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Magic Cock Pt. 03

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Aaron comes home and is enmeshed in his parents' threesome.
2.2k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/03/2019
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I lay on the couch drifting half asleep. There was a hand idly stroking my cock back to hardness and I was pretty sure it was mine, but I wasn't awake enough to be quite sure or care about investigating further. I floated almost mindlessly, reveling in how wondrous Samson's penis was and how amazing he was, for giving me this gift of allowing me to worship him, and allowing me to lie here and listen to him making love to my sister upstairs. Yes, now that I focused on it, with my eyes still closed but my consciousness wafting slowly higher, I could hear them ... my lovely sister gasping and shrieking in a regular rhythm as Sam grunted and the bed pounded ... their rhythm was increasing, they were approaching climax again, and it aroused me so much to listen to it, to imagine their beautiful bodies intertwined, her pussy receiving his magnificent cock over and over, that I couldn't help stroking my throbbing member a little faster and moaning quietly.

The living room light flicked on, and someone gasped. "Jesus, Dad, you scared me," said a man's voice, then, "What the fuck are you doing??"

I opened my eyes, squinting in the light. I knew him, but it took me a moment to recognize him. My son? No ... no, my sister's son, what's his name ... How could I have forgotten him? Coming home after midnight from work, like he did so often ...

He came closer, looking down at me on the couch with an expression of somewhat disgusted bewilderment ... "you jerkin' it?" he said in a lower voice. "Where's mom?"

As he approached, I became very aware that his cock was coming closer ... that as his thighs approached my head, there was also a cock coming closer to my mouth. I suddenly couldn't think of anything else, and I reached out mindlessly to scrabble at the crotch of his shiny black work pants. I made contact with it, that warm, inviting bulge, just for a moment, and Aaron -- that was his name, Aaron -- jumped back, almost shouting, "Holy fuck, what's wrong with you?"

That got the attention of the couple upstairs, not too surprisingly, and a moment later they came rushing down, my beautiful sister nude and glazed with sweat (and probably semen), her large breasts bouncing, and Sam just behind her, pulling on a robe that I sort-of recognized.

"Who's this guy? What's going on here?" Aaron demanded loudly. "Holy fuck, Mom, why are you naked?? What the fuck is happening?"

Samson stepped forward. "I think I can help you out here, son. Just take a look at this and I'll explain."

He opened his robe, and his gorgeous, mouth-watering donkey dick came into view, still swaying slightly and shining wetly in the light.

"I'm not talking to you, buddy, I'm asking Maaaaahhhh..." Aaron's jaw hung open as he stared, and his voice trailed off.

"Good boy. Why don't you just stand there quietly for a few minutes, while we work this out. You can, uh ... rub your dick while you stare at my cock."

"Thank you sir," he murmured, squeezing the lump in his pants.

Sam turned to us. "OK, somebody want to tell me who this guy is?"

I was still seated on the couch, nude, and my mind was sluggish. I couldn't think what to say, and for a moment couldn't even think how to speak. I just watched that shiny, dusky cock sway, and watched the young man squeeze the lump in his pants, as the bulge grew.

"It's my ..." Marilyn whispered, then cleared her throat and started again. "He's my son. He's just getting home from work."

"How old is he?"

"He's 19."

"And why didn't you tell me there was someone else still coming home tonight?"

"I ... I forgot?"

Sam raised an eyebrow, shaking his head. "Forgetting your own son," he muttered to himself. "That's the power of the cock."

He dropped the robe. "OK kid. You're getting pretty hard there, right?" Aaron nodded, his eyes fixed. "And feeling kinda dazed, and suggestible? Let's say ... malleable?"

He nodded again.

"Perfect. OK, take it out and stroke it, long even strokes. Not too fast. You're gonna ride the edge, never releasing, never relaxing, until I say so. Got it?"

Aaron nodded again, then opened his pants, pushed them down a little, and spat in his hand, rubbing the spit into his erect shaft, all the way to the head, all the way to the base, over and over. His eyes never wavering from Samson's majestic phallus.

As for me, for the first time when Sam's cock was out, my attention was split. I couldn't stop drinking it in with my eyes, of course, memorizing every detail of Sam's tool all over again, but I also couldn't stop watching the young man masturbate his now-dripping dick. It was beautiful. And both cocks were right at eye level for me, as I sat on the couch beside my discarded blanket. I was mesmerized. My arousal was throbbing, insistent, but also seemed far away, somewhere beneath me.

"Marilyn honey, on your knees. This is getting me real horny. Suck me. Give me a good tongue bath." She held it up, long as her forearm and almost as thick, and licked along its length. Aaron and I both watched as she pointed the shaft at him, then at me, as she drooled along the underside, and licked Sam's balls.

"That's it buddy, stand there and stare," said Sam, his voice a little strained. "Feel how much my cock arouses you ... and the more aroused you become, the deeper is your desire to serve, to obey. It feels good doing what I tell you to do, doesn't it? And it's sooo easy. You don't have to think. You just have to follow commands. Suggestions, really. You're so eager to please me, to see more of my cock, you'll do anything I ask without even thinking about it ..."

A pearl of precum appeared at the tip of his cock as my wife -- my sister -- worked his shaft. I licked my lips, and looked over to the young man. Yummy looking white fluid was dripping steadily from the head. My mouth opened, slightly.

"OK Dougie I can see you drooling over there. You want some of this young dick, right?" I nodded, lost, my head buzzing with need and desire.

"Great. On your knees, now. Suck his cock while he watches his mom fellate me." I slid to the carpet and shuffled over to my -- my nephew, taking in the smell of fried food and ball musk, my nose almost touching as it I watched, fascinated, his hand stroking back and forth.

