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Mom's Lap: A Backseat Story

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A packed car, a clueless dad, a hot mom and a horny son.
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Although this story is intended as a light parody of the "mom in my lap in the backseat" genre, I want to make it clear that I am, in fact, a fan of nearly all such stories I've read here. It is in no way an indictment of the genre or the many authors who have tackled it, all of whom are superior writers to myself.


Among their many totally not boring hobbies, my mom and dad like to go antiquing. Being 19, home for the summer and with no girlfriend, it was my unfortunate lot in life to go with them.

After endless hours going from dinky shop to dinkier shop, my parents finally admitted it was time to head home. The only problem was that their last purchase, an old bookcase, would only fit into our packed minivan with the front passenger seat all the way down, rendering the seat useless for its intended purpose.

"Hmm, I suppose we could come back and pick it up tomorrow..." said dad.

"Well, maybe I could sit in Tom's lap in the backseat?" said mom, flashing me a little grin.

I should explain at this point that my relationship with my mother has been...strange, of late. For my whole life she had simply been "mom" and our relationship was much the same as I suppose it is between any mother and son.

Without intending to, I changed that considerably a few days ago. Not quite re-domesticated, I had wandered out of the bathroom after a shower, naked but for the towel I was using to dry my hair. I hadn't made it halfway to my room when I heard a gasp and was mortified to discover that mom was coming up the stairs down the hall, directly in front of me. For a hot second I was frozen in shock before awkwardly scurrying to my room while covering myself as best I could. My belated attempt at modesty was somewhat pointless; my mom had, without question, gotten a good, short look at my good, long dick.

I don't say I have a big dick just to brag about it (though I don't mind bragging about it). I say it because, as best I can tell, it's what caused the change in my relationship with mom. In the days since she saw it, she'd become incessantly flirty with me. At first in a somewhat casual (albeit awkward) way, but as time went on it became flagrant. Ridiculously so. She was making suggestive comments that bordered on lewd, was wearing the most revealing outfits I'd ever seen her in, and finding every excuse possible to be near me or touch me.

And, I'm ashamed to say, it was working on me. Three days ago I had never, not even for a moment, looked at my mom in a sexual way. But now that she was practically throwing herself at me, I'd have to be blind not to see how fabulously fucking hot she was. Smooth, creamy skin; plump, full tits; a soft, round ass that men would go to war over.

And here she was offering to perch that perfect ass on my crotch for the hour-long drive home.

"Umm...Maybe we should just come back for it tomorrow?" I pleaded hopefully.

Mom was playing with the hem of the flowery yellow summer dress she was wearing. As uncomfortable as it was to admit, she looked so sexy in it that I'd been sporting a half-chub all day. It had been a full-chub about an hour ago when she'd bent at the waist in one of the shops earlier, "accidentally" revealing to an audience of me that she wasn't wearing any underwear. It changes you to see your own mom's pussy lips peeking out between her thighs, crowned by the globes of her amazing ass cheeks. I still wasn't sure I liked the change, but I knew if I had her in my lap it would be an irrevocable one.

"No, your mom's right I think, you'll have to share the backseat," said dad, opening the sliding door of the van and peering in, "It'll be tight, but hopefully you guys don't mind a good squeeze."

"I don't mind at all," said mom, looking straight at me as she "adjusted" her big tits with both hands behind dad's back. My cock swelled at the sight of her ample cleavage juggling around in that dress.

I was desperate to avoid having mom sit in my lap, where I'd be very much at the mercy of her grinding ass. Seeing each other naked (by accident or by design) was one thing, having her sitting on my inevitably hard cock for an hour was another.

I had just one idea to prevent that, and it was a pretty stupid one.

"Ok, but, why don't I sit in mom's lap instead?" I asked.

I was bigger than mom and it made no sense whatsoever, but I was insistent and soon I was carefully setting myself down in mom's lap. It was weird as hell, but the alternative seemed much, much worse.

Dad got into the driver's seat directly in front of us. Mom shocked me by calmly wrapping her arms around me, letting her hands settle on my lap, her fingers wrapping gingerly around my partially inflated dick. Fuck.

"You guys won't be able to buckle up, so make sure to hold on to something, ok?" said Dad.

