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Faithfulness Ch. 02


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The Pastor pulled Maggie in for a three way kiss, and Maggie and my wife were just as enthused about kissing each other as they were kissing the Pastor. You can't understand what it was like for me. I had never had any experience with any woman like this my whole life! And here it was, being flaunted in front of me. I just can't express to you the jealousy, the desire, the yearning, the frustration. At the same time, the sense of betrayal. The man who raised me to believe everything that made me deny all this was never denying it for himself! He wasn't just having it, he was taking it from me with my own wife! He always had been! And yet, despite the hurt, they looked so erotic, my wife and my best friend's wife, their perfect fuckable bodies. Of course they should be with the most massive and hard cock, because they were on a level above normal people. I was transfixed, turned on, and upset all at once.

Finally, they parted from their kiss, although the pastor had his arms around both their waists, and both women had a hand on the massive shaft of his huge cock. Katie looked at the bag on the table and asked, "What's that?"

"Just some gifts for your home that I thought might brighten it up a bit," The Pastor said, "But let's look at them after dinner. I hope it's ready, I'm quite hungry." With one hand on his cock as if to lead him along, my wife brought The Pastor into our large dining room, with Maggie following, and me behind her, watching her perfect round ass swing side to side in front of me. She glanced back and winked at me, and then giggled. "Ah, this looks great!" The Pastor said approvingly, and then we all sat down. The Pastor sat in the middle of the three places on one side, with Katie and Maggie on either side of him, and I at the single place across from them. They all acted so casual! They chatted about their days while they served food to themselves and each other, passing around plates and spooning food as people do at dinner get togethers, as if there was nothing unusual happening! I was mostly quiet. I answered questions when asked, but it was impossible for me to be so nonchalant as they were, because I felt I was an insane world. I knew I had to keep up an appearance, but I was only just barely able to.

After a little while, when everyone had food on their plate and drinks had been poured, wine for everyone, even Hope, my wife said, "Okay, I think everyone's ready, let's say grace."

"Oh, about that," The Pastor said, "I hope it's not too much of an imposition, but I took the liberty of writing a quick grace for Steve to say. He should say it, after all, being the man of the house." The Pastor turned to Maggie, and he reached into her cleavage! He reached between her huge pillowy soft massive breasts, and pulled out a small folded paper. He then hand it across to me. I placed it on the table in front of me, between my plate and the edge of the table, where I could read it.

Our family always held hands around the dinner table for grace. Katie reached across the table to take my hand. Maggie did the same, and I knew that Rob used to do the same with his family. I took Maggie's hand too. The Pastor, though, leaned back a little in his seat so that his cock, standing up out of his lap, was that much more exposed, and he put his hands behind his head, interlocking his fingers, in the most relaxed pose. Katie and Maggie each put a hand on the shaft of his huge cock, as if it were the proper thing to do for grace. I knew I had to say the words the Pastor had given me. I didn't want to, but, nothing about this was what I wanted. My mouth felt dry, and I swallowed to try and get ready to speak, but I couldn't bring myself to say the words. All three of them just stared at me as if I was acting strange by taking so long. Finally, I managed to start speaking, reading off the Pastor's paper.

I said, "Thank you lord, for this bountiful dinner. And thank you dear Lord, for blessing me with a wife with huge mouth watering boobs on a perfect body that all men want to fuck. Thank you for our guest, Maggie, who makes my tiny dick hard when I look at her and I've often spanked off my little penis thinking about her. And thank you, dear Lord, for bringing The Pastor into my life so that he can fuck my wife and all women harder and better than a little gay boy faggot like me ever could, so that my soul stays pure. Amen." I was looking down as I spoke, and I could hear the three of them snickering at me, especially when I called myself a gay boy faggot. After I said Amen, though, they all repeated it, and I looked up, and everyone was back to normal.

The dinner conversation had a perfectly normal air to it, even though the whole time my wife and Maggie were taking turns pumping the Pastor's cock. The only thing that was different from before, was that they never spared an opportunity to talk about the things that would hurt me. The Pastor mentioned the first time he fucked Chastity, Maggie and Rob's daughter, in front of the other girls in her Bible study group, and that reminded him of the first time he fucked Katie.

