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The Roommate Pt. 20

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Blake and Liam try something new in an empty classroom.
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XX: Wicked Fuckin' Haht

Liam and Blake


Liam gazed at Blake with wide eyes, "You--"

He lowered his voice, glancing around before returning his gaze to Blake, "You have one in right now?"

She grinned, "Surprise!"

A dozen different scenarios flew through Liam's head, but none of them seemed right.

Say something. Don't make her think you don't want to.

He did want to. He just...

Fuck, you still haven't said anything.

"Okay," he forced out, reaching into his pocket for the short-range remote, "But, uh--what do I do, exactly? Just turn it on?"

Blake shrugged, "Do whatever you want, Liam. I like the idea of you being able to just--"

Liam pressed the button.

Blake's eyes closed, mouth opening wider as she cut off mid-word before biting her lip. She shivered.

Liam gazed at her, his heart pounding a bit faster. Even mostly bundled up with her eyes closed and her hair hidden away, she looked so incredible.

Then Liam realized something else about how she looked. For a moment he thought about turning the vibrator back off. Instead he put his hand over hers and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Uh, Blake? You're not exactly being subtle."

Blake's eyes fluttered open, and it seemed to take a moment for her to get her bearings. When she did, gaze locking with his, her cheeks were bright red and her eyes looked a bit hazy.

"Sorry," she said, "It just feels really good."

Liam grinned, "I gathered that. So is that all it does? It just turns on to one setting?"

Blake shook her head, "No. Though the one setting feels really good. If you hold the button down for three seconds, it will turn off. If you press it again--"

Liam pressed it.

Blake hesitated for a moment, taking in a deep breath. Her voice was a bit breathier when she spoke, "It gets a bit more intense."

"And again?" Liam asked, grinning a bit as he pressed it again. He finally thought he could hear it. Maybe.

Blake bit her lip again, closing her eyes, words a bit strained, "More intense."

Liam could see why she'd thought this would be fun, "And again?"

Blake blinked, eyes unfocused for a moment, "Pul--"

Her hands flew to her mouth to stifle a gasp, then one hand gripped the end of the table, tight, "Pulses."

Liam turned off the vibe, watching as Blake visibly relaxed, biting her lip again, "You're right, that is fun."

Blake leaned back in her chair, letting out a breath, "That was a mistake, wasn't it?"

Liam grinned, taking a bite of the last bits of his food, "Probably."

"It's a fun mistake, though," Blake said, draining the last of her water.

"So is the point just to tease you and make you forget how to talk for whenever I want?"

Blake stuck out her tongue, "I was thinking a bit more than that. Just, without letting other people notice."

"I think that's more on you then me."

"Well, yeah, but if I seem like I'm gonna lose my shit, I'd appreciate it if you turned it off or turned it down."

Liam raised an eyebrow and turned the vibe back on.

Blake blinked, but grinned.

"So what's your schedule like this week?" Liam asked, "Since I can't just pop over to your place and spend the night."

Blake's smile deepened, "Date or sleepover?"




Blake struggled to keep her breathing normal, her expression smooth as she walked alongside Liam past the student center. She'd forgone holding his hand out of the fear that she might squeeze it too hard. It was also cold out. The toy inside her, however, vibrating at the second setting, kept her quite warm.

"I doubt I'll be able to make too much headway," Liam was saying, "since there are huge companies already looking into it, or that I'd even want to, but I'm hoping I'll be able to figure out a way to at least make a program that spits out some sort of analysis or something."

Blake glanced up at him, smiling. The passion in Liam's voice whenever he spoke about music or the projects he was really excited about always thrilled her.

She didn't have that with her own work. Not yet, at least.

I feel that way when I think about him, though.

Blake still wasn't sure what to think of that. She prided herself on her independence and self-sufficiency, but Liam had walked into her life and basically thrown that out the window without even realizing it--even before she'd wrapped her head around the possibility of being more than just friends with him.

And I let that get way out of hand, she thought, Sophie's and Marie's words coming back to her.

She loved Liam, but she needed to get her head on straight and make sure she was still her and still capable of handling shit herself when she needed to.


Blake blinked, shaking herself as she re-focused on Liam, "Huh?"

A smirk tugged at his lips, "I asked if you had anything you were working on other than just class stuff."

"Oh," she shrugged, trying to keep a straight face, "Not too much. Mostly just upkeep on the websites I've built for people and some new ones I get asked to put together every now and then."

