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A Mexican mother does what's needed for her son-in-law.
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When Dave found out his mother-in-law, Mrs. Cisneros, was coming to live with him and his wife Alma, he was quite irritated. She was a traditional Mexican woman who never missed confession or church on Sunday and he didn't want to deal with her critical eye. But Alma insisted since her mother was a widow and working in a menial job.

"Besides, she can help me with the baby!" she reassured him.

So Dave sucked it up and welcomed her with a big smile that first day. But after a week or so it started to bother him that she and his wife always spoke Spanish together since he imagined she was making complaints about him and his house. It made him feel left out as well. However, each time he did say something to Alma about his feelings, she only hugged him and did a kissy face gesture.

"Family is family!" she would tell him as she pressed her pregnant belly into him.

As a result, Dave was left to stew as his mother-in-law got more comfortable living with them. He would find her stockings in the main bathroom flung over the shower curtain bar and all her makeup around the sink and shake his head. He wondered why she bothered with the makeup since she was a short, stout woman with a somewhat homely face. She did have well-sculped muscular legs though and a bubble butt that she had passed down to her daughter. But thankfully that was where the inheritance had ended.

As it worked out however, her room was right next to theirs and Dave always worried that she could hear them at night as they fucked. He tried to be quiet as he worked Alma's pussy each night, but for some reason his mind always imagined her listening on the other side of the wall. And on those nights when Alma would cum, she would do it loudly and he thought that was embarrassing.

"Shhhh!" he would say to her as he pointed to their adjoining wall.

But as the pregnancy progressed and Alma's belly became enormous, she started to shoo him away when he tried to slide it in as they spooned.

"I need to sleep, Toro!" she began to say, using her pet name for him.

This led Dave to experience deep frustration and soon his temper became short.

"Can you please keep your stockings in your room!" he yelled one day when he found Mrs. Cisneros' bathroom cluttered again.

Of course, she didn't understand his words, but she read his expression and tone when he knocked on her door. Later she reported it to her daughter.

"Don't you ever yell at my mother again!" she told him that night.

They didn't speak for days after that. Alma only curled up on her side of the bed each night and left him to ponder his misdeed. Dave's frustration grew as his balls became more and more blue. It seemed he would have to hold it all in until the baby was born.

Sure, he thought. He could do that.

But as days passed, his prick ached each night to the point where he couldn't sleep. And each night he would get up and go into their bathroom and try to relieve himself, but to no avail. He felt like he was experiencing a medical emergency. Was there something a doctor could do for him? No, he finally decided, this was all part of a man's journey into family life.

The next day, as he sat outside on the back porch tapping his hand nervously against the chair, his mother-in-law appeared in a one-piece bathing suit.

"Buenos tardes!" she said with a smile as she strutted past him on her way to the pool.

"Hola madre." He replied with less friendliness.

Her body in a bathing suit surprised him. It was much more attractive than he thought it would be. He watched her as she moved around the pool and dipped her red painted toes into the water. She had a belly bulge, but her tits seemed to stand up well on their own. Finally, she sat down on the edge and put her legs into the deep water. He watched as she kicked and made splashes with them. She smiled over at him.

"Mucho frio!" she called out.

"Si." He replied with a bit more feeling.

He watched her thick thighs and calves as they began to glisten from the splashing and wondered how she had built her legs up to such a degree. He imagined her going up stairs carrying water laden buckets then, her calves contracting strongly with each step. Sure, cleaning work was great exercise.

She inched her thighs down into the water next and then let her ass and entire torso plunge in.

"Iye!" she called out when she bobbed back up.

The water splashed onto her face as she began to flail and swim on her back. He watched as her expression took on a childish happiness. She really wasn't as homely as he had thought. She had beautiful teeth and her tan skin was unblemished and toned. Amazing for a woman in her late forties!

He decided to have a swim at that point. He got up and walked over to the shallow end and stepped down into the pool. He stayed there in one place and made ripples with his arms.

"Mijo! Aqui!" she said then, motioning for him to join her in the deep end.

He waved back to her.

"No, gracious." He said with a half-smile.

She swam over to him then, put one hand on his arm, and said something in Spanish that he understood to be a peace offering. Looking down at her full, dripping body and her sincere eyes, he suddenly wondered how he could have been angry with her at all.

