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Lusting after Ragini

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A summer with my daughter-in-law at home.
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Another fantasy involving an older man and younger woman. A lot of explicit sex. And of course some panty fetish added in. All characters are adults. All sex is consensual.


The private company I worked for rewarded me for my thirty five years of service by laying me off right around the time the wedding of my son was fixed. Needless to say, this weighed heavily on my mind as I searched desperately for a nice, cushy job. Not that I needed the work, what with my wife being a highly successful doctor and professor, but self-respect was a thing and it went a long way. But that was the reason I could not pay too much attention to the preparations and details of the marriage of my only son. But my wife and relatives took care of the wedding fully and perfectly.

I saw Ragini, my daughter-in-law, very briefly before the wedding, and much less soon after it, as she and my son hurried off to their honeymoon, and later settled in the North where they both were employed. They made the usual, customary trips to our home in Chennai for the festivals and the like but they did not stay very long. About two years later, she came to Chennai to her parents' house for the delivery of our first grandchild (a boy!) but I was on a business trip and saw her only for a few days.

I think it was a couple of years after that that my son decided to take up a job in the Middle East and he left Ragini and our grandson at our house for a few months. The arrangement was that he would first settle down there and then take his family there. The reason why Ragini stayed with us and not her parents escapes me now. But looking back, I can thank my lucky stars she did.

It all worked out well. Ragini easily found a job she liked. Both the women in my family got busy with their work and I, at fifty seven, worked a marketing gig from home and took care of my young grandchild.

Ragini and I hit it off from the get go. We shared the same interests in politics, current affairs - both local and national, women's rights, climate change, music and movies. We had long, serious discussions about environmental and social issues, the state of the schooling system in India etc. We, of course, had friendly disagreements occasionally. We solved crossword puzzles together almost every day. We became close, as much as a father-in-law and daughter-in-law could.


I am not a perfect man. My work provided me ample temptations and I, more often than not, yielded to them. But I did not let any of that interfere with my picture perfect married life, and image of a dutiful husband and father and caretaker that I cultivated so carefully. I could tell stories, a lot of stories, about my adventures.

Like the next man, I watch a lot of porn. The Internet satisfied any and all of my fetishes. But unlike the next man, I am not afraid or ashamed to admit it. Fun, but harmless.

And at a point in my early forties I developed a strong and lustful fetish for women's ass and underwear, among others. I was not sure from where or why it came but it hit me like a bolt of lightning and hasn't left me since.

I love panties. Of different kinds. On girls and women of all ages, types and sizes.

I love a woman's ass. I go crazy at the sight of a panty covered ass. I revel at the sight of a visible panty line on a nice round female rear end.

What can I say, I am a pervert. But you wouldn't know it if you passed me on the street and I wished you good morning.

All this would make sense when I talk about what ensued in the next few days.


One night I was in bed with my wife. As usual, she showed no interest in fucking, but allowed me to rub my hard penis against her ass and thigh. That night she even reached out and fisted my cock and started absent-mindedly stroking it. But my mind was wandering. Images came in and went out of my mind. Of women, girls, females I knew. I imagined our naked bodies intertwined, sucking, fucking, cumming!

And all of a sudden, in a flash, I felt a charge of a hundred thousand volts course through my body as I realized I was fantasizing about Ragini!!

Her beautiful, thick, fair thighs were spread far apart as she received my thrusts, Her hands were between us. One clutching my balls, another rubbing her own hairy cunt and clit. She was moaning along with my thrusts. "Ahh..ahhh.. aiyoh.. aiyoh, yes, yes,oooh,oooh!! Harder..harder...HARDER...ahhh!"

I was her father-in-law, and she called me 'appa' (father) as was customary. "Appa, appppa..nice..ah..ah.. Niceeeee! Soooo gooood, so big and thick, ahh ahhh fuck me. fuck me.. fuuuuucccck!".

We both were sweating profusely, our bodies making thrashing, squishing sounds as I slammed into her. At the start of our session I had gone down on her and had inhaled the delicious scent of her cunt, and as I licked her pussy I tasted her juices with a hint of her piss. I was in heaven. It was so intoxicating!! She had in return taken my thick, smelly, veiny dick in her mouth and moaned and groaned as I fucked her face, my balls banging against her chin. I screamed softly, "Fuck, Ragini! Fuck, fuck, fuck.. Ahh I like it.. Your mouth is so good.. Use your tongue! Come on, lick it, suck it.!! Ok ok! Let me fuck you.. Put my dick in your cunt...ahh so smooth..ah..aaah..aaah!"