Liam nodded, seeming to accept that. Somehow that made Blake feel worse about lying to him. She didn't want to keep her project from him, but it was something she needed to do herself, and if she told him, he'd want to help.

Blake gasped, missing a step as the buzzing between her legs suddenly went into overdrive.

"Blake?" Liam asked, "Are you alright? Was that too much?"

Blake blinked a few times, giving herself a shake as she tried to accustom herself to the sudden change in sensations. Her legs wobbled a bit and she had to resist rubbing her thighs together, but she took a deep breath, then smiled up at Liam.

"Not at all."

She did take his hand, though. I might need that to keep myself upright.

"It does make me want to find somewhere to fuck so hard that you won't be able to pay attention during your class."

Blake cackled as Liam was the one to miss a step this time, even as the toy shifted inside her just enough to make her head fog up for a moment.

"So, uh, anything interesting or challenging with the websites?" Liam asked.

They talked for a while, walking toward the other end of campus, the toy buzzing in Blake's pussy the entire time. She tried to appear as normal as she could, though her cheeks were on fire.

Eventually, however, Blake couldn't hold back anymore. She stopped and put herself in front of Liam, clutching at his chest with one hand as she pulled his lips down to hers with the other. The moment their lips touched, Blake let the orgasm wash over her. She tried desperately to keep from moaning or screaming, to keep from spazzing out. Holding onto Liam was the only thing that kept her standing, as her legs threatened to turn to jelly.

A part of her panicked. She was in public, on the main street of her campus where anyone could see her, and she was cumming. And not a little giggly, feel-good mini-orgasm, either. This one had been building constantly for ten minutes, and the thrill of being stimulated in public doubled it. That she had no control over it, and that Liam was the one in control of her pleasure, combined to magnify it tenfold.

Blake's entire body tingled, mind fuzzing over as she clung to Liam, kissing him, the vibrator continuing to send wonderful waves of pleasure through her as sparks danced over her skin.

Through the fog in her mind, Blake's thoughts quickly turned carnal.

Why they fuck is Liam wearing so many clothes? Why am I wearing so many clothes? I need--

Blake's thoughts cut off as Liam pulled back and her eyes fluttered open. Her cheeks blazed as she remembered where they were, but the vibrating in her pussy still made her want to rip both their clothes off.

As if sensing her thoughts, Liam grinned, and the vibrator stopped.

Blake half-whimpered, half-gasped at the sudden lack of sensation, slumping against Liam as his arms enfolded her.

"I take it that was good?" Liam asked.

Blake gazed up at him, head still a bit hazy, and nodded.

She didn't trust herself to speak. She knew it would be best to just right herself and continue to class with him and not do anything more with the vibrator until she was near her computer tonight.

He probably thinks he needs to stop now that he made me cum like that.

But Blake wanted more. She wanted Liam to use that vibrator to do whatever he wanted to her needy little pussy. If she couldn't get his incredible cock every night or feel his hands all roaming over her body, she needed his touch on her in some way.

I'll probably need to ask him to do that for the time being. Until he gets a bit more adventurous.

"Turn it back on?" She asked, trying to keep the breathiness from her voice.

Liam raised an eyebrow.

She grinned at him, "We still have a little while to walk before we split."

Liam gazed at her for a moment, then returned the grin, shaking his head, "You're..."

"Incredible?" she supplied, "Beautiful? Sexy as fuck? Wicked fuckin' haht?"

Liam chuckled, "At least one of those."

Blake stuck her tongue out at him.

"You sure you can handle more?"

Blake stepped back, putting her hands on her hips as she looked up at him, "I think you've seen exactly how much I can handle."

"I mean, yeah, but you usually make a lot of loud noises and don't have to keep walking or standing."

Blake stuck her tongue out at him again, "Fair enough."

She closed the distance between them again, pushing herself up on her toes, "But I do have my wonderful boyfriend. I can just be...suddenly overwhelmed with the need to feel your arms around me."

Liam wore a stupid grin on his face.


"Have I mentioned how much I like hearing you call me your boyfriend?"

Somehow, those words made Blake feel more incredible than her orgasm had. Not the same kind of incredible, but just...

Blake matched Liam's stupid grin his words filled her body with a comforting warmth.

"Have I mentioned how much I like calling you my boyfriend?"

