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Every Man's Fantasy Ch. 27

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How to buy a planet.
23.4k words

Part 27 of the 28 part series

Updated 04/26/2023
Created 05/15/2013
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1 Fallout

2 The auction

3 Yael's whales

4 The Samothea Company

5 Student House

6 Buying Samothea

7 Epilogue: a new candidate



At home after Solanj's outrageous actions at Ocean City Astroport, Danielle fumed by herself in her study. Solanj had revealed to the galaxy's News Web that Ezra had multiple bedmates and multiple children. This publicity disaster was followed by Kalyndra Fernesdaughter's display of submission to him, kneeling on the platform and calling him 'Master'.

Danielle hid in her study for a good hour, not wanting to show her anger to her guests, especially not Ezra's children, Freya and Tahney. When she was calm enough, she made a videocall via the direct comms link to the Council Chamber on Samothea, asking to speak to Madam Gloria, Prefect of Samothea. She showed Gloria the news report of the event.

"My Deputy Prefect's a scamp, isn't she?" Gloria said.

A less secure woman than Danielle might have been offended by Gloria's apparent flippancy in regard to the serious problem that Solanj created for the Samothea Project.

"I think she's more than that, Gloria. She may have jeopardised a possible compromise with Outworld Ventures. Did you tell her to make a scene?"

A less secure woman than Gloria might have been offended by Danielle's implicit accusation that she was a party to Solanj's outrageous behaviour, or even the cause of it.

"No, I didn't, Danielle, and if my maverick deputy had asked my permission for her display, I would have refused. However, the news about Ezra's bedmates must come out sometime."

"Yes, but we pay a publicity team to manage this kind of thing. Who knows what damage Solanj has done?"

"You understand what she was trying to achieve?"

"She wanted to use Ezra's polygamy and Kalyndra's submission to outrage the public, bringing the settler company into disrepute. She doubtless thought that Outworld Ventures would prefer to offload the planet cheaply to us rather than face embarrassing questions from the public on Earth."

"That appears to be the essence of her tactic."

"How could she think it would work? Outworld Ventures might just as well use the fact of Ezra's polygamy to forbid him from returning to Samothea. She's emboldened Earthside politicians who want control over your planet and weakened the position of the settler company, who might have to appease Earth by outlawing multiple bedmates and flooding Samothea with even more settlers."

"Yes, that's possible I suppose. Solanj has certainly put you in a difficult position. She needs to be better behaved."

"She needs a bloody good hiding!"

"I'm sure Ezra will oblige. He's done it before ... and I see that Kalyndra brought her whip."


Ezra did punish Solanj and Kalyndra but he did not use the whip. Not at first anyway.

That night he tied the women up back-to-back, sitting on one side of the bed, legs outstretched. He blindfolded them, so they could hear everything he did with Ash on the other side of the bed.

He told Kalyndra not to talk and she obeyed, happy to be commanded by him. As for Solanj, although she loved to obey him as much as Kalyndra, she always needed to put up some resistance first, to force him to dominate her. She refused to be silent, so he stood before her and said: "Open up."

Expecting something good, like a hard cock, Solanj opened her mouth. He stuffed a sock in it. A large, rolled up, woollen sock, which he secured with a gag, tied at the back of her head.

"Now you'll be quiet," he said. "Ash, come to me."

They made love in a noisy and satisfying way. A few minutes' kissing, then his warm mouth on a sweet little tit, transported Ash to heaven, her heart bursting, her skin tingling. She had missed sex with him even more than she realised.

Ash moaned lustily when he put his mouth on her pussy, sucking on her clitoris, lashing it with his tongue, until she gave a big yelping cry with an arched back and quivering thighs.

"Oh, God! Just like that!"

He kept her on the plateau, giving her more noisy joy, pushing in a finger to rub the best spots in her tight pussy, lapping at her clit until it became too sensitive, while she bucked, sighing with amazing pleasure, her hands on his head, fingers grasping his hair.

She had another big climax and went silent. Now it was his time. He laid on her and thrust his hot hard cock into her narrow slit. She gasped and he began a hard and fast fucking. She crossed her legs over his back, digging her nails into his shoulders, moaning happily with every thrust.

Soon he slowed and they savoured the delicious feeling of a sexual re-connection, expressing their love, making it last as long as possible.

