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Lockdown Loving

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A sweet boy and his "Stepfather" get close in quarantine.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


It was about five months into 2020 when my Aunt died of coronavirus. Though she was a fiery woman, her smoking habit didn't help when she caught the bug.

My Aunt was my only family and I'd lived with her ever since I can remember. She had recently married a new guy who I barely even knew and now I was stuck living with him in quarantine during the pandemic.

It was awkward at first because we hadn't talked much before she died and now it was just us two alone in the house. My "Stepdad" John was an exec at a finance firm and skirted the lockdown laws by going into his office occasionally. His absence made the situation more bearable because at least we weren't stuck together all the time. It's not that I didn't like him, it was just awkward.

One night after a long day of doing nothing I was making dinner for myself when John came back from work. He looked hungry and asked me what I was cooking up. We never ate together so I hadn't thought to make him food, but I told him that it was chicken parmesan, noodles, and salad. I was embarrassed that I hadn't offered to cook for him before so I asked and he gladly accepted.

He was grateful, saying that he usually just had take out and hadn't come home to a nice meal since my Aunt died. Then he told me he was going to his den to catch a football game and left me in the kitchen to finish dinner.

Once done I called John over to the table to eat. He arrived looking handsome, having changed into shorts with his light blue polo shirt from work still on.

My Aunt was a looker when she was alive and John was definitely an equal match. While he wasn't all that handsome: late 30's, gruff smile, dark beard, receding hairline, tan skin, mediterranean; John was big and masculine. He really was huge and even though I stood at 6 feet he still towered over me when we talked.

I tried to hide it but secretly I had a crush on Big John. Not only was he sexy, but he was actually really nice to me. He never made me feel weird for being gay, something my Aunt let slip early on during a meal. I thought he might be offput by my sexuality since he's so manly but he treats me well and always looks happy to see me.

While I plated our food I noticed John hadn't sat down yet and was waiting for me to finish. Though I was a bit embarrassed by his chivalry since we were both men, I did appreciate his manners. I gave John the bigger chicken breast and a bit more noodles than I gave myself. I have a tight little body that I like to keep thin and I figured John needed to eat more than me anyways.

John the gentleman helped me into my chair then pushed it in for me as I sat which made me blush. He talked mostly as we ate, venting about something that was happening at work. I was only 18 and had just graduated high school so there wasn't much going on in my life before college in the fall. I couldn't see my friends in quarantine so I pretty much just played video games and jerked off all day.

We talked for a while and I learned that John was actually a very pleasant man despite his intimidating size. I really liked spending time with him. He was kind and let me finish my thoughts, always watching me intently with a smile while we chatted. He warmly put his big arm around my shoulder a few times, flexing his veiny biceps in the tight arm holes of his smart shirt.

When the meal was done John stood up and pulled my chair out for me making me blush and giggle like a school girl.

"I'm going to go finish the football game. Why don't you come in and watch with me after you clean up?"

I was so happy at his invitation to watch TV that I barely recognized the suggestion, command, to clean the dishes. I felt emasculated being told to do the "woman's work" especially after I made him dinner.

I thought about my predicament as I cleared the table, realizing, though, that John did pay for all of the food we just ate. He also pays for the electricity, internet, my phone, and pretty much everything I own. Making John dinner and cleaning up around here for him actually seemed like a great way for me to show my appreciation, and I began to smile as I gleefully washed the dishes.

I padded into his den wearing a white shirt and athletic shorts. I wanted to be cozy while we watched TV. He was reclined in his La-Z-Boy sipping a scotch while gesturing for a nervous me to enter. Like I said, we didn't really hang out together so this was new for both of us. I took the spot on the far couch, opting for the comfiest seat other than his big chair.

We watched the game and talked like before, though I didn't know much about sports. He asked me which team I wanted to win and I was embarrassed because I didn't even know which two teams were playing.

I always hated talking about sports with guys because they seem to just instinctively know everything and I don't even know the rules of football. I felt bad looking like a girly boy in front of John and whispered that I didn't know who the teams were.

John sensed my athletic illiteracy and told me not to worry because he'd teach me! This made me grin and I was told to come over to him so we could watch together. I stood up but wasn't sure exactly where to sit since there were no chairs near him.

