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Madison and Her Father Ch. 02

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His Daughter takes charge and punishes him.
4.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/15/2021
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He stood there for a while looking at the door. He was having trouble processing what had just happened. His daughter now knew how he felt about her and was happy about it. He groaned. Her being a female Dominant had completely slipped his radar and he couldn't help but wonder what else he didn't know about her. He finally kicked off his pants and underwear and stripped off the rest of his clothes and went into the shower. He stayed there under the water until it ran cold after he had cleaned himself off. He finally got out, dried off and sat on his bed. He picked up his phone and called Jordan.

"Hello Adrian," She purred.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry about this, but I won't be needing your services anymore."

"And why is that, Adrian, did she leave?"

"No ma'am..." He hesitated. How can he tell her what happened? How can he say that he has crossed a boundary that should never be crossed?

"Adrian, whatever it is you can tell me. You know I won't judge. I could never judge you."

He let out a long sigh. "She found out."

"What exactly did she find out?"

"She found out I was seeing you and what you've been doing, what we've been doing."

"Oh, and I take it she didn't take it well."

"You could say that."

"What happened, Adrian?"


"Breathe, Adrian. Start at the beginning."

He told her everything and then said, "Ma'am, I don't know what to do. I tried to tell her we shouldn't do this but she kept going and she was quite demanding about it. In fact, she kind of behaved the way you do. She was bossy and when I didn't do what she wanted, when she wanted, she resorted to pain."

"Hmm, sounds like she learned a lot over the years while she was away. What do you want to do, Adrian?"

"Nothing, this is wrong, I can't let this continue."

"You can lie to me, Adrian, but you can't lie to yourself. We both know you want this."

"That's just my body..."

"No, Adrian, if you didn't really want her your body wouldn't be responding as often as it does. You can't even look at her without getting hard. You have to at least admit it to yourself."

He was quiet for a bit. Part of him was angry at her for saying such a thing. Madison is his daughter, this is wrong. But just thinking about what she did to him had him twitching between his legs again. He hung his head. "I'm sorry, ma'am, you're right. I do want her I've just been trying to tell myself that isn't the case because I feel guilty."

"So what are you going to do about it?"

"I'm not sure. I'm going to have to talk with her in the morning. I mean, honestly it sounded like she was claiming me as hers."

"Yes, that is exactly what it sounds like. How do you feel about that? Honesty, Adrian."

He thought about it and maybe because he had already been training with Jordan, how his daughter treated him had aroused him. Thinking about his daughter excited him, but the way she had treated him had him feeling things that shook his reality. He thought BDSM wasn't for him except how it could help him, but his daughter taking charge, forcing him to do what she wanted, had him fully erect thinking about it. The thought of being owned by his daughter made his balls ache and he moaned.

"That's what I thought, Adrian, you are excited to see where she will lead you."

"God, this makes me feel so twisted."

"I'm here for you, Adrian, if you need to talk."

"Honestly, I'm not sure if she'll let me talk to you. She was extremely pissed off that another woman was controlling me. I'll try to explain that we are friends and see if she'll be alright with it knowing I won't be having any more sessions with you."

"You can give her my number if you think it will help. I don't mind talking to her."

"I'll do what I can."

"Good luck, Adrian, and I hope to hear from you again."

"Thanks, Jordan, I really appreciate everything you've tried to do for me and your friendship has been invaluable. Hopefully I'll talk to you later." He disconnected the call, curled up under his covers and tried to relax. Maddy had said his cock was hers. He knew what that meant; she owned his orgasms. He breathed long and slow trying to get his cock to shrink and thought about what he was going to say to Maddy.

The next morning Adrian found Madison in the dining room eating breakfast and reading her tablet. "Good morning." She said cheerfully as she took a bite of bacon. "Rose out did herself this morning, breakfast is scrumptious." She continued looking at her tablet.

It was as if nothing had happened last night. Adrian knew it had though because this morning he still wasn't wearing the cock cage. "Good Morning, Maddy, I'm glad you're enjoying it." He sat down and a moment later Rose came in with a plate of eggs, bacon, and hash browns. "Thank you Rose."

"You are very welcome sir." She poured him some coffee and then left the room.