I ejaculated. Then and there. Right on my wife's ass! I had pulled her panties down and was rubbing my dick on her ass crack, and putting my dick head on her hairy asshole when my fantasy with Ragini hit a peak and I reached the point of no return. My cum shot out of my cock and slathered my wife's ass cheek and the bedsheets. She groaned in her sleep. I took a towel that was nearby and wiped my semen off our bodies.

I couldn't help it! "What the fuck?" I thought. "Ragini? Did I want to fuck my son's wife? Why? Where did that come from?!!"

As I lay panting, it all came back to me. Yes. I lusted after my own daughter-in-law! Fuck!!

And I knew why such incestuous thoughts entered my mind. It wasn't random, like when one was young and masturbating, when one could not control what or who would trigger such sensations. It could be the girl you saw on the bus that morning, or your teacher, or your sister's friend, or your friend's sister, or the woman you saw bending down to fix the straps of her shoes in the market. No. My fantasy was deliberate. I wanted to do it. And I knew why, when and how my obsession with her started. To the very minute.

The Sunday of the previous week, my wife had arranged for us to go to a temple in a nearby suburb. I was not given to going to such places, but I had to humor my wife so I was obliged to go. We had to leave pretty early in the morning if we were to avoid all the crowd and traffic. She was berating us, hustling us, making us hurry in order to get us all out of the house quickly.

I was standing at a window sipping a burning cup of hot coffee, unable to even enjoy it since I was being hurried by my wife when I saw Ragini dash out of the back door and bound up to the clothes hanging on the clothesline. She quickly grabbed a couple of pieces of cloth. From where I was standing I could clearly make out that the black piece was her bra, by the straps and cups hanging out. The other one was bright orange. What else could it be but her..,her underwear.

All day I could do nothing but imagine her wearing those two little pieces of cloth. All snug and tight against her body. Black and Orange. Orange and black. God, how it bothered me. I could see her bra straps through the material of her blouse. And I could not tear my eyes off from her ass, yearning to see a hint of her panties, tight across her cheeks. Man! What a pervert I was! Ogling one of my own. Damn, but I couldn't help it.

Fuck. That was it. That was the beginning. That's where it all started.

I started noticing every little thing about her. The way she carried herself, her mannerisms, how she adjusted her clothes, how she tried to be modest around me and other people. I found it very hard to concentrate while sitting next to her, discussing some mundane topic, or helping her out around the house. I was obsessed. I was afraid I'd give myself away while gawking and ogling her. Once or twice, she looked as if she knew what I was up to, but I could not be sure.

She was not sexy, or shapely or petite. Her voluptuousness, her normal and natural figure and her innocence pulled me towards her. I was entranced.

All she had was black bras. But her panties were of the brightest colors. All were the same brand and type and size. All cotton, plain and simple, ordinary run of the mill variety, with no pattern or design. Bright hues of Orange, Purple, Green, Yellow, Red and Blue. Fuck, I had an inventory of her panties. I could see them as the housemaid washed and hung them out to dry everyday. I knew exactly what color she was wearing on any particular day. God, it gave me so much pleasure just looking at them and imagining her wearing them, underneath her sari, her salwar or her walking and jogging pants. Shit! I was a pervert, no doubt about that!

All that led to that night, with me fantasizing about having sex with her, while I spewed my semen on my wife's backside. And I was content. I knew I would be sexually satisfied if all I could do was fantasize about her and masturbate thinking about us fucking.

But fate had something else in store for us.


A matter of some seriousness entered our lives shortly.

There was an outbreak of a viral fever of some sort that affected only young children. And my grandson caught it and it laid him out flat. We did not think much of it at first, dismissing it as a common cold and fever, but it did not subside even after a couple of days and treatment from the doctors we knew.

By the fourth day we were all worried. Ragini more than the rest of us. My wife, being a doctor, assured us that nothing was going to happen. But her speciality was psychiatry, so that was that.

