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Maggie Kept Returning to My Life

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A reoccurring lifetime affair based on two coincidences.
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Coincidences do happen! A largely true story, which has 80% of its storyline based on real events, however far fetched they may sound.


I'm writing this with a certain amount of guilt, and I'm owning up to my weaknesses over the years, and in particular last week!

I don't want to tar all men with the same brush, but sometimes we do get it wrong because we let temptation get the better of us!

I'm David, I'm sixty years old, and I've lived alone in a lovely Suffolk seaside town since my wife passed away four years ago.

I'm retired from teaching and inherited my Victorian house from my parents, where it was their holiday home when they were alive.

It's perfect, in the shadow of the lighthouse, just around the corner from the pub, almost in sight of the sea, and within smelling distance of the brewery!

My story, which goes way back, revolves around two big coincidences, the most recent of which happened last week.

It was a perfect summers' morning, the sun was out, the seagulls were gliding around, there weren't too many holidaymakers out and about at that time of day, and I was strolling to get my morning newspaper, and suddenly a voice behind me shouted, "David? ...David! it David Benson?"

I stopped and looked around, and my heart leapt when I recognised the face.

"Good god, Maggie...what are you doing here?"

In a flash we were hugging, which slightly surprised the younger woman accompanying her, and who I guessed to be her daughter, Chloe.

"David, we're on holiday... you remember Chloe? ...she must have only been about ten when you saw her last time."

Chloe was looking at me with a mixture of part recognition, and part perplexity.

I did remember her at that much younger age, but apart from being very much in her mother's image she felt more strangely familiar.

"I do, I do, but how incredible, you don't look a day older Maggie."

It was something men say to flatter women, of course, twenty years before we were both fortyish, and our affair had come to an end.

There was a split second flash in my mind, of the last time we had fucked, in the back of her husband's Jaguar, and I remember bizarrely, Maggie wiping my spunk from the leather upholstery.

"Don't be silly, you old smoothie," Maggie smiled, gently punching my arm, "so tell me what are you doing here?"

"I live just around the corner," I replied, "near the lighthouse, been here for three years now. Lucy passed away around the same time as my parents, so when I retired last year I decided to sell up and move here. Best decision I ever made!"

And then something very odd happened. A complete stranger, a guy, passing by with his wife, stopped, and armed with his mobile phone came over to us and said to Chloe, "Chloe Fellows, can I have a selfie please? I think you're fantastic in 'Alive or Dead'

The penny dropped, and I realised where I'd seen Chloe before. She was an actress currently starring in a much talked about crime series on TV, called 'Alive or Dead.'

"Oh my god," I whispered to Maggie as we stepped aside out of the shot, "I know, you've got a famous daughter!"

Maggie chuckled, "Yes, I'm afraid I'm still getting used to the interruptions. She gestured towards the over excited man taking the selfie.

My mind was thinking, "Yes I could get excited too," remembering some of the explicit scenes I'd watched her in on tv with her co-star.

When the guy had gone with his prize photo I sald, "Have you time for coffee? There's a good coffee shop just up here." I pointed a few yards up the high street, "Or does a famous celebrity and her mother require something better?"

My sarcasm showed how nervous I was.

"Have we time?...Of course we have, we're on holiday! Yes please, there's so much to catch up on." Maggie ignored my attempted humour.

Once I'd got the coffees I found Maggie and Chloe at a corner table, and I had the chance to study Maggie's face.

Yes, a few extra wrinkles, but still those eyes were magical, the ones I'd known for two parts of my life. I'd looked into them so many times.

In my memory I remembered them, on all those occasions, just before we'd kissed, just before we'd fucked, just before we'd cum.

And then again, just before I'd wiped away her tears before we had parted for that one last time.

Maggie, Chloe and her husband Geoff had moved away when he got a job at a university in the south west. It was probably best as our affair had become quite intense.

"So I've told you a bit about me, what about you? I asked.

I deliberately left it open ended because we'd parted in such a heartbroken way, we'd both been trying to do the old fashioned responsible thing and think of our kids, and Maggie was sticking with her husband, and I was staying with Lucy.