She tapped his shoulder, wanting to go on top. She rode him, leaning backward, goading herself to another climax that arched her back. Then she lay on him, belly to belly, just moving her hips up and down.

Soon she wanted him to take her from behind. She went on all fours and he knelt behind her. It was a sensuous fucking, with his thighs pressing against her sensitive bottom and his cock giving her a stretch and rub from a different angle. She crossed her arms and rested her head on them, eyes closed, getting a deeper penetration.

Ezra delighted in the assertive character of his lovely Chinese bedmate. Ash was completely submissive by nature. She was a servant to Solanj, who submitted to Ezra, so he might have thought she would be even more submissive toward him. But, like all the Herder women, she was uninhibited in sex, driven to seek her own pleasure, happy to tell Ezra what she wanted him to do, believing him when he said that whatever pleasure she took gave him even more pleasure.

"Pull my hair," she said.

He grabbed her long straight black hair and pulled her up, his other hand on her stomach. The angle of his thrusts now caught the spot in her pussy that gave her a special joy. She wailed happily and he felt her stomach muscles bunch as she tipped over the edge into another climax.

He pulled out and let her recover from her orgasm. She wanted to be on her back again, to take his weight and be held down.

He lay on her and began thrusting.

She was chirruping now, breathing hotly in his ear, saying: "More! More! Harder! Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God!"

Ezra plunged his cock into her even harder. It was their final moments. Her back arched again and they gripped hands, fingers intertwined. Her head went back and her eyes rolled up. She had an unbearable spasm, agonising and fulfilling, rolling on and on as her pussy quivered around his cock.

His own hot sweet agony was almost upon him. He pressed his lips on hers and she pushed her tongue rhythmically into his mouth. In a moment he groaned and released. She gripped his waist with her thighs as the relieving warm flood pulsed into her.

He thrust a few more times to ease away the tension.

"Ash, you're the perfect bedmate," he said.

They held each other tightly, pressed together, panting in unison, heartbeats returning to normal.


He untied Solanj first and she kissed his sweaty cheek. Much as she wanted Ash to have her fun with him, she wished they had not taken so long because she had an eight-month-old baby resting heavily on her bladder.

"Help me up," she said.

Ezra pulled her to her feet and Solanj skipped (though it was more like a waddle) to the toilet.

When Ezra released Kalyndra, she smiled at him and said:

"I know this isn't my whole punishment, Master."

"No, Pet. I've saved something for when we're alone."

"Please can I sleep with you tonight?"

"No, you'll sleep with Solanj. Ash is my bedmate for now."

"Yes, Master."


Fertility treatments for Kalyndra and Ash began on the next day with physical exams, blood tests, endocrine tests, DNA tests and holographic scans.

Ezra and Solanj went with Ash and Kalyndra, to give them support and to keep out of Danielle's way. Ezra knew his sister would be angry for quite a while.

Although it was not fair for Danielle to blame Ezra as much as Solanj and Kalyndra, he understood her well, judging that her anger would give her a powerful impetus to work painstakingly to put things right. This was another reason to give his sister her distance.

First Danielle soothed the head of the Samothea Project's publicity department, who had thrown his hands up in despair and threatened to quit. It was hard enough to put a positive spin on Ezra's thirty bedmates and thirty-five daughters while they were mostly on Samothea, out of the public gaze. It was impossible now.

The publicity department's spin was that the women of Samothea were hardy survivors, independent women who had generously helped a stranded and injured man. This was only part of the story. Solanj's intervention revealed the other part, which was that many of the women of Samothea treated Ezra as a kind of oriental monarch, despite his objections. The full story of Ezra's harem was now headlined on the News Web.

Next Danielle took Andrew Claydon to lunch for an insider's view of how Outworld Ventures reacted to the revelations. The company made no public statement at first, but when Earthside politicians accused them of supporting polygamy on Samothea, the company publicly denounced polygamy, confirming that it would always be illegal on Samothea.

Andrew understood what motivated Solanj and secretly sympathised with her. He was prepared to intercede on Danielle's behalf with his company by canvassing the opinions of the senior management on the future of Samothea.

Someone else to placate was Elspeth Bereded of the Women's Business Initiative. Elspeth knew about Ezra's multiple bedmates but did not mention it publicly, which now looked suspicious, as if she had been covering up a scandal. Some members of the Initiative also had cold feet, now that their hope for a woman-only planet seemed to be dashed by the women of Samothea themselves.

