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Lusting after Busty Mother

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Perverted son lusts after his naive mother's gigantic tits.
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Just a few things to point out:

- The story is really written with a specific male audience in mind, and the male protagonist is boring and unappealing.

- If you're not into really big boobs, probably not for you.

- Regardless you liked the story or not, this is my first story so criticism is very much welcome.

- Oh and yes, if it somehow wasn't obvious, all the characters are 18 years or older.


"Already 11 am huh." Henry looked conspicuously at the digital clock. As with most days in the last month or so, the previous night had been a late one for Henry. Though this one was particularly late. Indeed like most days also, the previous day had been a lazy day too, with Henry spending the entire day playing video games, listening to music and browsing online image boards. Having graduated high school recently with good enough grades to get into just about any university he wanted, he had resigned himself to take a year off just to relax and enjoy life, skipping any study or work.

Henry was still groggy from the previous late night and considered to lay in bed for just a bit longer. But it was a scorching hot summer day and even with the AC on, staying in bed any longer seemed like a far worse prospect than getting up. Henry let out an exaggerated groan before slowly pulling himself out of his bed in that manner which only a truly lazy person can pull off. After finishing his morning routine, which amounted to little more than changing clothes and brushing his teeth in the bathroom next to his room, he scampered down the stairs. Having caught the delightful smell of breakfast being made, or at least what Henry considered to be breakfast, he made his way to the kitchen.

Upon arriving at the kitchen, he found both of his parents eating their lunch, with his father wearing a white shirt, suit pants and a black tie whilst his mother sat in decidedly casual attire.

"You usually work at this time." Henry yawned after absentmindedly greeting his parents.

"I'm just stopping by before heading out to the airport. Just a business trip for work. It'll be just a few days." His father answered matter-of-factly.

Henry raised his eyebrow, but didn't bother answering his father's statement. Henry's mother on the other hand did.

"Dave hun, do you really have to go on that business trip? Can't you at least ask your boss to let you off? Money isn't an issue you know." Henry's mother asked pleadingly. But the father only shook his head and shot down his wife's idea, even if only solemnly so.

"I have asked, but due to the upper management messing up, we're about to lose one of our most important customers. Everyone has to put in an extra mile." He assured regretfully.

Henry's mother, Kathy, didn't like seeing her husband stressed and overworked, and so was reluctant to let him go. But she had selfish concerns too, calling her a nymphomaniac in regards to her sex drive was an understatement and her husband already had no means of even coming close to keeping up with her sexually. Though she was still content with her husband sexually, loving him dearly. But him going away for a week was not welcome news for her.

Henry all but tuned out, not caring to listen to what he considered work related drivel. His dad could quit his work for all he cared. Before Henry's parents met, his to-be mother inherited a large fortune from her parents. Although the pay wasn't bad for his father's part time job, especially considering the (usually) flexible hours and the fact that Dave enjoyed his work; most of the family's income nonetheless came from bond and stock yields from Henry's mother's inheritance. Either way, he considered his breakfast (more correctly termed lunch) to be more important.

Henry cringed as his parents' made their goodbye kiss. If it could even be called a proper kiss. It was more a case of his mother furiously smooching his father whilst he was desperately trying to get away as he was already starting to run late for the airport. Kathy was a very tall woman and an even stronger one, whilst Dave was of the short and skinny variant as far as men goes. All in all, Dave's chances of escaping the clutches of his much stronger wife without her consent didn't seem too good. It didn't take long before she was smothering him in her massive bosom whilst simultaneously giving an exaggerated anguished expression, as if she was letting her husband away to fight in a war, and not go on a week long business trip. Outwardly Henry continued to cringe at his parents' exaggerated display of affection, but inwardly he was secretly enjoying watching his mother mashing her gigantic breasts against his father's comparatively undersized frame.

Not intending to actually make her husband miss his plane, Kathy finally let go of him. Dave gave his family a polite goodbye before hurriedly making his way to the airport taxi that now waited impatiently on the street outside. With a solemn look in her eyes Kathy looked on through the kitchen window as her beloved husband walked down the long walkway on their large lawn; down to the taxi waiting for him. She sighed.

