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The House Boat - Day 05


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"Nope. I'll think about the room. I need to check my bank account."

Rin rolled her eyes, "And here I thought you were the romantic one and I was just the horny one."

I gave a quick kiss to the side of her neck, causing her to gasp and flush in embarrassment, "No, you're definitely the horny one."

She punched me lightly again. "Jerk."

"You know, I really prefer it when the bruises come from your teeth than your ring."

Rin grinned happily, looking at it sitting on her hand, "Then maybe you shouldn't have given it to me... Holy crap. We really did it, didn't we? Forever, is forever."

I kissed her cheek, fiddling with my own ring, and leaned back into the chair, "Kinda surprised that you haven't found it yet, to be honest."

"Found what?"

I glanced at her, "You haven't taken the ring off since you got it, have you?"

Rin shook her head, holding it with her other hand, "I don't... It's stupid. Feels like if I did, I might lose it or something, and then you'd get mad at me. It's important to me."

"It's engraved. On the inside." I smiled at her.

Rin carefully slipped her ring off and held it up to the overhead light in the bus, reading it out loud, "Wanted. Wild. Loved."

She put it back on and turned to me, with tears welling up in her eyes, "Okay. You're definitely the romantic one. You really think of me as your wild thing?"

"Yeah." I shrugged, "Always and forever."

She wiped angrily at her face, "You can't say stuff like that to me, right now. I'm already a punching bag full of hormones."

"Anyone hits you, Rin, they're going to suddenly find the entire world dropped on them from a very great height." I promised her.

She sniffed and snuggled into my arm again, "So... You get why I don't like being spanked, now? Even though I like being tied up?"

"Yeah. Not that I ever thought about it for more than two seconds. We've all got our preferences." I leaned my head into hers, "Mine, obviously, is you. All of you. However you want it to be."

"Apart from on a public bus." She teased, "So... Um... Can we have the room?"

I sighed and switched from the browser to my banking app to check if I could even think about affording it. Three nights in the room would cost the same as her ring had.

She looked away as I did, "Oh. Sorry. I know I'm not practical... You never talk about your work with me."

"I work for the family firm. Or probably, did." I said as it dawned on me that our parent's hissyfit also meant that I'd just been fired. Probably. "Seemed like a sore point."

"Huh. You're a lawyer like Vinnie?" Rin said in surprise, "You... In a suit and tie... Struggling to picture it. Even for our wedding."

"Marketing." I replied, "I do the design work. The logo, website, all that crap. Vincent's the lawyer. You weren't the only one who had fights with Mum and Dad about their future. You just managed to follow through, and I didn't."

"Yay for being kicked out of home to become a waitress." Rin said sarcastically, "That's all I am, Chris. A waitress, still doing her degree. Now, I kinda feel like a gold digger."

"And now I feel guilty for letting you buy us a bunch of toys, and outfits." I kissed her cheek, "We're in it together, Rin. All the way. What's mine is yours. The only thing I care about the cash for, is that it also means our future. You don't want to inherit debt by marrying me."

"Forget about the room." She said quietly, "I'd be happy living in a dumpster with you. We'll get something cheap until this blows over."


Rin sniffed, "I already feel guilty about my ring. You said it was going to take you a while to afford it, and then -"

"Then I got paid for something, and we're fine." I said firmly, "I just need to balance the room with also being able to order five star meals for you, because I want to spoil you."

"I'm already a spoiled brat."

I sighed and went to book the room. Causing Rin to try and grab my phone and stop me. Wrestling with a cracked screen full of tiny glass shards was less fun than it sounds.

Rin sucked her bleeding thumb, "Ow."

"Room booked."

She glared at me, "You suck."

"You didn't complain the other morning, when I did."

She rolled her eyes at the predictable retort, and shrugged, "So, I guess we're going there. Is it far from Southern Cross?"

"Basically across the road from Flinders. So another train once we get in." I replied, "But... We're meant to talk to someone once we get in, so it might take a bit to get there. And I might have to be distracted and make a few calls to arrange the pickup of our stuff."

Rin pouted, "Mmm. Who?"

"Who would I get to pick up our stuff?"

She shrugged, "I don't really trust any of our family, right now. I could ask a friend, maybe. But it'd be out of their way, a long way."

"Well, usually I'd say Kate. But... She was one of my two."

Rin shot a glare at me, "You invited... Kate... To our fucking wedding. And wanted it to be a surprise?"

The anger was not altogether undeserved, and certainly wasn't surprising.

Kate was one of our childhood friends. Our. She used to hang out with both of us, as we made adventures in the back garden.