"Yeah, dad?" She looked up over her tablet.

"Are we going to talk about last night?"

She quirked a brow at him. "Did you call her as I instructed?"

He let out a long breath and pushed his hair off of his forehead and to the side. Seems it is time for him to get another haircut. "Yes, ma'am, I did."


"She understands and is hopeful that you will allow us to be friends because that's what we were before I asked her for help." He looked at his food and took a sip of his coffee.

She set her tablet down. "No, you cannot be friends with your Mistress that is absurd."

"Ma'am, she is the only one I can talk to about, well about us. She doesn't pass judgment, she listens and doesn't make me feel like I'm a horrible person because I lust after my own fucking daughter." His voice had raised and then he looked around realizing Rose might hear him.

"I see," She paused looking thoughtful. "it means that much to you?"

"Yes," He says quietly.

"Alright then, but only talking on the phone, I don't want you seeing her."

"Yes, the phone works. I don't need to see her. Thank you, Madison, I really appreciate it."

"Of course, and how are you going to show your appreciation?" Her eyes grew so dark he could barely see the green.

"I, uh, what would you like me to do, ma'am?"

"I want you to think about how much this means to you and how you can show me how much it means to you. If I have to tell you I might as well punish you."

His breath caught and she grinned. "Oh daddy, don't tell me she already has you craving punishment. This is just too good."

He feels heat spreading through him and he looks down at his plate. He knows he needs to eat but his stomach is churning.

"Are you just going to look at your food or are you going to eat it? Rose went to a lot of trouble putting this breakfast together for us."

"Not feeling that hungry at the moment."

She got up and went to him. "What are you feeling?" She climbed into his lap and straddled him, grinding down against him and chuckled. "Naughty daddy is craving his baby girl."

"Madison, please..."

"Please what? Stop feeling so guilty already, you've been torturing yourself with it for almost five years, enough is enough."

"What? You knew?" Five years he'd been trying to hide it from her and she knew?

"Of course I knew, I felt it that last night on the cruise. You bulged so hard I thought you might bust out of your pants. I had hoped you'd show up in my room afterwards, but you were too much of a good guy for that. Instead you've been beating yourself up for years now. Well, daddy, you aren't allowed to beat yourself anymore as that is now my job." She looked at him wickedly and then flicked her tongue across his lips.

"I feel like I don't even know you."

"That's because you don't, I've been feeding you the bare minimum to keep you happy. I haven't introduced any boyfriends, or girlfriends, to you in years because they have all been subs and I wasn't going to bring a sub home until you finally came clean about your feelings for me."

"You've had both, male and female subs?"

"Yes, daddy, and I have to say they have been a lot of fun."

"Are you have any subs now, besides..."

Madison laughed, "Besides you, daddy?" He grimaced.

"There is a woman I play with on occasion, but I didn't claim her like I claimed you, at least not yet. I haven't seen her since last winter break and I'm not sure if she is even still available or interested. Between school, graduation, summer vacation and now learning everything I can to take your place and trying to figure out what's been going on with you, I've been too busy to even think about anything else."

"So, you want to pick things back up with her?"

"Maybe, how do you feel about that?"

"I want you to be happy, Maddy, so whatever you want, I want for you."

She kissed him slowly, he opened to her and she moaned as she slid her tongue in and heat moved through her. She finally pulled away. "I love your mouth, daddy."

He couldn't help but grin and then he looked serious again. "How did you..." He hesitates.

"How did I what?"

"How did you get into BDSM? How did you become a Dom?"

"Now that is a long story. Let's finish our breakfast and then we can get more comfortable and we will tell each other what has been happening in our lives, not the glossy stories we thought the other wanted to hear." But she also knew she wasn't ready to tell him how she became a Dom. She ground down against his bulging cock one more time making him close his eyes and moan and then she got up and went back to her seat.

"You may have to give Rose a raise. I have a feeling she is going to see more than she bargained for. In fact, I'm going to print off an NDA and have all the house staff sign it."

He looked horrified. "What are you talking about?"

"Daddy, now that I can touch you I'm not going to restrain myself especially in our own home. It will be a whole lot less messy if we have non disclosures so no one can say a word or we will destroy their lives."