Mom gave my bulge a squeeze, immediately sending even more blood flowing to it. My cock was growing in her hand. Up to now, there was at least a slim chance her sexual flirting had all been in my head. But when your mom is flagrantly grabbing your cock, you can be sure she means business.

We started driving. Once we hit the highway, I took advantage of the noise to whisper to my mother, whose hands were still grasping my dick over my jeans and periodically squeezing it.

"What are you doing?" I asked her, too quiet for dad to hear.

"You know what I'm doing," she whispered back, adding a little rub to her squeezes.

"Yes but why are you doing it?" I asked, working very hard to keep my voice low so dad wouldn't hear us.

"Do you want me to stop?" she asked.

The answer was yes, I wanted the craziness of the last few days to end. I had every intention of telling her just that, but her rubbing on my pantsed dick was starting to feel really, really good.

"Nnn..." was as close to "No" as I could muster. Mom let out a victorious, satisfied sigh and set herself to giving me an over-the-pants handjob.

That didn't satisfy her for long, though. Moments later, her fingers found my fly and began working it down. The zipping noise was painfully obvious, catching dad's attention.

"What are you doing back there?" he asked, more curious than accusing.

"Just uh...," I stammered, mom's hand diving into my pants, "playing with the zipper on my hoodie."

I prayed he wouldn't remember that I wasn't wearing a hoodie.

"Well you guys should find a way to pass the time, still got a long road ahead of us," said dad.

"We'll find something to do," said mom. She nibbled my ear seductively from behind as she pulled my fully-hard cock from my pants.

"Wow, take a look at that hot rod!" said Dad.

My blood turned to ice.

"W-what?" I mumbled.

"Right in front of us," said Dad, gesturing to a classic car we were behind, "I think it's an old Ford. Boy, I'd like to get my hands on one of those!"

"I've been thinking the same thing for days now," said mom, both hands expertly tugging on my meat.

"I've wanted a hot rod like that for the longest time," said dad.

"So long...so hard," said mom, slowing her hands down and exploring the length of my cock with her fingers.

"It has been kinda hard I guess," said dad.

"And thick," said mom, squeezing my shaft. Her hands felt so, so good.

"What's that? Thick?" dad asked.

"Nothing, dear," said mom, licking my earlobe.

Dad went on talking, but I couldn't hear him over the sight of mom's delicate hands milking my hard-on from tip to base. At that moment, it didn't matter to me whose hands they were, I wouldn't have stopped them stroking for the world.

Those first five minutes, mom's handjob was exploratory. It felt amazing, like a good massage, but thankfully I was pretty sure I could hold out without cumming. Not a goal I've ever had before, but despite how good it felt I still didn't want my mom giving me an orgasm. I figured I could let her play with it awhile, get it out of her system, then regroup at home and figure out a way past all this incest nonsense.

Mom, however, had other plans. Seizing my cock in her right hand, she started jerking me in earnest, pumping my cock for all she was worth. Her left hand delved back into my pants, grabbing my balls and kneading them with her fingertips. Fuck fuck, I couldn't hold on with her working me that well.

"Slow down..." I said breathily, already feeling my balls beginning to tighten.

"I'm going the speed-limit," replied dad, certainly not who I'd been talking to, "but you're right, safety first."

As the car slowed down, elongating our trip even more, it became hopeless for me to resist shooting my load. Might as well try to enjoy it, I thought.

I grabbed mom's hand, readjusting it to a slightly more pleasurable position before letting her resume beating me off.

"So, Tom, think you'll come with us next time?" dad asked.

"I'll, uh...definitely think about it," I answered, mom's fingertips teasing the swollen head of my cock.

"Well I know you don't come with us because you love antiques, but I do hope you'll come with to spend time with me and your mother," said dad.

"Yes Tom," said mom, "Cum for mommy."

Dad laughed.

"Better do what she says, Tom!" said dad.

With her expert hands, I didn't have much of a choice. My body stiffened and one of the most intense orgasms of my life shot out of me. Cum flew out in all directions, thick ropes landing on the door, the floor, the back of dad's seat, hell I'm pretty sure some hit the damn ceiling. I did my best to stay silent but couldn't avoid letting out a moan of pleasure. Dad's interest was again piqued.

"Everything ok back there?" he asked.

"Yes," said mom, "Tom just needed to relieve some pressure."

"I'll bet, you two crammed in that seat can't be too comfortable," said dad, "feeling alright, son?"

