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My Submissive Mom


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But Julia beat him to it. Under her son's violent assault on her ass, she let out a crescendo of screams, announcing her imminent climax, until she grew completely silent and her body started to shake uncontrollably. Her breathing seemed to stop momentarily, while an immense orgasm was rushing through her body. Ryan had to let go of her hair, to support her with both hands, as she lost control of her limbs.

After almost a full minute, as she gradually started regaining her senses, Ryan got right back to ass fucking his mother at full force, unable to control himself. The intense scene that had unfolded before him had him on the edge, and it didn't take more than a few thrusts before he was emptying his balls inside her ass. He grunted and groaned as he plunged his fat cock as deep as he could, pushing his mother hard against the sink and filling her bowels with his warm cum.

Ryan leaned on the sink, his body pressed against her, recovering from the draining climax. He finally stepped back, pulling his deflating cock out of his mother's ass, and a drop of his thick sperm started leaking from her hole. He immediately pulled up her pants, before his whole load ended up on the floor, then pulled up his own pants and let his spent body collapse on a chair.

Julia remained unmoving, leaning on the sink. It took her a couple of minutes before she recomposed herself and regulated her breathing, then went back to making the salad. Five minutes later, they were sitting at the table having dinner. She seemed happy, as they small-talked about school and work, never giving the slightest indication that her son had just fucked the shit out of her, other than constantly shifting in her seat to relieve her aching asshole. This time, Ryan was happy to play along.

When they finished, she got up, starting to clean up the table and Ryan stood to help.

"Stay, Ryan, I got it," Julia said.

"It's okay, I want to help, Mom," he said, helping her move the dishes to the sink.

"Thank you, baby." She reached her hands around his neck and pulled him down to kiss his cheek. Ryan knew it was supposed to be a 'thank you' for helping out, but somehow, the way she said it and the way she behaved, it felt like it meant more than that.

"You're welcome, Mom," he said, kissing her back. "By the way," he added with a smile, "Tomorrow, Luke is coming over. I'll want you to make sure he is adequately entertained."

His mother smiled back at him.

"Of course, honey," she said, with a gleam in her eye.

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LeeLee420LeeLee42026 days ago

Other than the ignorant use of the word cunt I enjoyed the story.

Baqfid12Baqfid123 months ago

Wow! This was awesome! So hot. I really hope you do another chapter. Thank you for writing. Its really good!

midatlstorymanmidatlstoryman5 months ago

Very nice. Further chapters might be nice. But cliffhangers can be cool too.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The story is dope. It should be used to make a short adult film

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Those who don’t get the ending don’t remember what started it all. That photo wasn’t of her and her husband after all

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

After my divorce at 40, I returned to the dating scene and was partying every weekend with my single girlfriends. I really got into casual sex after being with one man most of my life. I turned into a real slut. One night I came home really drunk and woke up in bed next to my 19-year-old son. We were both naked. I felt sore and then realized we must have fucked. I've been his toy ever since.

Jack506Jack506about 1 year ago

Story was great right up until the end. His character development didn’t hint at his wanting to share her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Why does he want his friend to fuck his mom when he just started fucking her himself? Shouldn't want to share his mom so soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Why ruin a perfect story with that ending??

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You ruined a perfectly good story with that ending. From a 4 to a 1.

CindysBobCindysBobover 1 year ago

first rate erotica

RanDog025RanDog025over 1 year ago

I use a text reader like Text Aloud to listen to the story with Jennifer's sexy voice. The dot dot dots ruin the story so have to be edited out. Other Authors that I chat with have all told me the same thing dot dot dots tell the reader to pause and because I was, years ago, an Editor in Chief, I tell all that the Authors word indicate a pause and not dot dot dots. At no time at my career did I ever receive a transcript of a story that had in it, dot dot dots. Had I, it would have ended in the waste basket. A member reads some stories and say's to himself, "Self, I can write stories too!" You've already absorbed the bad habits that you picked up at Literotica! Loose the dot dot dots and edit your own stories before submitting them!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story however, I do agree with the prior comments that you ruined a perfect story by indicating the son wanted to whore out his mom to his long time friend. Damn, with such a willing Mom, you don't whore her out, you cherish her and keep her for yourself. Good women like her are are to find. Bringing others into a story like this is a killer to the overall theme of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You ruined a good story by insinuating that he was going to share his mother.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Did not care for the brutal fucking of his mother and at the end he's bringing another man too join in that did it for me it was more like raping his mother that did it for me gave it 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Did not care for the brutal fucking of his mother and at the end he's bringing another man too join in that did it for me it was more like raping his mother that did it for me gave it 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WillmottWillmottover 1 year ago

Cucked up ending

GimmemoreM0MsGimmemoreM0Msover 1 year ago

Loved it but please don't share the mom. It's better when only the son gets her

nyteramblernyteramblerover 1 year ago

Shit it was just getting good hope to read more.

