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Macy and Maddie's Milk

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Macy's mom takes an new drug that causes her to lactate.
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This story is inspired by "Megan's Mother's MilK" by Technocarwash and written entirely from scratch with original characters, dialogue, scenes.


3:00 P.M. Friday, the door to the lecture hall swung open as a crowd of young students filtered out of their final class for the week. Among the last of the crowd was the young woman, Macy, who didn't typically mind being among the last and most unnoticed in the crowd, as it allowed her ample time and opportunity to enjoy certain views.

The girl's lip lightly quivered under her teeth as her eyes slowly scanned across the mainly feminine group, just appreciating the way their hips swayed unknowingly as they leisurely walked, loving the tight, round swell of their butts as they fought to pop their way out of the confining skinny jeans and yoga tights, and just generally basking in her pretty young peers.

Macy had always been a bit too shy of a girl to try dating, and it was only very recently that she suddenly found herself utterly enticed and attracted to other girls. It had at first come as something of a surprise, but whatever confusion she might've felt was quickly forgotten as she was suddenly overcome by surging waves of lust at this newfound discovery.

To make matters especially painful today, for the past week she'd had so many projects to complete she'd had no time to take care of herself, and so for the entire day she'd felt like a cracked dam ready to burst. Even just walking and soaking in all the sexy young women around her, Macy could feel her panties becoming sodden with gooey love, and idly wondered if she'd dripped enough to show it off yet. Tonight she was definitely going to release this tension with a vengeance and probably bring herself off many, many times.

But while Macy was making her way determinedly across the courtyard toward her car, she heard a sweet voice suddenly pipe up near her.

"Oh Macy, are your finally off for the day?"

Macy stopped in her tracks, more than a little annoyed at any distraction from her planned self-indulgence, but she forced a cracked smile on her face as she turned to greet her greeter. However she nearly choked on that smile as her eyes opened wide when faced with this sight.

Kimberly was seated on a park bench along the courtyard path, and she beamed up at Macy with her greeting. Kimberly was a TA for one of Macy's classes, a few years older than the girl but still quite young and incredibly ravishing. But it wasn't just Kimberly's beauty that halted Macy, it was what she was doing.

Kimberly was a young and very recent first-time mother, and at the moment she had her three-month old held tight to her chest, feeding. The woman's light blouse was pulled tantalizingly off of her shoulder, and though she didn't really expose anything Macy still felt her throat dry up like an old well at the sight.

Since Macy had discovered these recent "feelings" of hers, she'd embraced all manner of fantasies with extreme enthusiasm. She loved pretty girls, and she loved even more to see pretty girls making love to other pretty girls. But there was one kink in particular she felt herself diving deep into whenever she needed to feel the most intense satisfaction. She was enthralled by lactation, utterly mesmerized by the thought of girls breastfeeding one another.

Of course she'd watched plenty of videos online, but suddenly faced with a real life view (even if there was no sexual nature to it), Macy felt herself hit with such a wave of desire it was like a cartoon anvil had just been dropped on her head.

"Uh, Macy, you ok? Is your brain really that fried from the day?" Kimberly finally spoke with a quizzical look after Macy had just been drooling silently like an idiot for slightly too long.

"Oh, Kim... No yeah, just a long week... 'lotta papers..." Macy mumbled in a lame attempt to cover herself.

"Well, don't overdo it. I'd hate to see a great student like you burn out in just a year, so be sure to get some rest and have some fun this weekend." Kimberly just said with a smile, deciding to brush off her student's oddity.

"W-Will do. You have a good weekend too." Macy barely managed to choke out her friendly goodbye before turning on her heel and stumbling back towards the parking lot.

The girl's face burned bright crimson, and an incessantly nagging feeling burned in her mind that she'd been utterly transparent to Kimberly. God, she probably even had an obvious wet stain on her crotch that Kimberly had to have noticed! And yet, even as these panicked thoughts raced through Macy's mind, she could only feel her toes curl tighter and her pussy rage with an even greater need for her to stick something inside!

Stepping into her car, Macy knew it was going to be a rough, bumpy ride back home. And already she knew she'd probably have to be back in the seat tomorrow with a bottle of heavy-duty stain-remover.


