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How to Kinky-er or Just Weird Stuff

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The TUs of kinky-er and weird stuff.
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Well, it certainly seems that in this whole wide world, if there is a hole somewhere out there some guy has shoved his cock into it and if there is something generally cylindrical and long enough, someone has put it into some woman's pussy. If it could be licked, sucked, fucked, pissed on, kissed, or milked some one has done it trying to get off.

With all this fun, demented, sick and kinky stuff going on how on earth can writers run out of ideas. Ah, then you say, but some of that shit some people may not want to read about. "If I write it they might be uncomfortable or feel nauseated or think it's impossible, they just won't like it." So what? If you write a story that has them vomiting on the floor, well, if that was your intent then you have done a good job. If they hate your character so much they vote a one on everything you ever wrote, then you have effectively written your story (well, provided it was your intent to create a despicable character). The same goes for kink.

Now yes, there are limits. Literotica has some specific guidelines about what they will let you post here. Bestiality, pedophilia, excessive violence and excessive humiliation are among a few other things that are simply not welcome here. Elsewhere it may be different. If there is a story, write it and if it fits here at Lit, give it a shot if you like. You may get a lot of fun comments from a lot of anonymous people, if the comments bother you just remember they are anonymous. Remember the Beatles song, "He's a real nowhere man, making all his nowhere plans for nobody." Occasionally the comments can give you a gauge on how well the story worked and on some rare occasion you get some knowledgeable commentary on your work. Either way, once they have been posted to your story, they are yours to do with as you please. If only all those anonymous commenters left their name and address you could pay them for their insight.

Ah, then they would all get rich for just leaving comments and they might experience Timophilia or those people aroused by wealth or status. Well, duh! Aroused by wealth or status? Reminds me of a story a friend once told me, actually from a sermon she heard.

A man talking to a beautiful woman says, "I'll give you a million dollars if you'll go to bed with me."

She replies, "Why yes of course."

The man then asks, "Well, would you do it for twenty dollars?"

"Of course not, what kind of woman do you think I am?"

The man replies, "Well, I have already established what kind of a woman you are, I'm just negotiating the price."

Wow, that's a pretty brutal look at virtue. Actually, the term above applies to the person with the wealth. Some wealthy people will actually take treasured objects to bed with them. Jimi Hendrix is reported to have slept with his guitar, while wealthy women have worn furs and diamonds to bed. The wealthy also get a sexual rush from the power and influence they can wield over people, including sexual partners. And hey, if anyone wants to pay me a million dollars to go to bed with me, please let me know. Twenty bucks? What kind of whore do you think I am? Twenty bucks, well okay, but first you have to buy me dinner.

Not really a kink, but an interesting peek at Touch and sensitivity. Sensitivity is measured with an instrument like a hair pin with two separate points adjusted to some specific distance apart. Tests are then run touching the skin with the two points and the distance between the points where the skin feels the sensation of two distinct points instead of one give an indication of the sensitivity. The closer the points are to each other when the skin detects two points instead of one the more sensitive the skin. A sensitivity chart shows what areas on the body are more sensitive:

location             Distance between points

Tip of tongue       1-2 mm

Clitoris                  3-4 mm

Penis Glans

     Pre-tumescence            5-9 mm

     Tumescence                9-15 mm

     Post-tumescence            3-4 mm

Anus                 4-5 mm

Nipples           8-10 mm

Lips                  3-4 mm

Neck                 50-60 mm

"Well, piss on that," you say. Okay then we'll talk about Urophilia or those who derive sexual pleasure from acts involving urine. This includes a multitude of activities including urinating on someone, being urinated on, drinking urine, and a few others. The gratification for some people involves engaging in activity that their mother would condemn. For others, boys especially, discover urine is a powerful weapon, I mean almost everyone will retreat from a stream of urine. This sense of power can be recreated bring on arousal.

There you are, some more kink, a few writer survival recommendations and some interesting information on sensitivity. I found the difference in the penis glans sensitivity particularly interesting, especially how it loses sensitivity as it become erect and then suddenly become most sensitive as it softens. I guess thinking on it, it sounds about right. And now, let's all get kinky.



1.) Fernbach, Amanda Fantasies of FETISHISM from Decadence to the Post-Human 2002 Rutgers University Press New Brunswick, NJ

2.) Love, Brenda Encyclopedia of Unusual Sex Practices 1999 Greenwich Editions, London.

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PoesproppiePoesproppieabout 6 years ago
I am hanging in here

Another informative post thanks especially on the real size of body parts.....

duddle146duddle146over 18 years ago
Nitty Gritty time!

This lady Writer certainly seems to know a lot about the 'nuts and bolts' of various sexual activities. She gives some hard 'no kid gloves' advice to people who want to write about a fetish. A well researched article about the darker side of erotica. Terrific Write! Informative!

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