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Macy and Tom Ch. 02

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We tell Mom and Dad.
11.4k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 07/09/2014
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"What do we need to talk to them about?" Macy asked.

"Well, I wanna be with you all the time and . . . it feels wrong sneakin' around. And, when we start college in the fall, we oughta get an apartment together instead of livin' in the dorms. It'll probably be, well, not cheap, but not as expensive as both of us livin' in the dorms, and . . . bein' with you feels too right, too good, to be sneakin' 'round 'bout it. I don't wanna feel ashamed of what we're doin'. I wanna walk around holdin' hands and tellin' people this is my girlfriend and bein' proud of havin' you at my side, so . . . I think we need to talk to Mom and Dad. And I want us to do it together, okay?"

"Tom," Macy said with obvious love in her voice, "that sounds like such a grownup thing to do and . . . the way that you feel about me is so obvious and that makes me feel so special, but . . . what if Mom and Dad tell us we're crazy or they forbid us or . . . what if they make us go to different schools?"

"I've been thinkin' about this and I have an idea," I said. "Randy's dad is an attorney and he knows about all kind of stuff. I guess part of the problem here is that what we're doin' is technically incest and people think it's wrong, but . . . what we're doin' can't be wrong, so maybe he can give us some advice on the legal stuff and, I know his dad and I'm sure he won't call Mom or Dad and tell them, so . . . let's see if maybe we can talk to Mr. Ronson tonight."

"Tom, you're actin' like such a, a man and not a boy, and it feels so good. I'm so proud of you and . . . it feels so good bein' your girlfriend," Macy beamed.

That night, we went to Randy's house and Mr. Ronson was home. We asked to speak to him in private for a few minutes and we went into his study. I told him that Macy and I were in love and that we were afraid that letting people know about it might get us in trouble because of being related.

"Tom, Macy, I wanna make sure you understand that if you are seekin' legal advice from me, that makes you my clients, even though you aren't payin' me any money. Since you're my clients, that means that attorney-client confidentiality applies. The most important thing about privilege is that, whatever we discuss, I won't reveal anything about our conversations to anyone; not to your parents, not to Randy, not to my wife, not to anyone. One of the reasons for confidentiality is to encourage clients to be open and honest with their attorneys. To give you my best advice, I've gotta know all the facts, regardless of how embarrassin' or private they may be."

"Mr. Ronson, I'm glad you're not gonna tell our parents about this. I kinda didn't think you would but it's good to hear you say that. I think I know what you wanna hear about but ask us anything and we'll tell you the truth."

"Sometimes when a young boy and girl say they are in love, they're in the stage of holdin' hands and bein' infatuated, and sometimes it means they are deep into a sexual relationship, and sometimes it means they wanna get married. So, I need to know where you are with your relationship."

"I'll answer this one," Macy jumped in before I could say anything. "Tom and I have a physical relationship that includes sex. That is something that we've both done freely and voluntarily and it happened after both of us turned 18. We haven't thought about marriage because we don't even know if that's possible. We both feel a very strong bond with each other and we want to continue spendin' our lives together and we don't wanna hafta sneak around about bein' in love."

"Well, I have several different things to tell you and all of it will be good news for you. First, a relationship between step-brother and step-sister is not defined as incest in this state and therefore it's not illegal. Second, since it's not incest, it would be legal for you two to marry; at least, it would be legal for you to marry in this state. Other states may have different laws on that subject. Now, that doesn't mean that I'm encouragin' you to get married. I'm a parent, too, and I would be concerned about you two rushin' into somethin' like marriage, unless . . . Macy, are you pregnant?" Mr. Ronson had a decidedly serious look on his face when he asked that question.

"Oh, no, I'm not pregnant, Mr. Ronson. We're not stupid. I started birth control pills about a year ago and Tom and I have only been involved for a few months," Macy responded.

"Oh, thank God," he uttered in relief. "Well, by all means, keep usin' your birth control. You kids need to understand that what your feelin' is obviously very special and very important to both of you but, as the newness of your relationship begins to fade, it will change in some ways. You'll find things about each other that annoy you and there's gonna be times when you don't wanna be around each other. Right now, you can't imagine that and you probably can't wait to tell me how wrong I am but, ya know what, I've lived a lot longer than you two and you're both human and I know human nature pretty doggone well and I'm tellin' ya, that's the way things work. I'm not sayin' that you won't stay together; I'm just sayin' that you need to give it some time -- at least a couple of years -- before you make a decision that will affect the rest of your lives."