Henry's eyes on the other hand were focused somewhere entirely different. Whilst his mom was distracted, he took the chance to ogle her buxom breasts. She was wearing a black short-sleeved t-shirt, but even plain clothes like that looked almost obscene with them stretched over her more than massive boobs. They were massive even on her large frame, several times larger than Henry's head. Henry recalled them being comparable in size to those 16 inch beach balls they owned and they hung as tall and firm as was possible for natural breasts. And of course as the cherry on top; two large, yet still unerect, nipples poked through and themselves made obscenely large bulges in the fabric. She clearly wasn't wearing a bra today, Henry mentally noted.

Henry continued molesting his mother's bosom with his eyes for a good minute before she turned away from the window, stood up and started putting the dishes away. This did however not dissuade Henry from watching on, though he did make sure to make it a tad bit more discrete. Her enormous breasts bounced seductively as she trudged between the table and the dishwasher. When she bent down to put the dishes into the washer she unwittingly gave her son an excellent view of her extra-large well trained ass.

By this point, having developed a healthy boner, Henry decided it was probably time to just pack up and go back to his room where he could "take care" of the newly formed problem in his pants. But just as he had gotten out of his chair and began walking towards the staircase, his mother stepped right in front of him with a rather stern and unpleasant look on her face. It didn't look like he was going anywhere.

Or on second thought, from Henry's perspective it was actually quite pleasant looking at her face given that his mother was actually very pretty. But the expression was nonetheless stern. Stern and perhaps even intimidating. Henry was built much like his father, skinny and short, yet his mother was not. She was tall, very tall. More than a head taller than henry tall, and she bore wide shoulders and a well-toned if not outright muscular body. Even her large bosom only seemed to add to the intimidation as they hung almost above Henry's head.

Henry however, knowing his mother far too well, wasn't the least intimated. He was though somewhat thankful that his mother's titanic breasts obscured his otherwise clearly visible crotch-tent from his mother's view.

"And where do you think you're going young man?" Kathy puffed at him.

Henry looked up at the woman twice his age, much taller than him and likely more than twice his weight by muscle mass alone and answered bluntly, but honestly:

"To my room."

Kathy's stern look transformed into what more resembled a pout rather than something angry or authoritative.

"Yesterday you promised to help me clean the pool, remember?" Kathy answered.

Now that it was brought up, Henry did actually remember. But he didn't want to clean the pool.

"Yeah I'll do it later." Henry said as he waved dismissively with his hand.

"Honey, don't forget that you were the one who forgot to put the cover back on after you had used it. You promised to clean it too, remember? I know it's annoying but it's just take a few minutes, and it's good exercise too".

'Used' was a strong word. Henry had dipped his toes in the pool and forgot to put the cover back on. But gist of Kathy's point was correct, Henry had beennone the less responsible for the leaves and detritus that had now gathered in it.

"Why don't you clean it it then."

Kathy was not amused, and looked at Henry with a look of sheer admonishment.

"Henry..." She said with now an exaggerated pout.

Henry tried to come up with another excuse to not do his due diligence, but finally his conscience caught up to him and he relented. Finally defeated, Henry slumped his shoulders down in an exaggerated manner and sighed loudly.

"Fine, ill do it." Henry muttered.

"Thanks!" His mother chirped in an overly cheerful manner.

And so, Henry's perfect day to be was put on hold as he begrudgingly made his way to past the kitchen and the living room to the garage. After spending a several minutes looking, he found the cabinet with the skimmer net and other pool-cleaning gear and finally made his way to the luxurious swimming pool. Henry might have been lazy, but he wasn't cheater and so he would make sure that the pool was darn clean by the time he was done. All in all it took him the better part of two hours. Tired and not in the mood to have to go back and do it again, this time he carefully made sure he put the cover back on before leaving. After also putting the gear back, he went back inside the house to inform his mother of the finished work. After looking around for a few moments he found her in her work room filing some paperwork about some investments or something.