Rin was the one who stole my cupcake, teasing me as she ran along. Kate would be the one who crash tackled her to get it back, offering it to me shyly.

The two of them had competed, for a while.

Kate's family moved away right around the time Rin hit puberty, and I started to notice her. Childhood flirtations became forgotten, and that was that.

Right up until I went to university.

It was chaotic, that time in our lives. Dad tried to force Rin to study law, to go to a uni of his choosing, so that she'd end up in the family business. Thomas Family Lawyers. That was her life, all planned out for her.

Rin fought back, and for it, she was kicked out of the house. A hundred dollars in her bank account, and our parents thinking she would come crawling back to them.

She was better than that, stronger.

Rin had her friends, her charms, and her wits. It didn't take her that long to prove to the family that she didn't need them. Which had taken our mother some time to forgive her for, and apparently our dad had only just come around to thinking he might.

Until Rin refused to fall in line, again, and that was it. She was burned, in their eyes.

In the midst of Rin being kicked from home, I'd had my own struggles. I didn't want to be a lawyer. Didn't have the grades for it, either. I couldn't be what my parents wanted me to be.

I showed enough deference to earn a compromise, going into graphic design on the condition I use those skills for the firm.

Whilst I was at uni, mourning the loss of my twin sister, feeling the pressure of our parents breathing down my neck, I had run into a familiar face.

Kate, all grown up.

She had been as cute as ever, but now with an added sexyness. So when she'd offered to show me her tattoos, it had not really taken me long to agree to it.

She became the first girlfriend I hid from my family. Well, from my parents. I hadn't hidden her from Rin, but I had been dating her for three months before I reconnected with my twin.

She hadn't approved, and her opinion of Kate had always varied somewhere between dirty skank and obvious whore.

Kate and I had broken up because of my family. She didn't like hiding it, and I wasn't willing to expose her to the obvious and horrible manipulations of my mother.

We'd managed to maintain a friendship afterwards, though.

I'd called her, right after Vincent had said he would try and accept Rin and I as family. If there was anyone who might be able to accept me dating my twin, it would be the woman who knew us both.

Kate had thought I was pranking her, at first.

Then she'd become extremely angry and told me that I was hurting Rin, putting her at risk, because of selfish feelings. That rant had been about ten minutes long.

Eventually, though, when I offered the wedding, she'd agreed to it reluctantly. She thought I was being stupid. She thought Rin was just going to get hurt. But... She understood it.

"If Kate was the one who told Rob, I don't think you'll have to worry about her, ever again."

Rin sighed heavily, "She always did try and steal my brother from me. Acting all cute to you, and treating me like crap."

"When I told her, about us, Rin... You were her concern." I said softly, "I know you don't get along, but she's still my oldest friend. Wedding isn't just for the bride."

She glared at me some more, and then relented, "True. So... You think she did it? That why she can't pick up our stuff?"

"I think there's four people. So I don't trust any of them, until this is over." I shrugged.

Rin took a deep breath, "Depressing thoughts. Want less depressing. Anybody else who owes you a favour? I mean, Jessie would have been who I'd call, a little while ago."

"Maybe I'll be able to organise the post office to handle it." I shrugged.

"... Chris?"


"Can I go to sleep in your lap?"

I stroked her hair, smiling at her sadly, "Why on earth would you need permission for that? Get some sleep. I'll wake you up when we get there. Everything organised for you... But to your choice."

"Say the sweetest things." She said, as she bedded down, still wrapped up in my jacket.


Arriving in Melbourne was a complete non-event.

There was a pair of police officers waiting. As predicted, Rob was arrested. They didn't offer any details, and with Rin asleep on her feet, we didn't ask for any.

They asked us if we needed some help to find a place for the night, and said the houseboat rental was holding our stuff for us.

With that, Rin and I were left alone in the city at night. She fell asleep on the city loop train. Wasn't even really awake when we walked into the grand hotel lobby for check-in.

Rin went to sit whilst I approached the reception, which gave me an opportunity to make a bit of an odd request.

With that done, the two of us headed up to the room, and Rin climbed in and was basically out like a light. I snuggled in behind her, holding her.

Smiling as I remembered our first night, when I had kissed her. Remembered Rin pulling my arm under her to hold her. No need for us to sleep alone, anymore, ever again.

Rin surprised me by being awake and shuffling back against me in the dark, "Chris?"


"I... I am tired. Exhausted. But... Are you maybe...?"

