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Wife Finds Out She is a Willing QOS

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Wife on business trip finds out she is a queen of spades.
5.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/22/2022
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So the story begins when I attend a conference in California where I am to give a presentation on some of the research that I have been doing. My presentation is on the third day of the five day event so for the first two days I attended several of the meetings, went sightseeing a little bit and generally prepared for my presentation on the third day. I saw a few colleagues from other institutions and organizations and we have lunch and dinner.

My spouse did not attend because of his work obligations but he encouraged like always to use these conferences to network and to have dinners, etc., with colleagues and potential collaborators. He also encouraged me to get my hair and nails done and I took him up on it. My hair was my usual blonde and cut short and I guess to tease my husband a little bit, I had my nails done a nice shade of red. He loves red on my nails (I think I know why now) and I thought they looked pretty damn good.

On the day of my presentation I got up early, went over my presentation and got ready. I wore a nice skirt, not too short and heels with a silk blouse. Very professional outfit. On the way out the door of my hotel room, I checked myself in the mirror and gave myself an inner pep talk and headed out.

My presentation went well and it was pretty well attended for a conference of this size. After the presentation, I hung around and spoke to several attendees who stayed behind to ask questions and discuss the presentation.

I noticed out of the comer of my eye, a very tall, good looking African-American man, probably in his late 30's, waiting to talk to me. Once every one had left he made his way over and introduced himself.

"Hi, I am Tyler Logan, and I have been following your research since my post-doc days at Chapel Hill." He was now at another university in the northeast and was interested in maybe doing some work with you. I was impressed with his knowledge of my research and the papers that I had written and I could tell that he was an up and coming academic with a bright future. I also couldn't help notice that he seemed to be flirting with me a little bit and that he was extremely good looking.

Since it was about 4 pm now, he suggested that maybe he and I could get dinner if didn't have other plans and continue our conversation.

I stammered a little bit but agreed to meet at 6:30 p.m. in the hotel bar where we would have a drink and then get dinner at one of the many restaurants in the hotel. We exchanged phone numbers and bid each other goodbye until later. I felt a little tingle on my skin and my face felt liked it flushed a little as we shook hands and I noticed that his hands were big but smooth and that he did not wear a wedding ring.

I went back to my room to relax and get caught up on emails. When I got back, I could not stop thinking about this man I just met. Surely, he just wanted to have a professional dinner and discussion. I know that is what I was thinking, but what was he thinking? He was really quite charming and I felt instantly attracted to him. Of course my husband always teased me about having a fling at a conference and I never ever did such a thing at the many conferences that I attended but this was the first time I ever felt like if something like that was to happen it could be with Tyler.

My mind drifted to other things for a while and I didn't notice the clock. When I looked it up, it was 6: 15 p.m. so I started getting ready. I changed into jeans and a top and put on sandals to be more comfortable and after fixing my hair and makeup, headed out around 6:35 p.m., a little late but I am sure Tyler would be waiting.

When I got to the hotel bar I did not see Tyler so I sat at the bar and ordered a glass of wine. The bartender poured a large glass and I knew if I drank all of that without eating, I would be tipsy by dinner. In any event, the bartender put some pretzels and nuts in front of me and I snacked on them and drank my wine.

Tyler was late. I was beginning to think maybe he stood me up when at about 6:55 p.m. he came rushing in the bar, very apologetic. He had dozed off and had awoken about 10 minutes ago. He apologized profusely and I told him not to worry, I often ran late! I was also starting to get a little tipsy from the wine.

Tyler looked very good. Jeans, a nice fitting polo shirt and he smelled very good! He ordered wine and we drank and talked about our respective employers and our research interests. Very professional, nothing unusual. He told me that he had played basketball at a small college before pursuing his masters and doctoral degrees and that he had once been married for a few years to a college girlfriend while pursuing his advanced degrees. It during that time they realized they both wanted different things and ended up splitting.

He asked me how long I had been married and about kids etc. He said "well your husband is a lucky man to have such a smart and beautiful wife."

I blushed at the complement but thanked him of course and couldn't help noticing how he looked right into my eyes as we spoke and how he was so sweet and incredibly handsome. I told him that we probably should eat something before drinking anymore and that I was happy to eat at one of the hotels in the restaurant.

