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Lynn Fancies a Ride, or Two Pt. 02

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Lynn has a further family helping.
12.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 11/19/2019
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Lynn awoke to the sounds of raised voices. She looked at the clock. It was 16:35. "God, those boys really gave it to me! I must have conked out when my head hit the pillow." She had slipped between the sheets naked, after her shower, intending to have a quick snooze. But had ended sleeping much longer. She climbed out of bed and wrapped her robe about her before investigating what the ruckus was all about. The noise was coming from the family room and as she grew closer, she realised it was more friendly rivalry, than 'pistols at dawn'. "What is going on here?"

"Hi mom. Enjoy your rest?" Both boys laughed. "We were just playing C.O.D. on the Xbox, got a bit heated, I guess? Sorry. Look, we were going to wake you soon anyway."

"Oh?" She said and what did you two have in mind?" Her imagination began to run wild.

"Food of course." The boys said in unison. "We've booked a table at the El Palacio. Thought that you might be as hungry as we are?"

"Oh," Lynn was more than a little disappointed, but her stomach agreed with the boys. "Oh, ok, what time?"

"Don't worry," the boys looked at each other. "We've got it all covered. Just be ready for 18:30."

"I'm intrigued. I'll go and freshen up and get dressed and put on some make-up. It takes me longer to get ready these days."

"Mom, you talk trash some times. You could go as you are and be eminently presentable."

"What? With a robe and nothing else?

"I wouldn't mind, I wouldn't mind at all!" The hunger had returned to Clark's eyes and it was not for food.

Lynn smiled and headed for her bedroom, throwing over her shoulder, "Casual or dressy?".

"After what Clarky just said, any clothes would be better than nothing!"

"Aaron! You are not helping..."

"DRESSY." He shouted after her.

Inside her bedroom, Lynn smiled to herself. These two boys had done more for her self-esteem, her general wellbeing and for her sexual wellbeing in the last 12 hours, than anyone had in the last 10years! She felt great. Her body hummed with vibrancy, her mood was high and she found that she was smiling nearly all the time. The fact that two young men not only found her attractive, but wanted her sexually was, well one hell of a turn-on, both physically and mentally. She looked into her wardrobe for inspiration. Eventually picking a dress over slacks and blouse or t-shirt. She wore a t-shirt and jeans most days about the house, so wanted to put on something a little dressier and, smiling wickedly, a little bit 'showy' too.

Lynn pulled out a midnight blue dress, she had bought a while back but had not worn. Showy it certainly was. The ankle length dress section, had a light-blue lining and had a slit from bottom to the top of the thigh on the right-hand side. The main body of the dress had black embroidery across the blue, with emphasis again on the right side; both fabric and the embroidery sparkled when caught in the light. The bodice was tight fitting, pushing the bust out and up; this made her boobs look enormous and her cleavage alluring; not that she needed help in that area!

The dress was cut such at the front, that it was open to a point between her breasts, just below her boob line. The back of the dress was cut equally low. "Uh huh," she said. "Nice, and maybe a little naughty." A further bonus was the tight-fitting dress accentuated her full, womanly shape, enhancing her curves, and tucking in in all the right places. She loved it. To go with this, she had some dark blue sparkly heels and a necklace that sat just above the cleavage line, drawing your eyes down to the pleasures below.

Lynn could not wear a bra with this dress and neither needed or wanted to. Her breasts were firm and full and were always being admired. So, she took pleasure in displaying them whenever she could. But this made her debate on what knickers to wear. Small and lacey of course, and cut high at the thigh, she couldn't have them showing at the top of the split in the dress. Or maybe none at all? "Now Lynn, that could spell trouble. You know what state your pussy has been in today?" She didn't want a panty line to ruin the effect of her cracking arse, displayed to perfection by this dress, so elected for some very small panties, that barely covered her pubic area.

With dress on and slipping into the shoes, she gave herself the once over. She had elected to leave her hair loose, and the dark brown waves, which had a deep sheen in, fell to her shoulders; complimented by large hoop earrings. Lynn applied extra lip-gloss and as she did so, was reminded of her glossy, come covered lips from earlier. A tingle started in her clitoral area. "You can stop that right now!" She admonished herself.