"Lo siento." He apologized.

"No problemo!" she said.

After this they swam around together for an hour playing pool games. In one, he went underwater as she stood on his shoulders and dove off as he sprang up. She had told him "no" at first, perhaps fearing she was too heavy, but Dave had insisted, wanting to prove his strength to her. He figured she weighed in the neighborhood of one hundred and eighty pounds; big, but by no means sloppy fat. In another game he searched for her with his eyes closed, listening for swirls and splashes, only to discover she was out of the pool altogether. They both laughed afterwards. But it wasn't until they were getting out that Dave realized his cock was stiff in his Speedos. He blushed deeply when he saw her eyes look down at it as well.

Later that night Alma approached him with a wry smile.

"My mother says she and you had a good time in the pool today!"

Dave's mind immediately went back to the moment of his humiliation exiting the pool.

"Sure, she's a good swimmer!"

"No hanky-panky I hope!"

Dave blushed deeply again.

"Ha! Hardly! ... I mean... we had a fun time."


"So, are we okay now?" he wondered.

"Of course, Sweetheart!" she said as she kissed him.

But that evening when he tried to mount her, she rejected him again.

"Not tonight, babe! I just feel so bloated!" she explained as she rolled away.

"Yeah, I've got bloated parts myself!" Dave wanted to say to her.

He turned away in real pain. He wanted to put his fist through the wall... or his head. It was all starting to feel like one long pounding migraine in his nuts. Is this what he had to look forward to in parenthood? One long sexual endurance test? He got up and took a cold shower and then he went downstairs and turned on the TV. He couldn't be in the scent zone of Alma's pussy anymore without going mad. He drank several beers and then stood in the kitchen looking into the refrigerator blankly. He imagined himself having sex with two Eskimo women in an igloo, all of them lying together snugly under thick animal furs. He got so into the fantasy he jumped when he felt the hand of his mother-in-law touch him.

"Mijo!" she whispered, "Ven conmigo!"

Dave looked at her startled. It took him a long moment to respond.


He followed her not knowing what the problem was. Did she need him to fix something? When they went back upstairs and entered her bedroom, the lights were off. He tried to turn them on, but she stopped him.


Dave's expression became confused as she closed the door behind them and led him to her bed. She started to explain the situation to him in Spanish. From the few words he was able to glean and her gestures he figured out the gist of her message. Her daughter was too pregnant to have sex, but she was going to help him.

"Que?" he asked, at this point still clueless.

His mother-in-law pointed to him and then herself. He started shaking his head.

"No, Madre! Por favor!"

She held her finger to her lips and shushed him.

"Todo bien!" she whispered.

Dave felt the strength drain out of his body and then a tremor roll through him. His mother-in-law reached up for his face and held it in her hands. She nodded and guided him down to her bed. He soon found himself lying on top of her as she pulled her nightgown up to her waist. His face was still filled with confusion. What was next? She tugged his silk pajama pants down enough to expose his prick and ass after this. He looked down at himself and saw he was already big and hard. He began shaking his head again.

"No, Madre!"

"Si! Si!" she insisted.

She gripped his prick with a casual expertise then and slipped it quickly into her vagina. He felt like his manhood was in the grip of a wet catcher's mitt.

"Uhh!" rushed a breathy groan from Dave as he realized the threshold had been crossed.

She brought her legs up and pulled him down against her after this, gripping his hair in one hand and raking his back with the other.

"Bien Mijo!" she whispered as she kissed his temple.

Dave pushed himself into her deeper and felt his cock go in to the hilt. Her cunt was loose and deep. He tried to sense it the best he could, concentrate on the light friction it was supplying him. Mrs. Cisneros had pushed six children out of this birth organ of hers, and his prick, as above average as it was, was no match for it.

"Mas rapido!" she directed softly.

Dave looked at her as if to make sure he had permission and then started pumping her at a polite speed. The bed began to squeak as he did.

"Si! Si!"

This was insane he suddenly realized! How could this even work? But then it came to him that he had no choice. It was either this or no sleep at all for another month! Mrs. Cisneros' cunt was all he had! She had taken pity on him when she saw his erection in the pool that day. She had probably even noticed that there were no fucking sounds coming from their bedroom anymore. She was an angel of mercy! How wrong he had been about her!