He asked the bartender for a recommendation and the bartender recommended the French bistro that had really good food, was a little livelier than some of the other restaurants and you did not need a reservation. So we paid the bill and went off to the bistro.

I felt a little intoxicated from the one glass of wine, but also turned on by this handsome, articulate man walking next to me. I thought to myself, well my husband always talked about me hooking up with a black guy, could this be it? I tried to put it out of my mind since that decision, if it was to be made, would be well down the road this evening.

The bistro was crowded and we had to wait for about 10 minutes for a table. When we finally got seated, it was at a small table where we had to sit relatively close to each other. The closeness of our seats only increased the physical tension in the air, at least for me and it seemed like for Tyler too.

Once we were seated and the waiter took our drink orders our conversation continued about work, research, politics, hobbies, etc. It was an incredibly stimulating conversation and I was so engrossed in the conversation, I did not notice my phone ringing.

Tyler pointed to it and I picked it up quickly. It was my husband. "Hi honey, yes, I am out to dinner with a colleague. Yes, the presentation went well and I'll tell you more about it tomorrow." I hung up the phone and Tyler was looking at me. I said "just my husband."

Tyler said "is he is ok with you having a dinner with another guy?" I said that is was fine.

"He is very cool about those things and he always tells me that I need to do more socializing at these conferences." As I said this, I could only help but think that my husband's fantasy might actually come true tonight.

Dinner was great. The food was very good and the conversation, which had become a little more playful was just as good. At one point, I laughed very hard at some joke Tyler had made and I put my hand on his forearm. A little jolt of electricity went through me into my loins as I touched his muscular arm.

Tyler said that he still played basketball a couple of nights a week at a gym and was an avid runner. He was definitely in shape. I could tell Tyler was also getting a little turned on as was I as his eyes seemed to roam a little bit more over my body and he reached out and touched my hand occasionally as he spoke. Wow, I was getting turned on.

We shared a bottle of wine with dinner and I knew that I did not need any more to drink, especially if I was going to keep my wits about me. We finished our dinner, had desert and paid the bill. Tyler insisted on paying and once the check was paid,

I could tell that neither one of us wanted the evening to end so soon. But I knew that I couldn't drink anymore. So he got up to go and Tyler said "Do you want to get a nightcap?"

I said that I really did not need any more to drink but I would be happy to accompany him to the hotel bar. He said, "Well, I probably don't need any more either, so maybe we should call it a night."

I was a little disappointed but maybe I would just have to wonder what might have been. So we walked to the elevators and got in.

We both went to push the button for floor 16 and laughed as we did. Tyler said "you are on 16 too?"

Yes, I said "quite a coincidence" and blushed a little bit. So we rode up to 16 and made some more small talk. We got off the elevator and walked towards our rooms. They were in the same direction in this rather huge hotel.

We got to my room first and I said "well this is my room, I had a great evening and it was such a pleasure meeting and getting to know you."

Tyler said "same here, and I am really interested in your research that you talked about today. Maybe we can collaborate on a paper."

I said "of course" and then out of the blue I said "why don't you come in for a minute and I will show you something that I have been working on that is related to it. I think it is great idea for a paper. I just have to pull it up on my laptop."

I had no idea where all of that came from, but I thought to myself, this might be it, so why not thrown caution to the wind and see where this goes.

So we went into my room and Tyler sat on the couch while I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I was very nervous but when I sat down and pulled down my panties to use the bathroom, I noticed that I was wet down there. Very wet. I hardly ever get like that before sex unless I am very turned on. Clearly, I was turned on by this handsome, articulate man in the other room.

I finished up and went out to the main room and you could cut the sexual tension with a knife. Tyler was sitting on the couch and I glanced at his crotch quickly. I can see a large bulge in his pants so I knew he was feeling it too.

I pulled out my lap top and sat down on the couch next to Tyler. I started to boot up the laptop when our knees touched. I didn't pulled away and neither did he. I thought, well, I guess this could be it!

As I was talking about the research and trying not to breath too hard as I was getting more excited, Tyler put his hand on my knee.

