie was going to allow herself to be humiliated in such a fashion. That was, until Jessica drew back her hand to strike Cathy's other cheek - the one that wasn't red and swollen.

Tammie's mind worked quickly. She knew Jessica could easily slap Cathy's cheek and blame the deed on her. She knew that Cathy would lie. She knew she'd be marched right back to the headmaster. She'd be right back over that desk once more...either that or be transferred to a real jail.

When she was first arrested for drugs, she thought she could probably handle a little jail time. But now? She'd been .. dominated by a fat old headmaster and a tiny little blond. It was obvious how she'd fair in jail or prison.

I can't believe this is happening, Tammie thought edging forward as she'd seen Cathy do. "But I'm not wearing any underwear..."

"Do you think she is?" Jessica sneered. "Show her Scunt."

Cathy raised her skirt. Tammie gasped in shock. The girl was shaved bare. Her lips were wet and swollen.

"Scunts don't wear panties and Scunts shave every day." Jessica said. "Isn't that right Scunt?"

"Yes Prefect," Cathy answered.

"Now polish my shoes dummy." Jessica ordered.

Tammie began to move her slim hips. The shoe was cold at first, but soon grew warm. It also began to grow very wet as Tammie moved back and forth.

"Faster dummy," Jessica ordered.

Tammie struggled to find a rhythm, but finally her hips began to work faster, as she gave shallow pumps. It was mortifying. It was. And yet, horribly the task was somehow enough to stimulate her sexually. Her clit bounced along the grooved surface of the soft leather. No. No, she would not let this happen.

There was worse to come. The prefect raised her wool skirt, and with a start, Tammie realized the girl wasn't wearing any underwear either.

Tammie felt a hand on her neck pushing her from behind. It was Cathy, pushing her closer to Jessica's blond damp tangle.


Jessica shifted forward. Poor Tammie was now in contact with another girl's sex for the first time. This was all she would do. She would not give the girl the satisfaction.

However, the heat in her loins had other ideas. Her wet lips sloshed as the worked over the prefects shoes. Then her nose was pinched. Okay, she was just going to open for a moment.

The musk assaulted her nose. The tang of sex taunted her tongue. She was temped to bite, but thought better of it. This was all she would do - all her pride could bare.

Slap! Her throbbing ass smarted anew. Cathy had spanked her raw bottom. She groaned at the cruel sensation. She began to lick.

"That's it. You may be dumb, but you aren't worthless," Jessica purred. "Clumsy, but good."

Clumsy. She'd been taken advantage of, and the best the girl could say was 'Clumsy.' Tammie's pride took another blow.

Soon Cathy knelt beside her, and pulled her away from Jessica's sex. She offered pointers. "Lick here. Up and down. Now the lips. No, not like that. Like this."

Cathy licked the swollen lips expertly. Then it was Tammie's turn.

She learned how to lick like an artist. With short strokes. Long strokes. Thick. Thin. Light. Heavy. She learned to suck. She learned to tease and please. The flick a clit. To dance over it. All while she worked her hips on the girl's shoe. She almost came several times, but each time Cathy stopped her. Made her switch shoes with Cathy and start again. Over and over until at last Jessica pulled hard on Tammie's hair and climaxed on her face.


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