"Si Mijo!" she said, trying to encourage him to fuck her harder.

Dave closed his eyes and started kissing her back. His body began to lurch forward like he was trying to break down a door.

"Si! Si! Mijo!" came her muffled prodding as they kissed.

He was starting to get very excited by the way her cunt was teasing his prick with different light touches. In fact, it amazed him that a pussy could feel like this; just gentle rubs like a light fingertip touch. He realized he could fuck her for hours like this and still not get numb.

"Mas rapido, Mijo!" she whispered with more immediacy.

She was right. He needed to get down to business and get his load out. They couldn't have her bed squeaking all night! He started to pound her and grunt. She gripped him more firmly and got herself ready for the finish. It seemed she actually liked hard fucking better.

"Si! Si!" she goaded as she took the impacts.

"Oh Madre!" came a sudden breathless gasp from Dave.

"Si Mijo! Si!"

Her cunt was brushing against his gland from what seemed like so many angles that the start of the climax surprised him. He felt a shaking rush push up into his torso.

"Madre!" he gasped again.

"Si Mijo!"

"Oh fuck!" he blurted as his breaths became irregular and his face went crimson.

She kept herself wrapped around him as he went into spasm.

"Si! Siii!"

"Ahhh! Christ!" he bellowed as the climax started to pound up from his balls and fill his face with blood.

She pulled his head down to one side of her so his mouth was muffled by her pillow.

"Owwwww!" came one long, gagged, high pitched shout and then another, "Owwwwwww!"

She stroked his back and cradled him as he emptied into her.

"Siiii Mijo!"

It seemed like Dave had been frustrated for years the way his orgasm continued. He trembled and wailed, but finally he went limp. His prick now lay motionless inside her semen spewed cave cunt.

"Oh Siiii!" she whispered as the stillness of the night returned and she rubbed his head.

But Dave's weight felt heavy on top of her suddenly.


Then the sound of snoring arose from him. She shook him once and then twice.


Dave woke up then.

"Oh, lo siento." He stammered as he pulled his wet prick out of her and stood up.

She got to her feet as well, helped him pull up his pajamas and walked him to the door. He kissed her on the cheek in a seeming daze and left. By the time she walked back to her bed his semen had already poured out of her and run all the way down to her calf. She worked her hand up the line of it until she had a palmful of his cum.

"Oh Mijo!" she said with a smile. "Demasiado tiempo!"

The next morning his mother-in-law walked into the kitchen with her usual greetings. She sat down at the table with Dave and Alma and smiled. She looked at Dave and he quickly glanced at her. Then she made a comment in Spanish.

"My mother says you look well-rested this morning!" Alma translated.

Dave nodded and smiled somewhat awkwardly.

"Si. Gracious!"

After he said it Dave realized the thank you had two meanings. He blushed slightly. Mrs. Cisneros bowed her head then and said her morning prayer before they ate. As they consumed their eggs Alma put two hands on her ridiculously large belly and made an announcement.

"He's kicking again!"

Dave reached over and put his hand on her pot. He felt a dull thud.

"Wow! That's my boy!" he gushed with somewhat forced enthusiasm.

The false enthusiasm was due to his trying to hide his growing annoyance with the attention the baby was getting while he was left to swing in the breeze and gnaw at the walls. It was all that kid's fault that he had to resort to humping his mother-in-law! What a situation this was! All he wanted to do was climb on top of Alma any way she would let him and then release his ball-load onto her. Was that so much to ask! And the worst part was, Alma had an incredibly sexy pregnant body with big teardrop tits and a wide, full ass that jiggled and flexed when she walked. He wanted to cover it in his ejaculations and then just lie back and stare at it. But that was all denied him. Even basic sleep had been denied him up until the night before! He looked at Mrs. Cisneros then and their eyes met. What a wonderful gesture she had made to him! He felt she had more feeling and sympathy towards him than Alma did now.

That evening Dave pleaded with Alma to let him fuck her gently, and she relented, only to push him off after a minute because of soreness. Dave begged her to use her hand the rest of the way and she did for a short time before taking on a disgusted expression.