"Come here, cutie, you can sit on the floor by my feet."

I walked over feeling giddy at John calling me cutie. John undid the recliner and sat straight up in his chair, giving me a place to sit beside his legs. I plopped down on my bottom and immediately noticed how massive John looked over me when I was on the ground. He smiled down at me, thick fur coming from his collar to meet the stubble on his neck. From down here he seemed larger than life, a demigod, and I was humbled to sit by his feet.

We watched the game and John explained the rules of football and which team he liked, the Ravens. He never made fun of me even though I knew nothing about the rules; it made me feel good. He was gentle and I found we were both watching each other more than the actual game. When the Ravens scored John let out a "whoop" and clasped my shoulder with his meaty paw.

"That's our team, baby!" he yelled, making me blush again at his nickname. This time John kept his hand on my shoulder, its presence like a radiator. I was trying my hardest to not squirm but the hand on my shoulder may has well have been on my cock.

Speaking of which, my little dick awakened to my dismay and was tenting up in my shorts. When John wasn't looking I quickly swiped my 5 inch stiffy into my waistband.

John's hand still hadn't left me and now it had now traveled to my neck. He grabbed the back of it with his firm grip, kneading me and making me shudder.

I looked over to his legs during my massage and was facisnated by the differences beteeen us. While his legs were like thick trunks covered in dark fur, mine were pale and thin, almost hairless except a few sprinkles on my shins. I traveled up to check out his arms. His biceps were the size of my thighs. He continued massaging my neck and I noted the dimorphism between us while going down the checklist of our anatomy. I couldn't believe we were both considered "male".

I ventured to touch his leg, so curious to feel the hair that I lacked. When I petted it once I heard him huff out a satisfied grunt. I took this as an invitation and began to softly rub his shin. Eventually I had tilted myself towards his leg and was wrapped around it, holding on as a buoy. He kept his hand on my neck, approving of the new position.

The game finished and John got up first then reached down to lift me. Again he stood over me and we both stared at each other silently, understanding that what had just happened was special.

"Hey, sweetheart, how about a hug before bed?" John asked. We had never really hugged before but there was nothing I would have rather done in that moment than be squeezed by John.

He came up to me and wrapped my whole body keeping my arms by my sides. He constricted me, holding me close while gently rubbing my head and sniffing my hair. His other hand wandered down my shirt to my lower back and he lifted the bottom of my tee to slip his hand under and onto my smooth flesh.

The skin-to-skin contact made my knees buckle but he held me tighter so I didn't fall. He rubbed my back up and down, his huge hand covering most of it laterally. His hands were calloused but I knew John was rubbing gently to not hurt me. He was really good to me.

The hug continued and I thought about this year and the catastrophic loss of my Aunt, my only family. I started to shake and eventually broke down, sobbing into John's arms.

John wouldn't let me move and continued to hold and stroke me, ensuring, "it'll be okay, sweet boy. Shhhh. It'll be okay. I'll make everything better. Daddy's going to make everything better."

It took me aback when he referred to himself as "Daddy" but the moment was too intense for me to scrutinize him.

John held me for a while then finally pulled his hand out of the back of my shirt. Before letting go, he put his palm on my ass, placing his fingers near my hole. He gave a tight squeeze, shocking me out of my state and bringing me back to reality. I wasn't sure it had actually happened, though, because when I looked back at John he seemed to be his normal self.

"Let's get to bed now, darling, it's been a long night."

We both went to our separate rooms and I brushed my teeth then laid in bed. I stripped since I always slept naked, but tonight I secretly hoped to schedule a nocturnal appointment with John. I knew it was a ridiculous thought but I wanted to give him easy access if he chose to come in.

I couldn't sleep, too horny from tonight's activities. Though his actions were innocent, John had lit a fire in me and I felt I might explode. Pumping my little cock and playing with my hole I did explode, multiple times, one after the other in a glorious succession of 3 orgasms in under an hour. During each one I thought about John's hands touching me, stroking my neck, cupping my ass. His big veiny arms covered in hair. His gentle smile. Fuck. I was so damn horny.