Maggie wasn't making eye contact with me as she began explaining her break up with Geoff.

"It all started to go wrong soon after we'd moved down south. He wasn't being very nice and..."

"Mum!" interrupted Chloe, "he was hitting you! ...Being nice!...he never was...he gave you such a hard time."

Chloe was very animated, "We had to leave otherwise something awful might have happened."

Maggie continued with a sigh, "Anyway we got away, and I went back to work, and we struggled through. Chloe went to drama school and basically, to cut a long story short, here we are now!"

Maggie looked at me once she'd finished, and I saw the sadness in her eyes.

Whether it was a look of sadness at her unfortunate marriage, or whether it was regret at what might have been with us.

There was silence before Chloe exploded the moment.

"Well you two had better make up for lost time!"

Maggie flushed bright red, "What do you mean, lost time?"

Flustered, and fidgeting, she took a long sip of her flat white.

"MUM! I know you two were 'having it off' I saw you once, on the sofa together, when dad was away and you thought I was asleep."

Chloe had a broad smile across her face, she had revealed something that had remained hidden for years.

Now both Maggie and I were looking downwards, quite embarrassed, and Chloe was almost triumphant.

"But I'm glad you two have met again."

With a chuckle she picked up her phone and bag, and added, " Look I'm going up the high street to look in a few shops, I'll leave you two to sort your lives out!"

And with a flourish, Chloe left, while Maggie and I giggled loudly.

Maggie reached across the table and took my hand.

"This feels really weird," she began, "I thought that after last time it had been such an unlikely coincidence, but now, incredibly, it seems to have happened again.

Maggie was referring to how our affair had started, but it went even further back than that, and Chloe knew nothing about that part of the history before.

I'd met Maggie on a teen age blind date. A mate had fixed me up with his girlfriend's friend, and one Sunday afternoon we'd gone, in the back of his old Austin van, out into the country, and gone for a walk around an old reservoir.

No safety measures in those days, myself and Maggie were sitting on an old mattress in the back of the van, clinging to the metal struts inside whenever we went round a corner.

She had obviously taken a lot of time getting her make up on, and she'd no idea we were to go walking on rough country tracks, so her skirt and shoes were not the best suited to our afternoon date.

However she was gorgeous, and she must have thought I was okay because on the way home we were kissing and cuddling on the mattress in the back.

She lived a bus ride away from where I lived, and for over a year I used to visit her house a couple of times a week. Her mum and dad took a shine to me, and obviously they trusted us because they let us spend the evenings in the front room while they watched TV in the back room.

We used to spend the evening playing records, and kissing and petting, but at first I was extremely nervous about her mum or dad coming into the room.

After my fourth or fifth visit Maggie said they clearly weren't going to interrupt us, and they'd told her that they trusted us, and wouldn't come in.

Our petting became much bolder, and when I finally got to undo her bra and play with her breasts, she started playing with my cock, albeit on the outside of my jeans.

We were both virgins and both totally naive. When I slid my fingers inside her panties I really didn't know what to do. It all felt very wet, and very messy.

At some point we found our way onto the carpet, and I remember getting on top of Maggie, and still fully dressed, I lay between her open legs, and humped myself on her thigh.

Of course the inevitable happened and I felt myself cum in my underpants. The journey home on the bus was very uncomfortable, but this was very much the beginning of awkward teenage exploration.

I can't remember whether we discussed it, I think not, but it wasn't long before we had full on sex.

The first time was a disaster, fumbling to open the foil on the condom, struggling to roll it on, then once I'd squeezed inside Maggie's pussy, I came within a few seconds.

I felt awful, but we tried it again the following week and we, or I, got better at it. It seemed incredible that we were fucking in the next room to her parents. I'm positive they must have smelt the aroma of sex after I'd gone.

Going home on the bus each time, the litter bin on the bus stop became the respository for the used condom and the foil wrapper. As I sat on the back seat of the bus, I remembered my fingers had that smell of Maggie's pussy juices, and the lubricant from the outside of the condom.

We went out for about a year and a half before we broke up. Tears again, her parents were just as upset as she was, but I had 'A' level exams coming up, and I wanted to get to uni, which I eventually did, and finally I became a teacher.