"Damn, how did you get so hard?"

"I'm not hard, daddy, I'm practical. Don't worry I'll offer them a nice severance package and good references if they decide to move on."

He frowned. "Maddy..."

"I'm done with this conversation, now finish your breakfast, you're going to need your strength later." She got up and went back to her seat, took another bite of her bacon, picked up her tablet and began reading again.

Madison finished her breakfast and then went into the office. She printed up several copies of the NDA and took one of them in to Rose in the kitchen. "Hey Rose, I need you to sign this." She handed it to her.

Rose took a look at it and said, "Ma'am, I would never repeat anything from this household, you must know that. I've worked here for years and have never betrayed this family."

"I know you haven't Rose, but there are going to be some changes around here and I have to protect my family, which includes you. You understand don't you? You sign that and not only will it give me piece of mind, but you will get a nice bonus and a raise."

"Alright, but I swear I would never repeat anything that happens here." She signed it and then Madison signed it.

"What if you walked in on me and my father being intimate?"

Rose's face turned beet red and her lips pursed.

"Rose, I need to know you can handle this because it is happening. And you don't have to worry that this is something he is pressuring me to do, it is actually all me. In fact if it were up to him it wouldn't be happening at all, but it isn't up to him. So Rose, do you want to continue working here? If not I will make sure you have the best references and I will give you a hefty severance."

Rose took a long breath in and then out. "Are you sure you know what you're doing, Maddy?"

"Rose, not only do I know what I'm doing, I'm very good at it. So, what's it going to be? I would love for you to stay. You have been with us for most of my life and I'd hate to lose you, but if you are going to sit in judgment I can't have that."

"I'm sorry, ma'am, I think I better go. I don't think I'll be able to keep you from knowing how much I disapprove."

"That's alright, Rose, I was afraid that might be the case. I will write up your reference by the end of the day and will transfer your severance into your account with your final paycheck. I'm going to miss you."

Rose's eyes filled with tears. "I'm going to miss you too, and Mr. Montgomery. He has been a good boss." Rose leaned in and hugged Madison.

"Please pack up your things and leave as soon as possible, Rose. I will let my dad know you're leaving us." Madison walked out of the kitchen and briskly wiped the tears away that she hadn't let loose in the kitchen. She wouldn't let Rose see her cry.

Madison went back to the office and pulled up a couple of employment agencies and looked through them. She called Bradley at the office. "Hey, Bradley."

"Hiya, Madison, does your daddy know you're calling me?" Bradley said playfully. He was their head of security and he always teased and flirted with Madison.

Madison smirked. "You wouldn't know what to do with me if I ever took you seriously. I need to hire a new cook and housekeeper and I'd like to do background checks and I know you do them for our employees. You can do that for my house staff too, can't you?"

His voice went low and quiet. "Oh Maddy, I would certainly give it my best." He cleared his throat and became all business. "Sure, it isn't a problem, just get me their information and I will have a detailed report within twenty four hours."

She ignored his first comment and said. "Great, email a list of what you need from them and I'll make sure to include it with what I know as well. Thanks, Bradley."

"No problem, have a great weekend, Maddy, but don't have too much fun without me." He chuckled as he hung up the phone.

She shook her head and smiled. Bradley was about ten years older than she was and divorced. She honestly thought he was being playful and that he was probably like that with everyone, though he should know better being in security and everything else he does to keep their company from getting into trouble. Besides her father, and the man who trained her, she usually went for people around her age. She remembered Bradley being a few inches taller than her with a stocky but muscular build. It could be fun to play with him. If he saw what she was really like he'd probably run away though.

She chose four women from one site and two women from another site and gave a twenty-four hour window for them to call her. She actually wanted to hire two people to replace Rose. They had a cleaning service that she'd like to get rid of them since their staff tended to have a short turnover.

Madison went in search of their gardener and driver. She had them sign the DNA and then told them the same thing she told Rose. Men are so predictable. Neither one of them had a problem. She also reminded them, in detail, how she could royally fuck up their lives, in more ways than one, if they break the NDA. Both men assured her they would be extremely discreet and they valued their jobs. They should, her father pays them twice what the going rate is.