The long school year was finally winding down, and summer was right around the corner. For most young college students this was usually a time of excitement as they anticipated all of the wild adventures and debaucheries they'd get to experience over break. But for Macy, the sheer enthusiasm wasn't quite there.

Macy was just about to complete her first semester at college where she was pursuing her degree in English. Luckily for her she had always lived in a university town, which allowed her to continue to live at home and negate some of the stress a brand new college freshman might otherwise have to take on.

But while her classmates were planning their summer reveries, Macy was just trying to think of how she'd kill an entire summer. She had always been a bit of a quiet girl, but she wasn't without friends, they just few and very close. Unfortunately for her, it looked like the entirety of her friend pool had already made plans to travel alongside family for the summer, meaning she was more or less stuck in this town.

Macy groaned as she stepped out of her car back into the sun, the late spring air already beginning to drip with the heat and humidity of the approaching summer. That certainly didn't help the swampy strand of girl goo she was almost certain was still connecting her to the seat as she stood up.

Standing in the driveway the cozy, two-story suburban house she'd spent her entire life in looked down on her like an old relative. Her friends all had big projects they'd be working on over the weekend, but she was a bit more diligent in her weekly work distribution. That meant that Macy's weekend plans now consisted of holing herself up inside that house and masturbating herself into exhausted satisfaction.

"I'm home." Macy announced with as normal a voice as she could muster once she entered through the front door.

"Hi sweetie, I'm in the kitchen!" Came the cheery voice of her mother.

Knowing it'd be best to at least make a polite appearance before locking herself away in her bedroom, Macy shakily made her way into the kitchen to greet her mother. Maddie smiled a warm, motherly smile as her daughter finally showed herself, seemingly not noticing the way the girl was practically vibrating with need at the moment.

"Hey honey, you have a good day at school?" Maddie asked in a very 'mom' manner as her daughter smiled at her before making her way to the fridge.

"I mean, same old same old. Just happy to be on the weekend now." Macy spoke as plainly as possible as she went to get herself a can of pop.

Maddie was somewhat young for a mother, and definitely still a hell of a looker. Once Macy had 'discovered' her personal obsessions, even she couldn't help but begin to take a bit more of an interest in how her mother appeared as a female. Although these were mainly idle thoughts for the most part.

In truth, Macy had always been extremely close to her mother, as much of a "Mommy's girl" as a daughter could be especially given how timid she was with others. Maddie had raised her little girl alone after her husband had passed away in an accident less than a year after Macy's birth, and although it had been difficult the two now had a wonderful relationship.

That was why Macy was fighting so hard to not make eye contact with her mom right now. It would be one thing if her mother caught whiff of just how horny she was, but especially in her current state Macy did not want to tempt certain thoughts into her head.

Still, she couldn't obviously be avoiding her, and at a glance she noticed her mother was not focused on her, but seemed to be intently studying a couple of items on the table, namely a sheaf of official-looking papers and what appeared to be a bottle of lotion. She also immediately noticed that her mother was wearing a rather tight-fitting gray tank top that cut very low on her chest, which was a good bit more revealing than what she usually wore around the house. Trying to immediately dissuade that image, Macy decided to get her mother talking about a different topic.

"So what's that about? You guys finally make an invisibility potion or what?" Macy joked, feeling herself calm a bit as she engaged in the friendly conversation.

"Haha, very funny." Maddie said dully, but with a clearly amused smile as she set her work down to look up to her daughter.

Despite what her looks might've suggested, Maddie actually possessed a Master's in Organic Chemistry, and worked as a research assistant for a big pharmaceutical company. Being on a team led by the brilliant young Doctor Iris Pectacibus, she helped develop many "miracle" drugs in recent years. Of course while her daughter was unashamedly proud of her mother's work, she often teased her by claiming she made a living making magic potions.

"Actually you might say this a bit like... homework. Something I've never really been asked to do before." Maddie said with a cryptic little smile.

"Oh? How do you mean?"

"Well, this is an ointment we've been developing for a while. And while we have our usual group of volunteers, Dr. Iris actually asked if I'd like to test the drug myself."