I turned to him and he said "I am incredibly turned on, but I will leave if you want me to."

I said "so am I, but I have never done anything like this before, so I am a little confused as to how this will go."

He said "let's just take it slow." With that, we started kissing. He was an amazing kisser. His tongue was doing incredible things and I was responding. I could feel that ache between my legs getting stronger. His hand slid up to my breasts and he started to tease my nipples through my shirt with his large hands.

I was getting so turned on and there was no turning back. I stood up and pulled Tyler up and pulled his shirt off. He look gorgeous. Very fit, smooth, dark skin and well endowed from what I could tell was going on in the front of his pants!

Tyler pulled off my shirt and I unclasped my bra as we continued to kiss. He rubbed my breasts and tweaked my nipples as they got harder than I can remember. He reached down and started to rub me through my pants and I reciprocated and started rubbing him. I could tell that his cock was big and it was already hard.

We moved to the bed where Tyler unzipped my jeans and slid my pants down. By now my panties were soaked and I was breathing heavily. He continued to rub me through my panties and I thought I might come right there. We continued to kiss and all I could think about was Tyler's big cock fucking me!

With a smooth move of his hand, Tyler removed my panties and I was naked in front of him. He slowly kissed his way down to my crotch. I had gone in and gotten waxed prior to the conference, again at the suggestion of my husband, and I was very well groomed and smooth down there except for a small strip of hair, the landing strip as some call it. I never was one for oral sex much, at least not on me for some reason, but Tyler's tongue was doing amazing things and I was about to come when I made him stop.

I said "I don't want to come yet, what can I do for you." He stood and I sat on the edge of the bed and unzipped his pants and pulled down his boxers. Out sprung this big, beautiful, black cock.

It stood straight out from his body and must have been a good 8-9 inches, maybe bigger. Not too thick but gorgeous. I hadn't seen one that big ever except in porn movies (well maybe once after college!).

I said "Can I suck on you"? I can't believe the words came out of my mouth but they did, I think because I was so turned on and I just wanted to suck that big beautiful big black cock. He said yes and I began to kiss and suck on the head, stroking his cock with both hands and licking up and down each side. His big cock felt so strong and powerful, I could hardly wait to fuck him.

He held my hair back so he could get a better look and he said "gosh, you look so beautiful sucking my cock, with your blonde hair, and those red nails running up and down my shaft, so hot!" I looked down at my hands wrapped around that big black cock and yes, those red nails looked so sexy against that long black shaft. I have to admit, the hubby was right again about the red nails!

As I got more and more turned on, I just kept sucking and while I could only take about 4 or 5 inches in my mouth, I could tell Tyler was also getting really turned on. I sucked on Tyler's big cock a few more minutes, but I really needed him to fuck me.

So I stopped and moved up on the bed and said to him, "Please fuck me with that big, beautiful cock." Tyler got until the bed and positioned himself between my legs, he pulled them apart and spread them wide and I was so open and wet just wanting him to fuck me with that beautiful cock.

I said "go slow, I am not sure that I can handle such a big cock." He assured me he would and rubbed his big cockhead up and down my slit and all over my clit. I was about to come, and I said, "please just fuck me."

Tyler then slowly slid that big cock into me. I was so wet from being turned on that I didn't need any lube. He slowly pushed his way in, first the head and then just a few inches, then about halfway, then almost all the way in. I felt full, but it was a good feeling. He said "you, ok?"

I told him that I was and I begged him to start fucking me. And to fuck me hard! He held my legs wide apart with his hands holding my ankles as he spread my legs wide and started slowly sliding that big cock in and out of pussy. Long, slow, deep strokes at first as I could feel that big cock slide all the way in and out. I looked down and I watched that big black cock just glistening as it slid in and out of me.

I was on the verge of orgasm when I told Tyler "fuck me hard, stop teasing me!" Tyler picked up the pace and started ramming that big black cock into me hard and fast, his balls slapping against my ass as I felt filled like never before. His cock's thickness was tantalizing my clit and I knew if I reached down and touched my clit, I will come instantly, so I held off to enjoy the good hard fucking Tyler was giving me. "Fuck me, fuck me with big blsck cock, ram it into me" I kept saying as Tyler pounded his big cock into me with an increasing pace.

