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Trucker Sucker

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A young hitchhiker gets picked up by a big rugged trucker.
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"GET READY, KID...HERE IT COMES!" the big trucker said just as his huge cock started to go off inside my mouth. The first thick rope of cum shot forth powerfully, the sperm-laden wad of cock-juice shooting deep into my sucking mouth. His monstrous cock twitched and I felt a second creamy strand of his milky semen splash over my tonsils. His hips flexed back and forth as he continued to unload inside my vacuuming mouth, my head banging rhythmically against the headboard as he fucked my face mercilessly. My cheeks were working in and out like a bellows as I sucked ravenously at his rock-hard 11" prick, trying to draw out as much of his delicious man-juice that I could. I swallowed another thick salty wad as he flooded my mouth again and again. I couldn't believe the size of his load—and this was already the fifth one he'd fed me tonight. The silky nectar slid down my throat luxuriously and I sucked for more, already addicted to a taste I'd never experienced until just a few hours earlier. As another syrupy ribbon of semen slid warmly down my throat, I thought back on how my young life had changed in such a short time...

"Thank goodness this guy is stopping", I thought as the big transport pulled over to the side of the road. I'd only been standing with my thumb out for a few minutes, but I was anxious to get away before my mom and that asshole boyfriend of hers came looking for me. I rushed up to the rig, stepped on the running board and reached up to open the passenger door.

"Where you headed, Kid?" the trucker asked as I poked my head in the door.

I paused, awestruck as I looked across the cab at the man facing me. Being small and frail myself, I'd always been impressed by big men, but this guy was huge. I couldn't tell how tall he was sitting down, but he was definitely a big mountain of a man—and ruggedly handsome too. A well-worn ball-cap partially covered curly black hair that I could see he kept quite short. His face was strong-looking, with pronounced cheekbones and deep-set dark eyes that seemed to look into my very soul. It was the face of an experienced masculine man, and I guessed him to be around 40, but in great shape. A few days growth of beard gave him a sexy unkempt look that I found wickedly exciting for some reason. A faded plaid shirt fit tightly across his barrel-like chest and broad shoulders. A few buttons of the shirt were open at the neck, revealing a few tendrils of glistening hair between the two pronounced plates of his powerful-looking pecs. As my eyes roamed down over his big masculine form, I noticed the jeans he wore couldn't hide the impressive size of his long legs and thick tree-trunk-like thighs. I looked down to the floorboards and saw his big feet covered in a pair of rugged hiking boots.

I found myself gulping nervously as I looked at him, taking all of that in within seconds of opening the cab door. Like I said, I'd always been impressed by big men, but I'd never felt the way I felt right now. I was tingly and nervous, but I knew it wasn't from being afraid—it was more from some kind of unknown excitement I felt in his presence.

"I said, where you headed?" he repeated.

"It doesn't matter," I said as I climbed into the cab and dropped my knapsack between my legs. "Anywhere but here."

"How old are you, Kid?"

"18, sir."

"18? You're pretty small for 18."

"I've kinda been small my whole life, sir," I replied, my face turning red in shame. Something about being in the presence of his huge man made me feel woefully inadequate.

"How'd you get that shiner?" he asked, nodding towards my left eye as he pulled back out onto the freeway.

"My mom's boyfriend."

"No dad?"

"No sir, he passed away a couple of years back."

"Sorry to hear that. So what'd you do for this guy to want to hit a little fella like you?"

"He just got drunk again, like he and my mom do nearly every day. I...I just have to get away from there. I don't care where I end up. I didn't do nothing, sir."

He paused for a second and looked me up and down, his intense gaze causing a shiver to run down my spine. "Sir...I like when you call me that." He gave me a little wink that for some reason made me feel safe—that with this man nothing was ever going to hurt me. "What's your name, Kid?"

"Cody, sir."

"My name's Max, but you just keep calling me sir, okay?" He had a certain firmness to his voice that let me know he was in control here, which was fine with me.

"Yes sir."

"That's a good boy, Cody. I think we're gonna get along just fine." We drove on with very little talk between us, the tires humming smoothly as Max maneuvered the big truck skillfully through traffic. It was late afternoon before Max spoke again.

"Well Kid, I was originally gonna drive until about midnight, but I'm starting to feel a little tired. There's a nice motel with a restaurant not too far up that I'm thinking of pulling into for the night."