That night I lay in bed reading a book I wanted to finish and return to the library when I heard a noise in the kitchen. I went to investigate, and found Ragini in the kitchen, heating some water for her child.

She was leaning on the counter and In my semi-aroused state, I noticed she had her night dress on. It was not the kind that women generally wore, one that covered them from their neck to their ankles. Ragini's was more contemporary, one that was sleeveless and was held by two shoulder straps and went down only to somewhere below her knees. I noticed her shapely calves and could sense the thickness of her thighs through the thin, sheer material of her nightie. I also noticed she had no bra on, and the tops of her tits and her cleavage were clearly visible. She only had panties underneath. As she leaned over the kitchen counter her dress tightened around her ass and revealed her bright green panties. My loins warmed and my dick stirred.

But upon looking closely I found that her body was shaking. She was sobbing!

"Ragini, what's the matter?" I asked, softly as I neared her.

She was surprised, and she looked quickly at me and made a feeble attempt to wipe away her tears. I knew she was worried about her child. But she said, "Oh! Appa. No, nothing. I was just worried, The's not reducing. I.. I hope it doesn't get serious..."

"No, No, Ragini. Don't worry," I tried to assure her. "Give it a few more days. All will be fine!"

"No, appa. Radha's son had to be admitted to the hospital..I hope..we..we don't..."

Ragini suddenly looked at me and the realization struck her that I wasn't paying much attention to her words. In fact, she was right. I couldn't concentrate on her. I tried mightily to tear my eyes away from her body. The nightie she had on was revealing more of her than was appropriate. She then tried her best to cover herself with her arms. I knew that she knew I had seen more than she'd have liked. She had crossed her arms across her chest as she tried, unsuccessfully, to shield her heavy boobs and cleavage from my eyes. She looked downwards at the floor and her face was flushed and red as she knew for certain I had indeed taken full measure of her body in that state. She was embarrassed at herself, and at me for leering at her. But what was I to do in that situation? I couldn't help myself. The room was in semi-darkness, the house was silent and nothing moved, there was no noise from the street down below. And there she was, almost naked, her hair unbraided and unkempt and flowing all over her round face, her breasts almost falling in my face, her semi-nakedness calling out to the man in me even though I was her father-in-law!

But that was not all. She had also quickly scanned me from head to toe when we began to talk, and I realized that I was still only in my sleeveless night vest and shorts. When she looked up, she ran her eyes quickly over me once more. I knew she glanced at my hairy, muscled chest and arms and legs, and I hoped that she had not sensed the bulge in my shorts. But I knew she had, as she quickly looked away again.

"Nothing of that sort will happen," I said, again trying to comfort her and to break the uncomfortable silence that had come between as we sized each other up in our semi-undressed state. We had never seen each other like this ever before. I had imagined it numerous times, having seen her nightdress hanging on the clothesline along with all her other clothes.

"Come. I will come and look after him. You take some rest. Looks like you haven't slept in a few days." Saying that, I took the hot water from her and went into their bedroom. I thought nothing of it. It seemed natural to go look after a sick grandson.

She sat on the bed with her knees pulled up to her chin and watched me as I placed towels on the boy's head and cleaned him. I knew she found it odd to be alone in her bedroom with me. Her actions and words said as much. She kept adjusting her dress, covering herself consciously with the bedsheets but the tension in the room was still palpable.

But I had a feeling something else was bothering her. I looked up and saw that she had her eyes downcast and was weeping noiselessly.

"What is it, Ragini? Tell me, what is bothering you?"

Then she poured it all out. How my son had blamed her for their child getting sick. And that she was putting her career ahead of the family's needs, with her going to work and not taking care of the child at home, taking him to this party or mixing with sick kids.

It was hard for her. But I was not surprised at what my son was doing. Just passing the blame on, not taking any responsibility. Like mother, like son!

I said a few things to console her but she was inconsolable. She calmed down after a while and we chatted about this and that. We must have talked for a couple of hours. Both of us drifted off to sleep. She, on the bed and I, on the comfortable chair.

When my eyes opened in the wee hours of the morning, I realized my grandson's fever had come down a bit. He was well on the way to recovery.

Then, I looked at the bed, and involuntarily gulped.