There was a mirror across from the bed (well-placed by the hotel!) and I looked over and could see Tyler pulling that big black cock all the way out and shoving it all the way into me. It looked so hot as it glistened with my wetness and I the sight of him fucking me was so erotic I thought I would come just watching him fuck me. I said "that looks so hot in the mirror with your big cock sliding in and out of me."

Tyler looked over and said "yes, it does." And with that he slid his hands down to just under each knee and pushed me back so my ass was up off the mattress and he leaned forward and just pounded that big cock hard and fast into me, with his balls slapping my ass and turning me on even more. I was so turned on I knew it wouldn't be long and I was going to come. All of a sudden his big cock must have hit my G-spot and I exploded in orgasm. Waves and waves of orgasm crashing over my body.

My legs were shaking and I was screaming, "fuck me, fuck me". And I don't know if I squirted or what, but I drenched Tyler and myself with wetness from my now spasming pussy. The orgasm must have last 5 minutes and when I finally came down, I couldn't hold my legs up.

I knew that Tyler had not come yet so I asked, "What can I do for you?"

He said, "Can you get on top? I want you to ride me." l said of course and Tyler laid on his back with that beautiful black cock sticking straight up in the air.

I said "I can't wait to ride that big black cock. I try sometimes with my husband but he slips out because he isn't nearly as big as you." So I straddled Tyler and slowly slid that big black cock into my now drenched pussy. It felt so good and I had no trouble taking his length. I slowly worked up and down on his cock, savoring the penetration that his cock gave me.

Tyler reached up and played with my nipples, making them rock hard as I leaned back and rode that big cock. We fucked in this position for about 5 minutes, both catching our breath. I felt really sexy and although I didn't often get fucked this long by the hubby, I was going to keep going until I made Tyler have as great an orgasm as I did.

Feeling kind of naughty, l spun around facing away from Tyler and sat down on his big cock. The feeling was unbelievable as I leaned back and Tyler grab my legs and spread them wide apart. I can see his big black cock in the mirror just fucking me deep and hard and filling my pussy to the brim. It looked so hot, I thought was going to come againl I could feel another orgasm coming on. I never recall having more than one orgasm during sex before, but it looked like this time might be the first! Tyler plowed that big cock into me for about 5 more minutes and I was on the verge of another orgasm.

He stopped and said "can I fuck you from behind? I want to look at and hold that beautiful ass as I fuck you hard."

I said "of course!" and immediately got on my hands and knees and put on head down on the bed and put my ass in the air. I looked over in the mirror and it looked so erotic with Tyler behind me stroking that big beautiful black cock as he was about to enter me. Tyler slowly entered me from behind, taking his time sliding his big cock into me.

I really couldn't resist and told him "stop teasing me, fuck me hard with that big black cock." With that, Tyler slid his big cock all the way in, hard and fast. It was a jolt as he got all the way in, but it still felt great. Tyler grabbed my ass on both sides and started fucking me hard and fast.

He also started using his finger to massage my ass. I love anal sex and this just turned me on even over. That near orgasm was almost upon me and I reached down and started rubbing my clit. It only took a few strokes and I exploded in another orgasm and thrust back hard into Tyler as he was fucking me. He sensed I was coming again and increased his hard fucking and I again drenched him with my wetness.

He said "wow, you are coming a lot, and are so wet! I love it." I looked over into the mirror and his big black cock was shiny and slick from my wetness and it looked amazing sliding into my wide open pussy.

Tyler continue to fuck me and play with my ass. I told him "your finger feels so good on my ass. You can put it in my ass if you go slowly."

Tyler didn't need any more encouragement. He used some of the juices from our fucking and slid his long finger slowly into my ass. It felt so good! He fucked me with long, slow strokes as he worked his finger into and out of my ass. Because his fingers were long and moving in and out and his cock was also fucking at the same time, it felt like I was getting double penetrated. My husband likes those movies where women are getting double penetrated, especially white women by black men. I occasionally find it to be a turn on but I never had been DP'd before but I thought this must be what it feels like.


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