I laughed at her hesitance and kissed her neck, eliciting a quiet moan. "Feeling frisky, Rin? Your husband has magic fingers. But we're not in bushland anymore. Not your fantasy world. So I guess I need to savour it when you're in the mood."

"You're my fucking fantasy." She rolled over, a hand pressing lightly into my chest, "Bushland. Skyscapes. Back of a bus. I don't know how I lived before. Sex with you... Is nothing like sex before you."

"I'm sure that was supposed to sound like a compliment."

She growled angrily, and then it was my turn to sharply breathe in as she nipped at my ear, "I. Am... Fucking horny. You don't want to annoy me, right now."

"Really? What got you all hyped up? I didn't even take you out anywhere nice."

"I'm in bed with my husband. This morning, I let him fuck my ass." Rin said testily, "Which means, all day, whenever I wasn't being depressed, I could feel it. Slightly sore, slightly tired. Signs of a good fucking. And my pussy, your heaven, is fucking jealous."

I laughed at her aggressive tone, "Still not naming your pussy. But I do really like the image of doing you low and slow, right here, in the dark. Making love. But... If you're tired, I can just get you off."

"Chris... When have we ever settled for low and slow?" Rin said sarcastically, "I want you to fuck the shit out of me, so we can both pass out in each other's arms."

I kissed her gently, "If you're sure."

"Do you want me or not?" She snapped, but with a hint of cheekiness to her voice.

I rolled her onto her back, one hand immediately going down and finding its way to her entrance. My tongue snaked into her mouth, as I breathed in the scent of her.

I felt her hand join mine inside her. Her ring pressing into my fingers as we began to slowly fingerfuck her in sync. She moaned loudly into my mouth, but despite her earlier protests, neither of us tried to go faster.

Savouring each other.

Cherishing the fact that this was us, and that there was nothing else. No stress, no expectations, no urgencies. All that there was, were two people willing to become one.

Her panties rubbed against my wrist, as our interlocking hand moved in and out of her. Slowly coaxing her from slightly wet and into what I was more used to finding.

"Wait." Rin gasped, tossing aside the blanket and ripping her underwear off and throwing that somewhere in the dark. She dropped back to me, and grabbed my hand again. "Better."

I went back to kissing her, as we slipped back inside.


My phone buzzed in the background, a message received. It mattered about as much to me in that moment as anything that wasn't Rin. Which was... Not a damn.

"Fuck. Chris." She breathed, fighting to keep her voice quiet, "Fuck... We should have... Tried this... Earlier."

I kissed at her neck, as our hands continued their slow exploration of her insides, "Fuckin' sexy. My little wild thing."

She grunted, her stomach stiffening, "Oh... Oh, I like that. Call me that, again."

I nipped her neck and pushed her to up the pace of the fingerfucking just a little. "My wife. My wild thing. Untamed... Unbroken... Impossible..."

"Mmm. Chris. Fuck." She groaned at speaking volume, "I... I want to feel you on top. I want you to fuck me. Now."

I struggled to get my pants off, dropping them over the edge of the bed with a thunk. As they hit, I felt Rin's hand wrap around me. Her thumb rolling around the head, spreading my precum along my shaft.

She leaned up against my back, pressing her still clothed breasts into me, "Do you want to fuck her, Chris? Wanna fuck your wild sister?"

"Yes." I groaned, "I want to fuck her, hard and fast. Cum inside her."

Rin breathed in sharply, "Sweetest things. She wants you to. She wants you to fill up her dirty little pussy. Make her raw, all over again. Never stop fucking her."

I turned my head to kiss at her cheek, and instead found her mouth and tongue waiting for me.

As I pushed into her willing mouth, her hand motions on my dick became more exuberant. Pumping me quickly, sloppily, threatening to let this turn into me getting everything, and her nothing.

"Rin." I warned her.

She reluctantly let go, lying back, "Remember that morning? Where you tried to make me cum the moment you pushed into me? I want this, Chris. Don't try and last. Just fucking cum, inside me."

I groaned at the thought, before clumsily moving in the dark. One arm beside her head as the other tried to direct my cock towards her entrance. I felt her hand take mine, and the swollen head find her lips.

I pushed slowly, feeling my oversensitivity, as I entered her. The beautiful redhead who loved me without reservation. Who wanted to be my bride, my wife. The sister I had always loved.

"Cum, Chris." She breathed in sharply, "Oh, fuck, fuck. Cum for me. Cum inside your wild thing."

I pushed into her quickly, grunting as I felt my balls hit her. My cock flexing, dangerously close to the edge, as it found itself in her warmth and tightness.