Elspeth used her position to ensure that the Initiative honoured its commitment of medical treatments for the women of Samothea.

Reassured, Danielle asked her friend, Doctor Cassie Leighton, how the medical examinations of Ash and Kalyndra went. Did the medical team need anything from the Project toward their treatments? The news was good and the medical team needed nothing.

Thus Danielle gradually cooled down, though when she had anything to say to Ezra, she sent Annela to him with the message. This was a kindness to Annela, who was still feeling sexual heat from her rejuvenation treatment, though the hormone injections and tests were now every two days and took only a few minutes.

Annela was gradually getting less randy, but she still wanted sex with Ezra almost every day. As go-between to the two estranged camps, she had a couple of hours alone with him each morning, when Ash, Solanj and Kalyndra were at the medical centre and Tahney was in the infant school with Freya.

Another benefit of using Annela as a messenger was her telepathic ability to understand others. It made her a perfect peacemaker, which was Danielle's eventual aim, as Roger learned one night in bed.

It was a Thursday night, so Roger tied up his wife and fucked her. Afterward, as they relaxed in each other's arms, whispering nonsense, they gradually began to talk about the day's events. Roger tried to intervene on Ezra's behalf.

"You can't really blame him, you know," he said.

"I don't blame him at all, but I won't say so yet. I want him to stew a bit longer."



"You? Power over Ezra?"

"Power over Solanj. I need her to respect me, to know that I'm no pushover. Ezra told me how she tests everyone. If she thinks I'm touchy and difficult, she'll give me some space. I can't have her interfering in any deal I might yet do with Outworld Ventures."

"I'm proud of you, Darling. I had no idea you could be so devious."

"Me too. It's an experiment. When I think I have Solanj where I want her, I'll let Annela broker an understanding between us."

Roger was ready to go again now. He lay on her. She spread her legs and put her arms around his neck.

"I love you, my brilliant wife," he said. "I hope your plan works."


While Solanj and Kalyndra were in disgrace, Ezra punished them with forced sexual abstinence. After her first night with Ezra, Ash also abstained because she was undergoing gynaecological examinations to discover the cause of her infertility.

However, it was the genetic tests that explained why Ash was barren. She suffered a side-effect of the cloning method used on Samothea. It caused a hormonal shortage so that she went through the normal menstrual cycle but there was no ovulation.

There was a simple answer: hormone replacements by injection or a pill. Or, if she wanted to be impregnated quickly, then a standard procedure of in vitro fertilisation would work. Ash was offered the basic rejuvenation treatment that Annela was undergoing, to repair the depleted telomeres of her chromosomes (another damaging side-effect of cloning). The same nanobots would likely correct the hormone deficiency in the long term.

Ash had to decide if she wanted the procedure.

The cause of Kalyndra's infertility took more intensive investigation and was interesting enough for the doctors at the Medical Centre to want to make her a case study.

Kalyndra was content to be a guinea-pig, despite all the prodding, swabbing, and sampling of blood, urine, breath, sweat, skin and intimate secretions. The answer was that a different side-effect of the cloning caused Kalyndra to ovulate only a day or so before she menstruated, meaning that the egg never had a chance to be fertilised (or, if it was fertilised, it was flushed out of her uterus anyway). This explained why she also failed to conceive by cloning.

Again, some hormone therapy and the rejuvenation treatment would solve the problem.

Now Ezra himself had a problem. Rejuvenation treatment had made Annela insanely horny and insatiable, demanding sex from him five or six times a day, often for hours at a time. Assuming the treatment would do the same for all the women of Samothea, who were already sex-mad, Ezra believed he would die of sexual exhaustion. Besides, he would never get any work done.

His first request to his bedmates was to wait until Annela's sex-drive had returned to normal before having the treatment, one at a time.

"You can decide between yourselves who goes first."

"Listen to the boss man," Solanj mocked. "As if he's the only man here who can satisfy us."

As Ezra was the only man Kalyndra and Ash (or Solanj herself) wanted to satisfy them, her tease had no effect, except to remind Ezra that he was supposed to be angry with Solanj. He said:

"Ash will be first because she did least harm, followed by Kalyndra, with you last - if at all."