"And, you will treat my father with the greatest respect. These changes are hard on him and I won't have you making it harder, understand?"

"Yes, ma'am. You can count on us."

"Good, I'd hate to have to replace you." And she walked away.

She called her dad's P.A., Barbara, and had her make a reservation for a private room at Danbury's, at one in the afternoon for the two of them to have a lunch meeting.

"Is there a problem, Madison?"

"No, we're implementing some changes and I want to share them with you as it may affect you, at least until you leave at the end of the year. You know I'm really going to miss you. Sometimes I talk more to you than I do my dad."

"Don't worry I'm not going far, Madison, and I look forward to our lunch."

Madison smiled. "Me too, it's been too long." She disconnected the call.

She had one more call to make. It was time to change her look. Since she and her father shared the same hair color she thought it would be best to change it and at least try to make them look a little different. She hadn't ever died her hair before. Her mother had loved her hair. She took a long, deep breath. That is the past, this is the present. She looked through her contacts and then pressed send.

"Danika's Salon"

"Is that you, Maria, it's Madison Montgomery. Is Danika available on Monday morning? I seriously need a change and I won't let anyone touch my hair but her."

"Oh, Ms. Montgomery, I'm sure she will make time for you but let me check."

Reggae music played while she was on hold. "Ms. Montgomery, Danika said she would be happy to fit you in early. Can you make it here by six a.m.?

"You don't even open that early."

"She said for you, she would be here."

"Tell her I greatly appreciate it and I'll bring coffee and donuts."

Maria chuckled. "You know her weakness, Ms. Mongomery. I will tell her."

Madison hung up. Now that was out of the way it was time to find her father. He was in the family room watching a bake off show and she couldn't help but laugh.

"You still watch those?"

He looked sheepish. "Yeah, I find them entertaining and relaxing."

"I can see that. I had to let Rose go."

"What? Why?"

"Because after I had her sign the NDA, I explained to her the changes she will be seeing around here and she admitted she wouldn't be able to handle it. I told her I understood and I am writing her a wonderful reference and giving her a large severance package."

His mouth was open and then he snapped it shut.

"I also had Jonathon and Gary sign an NDA and they, being men, didn't have a single problem with it so I don't have to replace them." His cheeks were turning a lovely shade of red. Normally she would enjoy that but she knew he was worrying about facing the gardener and driver.

"Maddy, not all men would be okay with it."

"Maybe not, but they were. Stop frowning daddy, they will behave, I promise. No one will treat you with disrespect. I won't allow it." She climbed into his lap, straddling him on the couch. "You are mine now and I protect what is mine."

She leaned in, brushed her lips to his, and his breathing increased, his mouth opened slightly and her tongue slipped in exploring him slowly. Her hands went around his neck and into his hair. "I like your hair this length, It gives me enough to hold onto. Don't cut it." She whispered into his mouth as she pulled his hair, bringing his head back and she nibbled on his chin down his neck to his collar bone.

His chest was moving up and down rapidly. "Yes, ma'am."

She brought her head down and looked at him. "Open your eyes." He did. "You do want this, don't you daddy, I can feel how much it excites you, but you really do want to be mine, totally and completely, to obey me?"

He swallowed hard and his breathing was shaky but he finally said, "Yes, Madison, I want to be yours and I promise to obey you always."

"Mmmmm, that's good daddy, I will give you such wicked pleasures." Her mouth came down on his hard, her tongue thrusting into him and she felt him bulge harder under her.

"You are wearing way to many clothes for a sub, daddy. From now on when you're home you must be naked for me, I want to have free access at all times." She stood up and backed up, watching him. He hesitates.

"Daddy, I don't like repeating myself." She said with heat in her voice.

He let out a long breath and then pulled his t-shirt off over his head and tossed it to the chair a few feet away. He then stood up and pulled down his shorts and tossed them onto his shirt.

"You risk punishment when you don't behave, daddy. I was thinking of giving you something else entirely but since you chose not to obey me instantly, I think I need to show you what will happen the next time you hesitate over my commands. Bend over with your hands on the back of the couch." She bent over and slid her hand under the couch and pulled out a paddle.

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