Liam leaned in close. The way his lips brushed against hers sent shivers through her still post-orgasmic body. She tangled her fingers in his hair, pulling him closer, pressing their lips more firmly together, tasting him--

Blake gasped into Liam's mouth as vibrations began again in her sensitive pussy. She pulled back a bit, opening her eyes to find him grinning.

"You're going to be evil with that, aren't you?" she asked hopefully. It was still just on the first setting.

Liam shrugged, still grinning, "We'll see. Come on."

He took her hand and they started walking toward the bridge and their eventual classes.

"What were we talking about before, uh..." Liam asked.

"Before you made me cum in the middle of the sidewalk?" Blake asked. She heard the breathiness in her voice and gave herself a shake.

Liam cleared his throat, "Yeah, that."

Blake giggled, squeezing his hand.

"We were talking about my websites and stuff," she said, hoping for a change in topic.

"Right. Well, what about winter break?"


"Are you staying here like you did over Thanksgiving, or going home and doing stuff with family?" he asked.

Blake bit her lip for a moment, then grinned up at him, "You trying to get some more alone time with me?"

"No. I mean, if you found out when Marie is leaving for break and coming back, I wouldn't be opposed to coming back a day or two early or something like that."

Blake shook her head even as her body lit up in anticipation of that, "As much as I would enjoy that, you should probably take your full break off since your family was nice enough to let you stay here over Thanksgiving."

Fuck, why did I bring that up?

Liam grinned, "You're right. Though you realize you're basically sentencing me to three weeks of interrogation, right?"

"Oh really?" Blake ask, relaxing a bit and grinning as she let herself revel in the feeling of her hand in Liam's.

Liam nodded, "If you were just some girl I was seeing, then Kekoa and the others would probably just ask for some pictures, but since you're my girlfriend and I spent Thanksgiving with you, I'm pretty sure I'll be facing the panel or something probably every other day. And now that Kiki knows about you, she's definitely going to come over and make sure to bring you up in as many ways as possible."

Blake eyed Liam.


"You didn't mention Kiki lives near you."

Liam nodded, "We went to high school together. We always just kinda knew each other, but weren't really friends or anything till we found out we both were going to the same college. Even then, we didn't really connect until halfway through last year when she was feeling a bit overwhelmed. We ended up hanging out and she met her current roommates through me, so she pops by every now and then, here and when we're home."

"She's the one that was over the other night, right?"

Liam nodded, then stopped, peering down at her, wearing an amused expression.


"You're jealous, aren't you?"

Blake opened her mouth to object, then went wide-eyed, "Oh, fuck."

Liam gave her a surprised look, "Wait, actually?"

He squeezed her hand and pulled her close to him, "Blake, you realize that's absurd, right?"

Blake bit her lip, trying to find out why she was jealous.

Fuck, I'm not supposed to be like this.

She sighed, "I think it might just be that you have a history with her."

Liam raised an eyebrow, "Then you should stop thinking that, because it's stupid."

Blake glared at him.

"Yeah, I've known her for longer. Most of that was passing in hallways, talking about class, and a few awkward conversations until the past year. I meant it when I told you that you were the closest friend I'd made here other than my roommates, Blake. That was when I didn't even really know you that much. So stop being jealous for stupid reasons."

Blake wanted to flick him, but sighed, "You're right. Sorry."

He leaned down and kissed her. It wasn't a deep kiss, just a quick one, but it soothed away any and all feelings of jealousy within her, making her melt into Liam's embrace.

"You don't need to apologize," he said, "Just don't be jealous."

She smiled, "Okay."

Blake jumped, barely holding in a moan as the vibrator within her jumped up a setting, making itself much harder to ignore.

"That did make me think of something, though," Liam said as they started walking again, giving no indication he'd seen her reaction, "We should probably come up with some good answers for whatever questions my family asks."

Blake tensed a bit, frowning, "What do you mean?"

Liam shrugged, "Like if they ask what you do or for a picture of you or something like that. I just don't want to tell or show them anything that isn't mine to do so."

Blake relaxed again, squeezing his hand, "Oh, right. That's a good idea."

"So, pets?"

Blake blinked, looking up at him, "Huh?"

"Pets, do you have any? Or does your family?"

Blake tried to keep her tension from her voice, it made the vibrator feel a bit strange inside her, "No. I want one once I'm done with school, but we don't have any right now. Just a dog from when I was little."