On the day that Ezra forgave Kalyndra, she stood before him in the bedroom, wearing a short white dress that Yael bought for her when they went shopping. It had a low v-neck and a long slit on the skirt; but what it concealed of her luscious tanned body - her perfect tits, her thin waist and long long legs - was more erotic than what it revealed.

He made her stand there while he leaned back on the bed, with the bag of ropes, pegs and the whip half-open beside him. She felt butterflies in her stomach as usual, the nervous anticipation that hardened her nipples and wetted her pussy. But Ezra relaxed and made her wait.

"Master, please will you tie me up?"

"No, Kali."

"Master, please will you use my real name?"

"No, Kali."


"I love you Kali but your punishment is to learn who has the power in this relationship."

"You do, Master. I give it to you."

"No, Kali. It's you. Absurd as it sounds when I'm restraining you and flogging you, taking my pleasure from your beautiful suffering, it's you who's driving it all, getting exactly what you want."

"Yes, Master. I understand."

"I know you do. So tell me why you made a public submission to me when you knew it would embarrass me?"

"Because I'm not ashamed of being your pet, Master. Because I want the whole galaxy to know what I am to you."

"But what to me is wonderful passionate love-making with my gorgeous bedmate, to you is a life-style. The difference didn't matter on Samothea. It matters here."

"Why, Master?"

"Because some people who support us might be shocked or offended into not supporting us."

"People like the Women's Business Initiative, Master? Women who tell other women how to be women?"

Ezra had a revelation.

"Solanj didn't put you up to it, did she? Your demonstration was your own idea."

"Devon, Thalassa and I decided on it and Solanj approved when I told her."


"Because what we have together fulfils me. It gives me hope and serenity. I want the whole galaxy to know how proud I am to be your slave. And if people think that we're going to live differently on Samothea when Outworld Ventures takes over, then I want them to know that I disagree."

Ezra was silent.

"Do you forgive me, Master? Will you punish me now?"

"I forgive you, Kali, but your punishment is the same. I love you. I struggle to control my desire for you whenever I'm with you, but I'm going to make love to you today like a normal bedmate."

"What about the promise you made always to tie me up, Master?"

"That rule doesn't apply here, after your behaviour."

"Yes, Master. Sorry, Master."

"Come here, Kali, and kiss me."

They began to make love like normal bedmates. She sat on his lap and he stroked her hair as they pressed their tongues together.

He took her short dress off slowly, pulling the top down, exposing her big tanned breasts and her large dark-pink nipples. He licked gently on a nipple before taking it into his mouth. He kissed the other tit, sucking on the underneath and working up to the nipple.

He cupped her pussy. He could feel its heat. Her long slit was damp. Her clitoris was sensitive. She hummed and exhaled when he rotated it slowly with his palm. He slipped a finger into her slit and she pushed her pelvis forward to engulf it, but he left his finger resting within her folds and did not penetrate further.

It was a gentle tease and a sensual build up. He kissed her ribs, then her neck and up to her mouth, back down to her lovely tits, further down to her belly and up again to her lovely tits again. She was hot and panting by the time he reached her pussy and slid his tongue along her slit up to her clit where he made circles.

With his mouth on her pussy, sucking on her clit, diddling it with his tongue, she had the electric sensation, the buzz that warmed the skin of her thighs and belly, tingling up her spine, making her back arch.

Again he delayed, to tease her and keep her from her peak. He kissed along a long thigh, slowly, up and back down, brushing over her pussy, which ached again for his touch, and along the other thigh. The teasing was making her moan. She was ready but there was something missing for her.

Normally, in a tight restraint, with her bottom hot from a hard spanking, or her skin tingling all over from a vigorous flogging, she would have melted into her highly sensitised state, where every touch was a lightning jolt and he needed only to put a finger or his cock in her slit and she would instantly climax. Then he would balance her on the mountain peak, rising and falling as waves of orgasms washed over her.

The more he gripped her, spanked her and drove his shaft relentlessly into her, the more she surrendered to the almost unbearable pleasure of being his toy, his sexual object, his Pet.

But without the restraints, without the assault on her flesh, without his rough domination when he used her for his uncontrollable need, she was slow to get off. Love and sex alone were enough for a small orgasm. There was joy in penetration but it was only the relief from an urgent itch that needed to be rubbed. To be tied down and fucked hard made her float on a sea of ecstasy, where pleasure never ended and her soul soared above the world.

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