The next morning I got up with nothing to do as usual. In the kitchen I saw that John had left a mess after his breakfast and laughed to myself about how he really doesn't like to clean. I cleaned up after John and sort of enjoyed it, thinking about how happy he'd be when he got home. After the kitchen I started to tidy up the rest of house, realizing we had really let it go to shit after my Aunt passed.

It was hot in the summer so I wore a pair of short booty shorts and a tight tank top. They didn't cover much but I thought I looked cute. I would never let anyone see me wearing them but I have a secret collection of clothes like this, little slutty faggot clothes, that I loved to dress and pose in. It felt good being in this outfit and I thought about how it's sort of like I'm John's wife, dolled up, cleaning up for him while he's at work.

I was in his bathroom scrubbing the floor on all fours when I felt a presence behind me. It was only 3 o'clock so I didn't think John could already be home but I knew he was there.

I scrubbed for another second, unsure of what to do, positive that he could see my cheeks slipping out from the bottom of the shorts, my lower back exposed by the small tank top, and maybe even the tops of my white lace panties sticking out. My heart dropped as I turned around, staying on my knees with my eyes down, too afraid to meet John's stare.

I finally had the courage to look up. John was smiling down at me and said, "Hey cutie, I'm home early. Sorry to scare you." He didn't sound mad at all.

"Thanks for cleaning up around here while I was out, it looks amazing! And speaking of amazing, where did you get those shorts, little guy?"

I couldn't tell if he was teasing or not, but John is nice to me so I hoped he was being honest. I was about to stutter out some bullshit response about the shorts when John spoke first, "well I know you haven't worn those around me before because Daddy definitely would've remembered."

There he goes with that "Daddy" thing again. Although it is kind of sweet when he says it...

"You look like such a little cutie in that outfit on your knees cleaning up after me." I blushed. "Well, I don't want to bother you, you seem to be doing a good job. I'm gonna head into my den, let me know when dinner's ready, will you, sweetheart?"

Absolutely humiliated I looked back down to the floor nodding. I was waiting for him to go away but I sensed he wouldn't leave until he got what he wanted. And what he wanted was one last glimpse at my tight behind.

I submissively turned, truly feeling like a girl next to this man, and arched my back just a tad to pull the shorts up my cheeks. I resumed scrubbing, all the while feeling John's, Daddy's, eyes burning into me.

He walked away and I whimpered, mortified by the situation, but smug at his reaction. He really did like my shorts. I guess I'll be wearing them more often.

I finished cleaning and went to the kitchen to start on dinner. John called me into the den and his interest piqued again when he saw my faggot garb.

"Hey sweetheart, why don't you go get Daddy a beer."

"Okay, John," I replied happily.

He looked at me a bit more seriously than usual and it made me feel small and weak. "Baby, I think you should start calling me Daddy from now on, not John. I'd like hearing you say it."

His request triggered one of my deepest fantasies and the synapses in my brain were going haywire. I had always wanted to call a man Daddy. To say it out loud. That word. Daddy. I'd never had a Daddy before and I craved a patriarchal figure.

"Is that okay, baby, for you to call me Daddy? I'd really like it if you did."

His warm brown eyes melted my heart and I squealed, "of course that's okay, Daddy!" I wanted to hug and kiss him but knew that wasn't appropriate so I just sauntered back to the kitchen, making an effort to shake my ass to entice my new Daddy.

I finished up and again plated our meals, seeing that Daddy had moved our chairs closer so we were now sitting on the same side of the table. How thoughtful of him! He came in and pulled my chair out just like before. We sat extremely close, my hairless thigh touching the material of his nice business suit pants the whole time. He looked so handsome in his button down shirt and tie with the sleeves rolled up revealing his hairy forearms.

While we ate he would occasionally grab my leg as he told a story, holding it for a while near the knee, squeezing it so tightly I struggled to contain my reactions.

He'd slide his hand up my smooth thigh close to my cock, leaving it near the top to rest, a warm blanket on my tiny leg. Daddy got up when we finished and held my shoulders, massaging them while he nuzzled my head.

"Come on, cutie, get up. These dishes aren't gonna wash themselves. When you're done come in to the den and we can watch a movie together. Now get to it, woman!"