I knew it was going to be getting dark soon and I was worried about trying to get another ride, but I guess I had no choice. "Uh, okay. Would you be able to let me off by the freeway, sir?"

"Look, it's going to be near impossible to get a lift this late at night, and the people who would pick you up at this time would likely be pretty scary, especially for a kid like you." He gave me a knowing look and I couldn't help but nod in agreement. "So why don't you grab a bite to eat with me, crash in my room, and then you can come along with me again tomorrow?"

I felt a rush of excitement at the possibility of being able to stay with him, but I dropped my head before I spoke, ashamed of my situation. "I...I only have a few dollars. I don't even know if I have enough for a meal."

"That's okay, Kid. It'll be on me. Maybe we can work out some kind of deal." He paused for a second and looked at me intently. As I looked back at him, it seemed as if his gaze was zeroed in on my mouth for some reason. "Yeah, I think I've got something you can work on for me that should make us even."

My heart raced with excitement. Not only would I have the chance to maybe make some money, or at least pay for my meal, but I wouldn't have to leave Max either. "That...that sounds great. I'll do whatever I can to help you out. Thank you, sir."

He gave me another one of those winks that made me tingle, and this time I noticed a look of real satisfaction on his face. About a half-hour later he pulled off onto a side road just as the light was starting to fade. We pulled into the "Old Log Inn" and Max parked his big truck at the side of the parking lot.

"Leave your knapsack here for now. We'll grab our stuff after we eat," he said as he climbed down out of the truck. I followed and my jaw dropped as I saw him come around from his side of the truck. He had to be at least 6'-6" tall and about 260 pounds of solid muscle. I gasped as I looked at his massive body, so powerful compared to my own petite form.

I followed him into the motel office where I heard him order a room with a king-size bed. "I think I'm gonna need that tonight, Chip," Max glanced at me over his shoulder as he spoke to the man behind the desk.

"No problem, Max," the man said as he looked over at me, a funny twinkle in his eye. "Just don't break the bed like you did last time you were here."

"I'll do my best not to," Max said with a smile as he took the room key the man handed him. "But I can't guarantee anything—you know what I mean."

"Oh, I know what you mean," Chip said with a shake of his head as we left the tiny office. Based on what they'd just said, I figured the last time Max had slept here that the bed he'd had couldn't take his weight. Maybe that's why he'd asked for a king-size this time. I was kind of surprised that he didn't ask if they had a cot that could be brought in for me to sleep on, but I wasn't in any position to complain—the floor was going to be just fine with me.

I followed Max over to the adjoining restaurant, my little legs having to take two steps for each of his long strides. The place had an old log cabin look that made it feel warm and homey.

"Bring us a couple of steaks with fries and salad, Shirley," Max said to the buxom blonde waitress as we took seats on opposite sides of a booth.

"I...I can't eat that much, sir," I said.

"Well, you just eat what you can." He looked at me with that authoritative look in his eyes again. I knew I'd do my best to please him, but it sounded like an awful lot of food. "I want to see how you handle a big piece of meat." I wasn't sure what he meant but I saw Shirley smile when he said that. "Bring me a big mug of beer. What do you want to drink, kid?"

"Could I just have a glass of milk, sir?"

"Sure. A glass of milk for the little fella here. Thanks, Shirley," Max said before the busty woman turned and walked over to the bar.

"C'mon kid, we've been on the road for hours. Let's go take a piss before our food gets here," Max said as he slid out of the booth. I followed him to the washroom. The place had two urinals and one stall. Max stepped up to one urinal. I was unsure of what to do, but didn't want him to think I was a shy little kid by going into the stall, so I bucked up my courage and stepped up to the urinal next to him. As my nervous fingers fiddled with my fly, I heard a resonant metallic ZZZZIPPPPPPP as Max opened his jeans. The suggestive sound drew my eyes like a magnet and I found my gaze zeroing in on his fingers as he reached into his pants and drew out his dick.

"Oh my God," I thought to myself as the long cylinder of flesh seemed to unfurl from the confines of his pants. I watched mesmerized as he hauled it out and pointed it towards to porcelain receptacle before him. He was gripping it with just his fingers and I could clearly see the thick veiny shaft and immense mushroom head. It looked to be at least 7" long, and it was still totally soft. He gave it a testing stroke to limber it up and I gulped as he let loose, a powerful torrent of piss pounding into the urinal. I found myself spellbound as I simply stared in awe at the huge tube of manhood he held in his hand, the hot golden stream gushing forcefully from the tip like a fire hose.