"We definitely wanna be together but . . . I understand what you're sayin' and we'd be happy to just walk around holdin' hands in public without worryin' 'bout what people are thinkin'," I said.

"Well now, that's a whole different question. Just 'cause it isn't illegal doesn't mean people won't treat you funny . . . and some of 'em will. Go to school Monday and walk down the hall holdin' hands and whadya think's gonna happen? You don't need for me to answer that for ya. But, pretty soon, you'll be goin' off to college and people there won't know that you're step-brother and step-sister unless you tell them . . . and you better not. If you two stay together, you're gonna hafta start over somewhere but, once you do that, you'll be able to lead a pretty normal life."

"Well, that's pretty good news, Mr. Ronson. Now we just hafta find a way to tell our parents and hope they don't flip out."

"Oh yeah, that reminds me, there was one other thing I was gonna tell you. This isn't legal advice but it's probably the best news that I have to tell you. Ya know that my wife and I have had dinner with your folks a few times, been over at their house and hung out in the hot tub, we've seen each other at some parties, and we always talk about our kids. Way back, they used to brag about how well you two got along but then they started sayin' that you two were closer than most brothers and sisters and they even wondered if there was anything more goin' on between you. Well, they both agreed that they didn't want anything to happen between you two because, obviously, if it doesn't work out, you've got major problems in your family, but . . . they realized that if something was to develop between you two, there wouldn't be anything they could do to stop it and they would just hafta accept it and support you and hope for the best, so . . . I don't think your parents are gonna be surprised if you tell them and they're definitely not gonna freak out."

"Wow," I said. "I never woulda thought that . . ." I said in amazement.

"Holy shit!" Macy exclaimed, then quickly added, "Oh, sorry, Mr. Ronson."

"Oh no, no need to apologize, when they told us about that, I said 'holy shit,' too!" he laughed.

"Well Macy, I guess we need to go home and have a conversation with Mom and Dad about you and me," I said. "Thanks for all the great advice, Mr. Ronson," I said.

"Yeah, thanks, Mr. Ronson," Macy said.

I told Randy that we needed to get back and Macy and I started walking home. It was only about a three block walk. Under the cover of darkness, I reached out and took Macy's hand in mine. I squeezed her hand and she squeezed mine.

"Hey, let's stop for a minute and talk before we get back to the house," I said.

"Okay. What do you wanna talk about?" Macy inquired.

"This," I answered. I took Macy in my arms and brought my lips to hers. It was not a kiss that a brother gives his sister. It was a kiss like a soldier going off to war gives to his girlfriend, a kiss that says 'if I don't return, never forget that I love you.'

"I love you, Macy. I know what Mr. Ronson said about Mom and Dad but they might react different when they actually hear about it. But, whatever happens when we get home, it won't change how I feel about you. They can cause problems for us but they can't keep us apart. Mr. Ronson was right, we don't need to rush into marriage, but . . . one day, I know I'll ask you to be my wife. I'm sure of that."

"Tom, you make me feel so special . . . and so loved. I hope you know how much I love you. When you ask me, the answer will be 'yes!'"

We continued walking, hand in hand, in the direction of our home but we were walking slowly, as if we both wanted to savor this moment in our lives, or maybe we were trying to delay what might become an unpleasant confrontation. I interrupted the quiet with a sudden realization.

"If we get married eventually, we'll have kids, and you'll be their momma and I'll be their daddy. Wow! That's a whole lot to think about," I said. "I mean, I know you'll be a great mother to our kids, but . . . I guess I've got some more changin' to do before I'm ready to be a daddy."

"Yeah. I guess I'll be a good mother when the time comes, but I'm not ready for that now. I guess that's why Mr. Ronson said we shouldn't rush into anything. Bein' married means a whole lot more than just bein' in love," Macy replied.

"If we have a girl, we can name her Macy, Jr." I teased.

"You're silly . . . and that's one of the things I like about you."

We finally reached home and found Mom and Dad in the family room watching TV.

"Hey guys, were you been?" Dad asked.