It was that that led to the first coincidence.

I'd married and I'd had two children by the time me and my family had all moved to the midlands. My new job was in a 'middle' school which shared a site with a primary school.

About three weeks into my new job I was out on playground duty at the end of the school day. The primary school mums were passing by on their way to collecting their offspring from the school next door.

It was the blonde hair, and the way she walked that caught my eye. I saw her from behind, and I went right up to the railings to see more closely. I was certain it was her.

And then she turned around.

We were about ten yards from each other, but in that moment we both smiled. How was this happening? Twenty years had passed and the magic was still there. She walked back towards me, and with the railings between us, she pushed her hand through the bars and grasped my hand.

"David! is you isn't it?'s really you!"

I think the other mums' ears pricked up because they had sensed Maggie's excitement, and seen her reach for my hand.

We only spoke for a few minutes before the primary school bell went, but we had enough time for Maggie to tell me that she lived just across the main road.

"Do you get a lunchtime? come round for a cup of tea so that we can catch up, is that possible?"

I needed no persuasion, and it was only after I'd accepted the invite, that I saw temptation on the horizon.

Next day at 12.15pm I walked as quickly as possible, and in slight trepidation, to Maggie's house. I must have looked mighty suspicious as I looked around me, before I knocked on her front door.

She looked a picture, as she let me in. Awkwardly I kissed her on the cheek in a normal greeting, and took in her perfume before she ushered me into the lounge.

We sat and talked, sipping tea, finding out about where our lives had led us. My two kids and her having Chloe. At that point I got no inkling of how unhappy she was with her husband, and not until just before I had to rush back to school, did we mention our teenage years.

In a slightly embarrassed few words we glossed over the fact that we'd both fumbled our way through it, but as I stood in the hallway with my hand on the doorcatch Maggie leaned forward and kissed me briefly on the lips.

"Would you like to do this again? I mean if you can get away from school?"

Very quietly, without much thought, I said, "Yes, I would, very much. I can get here again on Friday lunchtime, if that's okay with you? "

I walked quickly back to school, and I felt that I was walking on air, but at home that evening I felt as guilty as hell.

Friday lunchtime came, and I'd hardly slept the night before. I was still battling with my conscious, and was almost making the decision not to go.

Of course I did go, and the forty-five minutes was a blur.

Maggie opened the front door and we had the obligatory kiss on the cheek, but the only words spoken were, "David, I'm so glad you came," before she led me into the lounge.

I didn't sit down. Maggie came and stood in front of me, reaching up to kiss me. And then it all started to happen so quickly.

In the strangest way we were back in her front room twenty odd years before. My hands were finding her breasts, then reaching down and running up and between her thighs, until I felt the heat from her lacey panties covering her pussy.

I remember her saying breathlessly, "David, let's do the floor, like before."

In seconds we were on the carpet, I'd slid her panties off, and unbuckled my belt, and shoved my trousers and boxers down below my knees.

There was no condom this time, Maggie's pussy was soaking wet, and my cock slid straight inside her. We were so much in a hurry, but there were no premature 'accidents' that time.

We were at it like rabbits and within ten minutes Maggie was cumming, desperately trying not to make too much noise because of her nosey neighbour next door. I followed pretty quickly, grunting, and filling her with my spunk.

I rolled off to one side on the floor, and must have said something like, "My god, what have we done?"

Maggie rolled towards me and kissed the perspiration on my forehead and whispered, "Thank you David, don't worry, I wanted that so much."

And so began the affair. I went twice a week to Maggie's house, we fucked as much as we could. Sometimes on the floor, sometimes on the sofa, sometimes in the spare room. There were a couple of occasions when I visited in the evening as her husband went away with work. It must have been one of those evenings that Chloe had seen us.

"Would you like to go out for a meal this evening Maggie?"

It seemed the obvious question, and even as I asked it, we both really knew where this wonderful coincidence was going.

"Yes of course I would, what time and where?"

"You just be ready for about 8 o'clock, I'll come to yours and collect you. You won't mind walking will you, it's close to where you are, in fact it's five minutes from just about everywhere!"