"That was before I introduced you to Steve, here, wasn't it?" The Pastor said. "Tell me Charles, did you really not know I was fucking your girlfriend?" I shook my head. "HAHAHAH! Ah, sometimes it's hard to believe how dumb you are Charles. I mean, you're no dumber than the other men whose wives and daughters I fuck, but it still amazes me. I mean, just look at your wife. You have shit for brains if you think a man like me wouldn't be fucking her brains out from the first day I saw her! Hahaha!" His words were cruel and mocking, but his tone was like someone reminiscing in a friendly way. The was how they talked, as if they were just casually sharing anecdotes with friends, even though what they said was outrageous!

Somewhere in the middle of dinner, around when I was half done eating what was on my plate, the Pastor suddenly turned to my wife and said, "Katie, I need some release. Would you be a dear?" Katie, knowing exactly what he meant, put her knife and fork down, dabbed around her mouth with her napkin, and staying seated in her chair, lowered her head into his lap. She elegantly pulled her long black hair back over the ear that was closer to me, to ensure I could see her mouth on the Pastor's cock. He leaned back a little, also ensuring I could see, and he was looking directly at me, and for the first time in the night, the look in his eyes told me that he was enjoying making me suffer having to see my wife do everything for him that she never did for me. My wife moved her head up and down his cock, and also pumped it at the base so smoothly and fluidly that it was like it was second nature to her.

Maggie then picked up his plate and his drink and moved it to the other side of her, and I realized he was going to cum on the table! She was clearing the way so that he cum wouldn't get on his food. I followed her by picking up my plate, but Maggie stopped me, saying, "Your plate will be fine where it is Steve. No need to move."

"AAARRRRHHHHYYYEEAAAHHH!!" The Pastor grunted loudly, as if cumming was so pleasurable it hurt, or hurt so much it was pleasurable. My wife took the cue from his moan, and she pulled her mouth off his cock with a loud wet popping sound, and ropes of thick white cum shot out from his cock. I never imagined a man could cum so much! It was so different than when I cum, when I jerk off at my wife's feet. The first rope of cum shot so hard it arced all the way over the table and splattered across me, getting on my face and in my hair, and I swear some went right past me! Heavy clumps of goo also landed on the table between us and on my dinner plate. He shot burst after burst of powerful jets of cum again and again, making a mess of me, my clothes, my hair, and my dinner. Some got in my eye and burned. It got all over the dinner table between us. Needless to say, I felt humiliated and disgusted.

And the Pastor's cock stayed hard!! I thought that once he came, that might be the end of the game, but no! It didn't go down at all! All that changed was that he said, "Whew!" as he settled back into his chair, as if he had just had a workout. My wife went back to her dinner, Maggie put the Pastor's dinner plate back, and he picked up his knife and fork and started eating. "You don't know what a burden I bear, Steve. God specifically made my cock in His image, and I have to fuck and cum more than any other man. It's not that I don't enjoy it, of course I enjoy fucking other men's wives and girlfriends and daughters. It's just, as you can see, it's a lot of cum to deal with!" I looked down at my plate with the globs of cum covering everything. "Now, Steve, your wife put a lot of effort into this meal. I expect you to not insult her by not finishing."

I looked around at all three of them, my jaw dropped, and I was hoping they were joking! But I could see that even though they were smirking, the Pastor meant for me to eat all the food on my plate, covered in his thick, goopy, disgusting cum! I thought this was the limit, that I couldn't go this far! No man should ensure humiliation on this level! Every time I thought they had debased me as much as was humanly possible, there were new humiliations to endure! I wanted to jump across the table and beat the Pastor to death! To strangle him! But, what would become of my son?

My hand shook as I lowered a fork to my plate. I took a very small portion onto my fork, but the Pastor said, "Don't hold back, Steve, the, ah, 'sauce' is excellent, as Katie and Maggie will attest! It's a recipe they're both very, very familiar with! Hahahah! Make sure you get plenty on your fork! Hahaha!" My wife and Maggie just casually kept eating their dinner, as if nothing special was happening. I lowered my fork again, and swirled it around on my plate to get as much of the Pastor's cum on it as I could. I then brought it up to my mouth, and holding back waves of nausea and disgust, I clenched my eyes closed and put my fork in my mouth. The Pastor's salty semen taste overwhelmed any other sensation I had.