She looked fantastic and even if she said so herself, 'bloody hot!' But there was something missing. Lynn had a great pair of legs, long and firm, smooth and silky to touch. But the pièce de résistance would be... She walked to her bedside draw and opened it. Her pink 'G spot' vibrator called for her attention, but she needed it not, tonight. Putting it on her bed, she pulled out the packet of seamed stockings. 'These hold-ups would do the trick. I know what those two horny boys want and besides...' Lynn liked the way her stocking-clad legs brushed as she walked. She always found it a turn on, so much so, that sometimes when doing housework, she would wear some hold-ups and a t-shirt that just about covered her arse, but not much else. It made the chore of housework go quickly, but God was she in the need of a quick 'rubbing' afterwards.

With the stockings on, the elasticated filigreed top was very visible. She felt her heart begin to race a little, "Perhaps that is a little too much? Sexy, not slutty! Though hopefully slutty later??" She laughed to herself and did up two of the buttons on the dress, reducing the length of the split on her thigh to 'more respectable'. Putting a heeled shoe on the dressing table stool, she ran her hands from ankle to thigh straightening the seam of the stocking, but equally thrilling at the touch of her hands on the silky material of the stocking. Changing legs, she did the same, knowing that the feel had already 'started her motor running!'

"Wow! You look fucking hot mom. That dress is gorgeous, but would be just a dress if you were not in it."

"Thank you." Lynn smiled at the compliment. "But since when have you been allowed to enter my bedroom without knocking young man. I might have been... well indisposed?"

"I was rather hoping you were to be honest," he smirked. "But anyway, I have a little present for you to wear tonight that I know you will get a 'buzz' out of'. I'll leave it here, beside your, naughty bedside companion??"

Lynn flushed, forgetting she had left her vibrator on the bed. She flushed even more when Aaron picked it up and licked it. "Umm, mother. I do believe that it still tastes of you." He licked it again, taking the curved end fully into his mouth. "And if I am not mistaken, freshly used? Maybe this morning? Did you play with yourself this morning mother? Perhaps with thoughts of me returning home?"

"Now Aaron look...I."

"Hey, don't apologies mom. I'm wanking all the time, and sometimes have closed my eyes and fantasised that it is your hands doing the work."

Lynn was flushed. She had been caught pretty much 'red handed' and could not deny that once or twice she had thought the same on occasion. "Yes Aaron, I did dally a bit this morning. Now I've got to finish getting ready, so if you don't mind?"

Aaron stood laughing. "We are ready mom, so you have 10 minutes. I'll go and tell Clarky about your vibrator, it'll having him coming in his pants."

"Don't you dare young man. Don't you even think about it." She heard him still laughing as he pulled the door to and walked away. "Lynn you idiot. Still I suppose after what they did to you earlier, knowing that you masturbate is no big shakes. Now what has he got me to wear?" Lynn picked up the plain-ish box. It was branded with the logo 'Love Honey'. But aside from that, gave no clue as to what was inside. She opened it and was presented with what looked like a butterfly, with its wings open. "What is this?" Lynn read the instructions, obviously written by one of the boys, as she didn't recognise the handwriting, she assumed Clark.

'This is to be placed inside your panties, up against your sweet pussy, the raised nub, sits in your valley, just below your clit. Put it in your panties now. If you need any help, I'm more than willing...'

"Naughty boys. Trying to get me worked up. Heaven knows I don't need any help with that. I'm as horny as hell already!" Lynn hiked up her dress and slipped the thin silicon butterfly into her panties. Trying not to touch herself, for fear of inducing an early orgasm and then needing to change her knickers. With the thing settled neatly against her vaginal folds, she straightened her panties and dropped the dress. It was as she walked over to the vibrator, to put it away, that she got an idea of what this thing does. The pressure of it within her knickers and pushing up hard against her clit, made it difficult for her to think straight. "Ohhh noooo. This is going to be an interesting night. I'd best take these." Lynn grabbed a spare pair of undies and stashed them in her bag.

She met the boys downstairs and handed Aaron the keys to her car. "You drive handsome, I think I might be a little distracted. And we don't want any accidents, do we?"

"You look great Lynn, that dress is, and your..." Clark's eyes were out on stalks as he stared at her breasts. "Well they just are."

"Thank you, Clark. Not the most eloquent of compliments. But I'll take it. I don't get many these days."

"Mom, you are an absolute liar. You know that people are admiring your tits all the time. I've seen many a pervert eyeing up your arse too!"