Incredibly two hours had passed and Chloe reappeared with a sarcastic, "You two sorted? You made a date? My god mum, you might even get screwed again!"

"Stop it Chloe! for god's sake." Maggie was looking around.

The rather straight laced woman reading her copy of 'The Times' at the next table looked up, and then looked away in disgust.

We went our separate ways, and I had that euphoric feeling of 'young love' which was stupid, but didn't feel stupid.

At home I spent the rest of the day excited. but realistic. Maggie and I were of an age where a certain amount of cynicism creeps into your life. However, I did spend some time online finding out a little bit more about Chloe and her career.

It appeared that she was quite a character. In her early days after drama school she had a few 'bit' parts in various tv dramas and soaps, until she had become 'involved' with a film producer who got her a role in a partially successful cinema thriller.

Unfortunately she'd had an affair with him, which resulted in the break up of his marriage.

She'd then gone on to live with another well known actor of senior years, until he got involved with drugs and took an accidental overdose.

In all she had led a colourful life, but had got her lucky break with 'Alive or Dead' and had hit the headlines with her explicit love scenes with her co-star.

The evening went well. I got to Maggie's at exactly 8pm, and although she wasn't quite ready, Chloe had a glass of red prepared while I waited patiently.

Certainly she had all of her mother's good looks, and I was taking sneaky peeks at her lovely body beneath the skimpy summer dress she was wearing.

Finally Maggie arrived downstairs, and looked delicious in a flowery print dress which showed that her body was almost the equal of her daughter's.

"I'm not expecting you back tonight, if you're getting laid," was Chloe's parting shot, much to Maggie's embarrassment.

"Fuck off!" was the correct response from Maggie.

The restaurant was a favourite of mine, and the meal was excellent. We held hands a lot between courses and it seemed pefectly natural when I asked Maggie back to my place at the end of the meal.

We sat out in my little courtyard garden with a small brandy, and when I asked her to stay the night she got up from her chair and leaned across to me and with the softest whisper of "Yes" she kissed me the way we used to kiss.

We made love twice that night. Very quietly, very slowly, very caringly. We both came, and it was clear that it had been a long time since either of us had had sex with another person.

Maggie slept two more nights with me and we agreed that she should stop with me, at my house, for another week once her holiday let was up.

It meant her going home to sort out some business, and to collect more clothes, so she was going to travel back on the Thursday evening and planned to return on Friday.

The house that she and Chloe was renting was theirs until Saturday, and that was when Chloe was due back in London for filming on her latest series the following Monday.

It would have all been fine if Maggie hadn't trusted her daughter. But she should have known.

I went round on the Thursday afternoon to see Maggie off on her return journey home. Chloe was there too, and just before Maggie drove away she said, "Why don't you both try that fish 'n chip restaurant over the road tonight, neither of you want to have to cook tonight."

We both said in unison, "Ok, we'll do that," and Maggie added to Chloe, "but he's mine, so get him home early, he needs his beauty sleep." And with a wink she was gone.

"I'll pop home and come back around eight if that's okay for you?" I said, "It's not a posh place so I'll just be wearing a shirt and jeans."

Chloe agreed she'd be ready, and I left to go back home.

When I arrived back on time, and Chloe opened the door, I tried not to look surprised. She had not dressed down! Apart from her very high heels, her short summer dress showed her body off to its best advantage, including quite a low neckline.

I wasn't complaining, indeed I felt a million dollars with Chloe clutching my arm as she wobbled on her heels alongside me to the restaurant.

I chuckled to myself when someone I knew passed us, and they recognised both me and Chloe. and did an obvious double take.

"You certainly know how to have an effect," I muttered to Chloe as I held the door open for her to enter.

Immediately the waitress knew who she was, and several diners were taking out their phones to text friends to tell them who was there.

We sat at a table near the window, and we enjoyed some remarkably fresh fish. Chloe was chatty, and openly candid about her experience of television and the media, and told me lots of tit bits of gossip. I felt so comfortable with her, and was mesmerised by her eyes. It seemed that it was always the eyes that got me!


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