RuckinLguardRuckinLguardover 1 year ago

Great story. Hot as fuck. But you lost me with that last "Luke" line. Completely a personal preference, but sharing with other men is just one of things that kills a story for me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I wish I could give this 6 stars

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

You have to write a second part. Loved the first part. 10 out of 10

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

There has to be a sequel. His mom needs to be used like a cheap whore not only by Luke, but also by other women her son brings home. Perhaps a female cousin from his dad’s side can come visit—a dominant bisexual who can force his mom to submit to a threesome against her will.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I couldn’t have written a better story myself… and I feel like this relates thru & thru to damn near all of my erotic fantasies. 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

In the last chapter, Luke comes with his seven friends all boozed up with their hard-ons, ready to pounce on his Mother. Ryan was enjoying stroking his dick and encouraging Luke and his band of friends to fuck his slut


Wasp0123Wasp0123almost 2 years ago

I'm sorry but why would you shear your mom or woman with someone else's. That's why I gave it a 2

jcus0511jcus0511about 2 years ago

Excellent tale of motherly tail and how together with her son forge a new beginning.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I gave it a 3.

I didn't like the sodomy and the son forcing his mother into fucking. Call me old school but if a woman is going to be with me....mother, sister, or aunt....she is coming to me because she wants to be with me. I've made love to many women and not one was forced to be with me.

When I was with someone whom I cared for....she was mine and I didn't screw around with someone else. I can't imagine having someone like my mother as my lover and sharing her with someone. I would treasure her pussy as the most precious thing on earth. I would show her how special she was to me when I kissed her pussy. I would show her how precious her pussy was to me as I licked and sucked on it. And I would show her how precious her pussy was to me when she came in my mouth, and I would drink every drop of her love juices. When I would be buried deep in her and was ready to fill her womb with my baby batter the look in my eye would tell how much I worshiped her. When she looked into her son's eyes and saw the lust in them, she would know that I belonged to her and only her.

No, I would never share someone as special as my mother with some friend.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Awesome ‼️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Another part!!!

Brandonp2Brandonp2about 2 years ago

Hot needs a second one

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

oof that immediate sharing at the end

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It is such a beautiful story but for the ending. He has conquered his mother and sodomised her near the kitchen sink. She has submitted to her son by carrying the butt plug as he ordered throughout the day. Why throw away such a great treasure and defile her instead of preserving , protecting and enjoying the incest with mother?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great, would like for more of it , lots more !

NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

Pure garbage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Don't like this story too much forceful fucking of mother that's not the way a son has sex with her son!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

xavierwxavierwover 2 years ago

Excellent!! I LOVED the build-up, the heated action and the way their new dynamic was manifested to us, the readers. This is the first read from you for me but it will not be the last! A new Favorite!


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why do so many men end stories with sharing their women. Is this the image you all have of dominant men? Well you are wrong, he goes from being outraged that his mom had sex with other men to now loaning her out? Doesn't fit the character.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Not enough real love for Ryan's mom. Somewhat degrading for the mom. I think it is obvious that you have no concept of knowing what being a submissive means or for that matter what domineering is all about. You think it is about being mean and unrelenting towards another. Get real, she is the mother and has feelings for her son as a family should, so degrading her should be the worst thing you could do to her. and treat her with dignity and respect, ask her or talk to her about her feelings. The picture was something between the mom and dad at that time. and please rewrite this story leaving out Ryan's buddy as he has no business getting involved.

bucco40bucco40over 2 years ago

Would have loved to read about son taking mom more for himself instead of sharing immediately. Still, a good read. Looking forward to chap 2.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Who the fuck is Luke? Is he going to abuse Ryan's mother's asshole like her Ryan did? I would like to see the mother "wake up" and impose her will on Ryan and Luke and have them suck each other off and then get them to have anal sex with each other. To make the story more interesting. Ryan's mother will have called Luke's mother and the two women will entertain themselves while their sons learn more about manly love.

alo0ozalo0ozover 2 years ago

Just hot no substance

kingsolo940911kingsolo940911over 2 years ago

sorry stop in the first half ,i am not into sharing .

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 2 years ago

I want to give it 5*, but two things knocked it down a point each. There is no mention of any true love/feeling for his mom. Maybe indirectly, but only at that level. It's pretty much "I discovered I can sexually dominate my hot mom, so I will. As many also commented on, you jump straight into him planning to share her with his friends like she is simply a fuck toy. What bastard would do that with their mother? Right, a bastard. 3*

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This was a odd kind of mother and son story, you need to continue with Ryan and his mother more let them share some more gentle love sessions and find they love one another before you bring Luke in the mix!!!!!!!!!!!!

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbumover 2 years ago

A 5 star story. I disagree with my commenters that the bringing Luke was wrong. We don’t know the level of submission that Mom has done. Is. She in two b o n d a g e, BDSM, collars etc as a submissive. Hope for sequel .

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57over 2 years ago

I loved the sex between the mother and son but not a fan of forced sex. I also agree with the other commenters regarding the ending. He shouldn't be sharing his mom with his friend. Five stars and a favorite point!

AlwaystabooAlwaystabooover 2 years ago
The Son Also Rises

Such a wonderful job of parenting. His father would be so proud.

theincestclubtheincestclubover 2 years agoAuthor

Hi everyone, thank you very much for your feedback, I sincerely appreciate it!

I wanted to address the main criticism, about the ending. It was foreshadowed from the beginning that Ryan's mom liked to be shared, so if that wasn't your cup of tea and you continued reading I guess you knew there was a "risk" involved ;) . However, I do agree that maybe bringing Luke at that point was a bit rushed by my part.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

An excellent fantasy. Keep it up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Would have given you 5*, but bringing in another guy spoils it for me. Somehow feel that the sexual interaction between Mother and Son should stay in the family, so to speak.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Excellent until the line about Luke coming over.

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