"We went over to Randy's for a little while. . . . Uh, Mom, Dad, there's somethin' that Macy and I need to talk to you about."

"Okay," Mom said. "Let's turn off the TV." She hit the power button on the remote and the TV went dead. "What's up?"

I began suddenly, not wanting to lose my nerve. "Well, you both know that Macy and I get along really well for a step-brother and step-sister the same age, right? And we're both goin' to the same college in September. And I've dated other girls for about a year now and nothin' ever got serious with any of 'em, and then, a few months ago, I realized that the girl I really wanted was right here beside me, and . . . I fell in love with Macy . . .."

". . . and I've dated other guys but I realized that the guy I want is this guy who I've known forever, who I already know and really like and really trust. I fell in love with Tom at the same time he fell in love with me," Macy added.

"So, are you lookin' for our permission to start datin'?" Dad asked. "That might be kinda weird."

"No, Dad," I quickly responded. "We're already in love. Datin' is somethin' you do to get to know someone better but I already know Macy."

"We're already beyond just dating," Macy interjected.

"Meanin' what?" Mom asked with a raised eyebrow.

Macy was quiet and I wasn't sure what to say.

"Are you tryin' to tell us that you two have had sex together?" Mom inquired.

"Yes," I explained. "We have a physical relationship. But it isn't just havin' sex. We both waited until we found someone who we know loves us. I love Macy and it feels right to be with her in a . . . in a intimate way."

"And everything that we've done is somethin' that we both wanted to do. Nobody talked the other into anything," Macy said, anticipating a question or doubt that her mom might have.

"When you say that you've had sex, do you mean like makin' out or do you mean like sexual intercourse?" Dad asked.

"Intercourse, Dad. Macy's on birth control so there's no risk of her gettin' pregnant and neither of us have ever had sex with anybody else, so we don't hafta worry about those horrible diseases they taught us about in health ed."

The next 15 minutes consisted of Mom and Dad taking turns trying to "explain" to us why having a relationship was a bad idea. In turn, Macy and I explained that we already had a relationship, it felt wonderful, and we had no intentions of trying to turn back the clock and undo what we had done.

Finally, Dad looked at Mom and said, "Honey, I think they're committed to each other. We talked about this and how we would handle it and I think we might as well tell them what we had agreed on."

"You're right, dear. If you don't mind, I'll explain and you can add whatever you want when I'm finished. Your Dad and I have had our suspicions about you two for a few months now -- you know, we saw the signs that things were different between you two - and we talked about how we would handle this. We can't change what you do, but we know you want our support . . . and we want to support you. We don't want this to be somethin' that comes between any of us, so there are a few rules that you need to follow.

"First, continuin' your education must be your highest priority. If you two continue your relationship and eventually decide you want to make it permanent - get married -- that'll need to wait until you have both finished college. Second, until you finish college, we want you to keep your relationship private from the rest of the family and your friends here. Whatever you do in college is your business but what you do here and what you do around the family affects your Dad and me, so we want you to keep it private, at least for now. Third, we don't like the idea of you sneakin' around behind our backs and I guess that isn't too comfortable for you, either. You will both need to maintain your separate bedrooms so nobody who comes to visit will see anything that makes 'em suspicious, but . . . when it's time to go to bed, if you want to sleep together, that's your choice. If you have any questions or concerns about sexual matters, we expect you to discuss them with us."

"Yeah," Dad interrupted, "and if you have sex in the hot tub when we're not here, you better add some chlorine when you're done." We all laughed at that and I appreciated Dad's ability to provide some much needed comic relief. "Yeah, if you're gonna 'do it,' we want you to be as happy as two pigs in slop!"

"Gee, Dad, that's rather romantic," Macy quickly responded with repartee.

"Up 'til now, we've insisted on some minimal level of modesty in the family because you two are the same age and we didn't want you to be tempted by seein' each other in a provocative way, but it's too late for that, so don't feel that you need to maintain any false modesty around us. Frankly, when you two are gone, sometimes your Dad and I actually go skinnydippin' in the pool or the hot tub and we've even been known to get 'frisky' in the hot tub, but, don't worry, we always add chlorine afterwards."

Again, we all laughed.

