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Madison Ch. 05

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Mysisters and my wife for the weekend.
6.6k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 03/08/2009
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You probably want to read Madison Ch. 01 thru Ch. 04 first.

Thanks to flim62 for his help.

Like I said, I was speechless. Sara had just told me not only was it OK that I had fucked Madison it would be OK for me to fuck Tricia. Then she dropped her real bomb. She wanted to fuck Madison herself.

"Sara, I don't understand" I said, very confused "why is it that when you had a wonderful weekend of sex with your brother and best friend which should have liberated you, it had completely the opposite effect? You and I have never had good sex together until tonight. You were as close to being frigid as a woman could be."

Sara hung her head. From her reaction to my statement I could tell she knew I was right. Then she tried to explain.

"Even though I never had sex with Danny or Julie again after that weekend, I always felt like I was being unfaithful to them, whenever we made love." Sara mumbled. "I knew it was wrong to feel like that and that you deserved more, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Can you understand that?"

"Before my time with Madison, I couldn't have begun to understand what you felt. But, after my sister and I had such amazing sex and it was filled with such deep love, I understand completely." I replied. "Even though you are my wife and I love you, tonight, in the back of my mind, it somehow seemed wrong. I felt like I was cheating on Madison. Is that what you're talking about?"

As I was speaking Sara had raised her head and started smiling at me. "You DO understand!" She said excitedly. "Maybe now we can have a sex life that we can both enjoy! I know this has been my fault and I will work harder to make it great. I'm so sorry for all the wasted time." She crawled up the bed into my arms and kissed me. Then she jumped naked out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

"Where're ya goin'?" I asked.

"Madison told me about Gallagher" Sara giggled. "I'm just trying to share!" and she walked back with a wet washcloth and towel.

I cleaned myself up and then watched as she wiped herself down and walked, still naked, back into the bathroom. In the last two hours I had seen more of my wife's naked body than I had in the entire time we had been married. It was fuckin' awesome. When she finished in the bathroom she swayed sexily up to the bed, naked, and stood beside me. I ran my hand up her thigh to her pussy and rubbed her gently.

Did I tell you she was naked? Sara was NAKED! There was light and I could see my wife's beautiful little tits and her pussy! I was in heaven. I slipped my thumb inside and she was wet again. Still?!? I massaged her and slipped my finger around to her backside. As I was rubbing her I looked up and there was a contented smile on her face and her eyes were closed. She spread her legs a little and I pushed my thumb in deeper. As I pushed I slid my finger into her little butthole. She jumped a little and then sighed. I got to my knees and found her clit with my tongue. Her hips were gently humping as I licked her and rubbed my thumb and forefinger together between her ass and pussy. I dug my tongue, thumb and finger in deeper and she moaned loudly. Her legs were shaking and she put her hands on my shoulders to support herself. As I licked her clit, it rose like a little dick and I sucked it between my lips. Sara was really wobbly on her feet now and was panting.

"Ppppetttte" she moaned "I'm cumming"

And with that I was rewarded with a gush of buttery, cinnamon flavored Sara juice. Sara shook and shimmied and finally I had to catch her as she crumpled towards the bed. I lay her down and smiled at her.

"So, did ya cum?" I asked, teasing her.

"Madison was right about two things" Sara said dreamily.

"Yeah? What's that?" I asked, skeptically.

"One, you're an asshole" she said laughing.

"Yeah, big surprise, there" I snorted. "What's number two?"

"You REALLY know how to eat pussy!" Sara exclaimed.

"Wellll, thank you Li'l Lady" doing my best John Wayne impression. "We aim to please."

I pulled up to me and kissed her deeply. Sara reached between us and grasped my reenergized cock. She pulled away from our kiss and started kissing down my body. She paused at my nipples and sucked each of them. That was different; she had never done that before. She continued down until she came face to face with my throbbing cock. Sara had never had her face this close to my dick before and I was holding my breath. She looked up at me and held my eyes as she took my entire length into her mouth in one smooth stroke. I groaned, the sensation almost overwhelming. Sara held my eyes as she started to bob her head on my manhood. This was so exciting that I was not going to last and I told her as much.

"I'm going to cum soon. You'd better be careful." I told her.