"Aaahh, that feels good," Max said as I watched him shake off the final few drops. He turned slightly towards me, his fingers still moving back and forth along his huge cock. I heard myself gasp as it started to thicken and extend, the prominent veins in the thick shaft seeming to pulse with the hot blood coursing through them. He stroked his big hand slowly and insistently forward and I noticed a glistening drop of fluid ooze to the surface of the wet red eye.

"C'mon kid, you better hurry up and piss. There's gonna be a big piece of meat waiting for you when you're done." His words broke my trance-like state. I looked down and surprisingly noticed that I hadn't even unzipped yet. I flushed bright red. Max had a sly smile on his face as he stuffed his swelling prick back into his pants and zipped up before turning on his heel.

I shook my head as I wondered what was happening to me. I'd never felt like that around any guy before—geez, I was a virgin even when it came to girls. I didn't know what it was about him that made me feel all tingly and squeamish—all I knew was that I liked being around him and knew I'd do whatever it took to be near him.

When we returned, our drinks were waiting. I watched Max lift his beer and drink heartily, the muscles in his immense forearm rippling smoothly as he tipped the mug up. I took a drink of my milk, and as the cold liquid washed over my tongue, I realized how thirsty I was. I gulped noisily, savoring the silky-smooth flavor of the milk. I drank over half of my glass before putting it down.

"You've got a little running out of the corner of your mouth." Max had that sly smile on his face again as he gestured towards one corner of my mouth. I slipped my tongue out from between my lips, flicking it down to pick up the stray bit of milk that had escaped. "That's the way, that's a good boy, get it all." He paused for a second as I circled my lips with my tongue, cleaning myself like a little kitten. "You like the white stuff, eh kid?"

I'd never heard anybody refer to milk as 'the white stuff' before, but I found it interesting that he'd said that—maybe because I was realizing I found everything about this big rugged trucker interesting.

"Yes, I do."

"Yes, I do...what?" he asked sternly. The dark look in his eyes told me I'd done something wrong—it only took a second for me to correct my mistake.

"Yes, I do, sir," I quickly responded.

"That's better," he said, giving me a warm smile that melted my heart. "I'm glad you like the white stuff. Just stick with me, Kid, and I'll make sure you get as much of the white stuff as you can swallow."

I was just about to ask if he did some trucking for a dairy or something when Shirley appeared with our dinners. She plunked the loaded plates down in front of us, the big platters almost overflowing with an abundance of food.

"Bring me another beer, Sweetheart," Max said to the waitress. "And bring another glass of the white stuff for the kid—he loves it." Shirley turned on her heel as we picked up our silverware. "Dig in, Kid, see if you like the taste of that meat on your tongue."

I was hungrier than I thought and the first bite seemed to just purr as it hit my taste buds. "Mmmmm, it tastes really good." This brought a smile to Max's face as we both ate ravenously, hungry from our lengthy time on the road.

"You liked that, eh Kid?" he asked as he pushed his empty plate to the middle of the table. I had left a fair bit, but I'd eaten more than I had anticipated. I wanted to try and please him, but I still came nowhere near to consuming the amount of food he'd inhaled.

"It was very good. Thank you, sir."

"I could tell from looking at that scrawny little body of yours when I saw you standing next to the highway that you looked like someone who needed a good feeding—someone who needed to dive right in to a big piece of meat. Yeah, you looked like someone who needed to be fed until that belly of yours was nice and full of the good stuff."

"Thank you, sir. It was very kind of you to do that for me." For some reason his words seemed to comfort me, as if he knew me better than I knew myself. And the smile he gave me after I thanked him felt like a warm blanket being thrown over me.

"So Kid, your mom and this guy—her boyfriend or whatever—are they gonna come looking for you?"

"No, they won't," I replied, shaking my head from side to side. "She drinks just as much as he does. They've both been hinting that they'd be better off without me there. No...they won't be coming after me, sir."