"I'm done!" Henry announced in a blunt fashion.

"That's great!" His mother complimented with a wide and encouraging smile.

"So why do you care about the pool all of a sudden". Henry wondered out loud.

"Well the summer is in full swing silly, it'd be a waste not to use it."

Henry nodded absentmindedly.

She continued. "Well I was originally planning on taking a dip with your father, but well... now it seems like I'll have to do it all by myself." She looked at her son wistfully.

"He'll be back in no time, don't worry." Henry responded dismissively with a shrug.

"Oh, Of course!" His mother smiled. "Oh and thanks for the help anyways, just tell me if there's something you need okay hun?"

"Uh sure." Henry nodded and went back to his room.


It was early in the afternoon. The day wasn't young anymore, but the sun still stood high and the weather was still as hot as ever. Henry would usually have gone out at this time. Be it to meet up with friends or simply to exercise, even Henry wasn't the type to stay shut in his room the entire day. But with his shoulders aching from the cleaning job and none of his friends currently having any plans to head out, he instead simply decided to sit down and play some video games.

Before Henry could really settle into the games however, and idea sprung to mind. He remembered that his mother was probably planning on taking a dip in the pool ash- she had mentioned. With this he realized that his mother was more than likely going to be wearing a swimsuit. The conclusion practically wrote itself!

Henry's room was not in a position that overlooked the pool. They lived in a large house. It wasn't a mansion exactly, but a good deal larger than an ordinary house and so there were many vacant rooms, especially with all of his sibling having moved out. Only some of the rooms upstairs faced the backyard, i.e. where the pool was. Henry's room had been placed as to face the front yard. It was a nice enough view, they had a large flowered front yard. However it didn't have a view of the backyard or the pool at all. But there were rooms that did.

The plan was as devilishly degenerate as it was simple. Sneak over to one of the rooms with a view over the pool and enjoy the show! Part of Henry's consciousness told him that it was wrong, but he was horny as hell and he had already masturbated to the thought of his mother many times before. So sneak over he did.

Henry kept his head low as he entered one of the vacant rooms facing the backyard. The room wasn't entirely empty, it was a guestroom with the accompanying furniture but was fairly naked beyond that. The blinds on the window were closed as the room was vacant and facing the backyard. Henry carefully opened the blinds just enough to properly see the backyard and looked over the area. The yard was quite big and surrounded by tall privacy fences, so there was little risk of a peeping tom looking in from the outside. But what had not been considered what the threat from within.

For some time, the backyard was empty. After some minutes of patient waiting Henry hit jackpot. His mother walked out on the large platform balcony below. She trotted onto the stone pathway and towards the large swimming pool. And boy was it a sight to behold for Henry. His mother was wearing a red two-piece swimsuit, the top being clearly several sizes to small for her gigantic bosom and the bottom snugly hugging her large butt. This was quite a shocker, Henry had not remembered seeing his mother in a swimsuit in a very long time, and he certainly didn't not expect her to wear something like this! He remembered his father having bought this for her as a gift, which was likely the reason for it being so undersized, more than likely intentionally so.

Kathy's large muscular legs and big ass wiggled seductively as she walked toward the pool and her enormous tits could be seen bobbing luxuriously even from behind, in spite of her large toned frame. She was carrying a bottle of water in one hand and a large bottle of high-protection sunscreen in the other. More than likely she was planning on taking a swim or doing some other kind of water related physical exercise. When she got to the edge of the pool she bent over to put the bottle on the ground, unwittingly once again giving her son a view of her juicy ass, now mostly exposed with only the bikini panties to cover it. The swimsuit bra was clearly inadequate for the job of covering up her gigantic tits, since it only managed to cover a small portion of her massive breasts. Parts of her pink areolae slipped past their cover and her sizable nipples too protruded through the flimsy material. Henry was in heaven. She was wearing dark sunglasses too, which further reduced Henry's risk of being spotted. This emboldened him further. The greatest reward was however still to come as she grabbed the sun-lotion and squirted a large goblet onto her hand.