She just kept working my cock as her hands went around to my ass. I felt her tickle my asshole with a finger as the other gently cupped my balls. Her fingertip found my hole and pushed in. As she pushed in I felt her nose touch my stomach and the combined sensations drove me over the edge. I held her shoulders as I pumped into her mouth and throat. Her finger was all the way into my asshole and was massaging me. I was finally done and relaxed into the bed. Sara crawled up to me and kissed me again, deeply. I could taste our combined juices. I pulled her to me and held her as we fell asleep.

We must not have moved all night as when I awoke we were in the same position. As sweet as that was, what woke me was the brutal tingling in my arm from having the blood supply cut off all night. As gently as I could I dragged my arm out from beneath her head. As I stood, the arm dropped uselessly to my side. That was the good part of all this. As the blood started to flow back into the arm the pain became excruciating. I jumped into a cold shower trying to help things along. Pretty soon the arm came back to life and I was able to warm up the shower. Just in time too, as the shower door slid open and Sara joined me.

"You know, I like the new Sara" I teased as I kissed my wife. "This is the first time you've ever joined me in the shower." I said as she slid down and took my rapidly rising shaft into her mouth.

"Mmm-hmm" she hummed around my dick, the vibration adding a new sensation.

Sara grabbed my ass cheeks and pushed my dick past the back of her mouth into her throat. I groaned as she swallowed and her throat squeezed and then relaxed around the head of my throbbing cock. She pulled off, stood and kissed me again, pressing her breasts to my chest. I could feel her erect nipples denting my chest. Then she turned, bending at the waist and as she looked over her shoulder at me she wiggled her hips.

"See anything you like, big boy?" Sara asked seductively.

I stepped up to her and slid my saliva slickened dick smoothly to the hilt in her silken, molten pussy. She moaned and pushed back at me. I grabbed her hips and started pounding into her cunt. After having cum twice about six hours before I was nowhere close to cumming and determined to make Sara scream. I kept up a steady rhythm and Sara squirmed and wiggled and moaned. Her breathing picked up and I could hear her panting. Her sweet juice had erupted from her pussy and I could feel it running down my legs. Suddenly, Sara tensed up and slammed her ass back into me.

"Fuck me Pete!" Sara screamed "Fuck me! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuuck" she muttered, sounding like a deranged duck. "I'm cumming, oh Pete, oh God, oh fuuuuuuuuck, I'm cumming!"

Sara sagged in my hands and I almost dropped her slippery body. I pulled her up, turned her around and hugged her body to mine. We stood under the warm shower kissing and hugging.

Sara looked up at me and whispered "you didn't cum, did you?"

I shook my head and told her not to worry. She ignored me bent her knees and grasped my cock. She then scooted up to me and rubbed her turgid nipple on the head of my dick. I gasped, startled.

"I told you I talked to Madison for a long time, baby" Sara purred. "She told me you and Lil' Pete REALLY like this."

She rubbed her tits and nipples all over my cock and then bent and took it into her mouth. She rose up and started rubbing her nipples on my cock again and I could take no more. As I started shooting all over her tits and chest my knees got weak and I grabbed some wall for support. Sara stood and hugged me again.

"You DO like that, don't you?" Sara said triumphantly.

"Oh, yeah, I like it" I panted.

We got cleaned up then and got out of the shower. From that point forward, our lives went back to normal, except for the sex. It was great. In the next couple of months I probably was laid more than in the previous years of my life combined.


I came home from work one Monday and Sara was home early. She was obviously waiting for me because she jumped when I walked through the door. She was sitting at the kitchen table and was so excited that she was visibly shaking. I knew she wasn't upset because she had a huge smile on her face.

"Hey, Babe, what's up?" I asked.

"Madison called" she was so excited she couldn't sit still. Everything she said came out as almost one word. "She and Tricia are coming down this weekend to see your Mom. They're gonna stay with us and they're gonna stay all weekend. They're really excited and can't wait to see us. I can't wait to see your sisters and spend some time with them."

Sara finally took a breath, so I could speak. "Spend some time, how?"

Sara giggled. "I think we are going out for dinner, all four of us, Friday night. Then, Saturday, Madison, Tricia and I are going to go see your Mom and take her shopping and to lunch. Then I thought we could cook on the grill Saturday night. OK?"

I grinned "Sure, and that's all?"