"Fuck!" Rin shouted, moaning and arching her back, "Shit, fuck, damn! Chris, yes! Yes!"

I fell into her, pinning her into the luxurious mattress, grabbing her shoulders. Rin mewled as I began to thrust into her as fast as I could. "Bite me, Rin."

She planted the hickey against my shoulder, growling passionately as she did. Stomach flexing and hands clawing at my back. Trying to drag me into her, deeper.

"Cum, Chris." She begged me, "Cum inside me. Inside your heaven."

I snorted in laughter, and she giggled along, just for a moment. Kissing at her neck quickly restored the mood, and found us in a frantic rhythm.

"Still. Not. Naming. It." I grunted into her.

Rin kissed at my cheek, "Eugh. Yes! Shit... Agree. To. Fuck. Disagree."

I felt her orgasm hit her, waves of clenching around me, stomach pushing up against me. Pushing my head into her chest. I continued to pound into her, feeling my moment approaching.

Permission already given, I didn't warn her.

Wanted to hear her.

"Pleeeease." Rin moaned, "Cum in your wild thing."

"Yes. Wife." I grunted, and did just that.

Rin gasped, "Fuck! Are you...?!"

I collapsed against her, still buried up to the hilt.

"Wow." Rin breathed out slowly, "Oh, wow. That was... Intense. I guess we needed that. Wow."

I kissed her neck gently, "Need me to give you a little more?"

"Uh uh." Rin breathed, "More than satisfied. Fuck. That's what I needed. Oh. Didn't feel right... Right up until you filled me up. God. Everything feels better, now."

I just struggled to get control of my breathing, feeling spent, weak, and shaking.

She kissed at me, a dozen small little kisses, "I love you, Chris. Heaven might just love you more, but I love you for being you."

"Still not naming it." I muttered and tried to roll to the side. Rin caught me, holding me tight against her. I stopped. "Aren't I kinda crushing you?"

"I want it." She whispered, "Feeling you in me, on top of me. Be better if we'd bothered to take our clothes off... But... Just give me a minute here. 'Kay? You're not hurting me."

I kissed her nose, "I'm fine with that. Fine with never pulling out of you."

"Don't know about that." Rin said slowly, "I mean... How else are you going to fuck my ass?"

I flexed involuntarily, "Huh? Pretty spent, here. Today is not a miracle day."

She laughed, "Ooh, he likes it. So did I, Chris. This morning. So, yeah... Maybe you'll get my ass a couple times a year, too. Birthdays and anniversaries. I like it... But it did kinda hurt, too. Special occasion."

"I like everything about you."

She nipped my chin, "Everything?"

"Except when you try to annoy the shit out of me." I pulled my head away.

Rin giggled, "Aw. But that's always fun."

"God, I love you." I kissed her.

Her tongue found mine, familiar stud playing against the texture of her, as the two of us continued to kiss. My cock embedded in her, as her pussy dripped my seed.

The both of us, content.

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bshell47bshell47over 1 year ago
Finish please

Good Novell , but please end.

pk2curiouspk2curiousover 1 year ago

To the 3 comments below:

No attitude adjustment . Rin is a fucked up girl disowned by he parents ( previously , why she didn't know how her twin turned out ) . Just getting out of an abusive relationship with a dick head . Who's main girl was Rins best friend who told him to use her .

The story would not be better if she wasn't "snapping at him in every other paragraph".

It's a wonder she can feel or love at all .

Chris , her twin by birth . Being a decent guy . And loving and protecting her in their youth . Is the only one who gets her .

But Vincent knows how special his little sis is . Because he's mostly to blame for screwing her head up . And because he has any sense at all . Is why he feels so guilty .

And the one below who says "how very much Not My Thing anal is" . This is so not about anal . That I think you like it and just want more .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

How does she not know what her twin brother does for a living? She wonders if he’s a lawyer like their other brother. You’d think she’d notice if he’d been away at law school,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago
Attitude Adjustment

You need to give Rin an attitude adjustment, because she goes off on her brother for silly and stupid reasons. Cat you just let them get along without her snapping at him in every other paragraph? The story would be much better!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Words cannot adequately describe how very much Not My Thing anal is, but the writing and the romance here are worth the nausea. Eagerly anticipating more, though preferably through the front door.

Robinius1Robinius1about 2 years ago

Loving this. Thank you again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This is excellent.

I normally cannot stand women who are agents of chaos, but you have made Rin amazing and adorable.

Well done.

Good luck with the story!

WargamerWargamerabout 2 years ago

Fantastic!!! Keep it going, more please, much more!!!!!!

Scores 5/5

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