"Feeling...great...dad..." I said, trying to catch my breath.

Mom had a good deal of my cum on her hands, which she brought to her mouth. I couldn't see, but I could hear her licking then clean.

The rest of the car, that was another story. It looked like a goo monster had exploded all over everything. I was coming down from my post-orgasmic bliss and the reality of having to explain to my dad how my cum ended up everywhere was terrifying.

"How are we gonna clean this up?" I whispered to mom.

"Uh oh, clean what up?" asked dad, suddenly more observant than at any point in the ride.

"The, uh...clean the..." I stuttered.

"Tom accidentally spilled a soda back here," interjected mom.

"Oh no, that sounds sticky," said dad.

"Yes, very," said mom with a grin, still licking her fingers.

"You didn't get any on your mom's beaver, did you?" asked dad.

I nearly choked, but quickly remembered that my mom had purchased a taxidermied beaver at a curio shop that afternoon.

"I'm sure it's fine," I said.

"Well check and make sure," said dad.

"Yes, Tom, please do," said mom seductively.

Mom's legs spread underneath me. Her dress was bunched up past mid-thigh, and I knew there was nothing covering her pussy but the cool air of the car.

I couldn't resist. It had been only a few minutes since my massive orgasm, but already I could feel my cock stirring at the thought of handling mom's pussy.

I reached down, first between my legs then hers. I followed one of her smooth thighs back, until my fingers came upon something soft, warm, and soaking wet.

"Well? How does it look?" asked dad.

I slid my middle finger up between mom's folds, eliciting a light gasp from her.

"I can't see it, but it feels great," I said.

"Really fucking great," said mom as I rubbed my thumb in circles around her clit.

"The guy at the shop thought it might need to be re-stuffed. What do you guys think?" asked dad.

"DEFINITELY," said mom as I dipped a fingertip into her and swirled it around.

Mom weaved her arm through mine, grabbing me again by the dick. Fingering her had brought me fully erect again.

"Hey Tom, think you can get your hand into that box back there?" asked dad, referencing, I presume, the box of antiques next to us.

"Uh, probably not my whole hand..." I said, now three fingers deep in mom's snatch.

"I'm worried that those crystal carafes we bought weren't packed well enough. Can you check on them?" dad asked.

"I can try," I said, feeling mom squirm on my hand, "What's a carafe?"

"It's kinda like a big water jug," said dad, "Just feel around for any jugs and check them out for me."

Mom's big tits had been squashed against my back the whole ride. I was majorly horny and took dad's request as permission to feel his wife's hooters.

To accomplish this, I had to twist around so I was facing her. It was awkward and I bumped dad's seat quite a bit, but eventually I was half laying on her, my elbows propped on the armrests and my bare cock smashing against her thigh.

Mom and I looked each other in the eye for the first time since the ordeal had started. Her eyes were not just my mom's anymore; they belonged to a wanton sex goddess that craved my cock every bit as much as I craved her body.

We kissed, our tongues swirling as I pulled the top of her dress down, freeing her big breasts. God they were perfect. She was perfect. Built to the specs of my every desire.

"So do they feel ok?" dad asked, referencing his carafes.

"They feel amazing," I said.

Mom was still stroking my cock, which was now nearly in position for me to slide it into her pussy, which is clearly what she was hoping for.

"Do we still have any of that food left in the cooler back there? Any sandwiches, or maybe some of that blueberry pie your mom made?" asked dad.

"Yeah..." I said, not really listening as I grabbed my dick out of mom's hand and aimed it at her snatch.

"Great! Tom, do you think you can reach your mom's pie back there?"

"Uh...I think so..." I said, slapping my heavy cock against mom's pussy lips.

"Perfect, go ahead and get some for me," said dad.

I pushed my hips forward, my thick cock piercing mom's slick and eliciting a loud, pleasurable moan from her. I froze, worried what dad would think.

"You ok back there, honey?" He asked.

"Unh...uh...uh-huh," grunted mom, "For Tom to get the pie he really had to stretch me out."

"Now Tom, don't hurt her but you have my permission to stretch your mom out if need be," said dad.

"Ok dad, you got it," I said, over the wet, squelching sound of my big cock rearranging mom's insides.

For a few moments, the car was silent. Except of course for the clearly sexual noises mom and I were making. After several more long moments, dad finally said something.