"Would you want a dog or a cat?"

Blake shrugged, "I feel like I'll be a bit too stereotypical if I have a cat walking around during my shows. Probably a dog," she smiled, relaxing a bit, "A big fluffy one."

Liam grinned at that.

"Would they really ask about that?" Blake asked.

"Kekoa would. He and Kainalu have probably already made up a list to just go through rapidfire."

Blake giggled at that, though something seemed off about that. She glanced up at Liam and could see the wheels turning behind his eyes.

He's going to ask about family again. My family.

Blake didn't want to lie to him about that. She didn't know if she could lie about that convincingly, or even deflect.

Not with him, at least.

Blake swallowed.

Thinks are so good with him. I don't want him knowing about my family issues. Not yet, at least.

She didn't want him to risk thinking that things with her were too complicated. Or worse--to look at her with pity. That, she wouldn't be able to handle from him.

Blake scanned their surroundings, looking for something to distract Liam with, then saw the fine-arts building coming up and quickened her pace, tugging Liam behind her.

"Blake?" he asked, "What's up?"

Blake didn't answer. She tugged him inside, looking out for people, then found the unisex bathroom and tried the door. It was unlocked.


Grinning, Blake double-checked to make sure no one was watching, then opened the door and pulled Liam in with her, locking the door behind them.

Blake had remembered correctly--this particular bathroom on the first floor of the fine-arts building was unisex, and for a single person. She turned Liam around and pressed him up against the door.

"I know we can't fuck here," she said, voice breathy, "but I need your cock. She started undoing his pants, "If I can't have it in my pussy or my ass, I'll have to have it down my throat."

She looked up at him, gazing into those wonderful blue eyes of his, "If that's okay with you, that is."

Liam nodded, eyes wide.

Blake grinned, pulling his pants down and getting down on her knees before him, "I want you to play with the vibe while I suck your cock, Liam. You just controlling it while we have normal conversations is really fucking hot. Just make sure you don't go too wild."

She opened up the fly of his boxers and grinned triumphantly fished his rapidly hardening cock, "Don't want people to hear me screaming and moaning when I cum. Your cock is a good gag, but you know how loud I can get."

Every word that came out of her mouth seemed to make Liam harder. She glanced up and shuddered at the desire in his eyes. Focusing on his cock, Blake sealed her lips around the tip and moaned at the taste, then let her tongue work its magic on the underside of his shaft. A grin tugged at the corners of her mouth when Liam's hand gripped at her head. She reached up and pulled off her hood and beanie, then thrust his hand into her hair, moaning when he gripped it tight, pulling her face closer to his hips.

Blake took a few deep breaths through her nose as she worked Liam's cock, concentrating on relaxing her throat, then started moving forward on his shaft.

Blake worked her tongue as she took more of Liam's throbbing, deliciously hard cock into her mouth, getting it as wet and slippery as possible. She bobbed her head back and forth in shallow motions, working a bit more into her mouth each time. She pulled back once or twice to play with his balls while stroking his slipper shaft, licking and sucking on the delicate sack.

It took a bit more effort than she'd thought to keep herself from trying to spread his legs or asking him to turn around and bend over so she could get at his incredible ass. Blake wanted to eat his ass sooo bad, and wanted him to return the favor, but she would stick by her rule: she wouldn't let Liam eat her ass until she ate his, and she wouldn't do that unless he asked her to. took most of the willpower her lust-addled brain was able to summon at the moment to clear the image of her Liam's his cheeks from her mind.

Once she was satisfied at the slipperiness of Liam's cock, Blake took the head between her lips and grasped Liam's hips. She relaxed her throat, getting her breathing right, then took inch after inch of his wonderful cock into her mouth. Every pulse of his cock made Blake's pussy twitch, the vibrator making them even more intense.

I'll probably dripping onto the floor by the end of this.

Once her nose brushed against the short, soft fuzz on Liam's hips, Blake adjusted her hands so that she could grip Liam's ass. The restrained moan that slipped from his lips sent shivers down her spine and tiny shocks of pleasure out from her pussy. Blake started bobbing her head up and down, reveling in the way his cock stretched her throat--and how it didn't feel as stretched as it had the first time she'd done this with him--and the wonderful sensations radiating out from her pussy. She pushed herself harder than she normally would have. She needed his cum inside her.


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