Ragini was sleeping, turned away from me. Her negligee had ridden up her legs and her beautiful calves and thighs were exposed. I could see the delicate, silver anklets she wore. Her magnificent backside was towards me. Her nightie was stretched tight across her ass cheeks. Even in the sleepy state of mind that I was in, I recalled she had her bright green panties on and my eyes went straight to her ass, and I sensed her panty line clearly. I could see the line between her buttocks, and her ass cheeks were neatly outlined. I froze at the sight. I took it in for a few more seconds. I realized I had an erection forming in my shorts.

Her phone shrilled at that very moment, breaking the stillness and the silence in the room. It had to be my son, calling from wherever he was. She answered the call, and by her reaction, I knew I was right. It was my son, and his booming voice came clearly through her phone. He was berating her, cursing her, shouting at her without allowing her to get a word edgewise. She looked at me helplessly as he heaped more bad words at her. She stared at me, looking scared and vulnerable, and then she started sobbing uncontrollably. I went to take the phone, but she turned away from me and cut the call.

And between sobs, and her heaving body, she said, "See appa, that's your son! He is cursing me, blaming me for what has happened!! Aiyooh!!"

I didn't know what to do. I sat down on the bed next to her. And put my arm around her to console her. I pressed her to me. To this day, I do not know why I did that. But I did.

She became still. Then she turned towards me, her eyes wide! She was fearful of what my actions really meant. I looked down at her, but my eyes quickly and automatically dropped to what I was able to see from the corner of my eyes.

Fuck! I could see right down the front of her dress!!

The few small snap buttons on the front part of her nightie were undone and I could see that her supple, full, heavy, motherly tits were flowing out of the top. Deep blue veins ran on her engorged breasts and one of her dark nipples was visible sticking out from an even darker areola. She realized this at the same time that my eyes looked down. She instinctively grabbed the two flaps and tried to close it and cover her breasts, and jerked up her head to look at me. She wasn't in time. But I had quickly averted my face. But was I quick enough? Did she catch me?

But my mumbled answer gave me away. I stammered, "Eh.. eh.. Yes.. yes.. Er his fever is down. I...I think he is getting better.. He will.. no need for hospital." I looked at her as I finished and realized her face was flushed red. She knew what I had unintentionally done.

She stammered a few worlds of her own and tried to turn away but I did not release my arm. As she registered my tight hold on her, she turned towards me, slowly, and looked into my eyes.

She instantly realized what I had in mind. She pushed away from me with her palms on my chest, pressing hard.

"Aiyoh! Appa.. canno.." But she did not finish. She looked at me once more and it became clear to her what I intended. Our eyes locked for a few seconds, and she once again mumbled.." am like a daughter to you.. No appa, no.."

I kissed her. I held her head and opened my mouth on hers and lapped her lips with my tongue. She gasped and groaned and mumbled. But I held her tight until she relaxed. And then I felt her open her mouth and she received my tongue into it. She shuddered as our tongues intertwined and my spit dripped into her mouth. We separated after what seemed like an eternity. I put my head down and I sucked on her nipples, going from one breast to the other. I grabbed each of her tits in turn and liked them entirely, slathering my spit on them and took her nipple in my mouth and sucked like a baby.

I didn't hesitate. I had the opportunity and I took it. At that moment I did not think about what was right and what was wrong. I was a man, aroused at the sight of a woman that I had lusted after for a long time. And from what I had perceived so far, she did not object to what I did.

But the shock and horror of what I was doing stunned her into silence and inaction. I pulled her from the bed and in one smooth motion I bent down and placed my hands on her knees and rode her nightie all the way up her body. My palms went over her smooth, firm, tight, thick thighs, her fleshy hips, past the fat around her waist and up to her armpits.

She did not stop me. She raised her arms and allowed me to remove her dress altogether.

She was naked, in front of me!

In the dim light of the wee wee hours of the morning, when it was still dark outside, I could see her form. Her round, heavy breasts, all taut and with no hint of sagging, the large, dark areola and her nipples, erect and jutting out from them. I could make out the shape of her slightly protruding belly, and the rings of fat around her waist, her wide hips and thick, rounded thighs. She was very hairy at her crotch. She crossed her arms over her chest and placed her palm at her pubic area.


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