"How's it coming with that pie?" He asked.

"It's coming pretty soon," said mom, her whole body starting to quiver.

"Yeah, but sorry dad, now that I have it I think I'm gonna keep it for myself," I said, slapping my sexy mother's full tits around as I continued fucking her.

Dad chuckled.

"Heh, can't say I blame you. Once a man has had your mom's pie he'll settle for nothing less," said dad, "Heck, whenever we visit my folks, your grandad asks your mom about her pie constantly."

I raised an eyebrow at mom, who guiltily bit her lip and shrugged. I thought back to the many trips to grandma and grandpa's I'd made with my parents over the years and the many ways mom's relationship with grandpa had always seemed a little odd. Now it all made sense.

"Poor guy probably doesn't get fresh pie too often, what with your grandma spending so much time working on her vintage oil can collection," said dad.

I pictured myself in front of the shelves containing grandma's prized can collection as she yammered on about each of them for the millionth time. I'd always been ashamed to admit it, but I never heard what she was saying as I was always too distracted by her huge tits to pay any attention.

"That reminds me: have you finished thinking about which of those oil cans we picked up today would fit best with her collection?" Dad asked.

"Uh, no, not yet," I said, still pounding away at mom's pussy.

Dad took a more serious tone.

"I really think you should, son. Her birthday's coming up. You can finish while you're on your mom's lap," he said.

"I'm not sure I'm ready to finish yet, dad" I said, popping mom's nipple out of my mouth.

"Just do it, son. Think about your grandma's cans and finish on your mom," said dad.

I was about to take dad's advice when mom chimed in.

"I want...you to finish...all over...my fucking face," panted mom as I continued fucking the breath out of her.

I worried what dad would think hearing that but he was back to humming along to his music, totally oblivious.

I fucked mom wildly for another minute or so. Dad said something about the road being bumpier than it looked, but mom and I didn't respond, we were too lost in the moment. Mom's boobs were flopping and shaking all over the place.

I glanced out the window next to us, my eyes meeting with a thoroughly bewildered trucker. He could see everything, making me wonder how many other motorists passing by had caught our impromptu incest-fest.

"I was thinking about the bookcase," said dad, "I'm worried it's too big to bring in through the front door. We might have to use the sliding door in back."

I was fucking mom violently now. Her legs were sprawled on either side of me, her feet flailing around.

"What do you think, son? Do you want to try the backdoor?" asked dad.

Mom stared me straight in the eye and nodded her head.

"Yeah dad, once we get home I think the backdoor will definitely be an option," I said.

I would've loved to stick it in mom's ass then and there, but it seemed clear a new chapter had opened in our relationship and I'd be able to have her any way I wanted in the future. But right now, I was about to coat her with jizz.

I pulled out of mom quickly, grabbing my cock and pumping as jets of hot cum blasted out of me. The first few ropes landed on mom's beautiful face, the next few on her jiggling boobs, and finally onto her dress and pelvis. I stuffed my cock back in her pussy to milk out the last few drops inside of her.

We were pulling into our neighborhood, meaning mom and I had less than a minute to put our naughty bits away and assume a position that resembled normal. There was no hope of dealing with the cum that practically coated mom from top to taint. We just had to hope that dad wouldn't notice (given the events of the last hour, I was more confident in this plan than I would have thought).

The car stopped in the driveway and dad undid his seatbelt.

"I'll get the door for you guys," he said, hopping out of the van before we could say no.

Dad opened the door, and if he thought anything was strange about our disheveled, post-coital, cum-covered situation, his face didn't show it.

"Boy, that soda got everywhere!" said dad. My two sticky loads were, indeed, on seemingly every surface, especially mom.

I climbed out of the van, with mom right after.

"You guys should probably get in the shower," suggested dad, "I'll clean up this mess and unload everything."

I probably should have cared more that my dad was going to be wiping up the loads my mom had extracted from me, but I was already thinking of the shower I'd be taking with her as my hand clamped onto her ass out of dad's view.

Some crumbs from the seat cushion had managed to latch on to a glob of cum on my shirt. Noticing this, dad reached out to brush it off with his hand.

"Geez Tom, you've got so many crumbs on you you'll probably need the vacuum to suck them all up. Why don't you let your mom suck you off before you hop in the shower," said dad nonchalantly as he began unloading the sticky car.

And I did.

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