"Come on you two. I need to get something in my mouth, down my throat and into my stomach." Lynn left the double entendre in the air as she headed into the garage. Clark slipped passed her, rubbing his already solid cock against her rear, as he grabbed the door and pulled it open to allow Lynn to sit. She made every effort to show him as much stocking covered leg as possible. Pleased that her stocking top was also visible. "Thank you, Clark. To the victor, the spoils." She smiled at him, and noted at this conveniently appropriate angle, that he had a full hard-on going on in his pants. "I can see that you approve of the er... dress Clark?" She teased him further by swinging her legs into the car and showing him her other leg and more of the stocking top and her thigh.

"OOOhhh!" She suddenly exclaimed as the weight of her body, pressed down on the butterfly in her knickers. The pressure a delightful torment.

"A problem mother?" Aaron cheekily asked, knowing full well that the issue was probably what the butterfly was doing to her.

"What is this thing you have given me? It is... It is...God Aaron, I'm not sure I am going to make it to the restaurant, let alone through the meal." He smiled at her and looked into the back of the car as Clark got in. "She's having problems with our little present Clarky. Shall we let her take it out?"

"Oh no. Don't get me wrong boys, I don't want to appear ungrateful. Of course, I'll keep it there, close to my... Heart."

They all laughed and set off for the restaurant. The boys prattled all the way, with Lynn chipping in occasionally. To be fair her mind and now her body were on a different track, her ability to even think straight was being compromised and eroded by this tortuous toy in her knickers and she was loving every minute of it.

The restaurant was packed out. But as the boys had booked a table, they were swiftly seen to it by the Maitre d. The boys both waited until Lynn had taken her seat. She sat gingerly, trying to find a position that was not going to cause her any further excitement during the meal, inevitably she failed. Not that it would have mattered anyway, as she later found out. During the first course, as they chatted about going back to college, Lynn said, "So once back, I suppose that I..." She stopped mid-sentence looking incredulous at Aaron, then at Clark. "Oooooh God. What the...Ummmmm, ohhh." She grasped hold of Aaron's hand and looked directly into his eyes. Both imploringly and at the same time peremptory. "Ohhhh stop. Please!"

Aaron smiled at her, "Sorry mom, not me that has control." He looked over at Clark who put his phone onto the table and gently brushed on the screen in a clockwise motion.

"Ooohh!" Lynn suddenly cried out, catching the attention of a passing waiter.

"Yes madam, can I get you something?"

Lynn almost panted at him, "Yes, yes, some more red wine please."

"Of course, madam, I will be but a moment."

As he left, the vibrations in her panties started again. Clark continued his circular movement and the vibration got more intense, and a little loud. Such that the lady behind Lynn, dove into her handbag, saying to her dinner date that she thought her phone was ringing.

Lynn was gripping the table with both hands, her legs were shaking, so she clamped them together, but then the vibrating would start again and..."oooohhhh God. You naughty boys are going to have me...uuuughhhhh fuck." Lynn was trying to keep things under wraps, but this thing in her knickers was making it more than difficult. Her chest was heaving to such a degree that her breasts were nearly tumbling out of her dress. She was sure that her panties were already soaking and was thankful she was wearing a dark dress and that the lighting was darkened sufficiently for her to hide, what she was sure would be a wet patch showing through her dress. Clark smiled at her wickedly as the waiter came back with the wine.

"Would madam like to try it?"

Lynn felt the vibrations start again, only now she was less than a hairsbreadth away from coming. "Ooohh, ohh I think I already am, I mean.." She breathlessly said to the waiter, holding onto her glass with a shaking hand. "I...ohhhh its...ummmm. It feels... delightful... I mean it feels delightful going down...oooooh."

The waiter smiled, assuming that Lynn had perhaps had a few too many, "Shall I pour then madam?"

"Yes please," she retorted, "Before I do!" her breathing was now coming in pants and she knew that she could not hold on any longer. Thankfully the waiter finished pouring and placing the bottle on the table, turned and left. "OHMYGOD, OHMYGOD...FUCkkk, ohhhh, ooohhHHHH." Although she tried hard not to make too much noise. It was obvious from the faces of the people around her, that she had not done too well. "Oh God. You boys are gonna get it. I have never... In a restaurant...full of...mmmmmm it feels sooooo goooood. I think I'm gonna... again!"

Aaron grasped Lynn's hand, freed it from its grip on the table and slipped it beneath the table cloth. Here, he whispered. Something else for you to hold on to. Hey Clarky, let her hold yours too."