The Pastor seemed satisfied, though it was clear he was keeping an eye on me after that to make sure I finished everything on my plate. They continued chatting casually, bringing up little details here and there about how my wife has been having a rich and full sex life the whole time I was living in spiritual fear of any kind of sex while desperately wanting it, especially from her. The Pastor asked her about one time when she went to Italy on a semester of student exchange in college. "Oh, yes, that was so good. I was so popular on campus, they all called me the "Goddess from America". I fucked, five? Maybe it was six, handsome Italian men, and they treated me to such expensive and exotic places to go. There was one man, what was his name, Sergio, I think. So romantic. He loved the idea that I was cuckolding a husband back in America. Do you remember, Steve, that time I Skyped you from Milan? I was so worried you would notice that I was riding Sergio's cock while talking to you!" She retold the story as if she were just relaying a cute anecdote, nothing I should be bothered about.

After I finally struggled through dinner, everyone finished up, and then Katie told me to clear the dishes while she got desert ready. While I took plates back to the kitchen and loaded the dishwasher, Maggie gave the Pastor a blowjob. He forced her head down on his cock roughly, so even while in the kitchen, I could hear her making sounds like, "MMMPPPHH!! GLLLRRRRPP!! MMMLLLMMMMPPPHH!!" Sometimes she would come off his cock and take a much needed big breath of air, and then The Pastor would slam her head down on his cock again, as if nothing about her comfort mattered, she was just a mouth for him to fuck.

I sat back down as Katie cut and served slices of a chocolate cake she made. She put one down in front of me, and in front of Maggie, and she stopped sucking the Pastor's cock to sit up straight and take a fork. For the first time since he arrived, neither my wife nor Maggie were holding his cock. Just as Katie was about to put a plate in front of the Pastor, he stood up, his massive hard cock now hovering menacingly over the table. He said, "Oh, just before desert, I need to take a piss."

"The bathroom is over," I began to say, but the Pastor cut me off.

"I know where the toilet is," he said, calmly and casually. And then he just stood there, putting his hands on his hips. His massive cock bobbed right across the table from me, aimed straight toward me. My wife stood paused, holding his slice of cake, casually waiting for the right time to put it down. Maggie pulled out her phone from her jean shorts pocket, and began filming, getting both me and the Pastor's cock in the frame. I had heard it was difficult to urinate from a hard penis, but if that's true, it wasn't true for The Pastor. A jet of hot acidic piss shot straight out of his cock as if it were a hose. He didn't put his hand on it to aim, he just kept his hands on his hips and let his piss just spray wherever it did. Which was almost entirely on me. Maggie laughed as she filmed me on her phone. My wife smiled admiringly at the Pastor, and he had a smug sneer on his face.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" he said, deliberately over emphasizing his relief. His piss shot straight into my face, and I tried to keep my eyes closed and my face lowered, but it made no difference. Rivulets of piss ran down my neck and under my sweater and shirt. It also splashed and spattered onto my plate, where the slice of chocolate cake my wife had given me soaked the Pastor's piss up like a sponge. As I burned with anger and impotent rage inside, I realized that this was what they wanted, to continue to find ways to humiliate me, to belittle me, to mock me. This was what they enjoyed, what aroused them, what amused them. I knew that this would just keep going on and on, testing me constantly to see how hard they could hurt me.

Eventually, The Pastor finally stopped pissing, and he gripped his cock to shake out a few drops, and then he sat down. My wife placed the Pastor's plate down in front of him, and after she sat down, she delicately took a napkin to wipe the Pastor's cock bit, then she lowered herself to lick the tip, and take the head of his cock into her mouth, and then she sat back up to have her own slice of cake. Maggie passed around her phone so everyone could see the video she just took. They all laughed as they looked at it, as if she were sharing a video of something like an animal being cute and funny. Maggie turned her phone around so I could see the video, and I sat there watching myself getting pissed on across the dinner table.

I sat there covered in the Pastor's cum and piss, having eaten his cum, and now I knew I was expected to eat this cake soaked with his piss, and act like everything was perfectly normal. I could feel all their eyes upon me. At some point, my wife said, "Let's not take forever to finish our desert, I want to see what gifts The Pastor has brought!" Everyone agreed. I braced myself, and I forced myself to eat the cake. It was damp and the piss burned my tongue. I somehow managed to choke it all down.