He smacked my ass once while I scampered back to my domain, both of us laughing at him calling me "woman". I was uneasy, though, understanding that it wasn't really a joke. It felt like I was becoming his woman. Today I had cleaned for him, cooked for him, done his dishes, and all in a tiny uniform! He's making me a house boy and I think I'm starting to like it...

I entered the den after cleaning and saw Daddy sitting with his tie undone, work shirt slightly unbuttoned, massive legs spread in his chair. He looked like the epitome of masculinity while I certainly did not in my little pussyboy outfit. I was sad to see that there was no room next to his legs for me to sit so I walked over the couch dejected.

"Baby, what's wrong? Don't you want to sit with Daddy?"

I perked up and smiled at him like a dog for a ball and he pointed between his two legs. I practically ran over, diving between Daddy's legs so I could get comfy.

His legs were giant and encased me on both sides and when he crossed his ankles it's like I was caged in. He had taken off his pants and was just in his boxers so I got to see his hairy legs and even his thighs. The leg holes of his boxers were tantalizing and I could only imagine the smell and sight of his beautiful package.

I got comfy, holding onto Daddy's leg as he rested his hands over my chest, playing with my tummy and pecs through the head hole of my tank top. "Cutie, why don't you get the remote by the TV so we can turn this movie on."

The TV was only about 8 feet away so I decided to crawl instead of walk. I got on all fours and popped my ass up a bit, not too much to be slutty but enough to give him a better look.

I crawled over to the remote, pretending to rummage through the box so he could soak in the view. When I finally turned back Daddy was leaning forward in his chair staring at me and practically drooling. I knew he wanted me. I crawled back happy with myself and set up back in between his legs.

The film was scary and at one point I was shaking. We'd been watching for a while and Daddy started to get more adventurous. After touching my chest he moved up to my neck and eventually was stroking my face. I kissed his palms softly which he seemed to adore. He slowly began slipping his fingers in and out of my mouth, wetting them for what I assumed was another purpose.

"You getting scared down there, baby?" He asked. I nodded shyly. "Why don't you get up here with Daddy so I can keep you safe then?"

I immediately vaulted up, unashamed to show Daddy how excited I was to finally sit on his lap. I placed myself delicately on his legs, facing forward just as he was. My tiny ass and hips took up no real estate on his sprawling lap and my legs lay over his in perfect synchronization, with mine barely covering anything.

He held me by my waist, wrapping both his arms in a hug so I felt safe and warm. He rested his head on my shoulder, alternating between kissing my ears and nuzzling my sensitive spots. I was puddy for him, cooing and mewling like a kitten. He slowly spread my thighs so they were straddling his wide legs and pulled my wrists behind my back making my spine arch.

In this lewd position Daddy took off my shirt leaving me cold and shivering. He warmed me with his big hands, rubbing them up and down my chest telling me what a tight and smooth little boy I was.

He pulled me into the position a husband might carry his bride, me perpendicular to his upright torso with my legs and head in his arms. He rocked me like this for a while and we stared at each other, forgetting the movie was still on.

He pulled my shorts off deftly then slipped a finger in my mouth and wetted it. He took his finger and went down to the panties that I was embarrassingly wearing below.

"Do you always wear pretty panties like this, sweetheart? Or just when you want to make Daddy happy?"

I giggled and we smiled together, glowing in our shared serenity. He looked at me with sympathetic eyes as he slowly wiggled his finger into me, saying, "Daddy needs to break into this sweet like pussy, baby. I need to make it my pussy."

I was thoroughly humiliated at having a grown man refer to my ass as a pussy but in the moment it felt right. He was fingering me softly while I undulated in his arms, just as a man would do with his girl. I always liked a man to focus on my ass and I guess I did kind of want him to treat it like a man might a pussy. I also liked hearing him say it.

He kept fingering me, introducing his other hand to my cock. "I won't jerk this little thing, baby. No, sweetheart. But I will give you little tickles," he whispered to me as he lightly stroked it with his fingers.

I was close to cumming and was begging Daddy to touch me more. He shoved another finger in my pussy and that was enough, I creamed all over the hand that was covering my cock. He brought his hand to my mouth and told me to clean it so I did, lapping up my boy juice.


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