"Tom, Macy," Dad addressed us, "your Mom and I think that you two are actually quite perfect for each other and, if you weren't step-brother and step-sister, we'd be really excited about you two bein' together. The step-brother and sister thing is a complication for you that we hope you can overcome. At this point, the absolute worst thing would be for you two to break up your relationship because I don't know how we would work things out here, so . . . since you already are a couple, your Mom and I will do everything we can to help you succeed, absolutely everything, includin' makin' sure that you two are happy sexually. You're both young and there's so much to learn about sex and love and we both want you to come to us for advice rather than listenin' to kids your own age who probably don't know any more on the subject than you do."

"Wow, that's really not what we expected to hear and you two are the best parents ever!" Macy exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's nice to know at least there's one place we can relax and be ourselves and not have anything to worry about," I added.

"Well, your Dad and I are goin' to bed and you guys don't have school tomorrow so, if you wanna stay up and try out the hot tub -- if you know what I mean - you'll have some privacy. You'll be amazed at what it feels like naked. Just don't get so loud that you wake up the neighbors!"

"Thanks, Mom," Macy said.

Mom and Dad got up and retreated to their bedroom. Macy and I looked at each other and both of us grinned like the cat that ate the canary.

"Well, instead of getting' kicked outta the house, your Mom just invited me to take off all your clothes and jump your naked bones in the hot tub, so . . . do you wanna do it?" I asked.

"I thought you'd never ask," she replied in a coquettish voice. "Let's go to my bedroom and get naked."

When we got to Macy's bedroom, we quickly took off our clothes. Macy started to reach for a robe.

"Whatcha doin'?" I asked.

"Well, I'm gonna wear my robe out to the hot tub," she explained.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well . . .."

"Mom and Dad are in their bedroom for the night and we have the house to ourselves. They told us to go skinnydippin'. The only one who's gonna see you is me, and I've already seen you naked. So . . . just grab a towel and let's go."

Macy hesitated for a moment and then responded, "Sure. Let's go."

We exited her bedroom in the full glory of our naked state. We stopped at the bathroom and grabbed two towels, then proceeded out to the hot tub.

I sat on a bench seat and Macy sat next to me so that I could put my arm around her shoulder.

"I'm so excited," Macy said.

"You mean your nipples are hard?" I teased her, and I reached over and felt them. I changed the tone of my voice and continued, "Yeah, I know what you mean, and, me, too! I mean . . . hell yeah! We can stop sneakin' 'round and we can kiss and have sex whenever we want. This is gonna be so cool!" I proclaimed.

"Yeah, and skinnydippin' in the pool and the hot tub's gonna be great, too," Macy responded.

"Yeah, and speakin' of the hot tub, I'll bet that if we turn on the jets in this thing, you can probably find one that will rub you the right way, if you know what I mean, and get you off like a firecracker."

"Well, I wouldn't want a firecracker between my legs, but I guess I could try it," Macy answered.

I turned on the jets and Macy felt around with her hands until she found one in the hot tub floor that had the right amount of force and was in the right position for her to get up close and friendly with it. She knelt over it and closed her eyes.

"It feels good, Tom. It's not as good as your fingers, it's definitely not as good as your tongue, and it's damn sure not as good as the General, but I could stay here and do this for a while," she said in a quiet voice.

"I'm thinkin' 'bout you, Tom. You and that thing between your legs. I'm thinkin' 'bout havin' you inside me and how good it feels when you're in me. I'm thinkin' 'bout how it feels when you cum in me and I feel your cum spreadin' inside me and I feel so full. I'm thinkin' 'bout how it feels when you're lickin' me and you put your finger inside me. I gonna cum just thinkin' 'bout it."

"Macy, you're so fuckin' hot I could cum just watchin' you. I wish I had three dicks so I could be in your mouth and your pussy and your ass at the same time. I wanna fuckin' cum in you so bad!"

"Tom, get behind me and reach around and play with my nipples!" Macy asked. I was happy to accede to her request. I reach around her with both hands and got both nipples between my index fingers and thumbs. I rolled her nipples between my fingers and I lightly squeezed her boobs.

"Oh, yeah!" Macy gasped. She was getting more aroused and I thought she was close to having an orgasm.

I bent over so I could whisper in her ear. "I wanna cum deep inside you, little sister. I want your pussy full of your brother's cum!"

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