At the mention of that, Macy looked somewhat cautiously at her mother.

"Wait, you're going to be a guinea pig?"

"You know I don't like you referring to patients that way. And besides, this isn't like the first clinical trial. We've been working on this for a while, and it's nearly ready to go on the market. I'm just here for... fine tuning, let's say... Also, I've kind of always wanted to be an actual part of an experiment like this." Maddie finished with a slightly coy remark.

"Well, if you say so. So what's this stuff anyway? And why did Dr. Iris want you to test it?"

"Well the chemical name would probably bore you, but we finally decided on the market name Lactoril. It's a hormonal supplement that strongly stimulates the mammary glands. Basically it's a skin cream that will allow practically any woman to lactate." Her mother said perfectly naturally.

Macy had barely taken her first sip of pop when she choked hard and coughed right against the can. Her eyes flared and locked on her mother almost maddeningly at that revelation.

"Geez, are you okay?" Maddie said, a little worried at that sudden outburst.

Coughing hard, Macy fought to get her frenzied mind under control and not alert her mother of anything.

"Y-Yeah... just... wrong pipe..." She stammered out, just desperate to say anything normal as her mind was suddenly assailed by erotic thoughts of lactating women.

"Well, just take it easy." Her mother said with just a hint of suspicion as she turned her attention back to the bottle and papers.

Having a sudden and very clear link between her mother and her most intense fetish was taking its toll on Macy's mind. The smartest thing she could've done was take herself to her room and jill herself to climax as quickly as possible to settle her hormones. But her brain was already frying as it raced with this quickly blazing line of thought, and she suddenly found herself sitting down at the table, staying in the company of her mother and the drug.

"Anyway, Dr. Iris wanted me to test it since I was the only lab tech that's actually given birth and breast fed before, so she figured it would be a bit more of a natural transition than a woman who has never lactated. And since I'm on her team I can give a much more detailed report." Maddie continued without looking up, quickly easing back into normal conversation with her daughter, seemingly none the wiser to the obsession burning in Macy's eyes.

"T-That's really cool mom..." Macy stammered robotically, her mind quickly entrenching itself on the image of her mother being a guinea pig for a milk-producing drug!

"So like I said, it's a topical ointment. It originally started as a hormone injection, but we've got it down to being as easy as rubbing on some lotion." Maddie spoke pleasantly as she set aside the papers and took up the Lactoril bottle in her hands.

Maddie uncapped the bottle and squirted a small dollop onto two fingers, the drug appearing as buttery lotion, so creamy white it almost appeared to be glowing. Sensing something was about to become extremely escalated (at least in her mind), Macy's breath caught in her throat.

"W-What are you doing?" Macy asked before she could think, her words sounding just slightly panicked.

"Well, the lab wants results after the weekend. Obviously I have to apply the drug before I'll be affected by it." Maddie replied with a smile, almost poking fun at her daughter for asking such an obvious question. Finally, with no regard to her daughter's raging hormones, she began to run her fingers over the top of her exposed cleavage.

Maddie's focus was squarely on rubbing the lotion deep into her skin for it to take effect, so she didn't notice the way her daughter was watching her like a starving wolf. Macy could actually feel herself drool as she watched her mother so attentively rub the white cream thoroughly across the tops of her prestigious, ample breasts. The girl watched with rapt attention as the goop dissolved into her mother's own perfectly creamy skin, as Maddie's chest heaved ever so slightly with her breath, her luscious tits heaving just so barely as to be unbearably tempting.

Fantasies were already running wild in Macy's head, but she had just enough clarity to be terrified of what would happen if she let this line of thinking progress any farther. She had to get her mind onto other, less incestuous, dirty thoughts and fast!

"A-Anyway, I've got a report due next week, so I'm just gonna get a jump on it right now I think." Macy suddenly excused herself before screeching her seat away from the table and hurriedly waddling out of the kitchen.

"Oh...Kay?... I'll call you down for dinner!" Maddie called after her daughter as she raced rather quickly upstairs, more than a little perplexed by the sudden discomfort she sensed from her girl.