At this point, our protagonist was already beating his rock-hard meat furiously, imagining himself fondling and otherwise violating his mother's expansive breasts. Kathy was still of course innocently oblivious as her son was beating his nasty cock whilst ogling her body like the sleazy pervert she didn't know he was. His mother began to rub the lotion generously into her skin, not the least spreading it over the expansive flesh of her breasts.

Henry could only watch on for a few seconds as she rubbed the sun lotion in, before he had to cum. Shaking in ecstasy, and having to cover his own mouth to prevent himself from moaning, he let out a fierce orgasm on the guestroom floor. Too ashamed and too afraid to continue watching, he quickly went to clean up, and retreated back to his room.


Taboo acts of immorality aside, life carried on. Late in the evening Henry's mother had served dinner. The kitchen was lit up mostly by the low sitting evening sun poking in through the kitchen window. The sky outside was a beautiful drapery of red, pink and ocean blue. It was a peaceful dinner, but lonely. With all of Henry's siblings having moved out and his father being out on a business trip, the dinner table was occupied by only his mother and himself. They enjoyed their dinner in relative silence, almost an awkward silence before Kathy finally spoke up.

"I noticed, you didn't take your walk today." Kathy tried to suggest in a friendly manner, though it ended up sounding more like a scolding.

"I just didn't really feel like doing so today" He answered.

"You know you really ought to take your health very seriously, especially now that you're still young honey".

"I don't know"...

Kathy pondered for a second before lighting up.

"I understand." She said. "you like hang out with your friends while you're out, but you don't want to do it by yourself, right? So why don't you tag along with me while I take my evening run?" She smiled.

Henry gave his mother a disenchanted expression. Yes whilst it was technically true that he very often liked to hang out with his friends around the suburbia every now and then, most people would hardly consider their mother to be a suitable surrogate for friends. He simply shook his head in response.

"But Henry, you really ought to." Kathy scolded, this time intentionally. "Especially since you almost never engage in any proper physical exercise. You've had most of the day for yourself, so a little exercise shouldn't be too scary".

Henry wavered. Maybe she was right and he was just being unreasonably lazy. He pondered the issue for a few seconds before finally agreeing.

"Alright then, I'll come with you". He finally concluded.

"Great honey. We'll let the food rest for a while, so be ready in 90 minutes okay?" Kathy explained and gave Henry both her thumbs up.

A bit over 90 minutes later, wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants, Henry made his way down to the hallway where his mother stood waiting. Once again he did not skip on checking his bombshell mother out. She was wearing a pair of shorts and a grey shirt. Her large, white, smooth and muscular legs were visible up to just above her knees. The huge breasts she had where pushed up even further than they stood naturally thanks to her special heavy duty sports bra, though her nipples were completely hidden. It only added to her sexy appeal as it made them jut outwards from her chest just one bit more, stretching the poor t-shirt to it's very limit. Obviously.

"Alright then my darling, let's go!" She pepped and flashed an award-winning smile at her son.

Kathy picked a forest trail that connected not to far from their backyard. Henry was familiar with it and used to walk here when he was younger, not so much anymore though, and it was somewhat underused in general. It was fairly pleasant to run on since the birch-tree scenery was nice and the ground a bit softer than asphalt, if just a tad bit overgrown with grass and shrub. The sun still shone high enough to give them ample light, and with that they set off.

Henry certainly enjoyed his view. His mother ran slightly in front of him, so he could stare at his mother's round butt and her huge tits as they bounced around. However, his mother had chosen a rather fast pace and after 15 minutes or so Henry was fairly exhausted and wanted to take a break and walk for a few minutes. He wasn't in bad shape per se, he was slim and he his fitness wasn't bad, certainly above average in fact. But they had ran rather fast and so he was already exhausted.

"Can we slow down for a few minutes." He asked between heaving and pants.

"Oh, of course". Kathy answered quickly and slowed down to a walking pace.

Henry was surprised at his mother's stamina as she hadn't even broken a sweat and her breathing hardly differed from normal at all.

"Sorry, I should have paced my speed better. I'm used to running a lot faster than this" She apologized.


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