"Well, since we are going to be gone ALL day Saturday, I thought you could use that time to clean up the hot tub! Then, maybe Saturday after dinner we could ALL get in. Wouldn't that be nice?" Sara was breathless in her excitement.

"Yeah, right, that sounds nice" I laughed. "I GET to spend the day scrubbing and disinfecting and getting the Ph right and you guys go to the mall and to a nice lunch. Sounds great to me."

Sara scowled "OK, smart guy. I'll stay home and clean the hot tub and you GET to spend the day with YOUR mother, hanging out in the old ladies lingerie section, listening to her descriptions of her bathroom difficulties and then watching and listening to her eat. How's that for a deal?"

I laughed again "Man, you fight dirty, Sara. You win, 'cause that was well played. The LAST thing I want to do is spend an entire day with my mom, especially when she's eating."

"Yeah, that's what I thought" Sara smirked.

We spent the rest of the week working and cleaning up the house and getting the spare bedroom ready for Madison and Tricia.

One of our bedrooms had been converted into a home office that Sara and I shared, so there was only one extra bedroom with a bed. There was a queen sized bed in there that would be more than enough for two people. Sara took Friday off to make sure everything in the house was perfect. She was so excited she was vibrating. We had not had sex since Saturday night and there was an air of anticipation around her. I took off a little early and arrived before Madison and Tricia were to get to our house. I found Sara in our room getting ready and she was naked.

"Hey, is that for me?" I asked, hopefully as I caressed her little tits.

"You and I both are hoping that we are going to fuck to our heart's content this weekend, so don't spoil your appetite." Sara said, with mock sternness.

I laughed, stripped and got in the shower. When I got out Sara was dressed in a killer, short flouncy black skirt, braless with a bright orange silk blouse and black spike heels. Her nipples were evidently glass cutter hard, because I could clearly see them. She looked as hot as I have ever seen her. She was shaking again, she was so excited.

"They just called. They got caught in a little bit of traffic, so they will be here in about a half hour. They wanted to know if they could take showers when they get here, and I told them they could do what they need to do." Sara said breathlessly.

"If Tricia is anything like Madison, they won't take very long to get ready." I said.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Sara asked.

"I, uh, umm, I, shit" I stuttered.

Sara started laughing "I know what you told Madison about me, and you're right. I take forever to get ready. That's one reason I took today off."

"Oh" was all I said, relieved not to start the weekend off in trouble.

I was getting dressed when we heard the doorbell. Sara took a deep breath and calmed herself before walking out to get the door. I finished and walked out to find the three of them in a group hug.

"Hey" I complained "they're MY sisters!"

All three of them laughed and made room for me. I stepped between Sara and Madison and started hugging and kissing. All my life I had found hugs and kisses in greeting discomforting and distasteful, but this was different and enjoyable. The air of anticipation that had surrounded Sara had enveloped us all and was now thick with sexual tension. I kissed my way around the circle until I found myself kissing Madison. We quickly lost ourselves in the kiss. I don't know how long we probed each other's mouth, but I gradually became aware of Sara smacking me on the shoulder.

We disengaged and looked at Sara and Tricia. Tricia was laughing her ass off and Sara was looking really pissed. I glanced back at Madison and she was glowing with either embarrassment, desire or both.

"Remember us?" my darling wife asked sarcastically.

"Ahhhh, I, uh, we, unh" I stumbled and stuttered, as eloquently as ever. My smooth, witty response to Sara's consternation was greeted by all three of them with gales of laughter.

Sara caught her breath and barely containing herself, said "God, I love you Pete, but you turn into a complete moron when that thing drains all the blood out of your brain!" She was pointing at my cock. The silhouette of which was pointing straight out of the front of my pants. That brought more giggles from the other two. I was rapidly rethinking the wisdom of this gathering. I was desperate to direct their attention away from me.

"We put you guys in here." I said, leading the way into the spare bedroom. Sara had bought fresh flowers and put in there and the room looked and smelled very inviting. "The big bathroom is across the hall so you can get ready easily. Does anybody want anything to drink?" I asked, trying to be a good host.

"I just want some water, but, I need to use the bathroom right now." Madison said as she pushed past me.

Tricia said "Be quick, I need it, too."

Sara grabbed Tricia's hand and took her towards our room. "You don't need to wait, use the other bathroom." Sara explained while walking away from me.