A couple of hours later, Macy sat deep into her desk-chair an absolute slob of humanity. Her pants and undergarments had been practically ripped aside and discarded completely, her naked butt rubbing into the swamp of sweat she'd made against the cushion.

The girl's face was flushed total crimson, heavy pants escaping her as her eyes were glued to the screen of her computer, which had been playing an endless list of her favorite porn videos, nearly all of them involving several woman ravenously fucking each other and several including those girls lovingly lapping the milk of another.

All the while she kept one hand locked down below her waist, her slender fingers nestled deep within the sticky confines of her pussy, recklessly rubbing and scraping herself over and over.

Finally, to the sight of a delicious Latina MILF tenderly holding two younger girls to either breast in pure ecstasy, Macy could feel her satisfaction encroaching. She bit her lip hard as she fought to suppress a muffled squeal, her toes curled hard under her chair and her fingers dug deep into her drooling slit as her blessed orgasm rocked across her entire body.

Several blissful moments later, Macy was panting hard as she achingly pulled her sticky fingers out from her still twitching lips, a long trail of slimy love following them like silk. She sat back exhausted into her seat even as the lovely video in front of her continued to play out. It'd been hours and Macy had been at this constantly from the moment she locked her bedroom door. This must've been the fourth or fifth time she'd cum already, and she had no question that she'd be hungry for much more this evening.

But before her full libido (or at least her energy) could be reawakened her phone vibrated violently on her desk. Barely able to see straight at all, Macy nevertheless saw it was a text from her mom informing her that dinner was ready and she should come down now.

Drool dripping down her chin, Macy peered down at herself. Still utterly naked from the waist down, she wore nothing but a thin, pink tank top that was now so drenched in sweat her pert breasts stuck out like it was made of tissue paper.

As her breathing finally started to calm down to normal levels, a last idle thought crossed her mind. 'I should probably wash my hands before I eat...'


Macy had managed to hide the proof of her activities at least passingly well. A fresh t-shirt, sweatpants, and her messy hair restricted back to a messy bun were not out of the ordinary for a girl who just wanted to laze around and relax for the weekend.

She was also thankful she had gotten just enough of the lust out of her brain to have a pleasant and normal dinner with her mother, after which Maddie had excused herself upstairs to change into more comfortable attire as well. That left Macy to clean up after, but she hardly minded since her mother did the cooking anyway.

As she was washing dishes, Macy heard her mom come back downstairs and turn on the TV in the living room. Strangely enough, Macy could also swore she heard a very soft 'whirring' sound, almost like a very weak vacuum.

Heading into the living room she saw her mom seated in the big armchair, a little surprised to just see her wearing a bathrobe. Her arm was also crooked up like she was holding something Macy couldn't see.

"Hey Macy, Jeopardy's starting in ten minutes, sit and play with me." Maddie offered happily as she noticed her daughter enter the room.

"Sure thing." Macy replied too quickly without thinking, not yet realizing the situation this might create.

Taking the unoccupied couch across from her mother, Macy laid herself down lazily in the cushions. The evening news was still on before the show, a curvaceous, lovely red-head sat facing the nation with an almost mind-numbingly appealing smile.

"Recent surveys suggest that despite the rising number of single-parent households, most families are reporting much greater degrees of happiness, comfort, and trust among each other, with the most satisfied relationships being reported amongst mothers and daughters. As a mother myself, it's quite encouraging to see statistics like this. This is Rebecca Russet, join us at 11 for the full story."

As the TV cut to commercial, Macy again took notice of the soft humming sound, which she was now pretty sure was coming from this room.

"Hey mom, am I going crazy or do you hear something buzzing?" Macy spoke without thinking as her eyes darted around. But the moment they landed back on her mother they opened wide, and she instantly wished she'd kept her lips shut.

Macy now saw her mother happily reclined in her seat, her robe just barely shifted to one side to expose one of her delectable breasts. The hand she held up held a had a small, motorized breast pump, the suction cup happily engulfing the bulk of Maddie's creamy tit and lightly tugging at it with purpose. A bit like a spray bottle, a container for the milk hung down from the pump. It was a bottle about the size of a can of pop, and it was currently about half-full and rising.

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