"It's not going to work tonight. Let's try again tomorrow." She said flatly.

Dave couldn't believe it. It seemed that the sex act itself was turning her off now! He felt outraged.

"Okay fine! I'll go find myself a fucking whore!" he snarled before getting up and leaving.

"Go ahead!" Alma retorted tearfully.

It wasn't until Dave was halfway down the hall that he realized he didn't have any clothes on.

"Shit!" he said under his breath as he looked down at his privates.

"Tsssst!" came a sound then.

He turned back and saw his mother-in-law leaning out of her door gesturing for him to come. He covered his prick with his hand reflexively and walked to her.

"Todo bien." She said as she guided him into her room.

She spoke to him slowly about something to do with her own pregnancies and something else about her husband. Had she not wanted sex either at that time? Dave could only guess. She guided him to her bed and sat down on the edge facing him. From this position her eyeline was even with his cock. She reached out and put her hands on his thighs and then looked up at him. She moved his hand away from its protective position and brought her mouth to his sex organ. Her thick fingers reached up under him and cradled his balls then. He started to shake.

"Madre!" he said with a tremor.

She sucked his gland until it grew bulbous in her mouth. His shaking increased as he looked up to the ceiling and put his hands on his head.

"Aaah!" he blurted out again with more of a tremor in his voice.

This prick was at its full length soon and Mrs. Cisneros continued to suck on its bright red tip with her eyes closed.

"Oh Madre! Gracious Madre!" he shuttered when she began to draw it deeper into her mouth.

His face started to burn with desire after a while and he stopped her and shifted her back on the bed in a hands and knees posture. He moved behind her agilely and pushed her nightgown up to her arms. Her ass was still very firm and rose up to a nice peak and this is where he put his erection and slid it up and down.

"Es grande?" He said.

"Si! Muy grande!" she replied.

"Si!" he said before sliding it down and pushing it into her dry, spacious twat rather violently.

"Iye!" she blurted.

Her saliva helped a bit to lessen the friction.

"Oh Madre!"

He reached forward then and gripped both of her full hanging tits. They felt heavy. He pinched her black nipples which had the circumference of 45 caliber bullets and pushed up into her again.


He gritted his teeth as he concentrated on the feel of her cunt and the weight of her sandbag tits in his hands. What a mother she was! He pumped her like this for twenty minutes in short little thrusts and then shifted up to an almost seated position on top of her ass. From this position his shaft slid down and rubbed against her asshole before disappearing into her cave. He kept his hands in the middle of her tailbone supporting his weight with his legs out wide. He was jockey riding her and this seemed to excite her.

"Ahhh Siii!" she called out rather too loudly.

The bed was making a racket now as he bounced and thrusted. Her cunt was doing the same thing to him as the night before, coaxing out his cum with light touches. After ten minutes of this Dave was ready.

"Ohh Madre! Oh my god!"

With this, he vocalized strangely as his face began to pound and sweat with the swelling in his prick. Then the first contraction came and he stopped fucking as his cock pulsed its load from a stationary position down into her swollen cunt. He let out the sustained groan of an animal.

"Ohh Siii! Mijo!" his mother-in-law joined with sweet understanding of his relief.

His prick fell out of her then and shot its last few loads down onto the sheets. He was removed to another time continuum now. He sailed and flew as the last drops of his frustration fell out of him.

After this he stopped begging Alma for sex and let her sleep unmolested at night. He tried to wait five minutes or so after he heard her snores rise before he got up and went next door. When he got there Mrs. Cisneros would always assume the all fours position automatically and he would jockey ride her for sometimes hours. She explained to him the best she could that this was the position her cousin had always fucked her from when she was younger. It seems she liked the feeling of the cock sliding over her asshole. When she told him this with gestures, Dave decided to see what would happen if he hand- fucked her while licking her slightly herniated anal sphincter. He stuck three fingers into her cunt and then four, all the way to the second knuckle and pushed away, tickling her asshole with his tongue as he went.

"Biiiien!" she called out after thirty seconds of work.

He felt her anal muscles tensing against his tongue the more he licked and then they seemed to give and he was able to penetrate her to some degree.


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