"Hmm, I'm sorry about that situation." He paused and I could see the wheels going around inside his head. "Listen, I've been thinking for a while now about taking on...oh...let's call it an assistant. How would you feel about doing something like that? Sometimes you'll have to work on things that are going to be pretty hard for you. You'll end up tired and sore quite often at first, but I reckon you'll get used to it pretty quick. I can't pay you much, but at least you won't be out on the street, and I'll make sure you get fed regularly every day, starting with a bellyful first thing in the morning. What do you think?"

"I...I'd love that, sir!" I replied, my heart swelling with gratitude for this big rugged man. When I ran away from home earlier, I never expected to get a chance like this so soon. "I can't tell you how much I appreciate that. I'll do whatever you like and if you give me something hard to work on, I guarantee that I'll try my best to make sure you're pleased."

"While I have you working on me...er...I mean working for me, in the heat of the moment I might call you some names that might not seem too nice, and I want to make sure you're okay with that."

"I understand. What kind of names, sir?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe something like Kid, or Boy. Maybe some names a little rougher than that."

"That's okay." I paused for a second as I felt my face flushing with what I was about to say. "I...I kind of like it when you call me Kid."

I beamed as a big smile spread across his handsome face. "That's good. I'll have some other names for you soon enough—special names, just between me and you." He gave me another sly wink that sent another tingling shiver tripping down my spine.

"So when do I start my duties, sir? Tomorrow?"

Max sat back in the booth, a satisfied grin on his face as he looked at me across the table. "Well, you've had a nice meal, a couple of glasses of the white stuff you like so much, and now you're going to have a roof over your head tonight. I think you can start repaying me for that by starting in on your duties tonight."

I knew my meal and this motel room was costing him a few dollars he hadn't counted on, so I was only too happy to have the opportunity to make it up to him. "I'd love that, sir. Thank you. I'm ready to do whatever you want me to."

"That's great. That's just what I wanted to hear."

Shirley appeared with our bill. She leaned well over the table as she put it down in front of Max, her ample cleavage fully on display. "Max," she said as she gave him a flirty glance, her wide hips shifting provocatively from side to side, "just in case you get a little bored later, I've got the breakfast shift tomorrow, so I'm staying in room #3. Feel free to drop by any time."

Max looked over at me and gave me little wink, one that I knew Shirley couldn't see. "Well, that's real sweet of you, Shirley. I appreciate the offer, but I think I'm going to be just fine tonight. I've got a big job I want my little buddy here to start working on for me. I just hope what I give him to work on isn't more than he can swallow."

Shirley looked at me, a dark flinty glare in her eyes before turning back to Max and leaning right over the table, her big tits almost spilling out of the top of her uniform. "Well, like I said, if he has any trouble, I'm sure I can help you out with that. I think I did a pretty good job last time—I'd like to try again."

"Thanks, Shirley, I'll keep that in mind," Max replied before dismissing her with a wave of his hand. As she turned away, he reached into his pocket and threw some bills onto the table. "C'mon Kid, let's go check out our room."

I followed him back to the truck, my frail little form scurrying next to his massive striding frame as I endeavored to keep up. He reached behind his seat and retrieved a duffle bag while I climbed up to the passenger door and grabbed my knapsack.

"There now, we should have everything we need for the night." He locked up the rig and we headed for our motel room. Max flicked on the light switch which turned on one of the lamps on a bedside table. It was a standard motel room, dingy wallpaper and outdated carpeting. There was a crappy old desk with a TV sitting on top. I could see a door leading into the bathroom, and that was about it—except for the bed of course. I'd never seen a king-size bed in my life and I couldn't believe how big it was. It had a wooden headboard attached to the frame that made it look inviting. Max turned on the light on the other side of the bed, framing it in a warm amber glow.

"You can take your shoes off, Kid. We're in for the night."

"Oh," I said in surprise. "I thought there was something you wanted me to do with the truck, or with your cargo?"

"No. Your duties are going to be right here with me. Now take off your shoes." I did as he asked, hearing the commanding tone in his voice. "That's good. Now I said you'd be like my assistant, I guess a more accurate term for what I'm looking would be 'personal attendant'."

"I...I'm not sure I understand, sir?"

"Trucking's a pretty stressful job. So while I take care of the business, you'd kind of be taking care of me. You'd be helping so I can do my job properly, with no tension or stress. Sometimes when you're driving the tension just builds up until it feels like you're carrying a heavy load. I'm gonna need you to help me get rid of that load. Do you think you can do that?"


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