"Now, even when you can't see the cock for a few seconds, you can see it in your mind, Aaron, and you remember how good it feels to obey, and you want to keep doing whatever it takes to please me. Same for you, Doug."

"M-mom ..." Aaron croaked.

"It's okay, honey," Marilyn said lovingly, as she rested on her knees, nude, another man's thick, pendulous balls resting on her forehead. "You're serving Samson, same as me. It feels so good to serve, doesn't it? I love to worship his cock. And I know you will too."

"Good girl. Let's see how far we can go. Take it deep." He took her head in both hands as she shifted position to take the head in her mouth, then he puuuushed it in, and she swallowed, inch by inch.

"Can you do that, Doug? Just pretend it's my dick, and show it all the love you crave giving me." I took Aaron's cockhead between my lips, and licked the underside. I moved slowly, taking it a little more at a time, until his warm dick was filling my mouth.

"I --"

"Don't think about it, Aaron, just enjoy it. Feel that warm mouth bathing your dick. There's no better feeling in the world, is there? Doesn't matter who it is ... It just feels so good ..."

I felt the teen's hands on my head as he started to push in, then pull out, push in again.

"That's it buddy. Fuck that face. Feel yourself getting closer. Don't cum yet though."

His thrusts were becoming more forceful, and my world had shrunk down to the feelings of cock worship, and the voices above me.

"Your mom's a great cocksucker, kid," I heard Sam say, and Aaron's rhythm faltered.


"You can't stop now. It feels too good to stop. Keep fucking that face, while you watch me fuck your mom's face ... See how much she loves it? She's stroking her pussy, and she's taking my dick so deep into her throat. A few hours ago she'd be gagging by now, but we've been really practicing opening her up." Aaron's thrusts were regular again, in fact they'd become stronger, more insistent, deeper ... like he was trying to choke me with his tool. I felt like I was about to cum, without even touching my penis, just from imagining Sam's cock in my mouth, doing this to me.

"Aaah, fuck, that's good. Can you imagine it, kid? Think about it, just for a second. Slamming your dick into your mom's mouth, the way you're slamming into that mouth right now ... Think of your mother drooling on your hard dick, and begging you to cum down her throat. Fuck yeah ... She's a terrific cock worshipper ... and an amazing fuckslut, too. Tell you what, kid. Later, if you want, maybe I'll let you bang your mom. Would you like that? I bet she'd love it ... You ever think dirty thoughts about your mom, buddy?"

The grunting above me paused, though the thrusting didn't. "I, uh ... Sometimes ..." Aaron was silent, panting for a moment. "Sometimes she'd bend over, like bringing me breakfast, and I'd ... I could see down her shirt. I love her boobs, I always used to get hard looking at her boobs ..." His cock was throbbing in my mouth now, it was getting him so aroused thinking of his mother's tits.

I could hear Marilyn's gagging now, behind me, and it was getting faster. "Glug glukk gnng gllkk..."

"Good boy," Sam panted. "Listen -- we're in a special place right now, buddy. There are no rules, there are no taboos. Whatever you feel is okay. Whatever you want is okay. You can do anything you want. Cool?"


"And I know you want to cum soon. I'm going to let you ... but first, I want you to tell me ... What do you want, kid?"

"I want ... unnghh ... I want to suck my mom's boobs. I want to fuck my mom, and cum inside her... Nnggh fuck ... I want to make her feel so good, while I bury my face in her tits ..."

"Ooh! Good boy. OK, listen, focus on that. Think of what you want to do to this eager little slut you used to call Mom. Let it get you real close. And while you're thinking about that ..."

"Unnngghhh ... Yes ... Fuuuckkk..."

"Glukk glugg gllgg ggukk ..." "*Gluh glukglig gllgg* ..." My sister and I were making almost identical noises, my throat felt almost bruised, and I was pretty sure I'd already cum on the carpet ...

Sam's voice hardened. "I want you to notice that I'm the one throatbanging your whore of a mother. Me. While you're getting a blowie from your dumbfuck of a dad."

"Wha --"

"That stupid little cocksucker ..."


"And that turns you on even more, doesn't it?"

*Glkkglugglukkglikk ...*

"Oh fuuuckkkk!!"

"Now cum. Cum in your father's faggot mouth."


My sister moaned as she took what sounded like several mouthfuls of cum, and then came herself as he emptied into her, but I was only dimly aware of that because my, my son shot a hot blast into my throat at that moment, and then pulled me off his dick with a pop, spraying spurt after spurt of cum onto my face as I fell back, panting, his semen boiling hot on my eyelid, on my nose, in my beard, and he kept stroking it, shooting more and more all over me as I collapsed on the living room floor and lay there panting.

Sam held a limp Marilyn up for a moment longer, draining his balls a little more into her unresisting mouth, then dropped her. She slumped beside me, almost comatose, her eyes rolled back and her body still shuddering slightly. I envied her. I would have taken her hand, but for the moment I couldn't move.

"Fuck! Man, you guys are fun." Sam laughed, a loud, unpleasant bark, and added, "Damn, that was some fucked-up shit."

Aaron stood looking down on me, his pants still around his knees, his drooping cock dripping. His expression, though he was flushed with exhaustion and (still, it seemed) arousal, was fixed on me, and he looked ... aghast. Like he was processing what just happened and, for some reason, was unhappy about it.

"You know what I mean, kid?" Sam said to him. "How the longer you go, the more fucked-up shit you need to get you off?"

And at his voice, Aaron looked up to him, or at least looked up far enough to lock onto that glistening, immortal erection, and I watched his jaw go slack and his eyes ... change.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Love love love these stories

coolguy1818coolguy1818about 3 years ago

oh I beg you PLEASE give us more !!

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