When I finished," the Pastor said, "Steve, why don't you clean up the dishes and yourself, and then come meet us in the living room. I'm going to have a little threesome while we wait. Oh, and bring my bag with you when you join us." And they got up and casually walked toward the living room while I sat at the dinner table, feeling lower than any husband, any man, could ever feel. As I stood up and began taking plates into the kitchen and loading the dishwasher, I could hear my wife and Maggie screaming in ecstasy as the Pastor took turns fucking them. They screamed so loud I was sure the neighbors would hear it. The Pastor also yelled and shouted, things like "FUUUCK!! FUCK YES!! FEEL THE GLORY OF MY COCK INSIDE YOU!! MY COCK!! FUCK, MY COCK IS SO HARD!! SO FUCKING HARD!! UNNNN!! I'M GOING TO CUM!! I'M GOING TO CUM!!"

I went upstairs and washed the Pastor's cum and piss of my face and out of my hair, and changed my shirt. When I came into the living room with The Pastor's bag, both my wife and daughter were naked, except for their heels. It looked like both of them had cum all over their huge tits. Maggie was sitting on the couch beside the pastor, kissing him passionately. My wife Katie was sitting in his lap bouncing up and down, his massive pole of a shaft sliding in and out of her drenched pussy. "Ah, put my bag down for a second and come look at this," The Pastor said, only just barely taking his mouth away from my wife's passionate kisses to speak to me. He waved me forward so I was standing right in front of him. Then he waved me down, so I got down on my knees. He raised himself up a little, so that from where I was, I could clearly see his cock going into my wife's pussy. "Go on, get closer, I want you to look right at my cock slamming into your wife's cunt!" he said. I leaned forward a bit, but he waved me closer and closer, so that eventually my head was barely inches away from where his thick meaty cock was stretching out my wifes's pussy as it slammed in and out of her. I was so close, that little drops of juice from their fucking spattered on me. He made me watch from that distance, as he forgot about me and went back to making out with my Maggie, and my wife climaxed over and over.

My wife seemed a little exhausted, as did Maggie, so she got off his huge cock, having to stand all the way up to get herself off of it. All of them stood up, and I did too, and the Pastor went over and got his bag. It was pretty big, so I couldn't imagine what was in it. "I just brought a few pictures for you to put up." He walked over to where we had the large, poster sized framed family portrait with me, Katie, and Simon, hanging above the fireplace. "Katie, be a dear and take that down, you probably just want to throw it out." Katie lifted it up, and then she just casually threw it into a corner of the room as if it were junk. The Pastor pulled out a framed picture of equal size, and in it, it was just the Pastor and my wife. It looked like a professionally done picture, with the two of them standing side by side, him in his white collared Pastor's shirt, her in a red dress that had her cleavage on full display. "Much better, don't you think, Steve?" The Pastor said.

"Yes," I said faintly.

"Okay, I have one more, but this one needs to go in your bedroom," The Pastor said, and he picked up his bag and carried it upstairs to the master bedroom, the rest of us following along. Across from the bed Katie and I slept in was a painting I had done. It wasn't very good, as I wasn't much of an artist, but in college I took one art course to meet curriculum standards, and I had managed by the end of it to make a reasonably decent landscape, a sunset over a mountain. I was proud of it, precisely because I was not an artist, and, away from the teacher's help, I didn't think I'd ever be able to create something that nice again. "Well, that shitty painting has clearly got to go," The Pastor said. He took it down, and he rested it against the wall. "What the hell made you want to see this ugly piece of shit every morning when you woke up?" he said.

"It was something I made in college," I said, and, as I spoke, a stream of piss shot out from the Pastor's cock onto my painting! But, it wasn't as if The Pastor was aiming, it was as if his body just happened to be facing toward the painting, so his piss 'happened' to land right on it. He just started pissing as if he didn't even realize he was pissing, and the look on his face as his head was turned to me was just that of someone conversing with me. For a brief second, I wanted to grab my painting and pull it away, but just as I flinched, I caught a glance of Katie cocking her head, a subtle but clear reminder of what was at stake. So I stood there like an idiot, telling the Pastor about how it was that I made the painting, and how I valued it so much because it was something I would never be able to do twice, and the whole time he was just casually pissing on it. "Well," he said at last as his piss died down and I finished talking about it, "That's a pathetic gay story, Steve. 'WAAAH WAAAHH I made a painting all by myself and I'll never do it again.'" He said, mocking me like a schoolyard bully. "Katie, I'm sure you've wanted to get rid of this shit stain on a canvas since Steve was first dumb enough to put it up."


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