Suddenly, I was standing alone in the hall. I heard Sara chatting with Tricia and I went to the kitchen to get the drinks ready. I went out and brought their bags in and then I went with Madison's idea of water for everyone, assuming we all wanted to be alert, not even slightly impaired by alcohol.

They both got done quickly and came out. I gave Madison some water and asked Tricia if she wanted the water. She said no, just the shower. I carried her stuff into the bathroom and left her there. I found Sara and Madison sitting in the kitchen talking. Actually, Madison was talking and Sara sat looking at her like a lovesick teen.

"Tricia's in the front bathroom, if you want to use ours I can put your stuff in there." I said to Madison.

"OK, I'll go in right now." Madison answered.

I took her stuff in there and left her to shower and get ready. I came back out and Sara was still sitting in the kitchen.

"Are you OK?" I asked.

"I'm fine" she answered "I'm just thinking that Madison is more gorgeous than I remembered."

"I put all her stuff in our room" I explained "I figured you would pretty much camp out in there with her, this weekend."

"Jealous?" Sara teased.

"Of both of you" I answered.

Sara blinked in surprise. "What do you mean?"

"I kinda know what both of you will experience and I think it's going to be great, so I'm jealous." I said, kind of embarrassed.

Sara stood and hugged me and said "I love you, Pete."

"I love you, too, Babe." I smiled.

We stood and held each other for a few minutes. Pretty soon Madison and Tricia came out and stopped and looked at us.

"Awwww, isn't that sweet?" Tricia said.

"Bite me!" I growled as all of them laughed at me.

"Let's go eat" I said and we went out to the car.

We went to a favorite restaurant of Sara's and mine. It was on the water of a small lake and featured a live jazz band. It was a nice romantic setting. I danced slow dances with all three ladies and drew a lot of jealous stares from guys at other tables. It was great. We spent several hours talking and dancing and listening to the music and it was a lot of fun. We went home about ten.

I asked if the ladies wanted anything to drink as they all ran for the bathroom. They all shouted that they wanted water over their shoulders. I went out to the kitchen and started to get the drinks ready.

As I worked in the kitchen a pair of arms encircled my waist and a firm pair of tits pushed in my back. Madison's hands found their target below my waist and squeezed gently.

"Hmmm, happy to see me?" my big sister asked playfully.

I turned around and put my arms around her, sliding my hands down to her perfect ass and drawing her body the rest of the way to mine. I leaned down to kiss her and murmured "Unbelievably happy to see you, Sis." Her lips met mine in a soft, gentle kiss as we barely touched tongues. I nuzzled my cheek to hers as we stood and quietly, gently explored each other's bodies.

"Didn't I tell you not to spoil your appetite?" Sara said with mock sternness. "I guess we're not going to be able to leave you two alone for a minute, are we? Tricia, I'll bet if we had been five minutes longer, they would have been naked on the floor!"

Madison smiled and said as she stepped away from me "I think your estimate is a little conservative."

Sara and Tricia's mouths dropped open and their eyes widened as they took in the sight in front of them. Madison's blouse was unbuttoned and pulled from her skirt and her bra was pushed up over her tits. My slacks were undone and my dick was out and still in Madison's hand.

Madison then said while slowly pumping my dick "Do you ladies want to help me with this?"

Sara slowly shook her head no as her focus shifted from my dick to Madison's tits. Sara's hands rose to cup those magnificent orbs and leaned in to kiss Madison, their tongues meeting before their lips touched. Sara moaned as Madison drew her into the kiss and a passionate embrace.

At the same time, Tricia nodded and started to approach me. She took my dick from Madison and gently squeezed as she began to stroke it. Tricia briefly let go as she put her arms around me and kissed me roughly. Apparently, where Madison was soft and gentle, Tricia was a little tougher and more demanding. Abruptly ending the kiss Tricia sank to her knees and took my throbbing cock into her mouth, her tongue wriggling all over the purple crown and then the sensitive bottom side.

"Sis" I whispered "This is not going last long."

She looked up at me and smiled, increasing her motion. In this position I couldn't do anything but rest my hands on her head and shoulders. Tricia worked my cock expertly and feeling it start to swell, grasped the base tightly to stop me from coming. She withdrew my cock from her mouth and smiled up at me.

"I beg to differ" she said smugly "this is going to last as long as I want it to last and you're going to both suffer and enjoy every minute of it."


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