Clark shunted around the table a bit more to be closer to Lynn and took hold of her other hand to guide it below the table onto his hot, hard flesh. Lynn exclaimed her admiration. "Fuck you boys have got impressive hard-ons. I have gone completely off food, and given the chance, would slip below the table and feast on these two monsters. She slowly ran her hand along each cock, trying not to let the whole restaurant know she was wanking the two men she was with. As the waiter walked by, she grasped the heads of both the cocks, making the guys cry out. "Ah," said the waiter coming over, "You would like me to give you a refill?"

"Please." Said Lynn, I seem to have my hands full." The waiter smiled at her again. Poured more wine and with a bow, walked away. Aaron blew out his breath through his teeth. "Phew, thought he was going to call us out."

"Pull you out?" Lynn said with a wicked smile. "All you had to do was ask." With that she pulled Aaron's cock out from under the table cloth.


Lynn giggled and slipped Aaron's cock back under the table. "Just giving you some of your own medicine." She looked across at Clark. And if you think you are going to push that button again," she pulled his cock out into the open. "Then think again..." She looked down at the throbbing flesh in her hand. It felt so hot, hard as iron, the plum head glossy and angry. Her hand at the base left a full six inches spare.

As she stared at the large pulsing phallus, a dew-drop of pre-come appeared, dribbling from the urethra and running down the head onto the shaft. With practised fingers, she wiped at the sperm and popped her fingers into her mouth sucking loudly. Giving Clark the opportunity to stuff his cock back under the table.

"Ummmm," she slurped. Suddenly, I'm really hungry." They all forced out a laugh. "Let's get the mains in, then get out of here!"

Lynn ate sparingly, drank perhaps a little too much and thought of nothing else but those two wonderfully hard cocks and what she was going to do with them. She knew that her knickers were soaked through and the butterfly, even though it was not vibrating, was bringing her to the peak again. She decided it was probably prudent to change her underwear and remove the toy, before she made a proper scene in the restaurant. "Just popping to the ladies, boys. If you can stuff those lovely hard pricks of yours, back into your shorts, then do so, 'cause I want to get home and devour them!"

Clark watched Lynn's fabulous arse sway from side to side as she made her way to the rest room, then he gave her no more than a minute once the door had closed, before he hit the button on his phone again. "One more for the road!" He said to Aaron, who laughing, finished off his steak.

As Lynn made her way to the rest room, she purposefully allowed her thighs to brush against one another, that delightful rasping of stocking on stocking heightening her lust. These boys were dangerous. She was minutes away from pulling her dress off and having them on the table. She giggled thinking what the people would say. Would they watch, would they carry on eating? As she got to the cubicle and closed the door, those thoughts were 'splashed to the winds.'

Suddenly intense vibrations were sent through to her clitoris and distended vaginal lips, the noise from the toy was loud in the confines of the cubicle. But the last thing on Lynn's mind was how noisy the little vibrator was. "Oh FUCK! OOOHHHHHhh fuuuuck!" She grabbed hold of the top of the door as her legs collapsed beneath her. "Uuuuwww shit, uuummmm, oh, oh, oh yes...oh yes." She pushed her pubis against the door, to put more pressure on the vibrator, which also amplified the noise coming from the little toy. She heard a couple of women laugh. But there was nothing she could do, the orgasms just kept coming. Her body spasmed and her knees knocked against the door, as the pleasure and sheer potency of her coming overwhelmed her. "Ugh, ugh, huh, GOD, oohhhhhh." She sat back onto the toilet lid, leaning forwards putting more pressure on her poor engorged and defenceless love bud. Swollen in its pleasure, sensitive beyond anything she had known before and gushing with her come.

Lynn rocked upon the seat. The noisy vibrations reverberated around the cubicle and would have been very evident to those ladies that attended their toilet. But Lynn didn't care. She was completely lost in the euphoria of the moment. Her body was flooded with endorphins, her brain could think of one thing and one thing only. Her mouth was frozen in one enormous smile. God, she felt fulfilled. It was like these naughty boys had unlocked a door to the playground and set her free.

The vibrator stopped buzzing and Lynn laughed. She suddenly got Aaron's pun from earlier. 'What did he say', she thought, 'I'll get a buzz out of it! Fuck, the boy was right. What's more, I'm keeping this little toy for later, and getting the app for my phone. Lynn pulled up her dress and removed the toy from her panties. "The trouble you've caused." She unintentionally spoke allowed.

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